The current crisis is encoded in unprecedented fashion. Updated on 7/15/2017.
On April 27, 2017 at a press conference President Trump’s Press Secretary Sean Spicer referred to the leader of China as President Ping rather than President Xi Jinping. Jinping is a combination of two words from Chinese: 近 (jin) meaning "near, close" combined with 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful" (Note: Xi Jinping’s family name is Xi (习)). Most of the axis terms that I use are 8-letters in length, and PRESIDENT PING is 8 letters in Hebrew. That’s the axis term on Figure 1. At the same absolute skip are PUTIN and ALLY, and PERSIA IN MAY In the open text or at skip +1 are I WILL BRING FORTH MY ARMIES, ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR, KIM, MONEY, and a transliteration of KOREA immediately followed by the Hebrew word for BLOOD. PERSIA IN MAY runs vertically through KOREA BLOOD. Also in the open text is CHILDREN OF ISRAEL and it shares the letter bet with ALLY. DONALD is parallel to the axis term and strides KIM, I WILL BRING FORTH MY ARMIES, and ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR. At skip -1 is CHINA. All terms except DONALD are at special case skips (+/- 1 or the skip of the axis term) and fit into 540 letters except CHINA. CHINA is at skip -1, but the matrix had to grow to 705 letters to show it.
Figure 1 above: President Ping is encoded with an incredible number of terms. Odds against the a priori terms in the 540-letter matrix (white background) with his name were over 60 trillion to 1. In 20 years of Codes research I have rarely, if ever, found so many special case skip terms so closely encoded with an axis term. The calculation for these odds is shown on the spreadsheet below.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the only transliteration found for PRESIDENT PING in unwrapped Torah. As I mentioned in the header above the spreadsheet, odds against the a priori terms in the 540-letter matrix (white background) with his name were over 60 trillion to 1. In 20 years of Codes research I have rarely, if ever, found so many special case skip terms so closely encoded with an axis term. Here we will look not only at the odds against finding each term, but comment upon what its location on the matrix might indicate. While CHINA appeared at a special case skip, as the spreadsheet indicates, expansion of the matrix from 540 letters to 705 letters dropped the overall value of the matrix, so the discussion below will focus on 540 letters. Having said there were other interesting terms at special case skips if the matrix is expanded a little to the right instead of left to show China.
The first question to arise is about who we can trust and who can't we trust. The term ALLY is at the same absolute skip as Chinese PRESIDENT PING, but during the (first) Korean War China was North Korea's ally. Neither Trump nor USA is on this matrix at a special case skip, although Trump's first name DONALD is at twice the skip of the axis term. The President's first name had about a 32% chance to be somewhere on the matrix, but this probability doesn't address the name's location vertically passing through KIM, I WILL BRING FORTH MY ARMIES, and ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR.
A simple transliteration of PUTIN is at the same skip as PRESIDENT PING. Putin, of late, has been sending his bombers into the U.S. Air Defense Identification Zone, forcing American and Canadian fighters to intercept them. Odds against finding ALLY at a special case skip in the 540 letters were about 81 to 1. For a transliteration of PUTIN it was about 144 to 1. But it only takes 84 letters to show PRESIDENT PING, PUTIN and ALLY. Odds against having all of these terms in 84 letters were about 1,464,205 to 1. President Ping is shown reviewing President Putin's troops in the middle photograph on Figure 1. Note that both China and Russia have moved troops to the North Korean border.
The most significant a priori term was MY ARMIES which appeared as part of the open text phrase I WILL BRING FORTH MY ARMIES. Jinping has already done that, moving 150,000 troop to the border - and there are more that must be ready to follow suit. This phrase was found on the full matrix against odds of about 565 to 1. ALL WHO GO OUT TO WAR was also found four rows under the first war phrase. It was on the matrix against odds of about 38 to 1. Halfway between the two war phrases is KIM at skip +1 (best case scenario). He was on the matrix against odds of about 5.9 to 1.
One of the most powerful phrases on the matrix is KOREA BLOOD at skip +1. I sought 4 transliterations for Korea, which is the name that non-Koreans use to describe the Peninsula. One of them was found against odds of about 188 to 1. Had I sought KOREA BLOOD the odds would have been altered to about 288 to 1, but BLOOD was only noticed after the fact (a posteriori) and this cannot be used in the calculation. However, as I often remind my readers, the odds I quote don't really reflect how beautiful a matrix is. They only indicate how well I did in predicting what would be encoded. Once this war gets going - and it seems inevitable - there will be plenty of Korean bloodshed. More troubling than KOREA BLOOD is what runs vertically through the letter resh in it - and at the absolute skip of the axis term (though opposite direction) is PERSIA IN MAY. PERSIA, of course, is the Biblical name of Iran. The odds against having it at a special case skip somewhere on the matrix were about 14.9 to 1. What about IN MAY which is in sequence with PERSIA? We can't use it in the statistical evaluation because I only found it by snooping, an a posteriori process.
