Purpose: Identify the source of COVID-19. My son, David, will try to enlist his former PhD mentor into the investigation. David & I also want to recruit CERN & the UK MOD. Our three suspects: Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe at the Univ. of Buckingham in the UK, Dr. Jiangwen Qu of the Tianjin, China Center for Infectious Disease Control, and Canadian owner of an infected meteorite - Craig Ebrahimi. Posted on 9/17/2021.
David Roffman writes:
Hello Dr. X,
We haven’t had a chance to talk much since I finished my doctorate in 2016. After leaving UF I did a year postdoc at Yale and I’ve been employed at Sun Nuclear in Melbourne, Florida. For the fun of it (along with my father) we’ve also resumed our private research into Martian meteorology and primitive life on Mars. The Journal of Astrobiology asked me to review an article entitled Evidence Life on Mars? I wanted to be published jointly with my father but the Journal insisted that our review had to be under my name only because I hold the doctorate. While Dad settled for mention in the Acknowledgements section of our paper, ever since he retired as a war plan writer for the Coast Guard and Navy in 2007 we have worked together on Martian meteorology (see First Annual Update to Mars Correct: Critque of all NASA Mars Weather Data). Our response to the Journal backed the R. Joseph et al. claim to have evidence for bacteria, algae, cyanobacteria, fungi plus puffballs and lichens on or in the area of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity and on or near to the Opportunity Rover. But we also proved that what looked like spherical puffballs were not the hematite alleged by NASA. The wind where they appeared to double in size and number in three Martian days (sols) was never strongly enough to move enough sand to uncover the spheres. Therefore we believe the JPL photos from Mars on Figure 8 (Figure 1 below) of the 2019 R. Gabriel Joseph et. al. article linked to are evidence for reproduction and growth.
FIGURE 1 - Apparent reproduction and growth on puffball-like objects seen on Mars.
FIGURE 2 BELOW: A sample of Craig's 27-pound meteorite is studied at the University of Victoria under Dr. Elaine Humphrey and Dr. Jerzi Sawicki. There is a dispute about the source of the rock. It may be from an ancient wet body rather than the moon. If so, Mars and the 4-Vesta asteroid are suspect. This needs to be clarified.
Barry Roffman writes:
The first person that I interviewed after Craig was Dr. Elaine Humphrey shown on Figure 2 above. She was worried about the attention and surprised when the Actlab analysis showed that Craig had a real meteorite. When we last spoke the group was still waiting for an organic chemical analysis that might lend credence to the idea that what looked like an embryo really is an embryo. A lot of our conversation focused on any potential medical problems that might explain the voices that he was hearing that allegedly guided him to the correct spot on the seafloor. No conclusion was reached here, but as Craig began to increasing hint and then state that he was an alien the telepathy hypothesis gained status. A crazy man may claim to be from any planet that he can imagine, but he isn't likely to hear imaginary voices buried under the mud on the ocean bottom.
Craig's writings were not always coherent. I wondered whether he had a problem with alcohol. Apparently he does not, but he said he does have a problem with caffeinated coffee.
FIGURE 3 - Right side: The Chinese press was covering the Ebrahimi meteorite about weeks after the plague broke out in Wuhan. Left side: Ths story was apparently encoded in the Torah over 3,000 years ago.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF FIGURE 3. METEORITE is the axis term at ELS rank 9.The initial question is whether we should use the word EMBRYO for an area of 900 letters or leave it off and just use 775 letters for our analysis. The spreadsheet shows that the odds against the larger (900-letter) matrix are about 465,074,525 to 1. Odds against the smaller, 775-letter matrix without EMBRYO are about 49,464,005 to 1. Therefore the full matrix with EMBRYO is about an order of magnitude more significant. On it there are two terms that were each found against odds of about 339 to 1. One is EBRAHIMI at skip +1. This is the only ELS of his name at skip +1 in Torah. The other term is BRIMSTONE AND FIRE (which are suggestive of a meteorite strike). SODOM AND GOMORRAH, the cities destroyed by what must have been a meteorite (under control of the Encoder) are both in the open text against odds of about 56.9 to 1. EMBRYO, which the meteorite appears to carry, is at skip +1 against odds of about 19.3 to 1. SICKNESS, which I believe this meteorite brought us, is at a special case skip (-1) against odds of about 6.25 to 1, and CHINA is also at skip -1 against odds of about 5.28 to 1. Again, total odds against the matrix are about 465,074,525 to 1.
