Trump beat CLINTON for the best odds for nomination, but if Clinton's health fails then Tim Kaine is the man to check in the Codes. Updated 9/11/2016.
WHAT IS OFFERED BELOW WAS LAST UPDATED ON MAY 5, 2016. But after picking both nominees correctly Clinton fell ill with what they now claim is pneumonia, but might also be related to a stroke or epileptic seizure. See my article about this and Tim Kaine HERE.
UPDATE ON MAY 5, 2016. The Indiana Primary was on May 3, 2016. Since I last updated this article Trump had huge victories in New York and elsewhere. When he won Indiana Cruz and Kasich dropped out ensuring that Trump will win the nomination on the first ballot (barring a disaster). This raises a question about the experiment run to this point. In the initial experiment I only matched the known candidates with PRESIDENT and 5777, the Hebrew year of the election. However on the first matrix shown below it takes only 160 letters (20 columns by 8 rows) to show DONALD TRUMP with TO NOMINATE. Today I checked to see how the other candidates stack up in matches with this word. Basic rules: No row split allowed for the candidate's name, and TO NOMINATE must be at skip +/-1 or the absolute skip of the candidate's name. There are two words on the CodeFinder dictionary that mean TO NOMINATE, but only one of them is found at skip +1 in Torah. It occurs 4 times. The ELS shown on Figure 1 for Donald Trump shows his name at the minimum skip. The match with TO NOMINATE occurs against odds of about 476 to 1, which is very significant. There is a better looking matrix for Ted Cruz. It's only 36 letters in area, but it doesn't occur until the 12th lowest skip of TED CRUZ. If it had been based on the lowest skip, it would have been found against odds of 2,117 to 1. But dividing that number by ELS Rank 12 means that it's only found against odds of 176.32 to 1. In this experiment Trump was clearly the man with the best matrix on Republican side. For the Democratic candidates there was only a match found for H. CLINTON. It is shown on the right side of Figure 1. Her matrix was found against odds of 84.77 to 1. So Trump's match was about 5.6 times more significant than that of Cruz and 5.6 times more significant than that of Clinton. If the country is smart, Clinton will go down in defeat too. But if our Government is honest Clinton will be indicted for the crimes she commited by using a home computer server to handle top secret e-mails.
Donald Trump | Dalet nun lamed dalet tav resh mem peh | -10,109 | 160 | 1 | 476.76 to 1. | 476.76 to 1. |
Ted Cruz | Tav dalet kuf resh vav zayin | 58,672 | 36 | 12 | 2117.2 to 1 | 176.32 to 1 |
J. Kasich | Gimel (J) kuf yud yud samech (or shin) yud caf (or kuf) | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES |
Marco Rubio | Mem resh kuf vav resh vav bet yud vav | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES |
Paul Ryan | Peh vav lamed resh yud yud alef nun | -147,260 | 232 | 40 | 328.95 | 8.224 |
H. Clinton | Hey (H.) caf lamed yun nun tav vav nun | -31,439 | 144 | 5 | 476.76 | 84.77 |
Bernie Sanders | Bet resh nun yud shin nun dalet resh shin | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES |
Joe Biden | Gimel yud vav bet ud yud dalet nun | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES |
Elizabeth Warren | alef lamed yud zayin bet tav vav resh nun | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES | NO MATCHES |
NOTE: On the experiment above I included Raul Ryan and Marco Rubio just in case the Republican Convention is brokered and Trump is blocked. On May 5, 2016 Paul Ryan announced that although Trump had secured the nomination, Ryan was not yet ready to support him. I am also still interested in Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren on the Democratic side because they might be chosen if Hillary Clinton is indicted for her e-mail crimes. It may be that one of the earlier candidates will have better matches than what is shown above, but looking for them now would be a lot of work that is not yet warranted. With regards to the frequency of matches used for calculation purposes, if TO NOMINATE was found at skip +1, the frequency was 4. If TO NOMINATE was found at skips -1 or at the absolute skip of the axis term, the frequency of potential matches was 4 plus the matches found at skips -1 and the absolute skip of the axis term.
