Disaster strikes America. Figure 1 was updated on 1/10/2020.
Originally I wrote, "Biden is senile. Bernie has been Communist ever since his honeymoon in Moscow. Peter Buttegieg’s platform is about his butt and supporting the laws of Sodom and Gomorrah. Warren lies about her race. Beto thinks all walls are racist, perhaps he should remove them from his house. Harris wants reparations for all blacks – paid for by many Americans with ancestors who had nothing to do with slavery. All of them are nuts and enemies of America and/or Israel. While she is a white-hating racist, only Michelle Obama is smart enough to challenge President Trump. But she and her husband are the most evil of all of them." I have not changed my views about any of them, but despite a record 74,222,593 votes for Trump, we are about to a President Biden and a Vice President Harris. After the riots intruding into the Capitol on January 6, 2021 its seem hard to believe that we are not seeing America Fallen.
Figure 1 above and its spreadsheet below show the odds for Michelle Obama to at least have her name placed in nomination for the 2020 election.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the lowest skip ELS found in Torah for MICHELLE OBAMA with the best spelling having a hey as the last letter as is the case in newspaper stories. There is, however, a lower skip is an alef is used last. The most significant a priori key word is the Hebrew year of the election (5781 which is November 3, 2020). This year (best spelling) was found on the smaller 234-letter matrix with a white background against odds of about 186 to 1. The Democratic Convention in 2020 will be held from July 13 to July 16, 2020 which is in the Hebrew year 5780. That year, by normal calculation methods, is on the matrix against odds of about 11 to 1, but in all honesty we should probably throw it out because every Hebrew year 5781 (hey tav shin peh alef) starts out with a 5780 (hey tav shin peh). The first spreadsheet below uses the year 5780 while the second does not.
TO NOMINATE is on the small matrix against odds of about 45 to 1. Finally, PRESIDENT is on the matrix at skip +1 against odds of about 19.6 to 1. As for final odds, not counting BIDEN who is not on the small matrix, if we use the middle spreadsheet and do not count the year of the nomination separately then the matrix as found against odds of about 166,606 to 1. This is the best figure to use. If we count 5780 as a separate term, then the white portion of the matrix exists against odds of about 1,834,780 to 1. I could not find a significant match with ELECTED in the matrix. It is possible that this means there will be an attempt to nominate her (her name will be placed in nomination) but she will not be elected. Michael Moore wants to nominate her. His reasons are here. Michelle Obama's reasons for not wanting to run in 2020 are here.
You'll notice that BIDEN is on Figure 1, but not with a white background. In order to show his name the matrix had to grow in size from 234 letters to 522 letters. On a matrix that large Biden was found against odds of about 27 to 1, but the other a priori terms drop in value by a combined value more than this. The net result is that the value of the matrix drops. Instead of existing against odds of about 166,606 to 1 combined value to exist is down to 76,656 to 1. As such it's not worth expanding the matrix to show him. At the current rate of his mental decay this shouldn't bother Biden too much. After he fails to win the election he'll probably forget that there even was one.
This is not the first time that the issue of Michelle's candadacy has arisen on this sight. It was last brought up on December 16, 2018 in conjunction with a possible coming civil war. See Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Barack and Michelle Obama are encoded with a civil war.
On Figure 2 we see that there is apparently a CIVIL WAR encoded. It will be caused by B. OBAMA (who is at skip -1) touching PRESIDENT, his wife MICHELLE (who is at skip +1 sharing a letter yud with the axis term) and the WALL (at the absolute skip of the axis term). SCHUMER also shares a letter resh with the axis term. Unlike most matrices that I find, this one may be viewed as actionable. There are legal sensitivities to this subject - especially with respect to how this war will likely be fought (target list, financial planning, etc.). The matrix, like Figure 1, potential support for her among the Democrats as of Octobrt 30, 2019 should she change her mind and run for President in 2020, however it's not certain that if she wins the nomination she will also win the election. This matrix was found against odds of about 6,520,453 to 1 but be careful before betting the farm on this one. The Code may exist to facilitate Intelligence, but I see no evidence that its purpose is to aid gamblers (see the Las Vegas odds of Figure 1). However, as is indicated in the poll taken on October 27-30, 2019, clearly Michelle Obama would be the toughest candidate for the President to face in 2020.
