The silent but deadly attack on our greatest President. Posted on 11/7/2019.
This article examines the claim by Donald Trump Jr. that the first whistle blower attempting to overthrow his father is Eric Ciaramella. The axis term on Figure 1 is CIARAMELLA. Curiously, the first 3 letters of his name are CIA. He seems to be a rogue CIA officer, but this needs to be confirmed, as does the fact that he is indeed the whistle blower trying to overthrow the Government and the 2016 election. His actions could start a civil war. WAR is on the matrix in the open text, but CIVIL, while there, is not a special case skip. CLINTON is at skip -1. The whistle blower is trying to undo the election she lost. There is a WHISTLE and a BLOWER on the matrix, but they don't touch, nor are they at special case skips. OBAMA is there, but not at a special case skip though he does share a letter mem with CIARAMELLA. PELOSI is there too as is NADLER, but Schiff is missing. Other spellings are possible for Ciaramella, but I found the one used here on Google Translates.
FIGURE 1 ABOVE: The initial requirement was for the Google Translates transliteration of CIARAMELLA plus WHISTLE and BLOWER. The spreadsheet for related odds is shown below.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. On Figure 1 the initial requirement was for the Google Translates transliteration of CIARAMELLA plus WHISTLE and BLOWER. So it was interesting to see that on Figure 1 the most significant a priori term was, in fact, WHISTLE which was found against odds of about 50 to 1 before considering ELS rank 15 of the axis term. Of note is that the second most significant term is WAR which was found in the open text against odds of about 11.5 to 1. CIARAMELLA, if the whistle blower, is almost certainly part of a dangerous group of people (that includes CNN) who have, since at least 2017, been involved with an attempted coup against the President. Such a coup, if successful, would have a high chance of starting a civil war. This coup hypothesis will be discussed later in this article in conjunction with remarks made by his co-conspirator/attorney Mark S. Zaid. That being so, CIVIL had about a 94% chance to be on the matrix since it was found, but not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). PELOSI is the person who decided to go for impeachment despite her original insincere statement about not wanting to divide the country further or to proceed without bipartisan support (no Republicans voted to move forward on this issue). She is on the matrix against odds of about 9.3 to 1, and CLINTON is at a special case skip (skip -1) against odds of about 7.4 to 1. Overall, after factoring in ELS rank 15 of the axis term, Figure 1 was found against odds of about 18,807 to 1.
FIGURE 2 - Tweets reveal that the whistle blower's lawyer endorses a coup to remove President Trump from office.
Figure 1 was only based on the 15th lowest skip of CIARAMELLA. Normally I'm most interested in the lowest skip. This is shown on Figure 3. It links CIARAMELLA right in with the whistle blower's attorney, Mark ZAID. This match is against odds of about 331 to 1. There is also a transliteration of FART (FRT) that I looked for, but didn't put on the spreadsheet for odds calculation because it was not the Hebrew word for it. But, for my friends in the Intel Community, this matrix shows how much the attempt to bring down the President stinks. Tweets from ZAID are offered in Figures 1 and 2. If we have an honest FBI it should investigate this man for conspiracy to overthrow our Government. A proper investigation should also include CIARAMELLA and Adam Schiff, who apparently met with the whistle blower in improper fashion.
FIGURE 3 - The minimum skip of likely whistle blower CIARAMELLA is at the same absolute skip as the whistle blower's lawyer, Mark ZAID.