China has waited 60 years for unification. It's fast running out of patience. Posted on 7/16/2021.
Our Communist (China-supporting) "President," (hopeless) Joe Biden is at it again. He wasn't satisfied with just having destroyed America's energy independence by shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. He had to while also boosting Russia's energy supply via approving a gas pipeline that Trump had closed. Joe had to start a new Israel-Palestinian war by first funding the Arab side to the tune of $235 million. These funds also had been cut off by President Trump. Further, Joe has destroyed our south border and thus helped thousands of illegals aliens with COVID-19 to re-infect our country. But biological warfare against his American enemy still wasn't enough. Now China is all but thanking him aloud for being so weak as to basically approve their upcoming invasion of Taiwan. As of Julky 15, 2021 Biden said nothing about and drop whatever number of nuclear weapons on Japan is necessary to get them to surrender. The Chinese Government film about this is posted at
The cause of the upcoming war of China against Japan is rooted in old hatreds, but primed by the election of a weak and treasonous American president. On Figure 1 the axis term is CHINESE THREAT. The word WAR is in the open text. ATOMIC is present, but not at a special case skip. WEAPON at skip +1 shares a letter nun with CHINESE THREAT. SELLER and ISRAEL are on the same line. I am advocating the sale of Israeli nuclear weapons to Japan and Taiwan. If the deal can be done in time I would recommend that they test one weapon in the atmosphere to leave no doubt in Chinese minds about the consequences of starting a regional nuclear war (one which would likely also include the Koreas). Why is such dramatic action required? Let's look at the threat published by China as of July 15, 2021:
When we liberate Taiwan if Japan dares to intervene by force even if it only deploys one soldier, one plane and one ship we will not only return reciprocal fire but also start a full scale war against Japan. We will use nuclear bombs first. We will use nuclear bombs continuously until Japan declares unconditional surrender for the second time.
What we want to target is Japan’s ability to endure a war. As long as it realizes that it cannot afford to pay the price of war it will not dare to rashly send troops to the Taiwan Strait.
In 1964, when our first atomic bomb was successfully detonated we promised the world that we would not use atomic bombs against non-nuclear countries. Nearly 60 years have passed. Although the strength of our nuclear deterrent has been somewhat affected the decision has been a success and has safeguarded our peace when we built our country.
Now the international situation has changed dramatically. Our country is in the midst of a major change that has not been seen in a century and all political policies, tactics and strategies must be adjusted and changed in the midst of such a major change.
In order to protect the peaceful rise of our country it is necessary to make limited adjustments to our nuclear policy. We solemnly put forward the “Japan Exception Theory.” In modern history, Japan has taken the initiative to harm the Chinese people many times including the first Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1895 when it took over Taiwan and made us pay more than 230 million taels of silver in reparations and the War of Invasion of China of 1931 – 1945 when more than 35 million Chinese were killed and wounded.
Japan has not taken a serious stand in acknowledging the atrocities taken against China. If Japan goes to war with China for the third time the Chinese people will take revenge on the old and the new scores. Japan is the only country in the world that has been hit by atomic bombs and has a deep memory of the atomic bombs from the government down to the people. And it takes the United States, which nuked it, lying down. It is exactly because Japan has such a unique feeling that nuclear deterrence against Japan will get twice the result with half the effort. By singling out Japan as an exception to our commitment not to use or be the first to use nuclear weapons in the world Japan is an exception. We are warning Japan and informing the world that if Japan interferes militarily in our domestic affairs including the unification of Taiwan by the mainland nuclear weapons will surely be used against Japan and will be used against Japan continuously until its unconditional surrender. There will be no peace talks in the meantime. We will take back the Diaoyu Islands and the Ryukyu Islands. We will either manage them ourselves or let them be independent.
WHY SHOULD ISRAEL HELP? When America elected Joe Biden, it lost a lot of its moral authority. Assuming that Biden will do nothing to help Taiwan or Japan we may soon face a world with no nation strong enough to stand up to Chinese aggression. If China uses nuclear weapons on Japan or Taiwan, what is to stop North Korea from nuking Seoul in South Korea? In a regional nuclear war tens or hundreds of millions of people will likely die. They can all blame their deaths on Biden because the Chinese have him in their pocket. Of course, if China conquers many or all major nations in the Pacific, who can Israel count on to help them? They know that it only took four months to get a war going against Israel once President Trump was forced out of office. Biden is clearly an enemy of Israel. No sane person wants to live in a world where Chinese are free to nuke whoever they please. Unless we are pleasantly surprised and learn that Taiwan and Japan were responsible enough to secretly build their own nuclear arsenals, Israel supposedly has about 200 nuclear warheads or bombs. I would recommend selling about 10 to 20 of them to Japan and Taiwan (if it really wants to be free). Once the deal is complete then Japan and Taiwan should detonate at least one of them in an area that is relatively safe and free of potential "collateral damage." What about China's claim that Taiwan belongs to them? That's easy. The deal could require a referendum on independence. There are three major positions to survey - desire to maintain the status quo, desire for independence and desire for unification. We need to know the wishes of the Taiwanese people soon rather than later. Based on the Chinese threat against Japan it may be well to remove the status quo option from the table. China has waited 60 years and with the majority of Americans (56.5%) not even sure if Biden is running America time is becoming a bigger factor every day. China has a weakling in the White House now, but if Biden continues to get every major issue wrong, America might choose Trump or someone strong like him in 2024.