Spreadsheet for Figure 2.
Figure 1 is not the only matrix with MICHELLE OBAMA as the axis term with PRESIDENT on it is the open text. See Figure 3 which is based on the 3rd lowest skip of the most common spelling for her name. However Figure 3 may hint at a horror that many people like Joan Rivers have gossiped about. If true such a president could easily be blackmailed. But there is a problem when looking at Michelle matrices that Hillary Clinton also faced. The fact that Michelle and Hillary are close to the word for President may only refer to the fact that each women was married to a president.
Figure 3 - There is some doubt about Obama's wife. Is her name really Michelle or is it Michael?
After conducting a homosexual marriage, comedian Joan Rivers made an accusation on TV that President Obama ia a homosexual, and Michelle Obama is transgender. Apparently the president on at least one occasion referred to his wife as Michael rather than Michelle. I didn't initially take any of this seriously, but I was asked by a reader to see of there was anything encoded about it. The request came with a link to a video that purports Michelle to really be a Michael, with emphasis on the length of the fingers, ratio of height (5'11") to head size, presence of an Adam's Apple, and ratio of head to shoulder size, plus an apparent bulge where a woman should not have one. A few pictures looked like they might have been photo-shopped. The link is at While it will take far more than the matrix below to prove this sort of thing, on Figure 3 MICHELLE OBAMA has her name directly crossed in the open text by THE MEN WHO WERE WITH HIM. At the same absolute skip as the name, but opposite direction, is HOMO. BARACK is at skip -1, and directly below it is PRESIDENT at skip +1. Odds against this matrix occurring by chance alone are about 36,804 to 1. The person who sent the request asked me to check on other key words including proportions, shoulders, fingers, Sasha and and Malia. Of these only Sasha came up at a special case skip near Michelle Obama, but the name of a daughter near that of a mother is not proof that the mother is, in fact, a man.
Figure 3 was found against odds of about 36,804 to 1.
Figure 4 - Michelle has a better match with ATOMIC HOLOCAUST, OBAMA and PRESIDENT than Barack does. The matrix must grow from 690 letters to 837 letters to show Barack. Figure 4, like Figure 3, also hints at homosexuality.
Figure 4 addresses the question of who will be responsible for an ATOMIC HOLOCAUST (which is the axis term) when it occurs. OBAMA is at the same skip as the axis term. Odds against it appearing at a special case skip were about 147 to 1. For a long time I have assumed that the matrix pertained to Barack, but to show his name the matrix must expand from 690 letters to 837 letters. MICHELLE is on the matrix at a special case skip (-1), but her name had a 20% chance to appear this way. The issue of Obama (or the Obamas) being gay also arises on this matrix with GAY/HOMO on the matrix at a special case skip against odds of about 6.25 to 1. Finally, PRESIDENT is in the open text against odds of about 7 to 1. Overall the matrix exists against odds of about 32,245 to 1. What does it tell us?
The odds of Obama being at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of Atomic Holocaust) were very low. This guy seems to almost always be encoded with trouble. He made no protest when on May 21, 2012 Newsweek magazine published his face with the phrase THE FIRST GAY PRESIDENT on their cover. If he is gay what does that say about his wife, Michelle? There are a lot of queer possibilties here including the one spoken of by Joan Rivers in July 2014. Rivers died on September 4, 2014. No Codes statistics should be used to prove that Michelle is not a woman. It's for our Intel Community that I target in my articles to do that. But just imagine the effect on the nation if Michelle is elected and our enemies know of such an identity before we do. The potential for blackmail is unlimited. Indeed, if Iran knew about it then it might be easier to understand why Barack was anxious to make a $151.7 billion deal with them that would guarantee them the bomb in exchange for their silence.
Below: Spreadsheet for Figure 4.