UPDATE OF JULY 15, 2017. Originally I wrote about PERSIA IN MAY, "However this phrase may be of extreme importance because as I write this the month of May is only days away, and our forces should be ready to go at about that time. It is hard to imagine us keeping three aircraft carriers off the North Korean coast for more than a month, so May is of urgent interest. That PERSIA IN MAY is on the matrix here may indicate that Iran may come into this war on the side of its ally, North Korea." Now I know that we never had three aircraft carriers off the Korean coast in this crisis. We only had two. Several times during this crisis incorrect positions of U.S. aircraft carriers have been published by the press. This is in line with President Trump's policy of surprising our enemies, or at least keeping them guessing. There is a list of aircraft carrier positions tha is published at As of July 15, 2017 it looks like the closest to Korea aircraft carriers we have are the Nimitz which is around India and the Reagan which is in the Coral Sea off Australia. Both the Nimitz and the Bush (which just left Israel) could strike Iran if needed, but the Bush would have to sail through the Suez Canal to reach Korea. Note: Today an Iranian IP address (188.2653.20.173) was seen on this article before this update.
Can we trust China? No. While trust in China was a major part of Trump's plan, he has made clear that with or without them he is going to stop Kim Jong Un's insane plans. So can we really trust them? My son, a physicist, is a post-doctoral associate at Yale University. He works closely with other physicists there. They are all Chinese. In April he asked two of them about China's likely actions. One of them (doing very well financially in America) thought that the tensions would be reduced due to Chinese acts, but the other one - more recently arrived from China - thought that in a shooting war China would back its old ally - North Korea simply because they were both communist. I hope he's wrong. Frankly, while China calls itself communist, it's more capitalistic than America was under the Obama administration. North Korea's god is Kim Jong Un. But China's new god is money. On Figure 1 on the line with KIM is MONEY/SILVER at skip +1 (found against odds of about 4 to 1). I sought it on the matrix because China makes most of its money from America, not from North Korea. It's hard to sell cheap electronics to a nation that has almost no electricity. I originally thought China would be likely side with the U.S. simply because it's in their financial interest to do so, but the matrix and China's actions suggest that we can't count on it. In fact, China's exports to North Korea have actually increased this year. The New York Times reported om April 13, 2017 that, "China’s trade with North Korea grew 37.4 percent in the first quarter of this year from the period in 2016. Chinese exports surged 54.5 percent, and imports increased 18.4 percent, the General Administration of Customs said at a news conference in Beijing.."
Back to the matrix. We have now discussed all terms except for CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. It shares a letter bet with ALLY. It also sits two rows right above PRESIDENT PING being closer to him than is PUTIN. Because ISRAEL occurs 591 times (very high frequency) in Torah, it rarely has much statistical significance. It had a 64.9% chance to be somewhere on the 540-letter matrix, but it only takes 60 letters to show ISRAEL with PRESIDENT PING. There was only about an 11% chance for a match this close. China seems to like Israel and to court it for high tech reasons.
As the top spreadsheet shows, the combined odds against finding a matrix this significance by chance were about 217,870,000,000,000 to 1. Like other matrices seen in conjunction with Korea, the Author seemed to be quite familiar with English.
Figure 2 eliminates CHINA and instead shows THAAD (see my matrix about the THAAD here) at the same skip as PRESIDENT PING. The THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Aerial Defense) that President Trump sent to South Korea was operational by May 1, 2017. That makes it easier to attack North Korea. Figure 2 also shows MESSIAH at the same absolute skip three columns directly right of THAAD. We could use him at about this time. USA is at the same skip as DONALD, who has a position that swallows KIM. There was once chance in 123 that THAAD would be at a special case skip so close to PRESIDENT PING but it required an expansion to the right to see it. With respect to MESSIAH, while sought a priori, the postioning makes it look like THAAD functions like a Messiah in that it could save South Korea from a nuclear-armed nuclear missile, but this is not The Messiah who will be the a person who ends war on Earth permanently. As such, adding it to the calculation would be a dubious act. It only takes 16 letters to show THAAD at the same absolute skip (but opposite direction as MESSIAH) but it requires another threes rows added to the right. A problem with South Korea is that its liberal president is giving into Chinese pressure to stop deployment of four more THAAD systems. On July 14, 2017 it was reported that China sent one of its guided missile destroyers within 100 miles of Kodiak, Alaska to watch a (successful) test of our THAAD system.