THE MAIN CHARACTERS. Craig Ebrahimi claims to have used a telepathic experience to have found his first (27-pound) meteorite underwater and another one in shallow water in the Straight of Juan DeFuca offshore from his home in Sooke Bay, BC, Canada between March 1, 2018 and March 6, 2020. Soon after he found the first meteorite he contacted Professor Chandra Wichramasinghe, a famous pro-panspermia virologist at the University of Buckingham in the U.K. Craig sent Wichramasinghe a sample of his find. It included what looked like an embryo (see Figure 3). The photo of Craig and the shipping receipt is shown are Figure 4. Almost a year after Wickramasinghe received Craig's sample, he wrote to Dr. Elaine Humphrey at the University of Victoria to tell her that the same was stolen from him (however he did not file a police report):
From: Chandra Wickramasinghe <>
Date: May 20, 2019 at 1:15:13 PM PDT
To: Elaine Humphrey <>
Subject: Re: meteorite
Hi Elaine
Our house was in chaos after some international travel, so I store all valuable things in an outhouse. Some months back I discovered that many things including the box with the meteorite had disappeared. I was waiting to get a colleague to handle the experiments on this but it never happened.
Sorry about this - not my fault.
Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe
Yet he began joint publications with Professor Jiangwen Qu of the Tianjin, China Center for Infectious Disease Control. In these joint pubications both men predicted a coronavirus pandemic for late 2019 based on sunspots and meteor impacts. The first report was received on October 23, 2018. Their last joint report was pubished on November 25, 2019, fifteen days before the first case in China on December 10, 2010. It is my belief that Wickramasinghe lied about the theft. I am almost certain that he passed the sample to Qu immediately who then helped the Chinese Army to weaponize it and use it to (1) Develop a vaccine, (2) Start the plague in Wuhan, China and (3) Use their vaccine to nearly stop the plague in its tracks in China after they sacrificed a few thousand Chinese citizens. In the end they severely wounded the U.S. and world economy, killed hundreds of thousands of American and millions around the world, and caused President Trump to appear to lose the 2020 election, thus ensuring that Chinese flunkies will control the U.S. Government while China goes on to rule the world. I believed that the only way for Trump to stop the Chinese and all corrupt figures in our Government was to do a full UFO disclosure that would allow him to "drain the swamp" of a huge number of traitors, but he lost the election and under Biden the disclosure about "tic-tac" UFOs was too vague. Meanwhile I received from Qu via Craig with Wickramasinghe on the copy block the following:
Craig Ebrahimi <> | Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 10:33 PM | |
To: "" <> | ||
FIGURE 4 - CRAIG EBRAHIMI is the man (or Nordic ET) who found the rock under the seafloor. He clams that he was guided to it by telepathy. Craig has made multiple remarks about being an ET. These needs to be substantiated wtih a test of his DNA.
IS CRAIG EBRAHIMI AN ALIEN? Frankly, I don't know. But I can say that in phone conversations and e-mails to me he has made clear his belief that he is an alien. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. There were first two and then three target recipients. Dr. "X" is a professor who served as David's mentor for his physics PhD. He also helped David procure a fellowship at C.E.R.N. in Geneva. We turned that into our family's summer vacation. There are a lot of great minds there. We are hoping that some of them can break the debate about the origin of Craig's 27-pound meteorite - moon, Mars or 4-Vesta. Since David worked at CERN he might be able to convince them to bring him back. He is offering evidence for the source of COVID which might result in a cure - and on the way we might prove that there is a real alien living among us. Finally, we added UK MOD to the list. They might help David (and I) get the gig at CERN or, better, judging from their visits here to this article and another detailed one that I have up about Wickramasinghe, they might help bag him if he's guilty. I believe that Wickramasinghe is a British citizen (but this is not yet confirmed). They certainly would be helpful in getting a DNA sample to determine if Craig is nuts or a real alien. What about Fort Huachuca? They are reading this article but they give me no hint that they will help me an honest investigation. Plus, frankly, the U.S. Government shows no sign that it has anyone free from corruption in high places. Fauci is a prime example especially when you look at the money that he helped the Wuhan lab to obtain for Gain of Function research. I don't really know who's side Huachuca is on, and I think the Brits are more likely to be trust worthy (even though they use my reverse IP address and commit other minor indiscretions).
