Alien Infiltration: Government, Military & Aerospace Sectors
The UFO cover up is bigger than we thought. Updated with the section entitled LIFE EXTENSION, TIME TRAVEL AND NATURE OF THE ALLEGED 20 AND BACK TOURS on 8/16/2020 at 0009 EDT
Until I read Dr. Michael E. Salla’s book THE U.S. NAVY’S SECRET SPACE PROGRAM & NORDIC EXTRATERRESTRIAL ALLIANCE it was my working assumption that contacts with aliens began with the Roswell Incident in July, 1947, and that the Nazis did have working relations with them during World War II. Our pilots reported them as “foo fighters.” There have apparently been several species visiting Earth. The U.S. largely controls what the media can write. My father’s brother (my Uncle Eugene) worked on back-engineering UFOs. Shortly before he died at the age of 93 he gave me a complete list of all U.S. and foreign scientists who were involved and as such attended the Third International Conference of Nondestruction Testing in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan in March, 1960 (see Figures 3, 4 and 5 in my previous article about Roswell). Most surprising was that at the height of the Cold War the list included three Russians and one Pole. Salla’s book expands my knowledge far past that, starting with an “Air Raid” over Los Angeles on February 24/25, 1942 and continuing with who in the German and then American Governments were behind expanding Nazi/Alien spacecraft technology to a current state that rivals what is normally depicted in science fiction works like Star Trek. I have often offered to write war plans for Space Force the way I did with the Navy and Coast Guard. I’m 73 now, a bit old for another recall to active duty. But if Salla’s book(s) are true, our Government really needs my skills (assuming that they're ready for disclosure). I'm semper paratus (the Coast Guard slogan - always prepared) to go semper supra (the new Space Force slogan - always above).
Figure 1 above emphasizes that there may be or may have been Reptilians at the Fort Huachuca, Arizona Army Intelligence Base. The spreadsheet below shows the odds against this matrix are almost 478 million to 1. The children of Anak are described in the Torah as a race of giants.
FIGURE 2 - It's no secret that I despise Obama, but I've generally limited my wrath to discussing why I think he is a Communist, Muslim enemy of the United States who was born in Kenya and who occupied the White House illegally. However, having started off on such a friendly foot, I had someone (Rebecca Renfroe) over for dinner on October 26, 2015 who beat me for hostility by asserting that Obama is actually a Reptilian alien. I had not yet heard of Dr. Salla or his ideas about how Nordic and Reptilian aliens have infiltrated our Government, though Dr. Salla and I have mutual friend in Dr./U.S. Navy Commnder C.B. Scott Jones. When Rebecca told me of her beliefs I searched the Torah Code for the axis term OBAMA (IS) REPTILIAN. Lo and behold, I found it – twice. Figure 1 shows the phrase at its second lowest skip (in wrapped Torah). At the same absolute skip were PRESIDENT and UFO.
By my normal protocol, this match occurred against odds of about 101 to 1. That’s not spectacular. But the axis term is 9 letters long and it has a relatively rare letter zayin in it. What is its statistical value as determined by r-values? It has an R value of 0.697 which means that based on letter frequency there is about a 20% chance to find it. Note: to change R value, found on the Code Finder report [in this case 0.697], to percent chance to find it, enter .697 into a scientific calculator like the TI30XA, hit second function, LOG, then 1/x and multiple by 100). As noted above, I normally consider including the R value in a calculation when the axis term is 10 letters or longer. Here it's only 9 but it includes the rare letter zayin. That's about 1 chance in 5 (actually 1 chance in 4.9773). So their real odds against finding Figure 2 were about 101 * 4.9773 to 1 which is 502.714 to 1.
Rebecca’s not the first person I’ve interviewed (directly or indirectly) who claimed to converse with this species of aliens. No, she didn't talk to Obama, but claims to have seen him momentarily lose his ability to disguise himself when he was on TV. There are many webs sites that make similar claims about him and one of his body guards. Humorous videos are less than convincining. This articles sum up what I've heard from Rebecca, and read in a book (Voices from the Cosmos) about Reptilians by my friend Scott Jones and Angela T. Smith. That I describe what I have heard or read does not mean that I endorse any of it as truth, however I do find the overlapping stories to be of interest given that I can and do (on my site) prove NASA to be wrong about atmospheric conditions and weather on Mars.