PREVIOUSLY ON APRIL 5, 2016: Sanders and Cruz won tonight. Neither is likely to have enough delegates to win the nomination on the first round at the conventions. On the Republican side Trump has two serious problems. One is his mouth and the other is how women perceive him. If he would simply grow up he would win. But when asked about why he won't do so, he argues that he would be boring if he did.
REPUBLICANS. When polling began Trump wasn't on the radar but he sure is now. It's often said that there are 3 tickets out of Iowa. On February 1, 2016, in Iowa we thought that we had a three-man race. Trump finished second so he has one of those tickets. The outcome of the Republican race on that night was (1) Cruz at 28%, (2) Trump at 24% and (3) Rubio at 23% (Kasich won 1.9% and finished 8tyh). While Cruz was the winner, the news saw Cruz and Rubio as winners, while Trump was portrayed as a loser. The lion's share of late vote decisions seemed to go to Rubio. HOWEVER by Super Tuesday on March 1, 2016 Trump had won in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia. Cruz had only picked up Alaska, Oklahoma and Texas. Rubio had only won a single state - Minnesota, although the "Establishment: insisted that he should be the nominee. Rubio lost Florida and dropped out. Kasich pins all his hopes on an open convention, and he may get his wish. Whether he gets picked because the establishment hates Trump and Cruz remains to be seen. In the Codes the ranking for the three surviving candidates for 2016 is (1) Kasich, (2) Cruz and (3) Trump. I originally didn't talk much about Kasich, but as of April 5, 2015, while Kasich has only won his home state, he remains stubbornly in the race. Kasich has a better matrix than Cruz, Trump, Sanders or Clinton. Odds against matches described below are as follows (where, again, the higher the odds against the match the better the matrix). With respect to Trump, while his matrix is not the best, as is shown on the Trump matrix if it is extended a bit to the right the word NOMINATE appears.
JOHN KASICH 300.87 to 1. |
TED CRUZ 63.8 to 1. |
PAUL RYAN 31.08 to 1. (Not a candidate but might be nominated in an open convention). NOTE: This matrix neeeds to be checked or redone. It appears to have a spelling mistake. |
DONALD TRUMP 28.47 to 1. |
| |
HILLARY CLINTON 87.98 to 1. |
This article below (a bit dated - but largely still here or historical purposes) shows the names of 15 Republican and 8 Democratic candidates as axis terms on matrices, with two a priori words sought: PRESIDENT and 5777 (the Hebrew year for the election in 2016). The smaller the matrix (and closer the axis term is to minimum skip in Torah), the more significant it will be. The year was sought in two forms. The full year in Hebrew is spelled with 5 letters: hey tav shin ayin zayin. Zayin, corresponds to the letter Z in English, and like in English, it's somewhat rare. Of the 22 letters in a Hebrew alphabet, zayin is only found 2,198 times in the 304,805 letters of Torah. It thus forms only 0.72% of Torah. A short, but acceptable 4-letter form of the year is spelled tav shin ayin zayin. This corresponds to (5)777. It will also be accepted for matrix purposes. I used CodeFinder software and allowed wrapped matrices where the computer makes more than one pass through Torah. PRESIDENT occurs 68 times at skip +1 in Torah. When a matrix for a candidate did not include PRESIDENT at skip +1, I rechecked to see if a slightly larger matrix included this term at the desired skip. Without a special case skip PRESIDENT occurs so often at an ELS that it's not very significant. In 2012 I only sought PRESIDENT with the candidates' name names.
2012 RESULTS. I picked Romney correctly as the Republican nominee about 16 months before the election, but I blew the general election call. Hopefully adding the year this time will improve results.but
2016 RESULTS. On the Republican side Bobby Jindal (now out), Scott Walker (out), Mike Kasich, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee (out), Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz led the Code results although Trump is leading in the polls everywhere except in Iowa where Cruz beat him. On the Democratic side James Webb, Lincoln Chafee and Socialist Bernie Sanders actually had the best matrices. Only Sanders remains, and was within a point of Clinton in Iowa but leads Clinton in New Hampshire. Sadly, without Webb in the race, there are no sane Democrats left to choose. The Republican nominee may still face Clinton if not indicted. Her matrix and that of Sanders are at these links:
| |
HILLARY CLINTON 87.98 to 1. |
Ben Carson's collapse is in a manner consistent with the Code ranking. He finished fourth in Iowa with 9% of the vote, and never won a state. By March 2, 2016 he announced that he would not be in the next debate (in Detroit) and he said that he saw no path ahead to win the nomination. He had a really poor matrix: CARSON 12.86 TO 1. Dropped out.