What are some direct quotes from Craig about being an alien? The e-mail record that I maintain about him has the following remarks:
To Wickramasinghe after I gave Craig proof that he stole Craig's meteorite sample:
From: Craig Ebrahimi
Sent: July 12, 2020 11:26 AM
To: <>
Dear Chandra
After receiving your emails to Dr Elaine Stating my family's scientific treasure samples have been stolen.
I decided to hire an investigation and contact Cardiff lisvane local authorities after months of investment and investigation
There has been no report or even a car break in your area.
So there is no report from PhD holding scientist regarding this statement you provided
That they we're stolen.
Sounds like bullshit
Since the beginning you never bothered even to investigate the EMBRYO quite shocking from a man promoting panspermia since the beginning of his career.
You said you're out on international travel business. You stated many times you are retired why many appearances on ancient aliens would not you have wanted to promote this scientific proof and you have access to a real fossil ET once again shocking. Oh ya I sent you one. Sounds like you're part of a cover up.
You really have no clue what I am capable of.
I recommend you start participateing while your still healthy
I am far from human .
Craig's most interesting e-mail blunder came on March 27, 2020. I had just pissed him off big time. The result follows:
"Guy your dumb ass shit keeps getting sent to me by one of your Hebrew followers ,you got to be one the biggest dummie humans I ever came across you talk this shit in your writing ABOUT my biotechnology ,once again your dumb! you don't even know your dealing with fucking real extra-terrestrial self made multi millionaire since teens you idiot, if you looked into these eyes I would eat your soul puppet boy."At the time he was upset about my e-mail records and my reporting to Fort Huachuca. Another, earlier letter from Craig to me with answers to my questions says he was not abducted, but discusses contact and it also distinguishes him from humans:
from: Craig Ebrahimi <> to: Barry Roffman <> date: Feb 3, 2020, 4:19 PM subject: Re: answers Aliens communicate with telepathy. Do you think an alien was communicating with you? Have you ever had a UFO encounter or a possible abduction experience?(1) I have b- blood that is Persian royal b line so do my 2 baby boys and my wife o- I have always been in communication with something but humans would classify me as just crazy. So to answer your question I do not believe I was abducted but I have many pictures of a green orb that follows myself and family around when you zoom in to the amazingly clear pictures its seems to resemble Ezekiel wheel.
FIGURE 5 - The Army Intel Base at Fort Huachuca, Arizona tracks what I write about Ebrahimi on a daily basis. But so far I am not aware of any action that they've taken to address related national security concerns, so this article will ask UK MOD to take up the cause.
Chandra Wichramasinghe is top suspect in the plot to give a deadly virus to China. He received the infected meteorite sample from Craig in late June, 2018. He lied about it, claiming that it was stolen from his home in Sri Lanka later that year. Then he published joint papers with Jiangwen Qu of China predicting a plague next year (2019) based on a comet and sunspot cycles. Of the other two men shown, I personally warned Steele of my suspicion that they had jointly published with the source man for COVID-19. Tokoro is of interest because he is CEO for a Japanese biopharma company. He was in a position to take knowledge gained from access to the infected sample and apply it toward a vaccine. Qu is assumed to work for the Chinese Army because he worked for the Department of Infectious Disease Control, Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tianjin, China. I have heard it said that there is only about a 1.2% difference between chimp DNA and human DNA. The difference is more than that between earlier coronoviruses and COVID-19, but the Chinese could easily have taken a segment of the DNA on Craig's rock to combine with bat virus DNA during the weaponization process. This is Gain of Function research which is is medical research that genetically alters an organism in a way that may enhance the biological functions of gene products. This may include an altered pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range, i.e. the types of hosts that a microorganism can infect.
FIGURE 6 - Chandra Wichramasinghe is top suspect in the plot to give a deadly virus to China via Jiangwen Qu.
FIGURE 7 - Before I listed this article on my Table of Contents I checked my site records to see if anyone was reading my article while it was in the early phase of being written. At 07:57:04 MST on 10 September 2021 my IP address popped up but I was not on line then. My IP is What is the reverse IP for my address? Who owns that? The United Kingdom Minister of Defence! They are the very people that I am targeting with this article because I want them to help me nail Wickramasinghe for helping the Chinese to acquire COVID-19.