FIGURE 2 - Has Obama is a Reptilian at its SECOND lowest skip in wrapped Torah.
FIGURE 3 - I was a bit surprised to see that the 9-letter axis term OBAMA (is) REPTILIAN encoded twice. I wrote up the second ELS first because it only took 182 letters to match the axis term with UFO and PRESIDENT at special case skips. In Figure 3 it takes 516 letters to make a comparable match. Figure 2 was found back in 2018. In writing the current article it occurred to me that this is such a startling axis term that the Encoder was not likely to leave it without adding any important additional information. Before discussing what was found let me emphasize what I know and what I don't know. I know that there is (or will be) an Encoder. The Encoder has what appears to be a somewhat predictable Personality. Although the encoding is done in Hebrew, He or It is well familiar with English terms and phrases. There is not yet any obvious sign that He or It is willing to intervene in history other than what the text describes in conjunction with the Exodus. What I don't know is whether the Encoder is a true Deity, an extremely advanced life form, or an Artificial Intelligence (AI). By His own standards, He can only prove to be God if/when He brings about a Resurrection of the Dead, whether by magic or by using some form of technology to reverse time which is described in the 37th chapter of Ezekiel:
EZEKIEL 37:1. The hand of the LORD was upon me, and the LORD carried me out in a spirit, and set me down in the midst of a valley, and it was full of dry bones;
EZEKIEL 37:2. and he caused me to pass by them round about, and, behold, there were very many in the open valley, and, lo, they were very dry
EZEKIEL 37:3. And He said to me: ‘Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, You know.’
EZEKIEL 37:4. Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy over these bones, and say to them: O you dry bones, hear the word of the LORD:
EZEKIEL 37:5. Thus says the LORD GOD unto these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.
EZEKIEL 37:6. And I will lay sinews on you, and you will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the LORD.’
EZEKIEL 37:7. So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to its bone
EZEKIEL 37:8. And I beheld, and lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them.
EZEKIEL 37:9. Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy unto the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath: Thus says the LORD GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.’
EZEKIEL 37:10. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upThison their feet, and very great host.
EZEKIEL 37:11. Then He said to me: ‘Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say: Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are clean cut off.
EZEKIEL 37:12. Therefore prophesy, and say unto them: Thus says the LORD GOD: Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, my people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.
EZEKIEL 37:13. And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and caused you to come up out of your graves, O my people.
EZEKIEL 37:14. And I will put my Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land; and you shall know that I the LORD have spoken, and performed it, says the LORD.
WHAT FIGURE 3 ADDS TO THE PICTURE PAINTED IN FIGURE 2. Figure 3 supplements the word PRESIDENT by adding MICHELLE at skip -1. This caused me to reexamine what the Code could be saying about the nature of a Reptilian attempt to gain control the White House. A close examination doubled my concern. Crossing OBAMA (is) REPTILIAN at skip +1 are the first four of five letters in OBAMA. While I have never used a 4-letter spelling of Obama before, when I looked up the first four letters (alef vav bet mem) on Google Translates it correctly named Obama. That was good enough. The next letter in the text was not a hey or an alef to complete a more standard spelling of Obama. Rather it was a shin/sin (S). The transliteration was that of an English name - OBAMAS (plural). I didn't use that on the spreadsheet. I have written about some bizarre speculation into the nature of Michelle Obama before. In July of 2014 shortly before Joan Rivers died unexpectedly during a plastic surgery she made a statement about the Obamas. She told a reporter that President Barack Obama is gay and that first lady Michelle Obama is "a transgender."
Rivers was asked by a reporter on the street about her Monday appearance at a bookstore in New York City, where she officiated an impromptu gay wedding between two of her fans. The reporter then asked her whether the U.S. will ever see a gay president, to which the 81-year-old Rivers responded, "We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down." Rivers started to walk away before adding, "You know Michelle is a tranny." When the reporter asked her to confirm what she had said, Rivers said, "A transgender. We all know."