BEN CARSON 12.86 TO 1. Dropped out.
This will be a heck of a battle. While Trump often appeals to my gut, everytime he surges in the polls he says something stupid (of course, EVERYTHING that Hillary says is stupid). Among Republicans, the stupid Trump remarks actually increase his appeal, but they are so divisive that they greatly endanger his chance for winning important voting blocs (like Hispanics) in the general election. Cruz and Rubio can attract the Hispanic vote, and Rubio brings another plus to the Republicans - his looks. There are, unfortunately, too many women who want to vote for Clinton simply because she has female genitalia. There was not any mass migration on their part to Carly Fiorina who only got 2% of the vote in Iowa and who has faded fast and who also has very weak numbers in the Codes:
C. FIORINA 11.23 to 1. |
She dropped out. Marco Rubio is much easier to look at than Carly is. Yes, Trump did make fun of her looks, but although he has no manners, he was right in his evaluation, and right or wrong looks do count in winning votes. Chris Christie did poorly in Iowa (getting 2% of the vote) and after New Hampshire he dropped out and endorsed Trump. He was not able to overcome the image of him embracing Obama after Hurricane Sandy in 2012, thus helping to ensure that Obama could continue his treasonous rule for another 4 years. This is how his matrix ranks:
CHRIS CHRISTIE 10.35 to 1 |
Christie is now following Trump around the country. It seems likely that Trump will reward him with the Vice Presidential slot on the ticket or by choosing him to be Attorney General. Both Trump and Christie have spoken about trying to put Hillary Clinton in jail for her many crimes. That seems to a pretty good reason to vote for Trump. Her roles in mishandling classified material, lying to the public about Benhagi and working to ensure that Iran would eventually acquire nuclear weapons and be paid up to $150 billion to do so all make trial and conviction appropriate.
After it became embarassingly evident that Romney wants a brokered convention to choose him in 2016, I went back and looked at how his matrix for 2016 compared with others in my original experient. The matrix is shown above as Figure 2. Data and observations published for all candidates is shown below. For all candidates from best to worst, the Torah Codes matrices (with links to them) are ranked as follows with Democrats in blue, Republicans in red, an Independent Bloomberg in green, and Romney in yellow because he was too chicken to compete this year the right way. Romney ranked 24th out of 28 candidates, only beating Martin O'Mally (D), Rick Perry (R), George Pataki (R) and Lindsey Graham.
JAMES WEBB 3,073 TO 1. (Dropped out but says he may run as an Independent) |
BOB JINDAL 873 to 1. (Dropped out) |
SCOTT WALKER 683 to 1. (Dropped out) |
LINCOLN CHAFEE 408 to 1. (Dropped out). |
JOHN KASICH 300.87 to 1. |
BERNIE SANDERS 175.75 to 1 |
JEB BUSH 117.7 to 1. (dropped out) |
HILLARY CLINTON 87.98 to 1. |
MIKE HUCKABEE 83.9 to 1. Suspended campaign. |
MARCO RUBIO 79.9 to 1. |
TED CRUZ 63.8 to 1. |
RICK SANTORUM 39.2 to 1. Dropped out, endorsed Rubio. |
JOE BIDEN 38.1 to 1 (decided to not run, but may change his mind if Clinton is indicted). |
PAUL RYAN 31.08 to 1. (Not a candidate) |
DONALD TRUMP 28.47 to 1. |
BEN CARSON 12.86 TO 1. Dropped out. |
ELIZABETH WARREN 12.24 to 1. Not a candidate) |
ANDREW CUOMO 12.05 to 1. (Not a candidate) |
C. FIORINA 11.23 to 1. Dropped out. |
CHRIS CHRISTIE 10.35 to 1. Dropped out. |
RAND PAUL 8.61 to 1. (Dropped out) |
MITT ROMNEY 6 to 1. Did not run. |
MARTIN O'MALLEY 5.88 TO 1 Dropped out after Iowa caucus. |
RICK PERRY 5.3 to 1 (Dropped out) |
GEORGE PATAKI 3.93 to 1. Dropped out, endorsed Rubio. |
LINDSEY GRAHAM 1.72 TO 1 (Dropped out) |
The short 6-letter spelling used for Jeb Bush resulted in a very large number of matrices to choose from. The most significant match only occurred at the 16th lowest ELS of Jeb Bush, though it did include a better (the best), 5-letter spelling for the election year. Bush is now gone.