WHAT UK MOD KNEW AND WHEN THEY KNEW IT. The record above on Figure 7 indicates that UK MOD first accessed this article at 07:57:04 MST/MDT on 10 September 2021 at a time that the article was under the first aspects of construction BEFORE it was on my 2021 Table of Contents. Overlooking the fact that they accessed it via my IP address which is their reverse IP (a phenomenon often seen before), what is really telling is that they next accessed my Arkcode site again at 08:13:37 MST/MDT on 10 September 2021. This was seen only 16 minutes 34 seconds after reading what was in the early draft of the article you're reading now. What was the second article at It's POSSIBLE ROLE OF DR. WICKRAMSINGHE IN THE WUHAN VIRUS published on April 20, 2020. So what does this tell us? After a few minutes taken to absorb what I was beginning to say, they knew my writings well enough to almost immediately go to what my earlier article had to say about this topic. In fact, many of the figures and some of the text taken from the second article are being used again in this article.
Here I want to be clear. This article and related text is part of a murder investigation. My purpose is to try to shut down an ongoing threat to all lives on Earth (including mine). I'm trying to lay out a clear case for U.S., British, Canadian and other allied law enforcement and military forces to arrest culprits. What UK has done is to show their hand. Now they should act. What should they do if I'm wrong and they can prove it? TELL ME. If they can prove what they are saying I will retract what I say and remove it from the web. This site does not exist to write science fiction, but a lot of what I discover is stranger than standard science fiction. To both UK MOD and Fort Huachuca, many American leaders are corrupt or treasonous. As I first wrote this on September 15, 2021 at 3:02 pm EDT there iwas a news conference at the Pentagon about General Milley. I have recently called for his resignation. New charges from Woodward’s book are that Milley called the leading Chinese general to tell him that if we attack China (dues to President Trump's situation in January, 2020) he (General Milley) would call China first to warn them. This might cause China to launch a first strike against the U.S. thus destroying our nation. Meanwhile with Milley's help our President recently surrendered to Afghanistan, turning over $85 billion in high tech arms. Biden is a traitor. Further, our highest paid officer, Dr. Fauci, is accused of giving the Wuhan lab hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars to conduct gain of function research. The current government here has no credibility. UK - if you want to fix any of this, call me. Ditto to Fort Huachuca and the NSA though I won't hold my breath for the last guys.
Here I'm going to divert from the main topic of this article to focus a bit more on Milley. On 9/16/2021 I received a letter that really spells out the problem with this man better than I've seen anyone do before. I don't know the author, Quentin L. Smith, but he claims to be a retired FBI agent:
by: Quentin L. Smith
September 9, 2021
General Milley:
During testimony before the Congress of the United States you stated:
“I want to understand white rage, and I’m white…What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?…I want to find that out.”
Well, General, I am a 76-year-old white man, a former officer in the United States Army (1967-70), and a retired Special Agent of the FBI with nearly 29 years of service (1971-1999). I attended Trump’s rally on January 6th, and I think I may be able to help you understand the reasons for “white rage.”
You impugn the motives of hundreds of thousands of patriotic citizens: whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, male, female, young and old. They weren’t trying to overturn the Constitution! They wanted nothing more than to make their voices heard and, if possible, delay the certification of an election they believed, with probable cause, was stolen. You and the media repeatedly claim Trump’s allegations of a “stolen election” are false. Neither you, I, nor anyone else know whether this is true or not because the evidence (hundreds of witness affidavits signed under penalty of perjury, pristine mail-in ballots, xeroxed ballots, the synchronized shutdown of ballot counting in 5 swing states until observers were removed from the election headquarters, etc.) has never been tested in court or disclosed to the people.
Apparently, my presence in Washington, DC on January 6th qualifies me, in your estimation, as one of those “outraged white people” you want to understand. Since you appear to be somewhat intellectually challenged, let me give you just 13 easy to understand reasons for my “white rage” as you like to call it.
1. I’m outraged that a duly elected President, the most effective President in my lifetime, was harassed, falsely accused of being a Russian agent, undermined, and lied about by “Deep State” career officials like yourself and a media that has become the mouthpiece of the Democrat Party, was impeached and acquitted, not once but twice, during his entire 4-year term of office on clearly fraudulent charges.
