China could likely win a conventional war against Taiwan. But this threat may force Taiwan to quickly build nuclear weapons because they can't depend on Biden to save them. This article is under construction on 4/15/2021.
When Biden was elected or cheated his way to to the title of president of the United States I knew that the United States had fallen. Like the 75,000,000 other Americans who had voted to re-elect President Trump I was sickened by what had happened. I am fortunate to be a Jew because if life gets too hard here all I have to do is ask Israel for citizenship under the Law of Return and it will be granted, but my fellow non-Jewish American citizens don't have this luxury. I don't know how this country can carry on for long in its divided form. I am especially concerned that the Secretary of Defense (his name is Lloyd Austin, Mr. Biden) has taken 60 days to attempt to brainwash all U.S. military personnel and intimidate all patriotic, Conservative members of our military forces. While China Puppet Biden advances his cause of conquest of America by China, his victory also encourages China to rule the world. Topping the list of next victims is TAIWAN, the axis term on Figure 1. China just sent 25 warplanes into Taiwanese air space. At the same absolute skip are BIDEN and WEAK. In the open text crossing TAIWAN and sharing a letter vav with it is HE SLEW HIS BROTHER. This predicts Communist Chinese killing Taiwanese Chinese. JOSEPH (first name of Biden) is also in the open text touching TAIWAN. As I discuss elsewhere on this site, I see the Establishment that backed Biden as the Fourth Reich. The word NAZI is also on the matrix at skip -1.
FIGURE 1 ABOVE - The link between Taiwan's fate and Biden. The spreadsheet for the probability calculation is below.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. This matrix, based on the 24th lowest ELS of TAIWAN, was found against odds of about 5,226,728 to 1.
FIGURE 2 BELOW: The link betweenTaiwan and an atomic future. If Taiwan is going nuclear it should test first and then clearly warn Beijing to back off.
The second matrix is larger than the 1,000-letter limit that I generally impose. But it tells a hell of a story if you put the terms together in the order that I sensed before starting the search. Like FigE
ure 1 the axis term is TAIWAN, but at a higher ELS rank than I also generally accept: 70. I almost lopped of the left side of the matrix because of the ELS rank and matrix area, but the word INCITE turned out to be significant enough to keep everything. The message seems to be as follows:
Total odds against Figure 2 are about 4,453,593 to 1. There is still a question in my mind about whether the Chinese nuke Taiwan first or whether Taiwan surprises the world by hitting China or threatening them with a bomb that Taiwan developed, possibly with Israel's help. CHILDREN OF ISRAEL crosses the last letter of TAIWAN. It looks like the Encoder gives Taiwan to Israel's "brothers," the Taiwanese.
I have discovered that my true audience in considerably larger than what I knew about before. Today (April 15, 2021) a major step was taken by Democrats to destroy the Supreme Court. Hopefully their effort will fail, but those allied with the Fourth Reich remain on track to obliterate the United States and its lawful Government. I only have power to read much of what the Encoder sent back in time about all this. It remains for those of you in the U.S. and Allied Intelligence Communities to try to reverse the damage done so far. May you be met with every success.
SPREADSHEETS FOR FIGURE 2. The top calculation is for the 624 letters with a white background. The second spreadsheet is for the full 1,104-letter matrix.