Oddly enough the rank order of matrix significance for Democrats matched the rank order of Democratic candidates on the Fox News Poll of December 14 to 16, 2013 when it was not apparent that Bernie Sanders or James Webb would run for President. However when Sanders announced that he was running I found a more significant matrix for him than for H. Clinton. Although the Clinton matrix was smaller which usually means better, it was based on the 8th lowest skip of her name whereas the Sanders matrix was based on the only ELS of his name. Later (on June 15, 2015) I checked James Webb and found that he has the most significant matrix of either party (even though he has only 1.5% support of the Democratic Party). Unlike the Communist Obama or the Socialist Sanders, Webb is a true hero who, before becoming President Reagan's Secretary of the Navy, as a Marine in Vietnam earned the Navy Cross, the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and a Purple Heart.
JAMES WEBB 3,073 TO 1. |
LINCOLN CHAFEE 408 to 1. |
BERNIE SANDERS 175.75 to 1 |
HILARY CLINTON 87.98 to 1. |
JOE BIDEN 38.1 to 1. |
ELIZABETH WARREN 12.24 to 1. |
ANDREW CUOMO 12.05 to 1. |
The purpose of this experiment is to see if there is a correlation between the eventual vote total and the significance of the matrices. It should be rememberd that Al Gore got more votes than George Bush in 200, but Bush won the election. In 2008 Clinton got more votes than Obama in the primaries, but Obama won the nomination. The word WINNER was not a key word on this experiment.
In terms of a matrix that is “wrong” with respect to history (if it turns out that way), in 2012 I predicted that Romney would win the nomination and I was right, but I was wrong about him winning the general election. Reading the Code is not yet a perfected science, and I don’t know that it will ever be for 2 reasons (assuming that the Code is real, which is still to be determined by further experimentation).
First, a hard wired destiny implies that we have no free will. However, Judaism stresses that we do have free will.
Second, diverse outcomes may reflect the realities of what many (but not all) physicists believe to be parallel universes, with each choice made by people (or even electrons as to where to jump next in an electron cloud orbit around a nucleus) leading to a new universe. Parallel universes allow for both free will and encodings that work in one universe but not another. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse.
Now, with respect to experimental design, in the 2012 election experiment I only sought the name of the candidates and one key word – PRESIDENT. In the 2016 experiment I am using the candidates’ names and two key words required for each – PRESIDENT and the Hebrew Year 5777 (for 2016). However nothing else is considered.
Often what is in the cross print can be critical, but if such material is found a-posteriori (without me having guessed ahead of time that it would be there) I never assign it any mathematical significance, though I usually do note the find on the matrix and write up. In this experiment I don’t even look at the cross print. I simply look for the candidate, the two key terms, and move on to the next candidate. So if the cross print indicates a fate like that of Robert Kennedy, who won the nomination and was assassinated the same night, I would miss it. I only start to look for more detailed information when a candidate wins the White House. That’s because it takes a lot of work to do a matrix right (close to a day for each one that I do). A significant amount of my research time each day is devoted to my research about atmospheric conditions on Mars for my MarsCorrect.Com web site. More time devoted to Codes research might produce better results, but Mars and the search for extraterrestial life are central to my interests.