The Internet was full of pictures backing her claims, as well as two recordings where Barack publically referred to Michelle as "Michael." All of this is discussed in my article Transgenders and Transexuals - Out of Our Military? It's one thing for the Obamas to have defrauded us about their sexual nature all these years. There are many observations that indicate Michelle's Adam's Apple is not typical for a woman, that her fingers and hands are not typical for a woman, nor are her muscles. There have even been pictures of a bulge showing through where there should have been none on a dress. But if her body proportions are not right because her body is not the body of a human, that's something else that would require extra emphasis in the Code.
FIGURE 3 - This is the lowest skip of OBAMA IS REPTILIAN. It also has UFO and PRESIDENT at special case skips plus MICHELLE at skip -1. Crossing OBAMA IS REPTILIAN at skip +1 is a short form of OBAMA with a letter sin after it that makes for a possible transliteration of OBAMAS. This matrix seems to say that if PRESIDENT OBAMA is an alien, so is his wife (and possibly our future President).
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 3. Three separate calculations are shown on the spreadsheet below. In the first one we look at PRESIDENT, MICHELLE and UFO being encoded in 558 letters with OBAMA (is) REPTILIAN. No allowance is given for the R value of the axis term or for OBAMA. The matrix, as such, was found against odds of about 252 to 1. The second calculation is for the same terms but adds the 4-letter spelling for OBAMA. That term is the most significant, having been found against odds of about 86 to 1. Overall odds against the 594-letter matrix are about 18,333 to 1. Finally, if we use the R-value of the axis term OBAMA (is) REPTILIAN, as is shown on the third calculation, the matrix was found against odds of about 111,826 to 1. Which odds should be seriously considered by the U.S. Space Force (via Fort Huachuca is they are the primary guy who steer my work to the rest of DOD)? Even though the rules vary a bit from my regular protocol, the simple calculation shown first does not match the military value of the full calculation. Here I think we should go with 111,826 to 1. But this means that we need to nail down the true nature of the Obamas. Figure 1 showed that Fort Huachuca may have spies. They should have SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) in place to deal with Russians, Chinese, Iranians or Koreans. Since they have indicated knowledge of what I write as I write it, I assume that they know to check out any Reptilian or other ET threat, but not everyone in the military does what's right.
REPTILIANS AS PORTRAYED IN VOICES FROM THE COSMOS (from an alleged interview of a hooded Reptilian by Angela T. Smith found on pages 95 to 103). Smith claims that:
- Reptilians are not part of The Confederation, and that they do not have emotions like the Grays and the Nordics (whites).
- There are conflicts between different races of aliens, especially between those who have emotions and those who do not
- There are many more Small Grays, fewer Nordics and fewer still of the Reptilians.
- Reptilians assist Grays in the movement of humans via spacecraft.
- The craft are made by Grays. Note: In Salla's book humans now work in huge underground caverns to help Nordics build massively large space battleships.
- Reptilians rarely come to Earth.
- No other races can prevent abduction of humans.
- No races can render implants fallible, but if an implant fails, it will be replaced. However, humans can take implants out.
- Only Grays and Nordics abduct people.
- Reptilians have no culture, music, art, or humor, etc.
- Reptilians have chlorophyll in their skin for nutrition. So do Grays.
- Reptilians do not breed with other races (My comment: That would appear to exclude the possibility that Barack or Michelle Obama are Reptilian-Human hybrids). If Reptilians have infiltrated into our military a good place to find them may be with Obama's medical staff.
- The Confederation would not allow the Earth to be destroyed.
- There is no race that controls Earth civilization. (My comment: But the Reptilian admits they do abduct and implant us. If the interview is real there were many unanswered questions, and other parts where disinformation appears to be obvious).
- Reptilians do not believe in life after death. The answer given was, "We are now and then we are not."
- Reptilians carry, Grays collect Humans, Grays and Nordics create Hybrids (who are not a race).