2. I’m outraged that BLM, Antifa, and other Marxists rioted during the summer of 2020 in cities across the country, and “heels-up” Kamala Harris led an effort to bail those who were arrested, out of jail. Over 500 people, arrested for trespassing and vandalism at the Capitol on January 6th, remain in jail without bail and, in some cases, are held in solitary confinement. This is not a defense of vandalism, but how does the damage from the riots of summer 2020 compare to that at the Capitol on January 6th?
3. I’m outraged that a president who accomplished more for the American people in four years than his three immediate predecessors did in 24 years having restored the US economy, cut taxes and regulations, made the US energy independent, brought unemployment rates down to their lowest level ever, destroyed ISIS, brokered peace deals between Israel and other Arab nations, defended our southern border, put America first, etc., etc., was fought every step of the way by Democrats and the Deep State.
4. I’m outraged that this same president, who received eleven million more votes than he did in 2016, was questionably defeated in an election in which election laws were unconstitutionally changed in the days, weeks, and months immediately preceding the election, supposedly because of a virus.
5. I’m outraged that a senile 78-year old career politician, who can’t put a coherent sentence together, who accomplished nothing during his 36 years in the US Senate and eight years as Vice President, who didn’t campaign and seldom left his basement during the campaign for President, and who could never draw a crowd of more than 200 people at one time, was declared the winner over a President who drew tens of thousands of enthusiastic supporters at each of his multiple rallies, daily, during the campaign.
6. I’m outraged that Candidate Biden bragged about having put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” (it’s on video) during an interview on October 24, 2020, with Crooked Media, a left-leaning media company founded in 2017 by former Obama staffers, and the media says that Trump lies when he claims the election was stolen!?
7. ’m outraged that on January 28, 2018, before the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden bragged how he once threatened to withhold $1 billion in authorized military aid to Ukraine unless the former President of Ukraine “fired” the prosecutor who was investigating the corrupt energy conglomerate, Burisma, by whom Biden’s son, Hunter, was being paid $84,000 per month to serve on the Board of Directors. Can you say, “quid pro quo?” But, when Trump congratulated the newly elected President of Ukraine, who campaigned on fighting corruption, and encouraged him to follow through on his campaign promise, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) blatantly lied about what Trump said, and Trump got impeached!
8. I’m outraged that the FBI was given Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer, the hard-drive of which contained emails reflecting the corrupt practices of the Biden family vis-a-vis Ukraine and China and the FBI did nothing with it since crazy ol’ Joe was running for President. Can you say: “Hillary Clinton and unauthorized servers containing top secret documents? ”Do you see a pattern here?
9. I’m outraged that the “New Oligarchs” of high tech are censoring virologists of their right to voice their thoughts and opinions when those opinions conflict with the Democrat Party or the CDC.
10. I’m outraged that an agency for which I proudly worked for nearly 29 years was politicized and corrupted by James Comey who was accurately described as being “out of his mind” and a “crooked cop” by a former Deputy Director of the FBI.
11. I’m outraged that thirteen U.S. Marines were recently killed in Afghanistan by the Taliban just because our senile President was too arrogant to follow the blueprint put together by President Trump and his military advisers for the “conditioned” withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan. Perhaps, you and our incompetent Secretary of Defense objected, but were either too cowardly or too busy promoting Critical Race Theory to push back and provide needed oversight of this withdrawal. You succumbed to “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and now, as a result, you have the blood of thirteen dead American Servicemen on your hands.
12. I’m outraged about how the precipitous withdrawal of U.S. military personnel from Afghanistan was carried out “before” securing the removal of tens of thousands of U.S. citizens, Afghan interpreters, and others who assisted the U.S. military over the past twenty years, leaving them and Afghan Christians to be tortured and killed by the Taliban. And you didn’t even give advance notice to our NATO allies.
13. I’m outraged that you and Lloyd Austin carried out the withdrawal of the U.S. military without first securing the removal of $85 billion worth of military equipment, weapons, ammunition, Humvees, and aircraft, which you left behind for the Taliban, al Qaeda, and a re-emerging ISIS to use. I agree with a retired British Colonel who recently publicly stated that President Biden shouldn’t be impeached, but rather he should be court martialed. You should be, as well, for dereliction of duty and cowardice.
I could go on, but I believe you get “my drift” as to why I and so many others – white, black, Hispanic, Asian, male and female, rich and poor, young and old – are experiencing flashes of “rage” and “anger” against this current administration. If you had any honor and decency, you would resign and retire.
Quentin L. Smith