Figure 2 - Same axis term and Kim as shown on Figure 1, but other terms left out of Figure 1.
THE ATOMIC THREAT. On March 25, 2017 I wrote that on March 18, 2017 in China U.S. Secretary of State Tillerson framed the North Korean threat as “imminent,” and left open the possibility of a pre-emptive military strike to eliminate its nuclear program. He also downplayed, but did not entirely rule out, suggestions that Japan and South Korea should develop their own nuclear weapons in a bid to stave off the North Korean threat. “We say all options are on the table, but we cannot predict the future… So we do think it's important that everyone in the region has a clear understanding that circumstances could evolve to the point that for mutual deterrence reasons, we might have to consider that." On Figure 3 the axis term is KOREAN FIRE. At the same absolute skip is ATOMIC. WAR is in the open text, and KIM is at Skip +1.
Figure 3 below: The axis term KOREAN FIRE is encoded with ATOMIC, WAR, and KIM. The spreadsheet showing the statistical significance of the terms is shown below.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 3. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the lowest ELS of KOREAN FIRE in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. Well, sort of. In reality, the original axis term was just the standard Modern Hebrew 7-letter spelling for KOREAN. However, since I never assign statistical significance to the axis term, a case be made for a statistical evaluation of KOREAN and the 9-letter KOREAN FIRE. However, while KOREAN FIRE is at the lowest skip, by itself it is only at the 157th lowest skip. If we use KOREAN FIRE as the axis term, then our odds are based on the combined significance of the three a priori terms, KIM at skip +1, ATOMIC at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term), and WAR in the open text. However, if we only use KOREAN then we must divide the combined a priori odds by 157. ATOMIC was found at a special case skip against odds of about 577 to 1. WAR (or GO OUT TO WAR) is in the open text against odds of about 23 to 1. As for the lunatic in charge of North Korea, KIM was found at skip +1 against odds of about 14.9 to 1. Combine them and it looks like the matrix exists against odds of about 199,726 to 1. However, if you argue that the word FIRE was only found in sequence with KOREAN by snooping (an a posteriori process), then the combined odds against finding this matrix shrink to about 1,272 to 1. That's still significant, but it doesn't quite get the wow reaction that the longer axis term induces. Still, Figure 3 does not stand alone. It shows that besides the superwow matrix on Figure 1 there are other matrices that strongly back the concerns raised on Figure 1.
ON THE ABUNDANCE OF MATCHES BETWEEN KOREAN AND WAR IN THE TORAH CODE. Whether there is another war in Korea's future or not, if I only allow wrapped matrix sizes no bigger than 20 rows by 20 columns (400 letters), there are 14 matches between Korean and war. There are 3 such matches between Korean and Atomic. However, normally my initial search is for an area that is 80 columns by 50 rows (4,000 letters, although I never publish matrices that large) with no row split allowed. Under these rules there are 208 matches between Korean and war, and another 69 matches between Korean and atomic (2 synonyms checked). There are 43 matches that have Korean, atomic and war. This means that there are a lot of matrices that might hold information that may be useful for purposes of military intelligence.
How much should we worry about North Korea? A lot, but before you panic over Figure 3, on the line under KIM is You shall be saved from your enemies, but to see it all we have to expand the matrix to the left by 7 columns. So, hopefully, the President will save us from Kim. This expression takes the matrix up from 264 letters in area to 418 letters. Since this find was a posteriori, I won't show it. Originally I wrote, "But if I were writing a report to U.S. intelligence I would mention it, which is why I talk about it here - just in case they read this article." Since I wrote that I found that many readers of my Korean articles are in fact from the Department of Defense. As I write this I see that my last visitor, from DoD, has had this article open for 85,345 seconds (23.7 hours).
Spreadsheet showing the statistical significance of Figure 3.
MAY 3, 2017: Mother of All Bombs to the Korean DMZ. |
MAY 1, 2017: President (Jin)PING, WAR, KOREA, PUTIN AND IRAN |
April 25, 2017: China-Korea-Japan War is encoded. This may finally lead to the overthrowal of Kim Jong Un. |
MARCH 20, 2017: North Korea and the threat of nuclear war. |
May 5, 2015: North Korean Defense Minister Hyon Yong-Chol Shot |
OCTOBER 14, 2014: Can Kim Jong Un be overthrown? |
April 5, 2013: Can Chuck Hagel Handle North Korea's Nuclear Threats? What About Iran? |
March 29, 2013: Kim Jong-Un Threatens A Nuclear Attack On The U.S., North Korean Video Shows Obama Burning In Nuclear Flames. |
November 25, 2010: North Korean Attack On Yeonpyeong South Korea. |
March 26, 2010: South Korean Ship Cheonan Sunk. |