FIGURE 4 - Not all ETs look like Grays. Some may share a common ancestry with us or may be able to influence how we perceive them.
The Salla Navy book was published in 2017 as Trump was assuming the presidency. As the Democrats spent most of his first term misusing the FBI to impeach him I found it hard to believe a statement on page 300 that, "There is good reason to be optimistic that the foundations for full disclosure are currently being laid as the Trump administration appears to be coordinating with the Navy, FBI and Russia in its policies. Some of these policies are focused on reversing the existence of highly classified technology programs, extraterrestrial life and even archaeological discoveries such as the site in Antarctica." The statement is partially true when it comes to the Navy. We have seen them release film of the so called tic tac UFOs. But the top of the the FBI was nothing short of treasonous and Russia allowed the treason to go on unabated when Putin could have made a clear statement of disclosure that would have taken the excessive heat off of any contacts between men like General Flynn and the Russian Government.
EXTRACT FROM THE INDEX. As I continue to review Salla's Navy book I will focus on the companies or organizations listed below. I will be adding information in this section where I want to highlight important facts.
BOEING (pages 71,98, 99, 116, 192)
CALTECH (26, 27, 68)
CHINA LAKE (27, 29, 74, 92, 129, 226). Salla claims the Navy did better UFO technology here than the Air Force did at Area 51.
DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY (xvii, xx, 7, 40, 43, 57, 63, 64, 65, 67, 71, 72, 74, 75, 81, 87, 92, 99, 100, 101, 105, 132, 185, 222, 249). Senior members of Douglas including President Donald Douglas witnessed the shoot down of UFOs in the early hours of February 25, 1942. See page 7 for all details. These craft could hover and also attain speeds of thousands of miles per hour.
FBI (14, 35, 58, 237, 238, 241, s244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 262, 264, 265, 284, 300)
GENERAL DYNAMICS (129, 192, 202)
KENNEDY SPACE CENTER (131, 132, 138)
LOCKHEED (xvii, 7, 26, 29, 67, 71, 98, 99, 192, 205, 210)
MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX (105, 142, 183, 193, 194)
MUSSOLINI, BENITO (17 - 19, 44, 58)
NASA (84, 96, 127, 128, 130 - 132, 134, 139, 141 - 143, 208, 222)
NAVY LEAGUE (xxi, 104, 145, 146, 150-153, 154, 156-162, 181, 185, 186, 200, 291)
NORTHRUP GRUMMAN (67, 71, 99, 137, 192, 225, 293). William Tompkins "maintains that the Nordics have been covertly assisting companies such as TRW (now part of Northrup Grumman) in developing a range of pharmaceutical products, such as the life extension pills to counteract the biological effects of the toxic gasses pumped into the atmosphere by Reptilians and their allies."
PROJECT RAND (xx, 40, 57, 61, 64, 66-76, 81, 88, 225).
RAND CORPORATION (72-77, 81, 83, 85, 86, 92, 105, 108, 226, 249)
SKUNKWORKS (205, 224, 225)
SOLARWARDEN (xix, 106, 108, 150, 162, 181, 182, 184, 186-189, 191, 193, 195, 198, 199, 220, 222, 227, 228, 231, 239, 240-243, 260, 262, 269, 271, 280)
TR-3B (84, 86, 97, 218-221, 224, 231, 235)
TRW (97, 98, 137-139, 144, 156, 222, 275, 292-294). See Northrup Grumman above.
WRIGHT FIELD (35, 38, 72, 115, 209)
WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE (38, 205, 208, 225, 226).
LIFE EXTENSION - There are discussions in Salla's Navy book that indicate when the Navy declassifies their Solar Warden (a secret space program) program (around our time) it will also declassify life extension processes. They have worked with mice and are based around Nicotinamide mononucleotide ("NMN", "NAMN", and "β-NMN"). Of this drug Wikipedia states, "Nicotinamide mononucleotide ("NMN", "NAMN", and "β-NMN") is a nucleotide derived from ribose and nicotinamide.[1] NMN is made from B vitamins in the body, and is a molecule naturally occurring in all life forms.[2] Like nicotinamide riboside, NMN is a derivative of niacin[3], and humans have enzymes that can use NMN to generate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH).[1] In mice, NMN enters cells via the small intestines within 10 minutes converting to NAD+ through the Slc12a8 NMN transporter.[4] Because NADH is a cofactor for processes inside mitochondria, for sirtuins, and for PARP, NMN has been studied in animal models as a potential neuroprotective and anti-aging agent.[5][6] Dietary supplement companies have aggressively marketed NMN products claiming those benefits.[7] Doses of up to 500 mg were shown safe in men in a recent human study[8] at Keio University School of Medicine, Shinjuku, Tokyo Japan. Multiple long-term human studies are underway.[9] [10 .
Craig Ebrahimi (shown on the bottom of Figure 4 above) claims that he has a potential life extension drug. It is derived from one of the meterories that he found in waters off Sooke, B.C., Canada. He has not yet given me the complete formula, but he has mentioned D-Ribose in conjunction with it. It sounds like Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe and Dr. Jiangwen Qu of the Tianjin China Center for Infectious Disease Control) brought a sample of Craig's rock to China in conjunction with the COVID-19 virus. While Wickramasinghe claims that the sample was stolen from him, because he published an article with Qu four months after he received the sample from Craig, it's more plausible that Wickramasinghe lied about the theft. The joint article was about a pandemic coming from a meteorite/cometary fragment, and causing a pandemic in 2019. The Chinese likely had the live virus and the time to prepare an antidote for their people for a year and a half. Does the antidote include NMN? I can't yet confirm that but I think it's more than possible. Ever since I met Craig he has been trying to sell a package deal - an alien embryo and a longevity drug. He has no claimed terrestrial education beyond 6th grade to back his ability to develop such a drug. When I first heard from him (January 26, 2020) I expressed my concern that what he had might cause a pandemic. President Trump stopped flights to and from China five days later. On March 11, 2020 the Novel Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19, was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. On March 13, 2020 a national emergency was declared in the United States concerning the COVID-19 Outbreak.
According to Salla the man involved with NMN longevity research is Dr. David Sinclair. See
Sinclair also takes a gram of resveratrol with it (he pours it into his yogurt). He takes the NMN by capsule in the morning. Resveratrol is of use in treating COVID-19 (but it should not be confused with Remdesivir). I suspect that the Chinese developed the cure for COVID-19 to give to their own people and the same time as they were weaponizing the COVID-19 from Craig's 27-pound meteorite. There seems to be a possibility that an ET deliberately placed placed the cure in the meteorite along with the virus. There are faces in the meteorite that may serve as markers for where to look. There are also strange pulsations in temperatures that might be markers for where to concentrate chemical analysis efforts. Further, the man who found the meteorite has often said things to indicate that he is an alien (perhaps a Nordic). Craig claims to have eaten some of the meteorite mixed in with ham and eggs. On March 15, 2020 Craig received an e-mail from Wickramasinghe that he forwarded to me. It was as follows:
From: Chandra Wickramasinghe <>
Sent: March 15, 2020 10:46 AM
To: Craig Ebrahimi <>
Subject: Re: longevity vaccine from space
Hello Craig
Yes, I would much like to help I believe you have the cure from space but I don't have the institutional resources available to me.
Personal website:
Buckingham astrobiology website:
Ruhuna astrobiology website:
ISPA website:
In reality Wickramasinghe should have had facilities available to him in Buckingham in the UK, in Sri Lanka, probably in China and in Kyoto, Japan (Wickramasinghe published about viruses from space jointly with Gensuke Tokoro there). Tokoro is the Japanese CEO of Kyoto Biopharma. He is also Director of the Institute for the Study of Panspermia and Astroeconomics, Gifu, Japan).
LIFE EXTENSION, TIME TRAVEL AND NATURE OF THE ALLEGED 20 AND BACK TOURS. Salla describes a "Space Navy" that recruits thousands of people, often military, for 20-year long active duty tours in space including on the moon and beyond. At the end of their tour they are put to sleep and injected with drugs developed by TRW (now Northrup Grumman). They are then age regressed (made younger physically) and after this sent back in time to the time that they began their service. Their memories are wiped clean - repeatedly if necessary. The full nature of this program may be announced simultaneously with the full disclosure of UFOs. Supposedly the program has the ability to take people of any older age and condition and make them like they were in the twenties before. Further, the program is based on sending humans back in time. The get young again part of the program is a kind of sugar (D-ribose?) designed to make the idea of aliens here (who have abducted or sexually assaulted people) seem not so frightening. The idea of our Government sending people back in time may explain my encounter with Joseph Sapphire (the full last name here is edited) on August 1, 2016 when I was intercepted at the Cape Canaveral public library by a gentleman who knew too much about my son's future and a book that I had just checked out in a 3-minute or so stop at the library. During my short visit inside, he had parked his car two spots to the left of my car, and was blocking me from getting into my car. It was such a weird incident it seemed like he had either received information from the future about when I would go to the library and what I would check out, or he had travelled back in time to confront me with a 30-minute interview. Whatever the truth, he admitted having served at Fort Huachuca (my main reader in the Intelligence community for at least 5 years). He also worked at the White House with Marine One (presidential helicopter) operations. The full story is covered in the Figure 3 and Figure 4 discussions for my article 2020 Time Odyssey. Figure 3 with an axis term SIGNAL FROM FUTURE supports the idea that Joseph received his information by a signal. Figure 4 has the axis term TIME POLICEMAN and as such may hint that the man himself can travel through time. If it were not for my experience with Joseph I probably would not have taken the William Tompkins/Michael Salla account of the 20 and back program seriously.
FIGURE 5 - FBI PARTICIPATION IN THE COVER UP. I knew this document signed by Hoover existed. I saw it a lot about thirty years ago. But with time it became harder to locate and I never knew what reference to the LA case meant until I read Salla's book and saw this document in it. LA is not Los Alamos where some Roswell wreckage was taken in 1947. It's Los Angeles. The reference is to up to 25 UFOs that overflew Long Beach and Los Angeles on night of February 24 to 25, 1942. Two were shot down - one by the Navy and the second by the Army. The Army had the disc that Hoover wrote about in his own hand writing on this FBI memo.
Figure 5 - The FBI has been part of the cover up since Hoover ran it.
GOOD GUYS (NORDICS) VS. BAD GUYS (REPTILIANS). It’s probably natural for most people to assume that Nordics, who largely resemble attractive white people, are more trustworthy than Reptilians. The very name Reptilian seems to bring to mind evil, whether with snakes, crocodiles or dinosaurs. If it's true that the Nazis were aided by the Reptilians and the Reptilians want to conquer the universe then the evil label is likely justified. But I wouldn't be too quick in being seduced by Nordics like the blond bomb shown on the cover of THE U.S. NAVY’S SECRET SPACE PROGRAM & NORDIC EXTRATERRESTRIAL ALLIANCE. She is shown with a naval officer in dress whites which was my favorite uniform when I was in the Navy. We had the same uniform in the Coast Guard but rarely wore it. While the combination shown on the cover brings back great memories of my youth, supposedly during World War II they also helped the Nazis who were proud to say that they were related to a superior race of humans. On page 43 of Salla's book he first mentions a Nordic woman (Maria Orsic shown in the upper let of Figure 4 above) who worked closely with the Nazis according to William Tompkins who was spying for us in Germany. Later (after the war) he says she worked for Douglas Aircraft in the U. S., but she the was using the name Semjase.
Salla thinks that President Trump and the Navy will disclose the presence of aliens soon. In fact, if you've been paying attention, they have already started to do so. From the Navy and the Pentagon we have the films released of tic tac UFOs being chased by our FA-18 fighters. We are told that the UFOs are not ours. From President Trump we are told that what we recovered was pretty interesting but not aliens. He says he might tell us about it but he hasn't decided yet. The craft shot down in 1942 were unmanned (drones). If not alien, then perhaps they are probes from the future.