Encoding of SOCIALISM with TRUMP hints at Kamala Harris as the possible Democrat opponent to him in 2020. Posted on 2/8/2019.
In President Trump’s State of the Union Address on February 5, 2019 he said that, “America will never be a socialist country.” As such I sought transliterations SOCIALISM. Figures 1 and 2 show the 2nd lowest skip found. On both figures the simplest transliteration of TRUMP is in the same column as SOCIALISM. Socialism is based on taking from the rich and giving to the poor. Starting with the last letter of TRUMP (top line of Figures 1 and 2) is OPEN YOUR HAND UNTO HIM, AND YOU SHALL SURELY LEND HIM ENOUGH. Figure 1 has three socialist names on it - WARREN (at the absolute skip of SOCIALISM and TRUMP) BERNIE (Sanders), and HARRIS. During the speech the President gave Russia a warning about breaking missile treaties. On Figure 1 an ELS of WARNING shares a letter resh with RUSSIAN. On Figure 2 there are two key words at the same skip as TRUMP and SOCIALISM: WALL and KAMALA.
Figures 1 (above) and 2 (below) are based on the same transliteration and skip of axis term SOCIALISM. Figure 2 just shifts the focus of the text a bit to the right.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURES 1 AND 2. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, which is SOCIALISM at its second lowest skip in wrapped Torah. When I saw that a transliteration of TRUMP (granted, the simplest transliteration) was in the same column with SOCIALISM and at the same skip, I was quite surprised. A quick calculation showed the odds against one of the two 4-letter transliterations of Trump being in a 21-letter column with socialism were at least 1,814 to 1, and that's without considering the issue of conflicting letters. Of the 21 letters 8 are for SOCIALISM. TRUMP and SOCIALISM and only have one letter in common - mem.
Of particular note on the 945-letter Figure 1 is that Deuteronomy 15:8 shares a letter with TRUMP. The phrase is OPEN YOUR HAND UNTO HIM, AND YOU SHALL SURELY LEND HIM ENOUGH. While this phrase commands Jews to help the poor which is pretty close to what socialism is supposed to be about, I did not guess that the phrase would be there before starting the search. Therefore the terms were only found a posteriori and as such they are not included for significance on the probability calculation spreadsheet for either Figure 1 or Figure 2.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURES 1 AND 2. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, which is SOCIALISM at its second lowest skip in wrapped Torah. When I saw that a transliteration of TRUMP (granted, the simplest transliteration) was in the same column with SOCIALISM and at the same skip, I was quite surprised. A quick calulation showed the odds against one of the two 4-letter transliterations of Trump being in a 21-letter column with socialism were at least 1,814 to 1, and that's without considering the issue of conflicting letters. Of the 21 letters 8 are for SOCIALISM. TRUMP and SOCIALISM and only have one letter in common - mem.
Of particular note on the 945-letter Figure 1 is that Deuteronomy 15:8 shares a letter with TRUMP. The phrase is OPEN YOUR HAND UNTO HIM, AND YOU SHALL SURELY LEND HIM ENOUGH. While this phrase commands Jews to help the poor which is pretty close to what socialism is supposed to be about, I did not guess that the phrase would be there before starting the search. Therefore the terms were only found a posteriori and as such they are not included for significance on the probablity calculation spreadsheet for either Figure 1 or Figure 2.
The next question was which way to go when looking for a priori key words - right or left of the axis term? Figure 1 looks left while Figure 1 journeys to the right. Terms found on Figure 1 and that are not found on Figure 1 are WARREN, BERNIE, WARNING and RUSSIAN. The WARNING could refer to SOCIALISM or to RUSSIA. WARREN at a special case skip was most significant. Her name was found this way against odds of about 22 to 1. BERNIE was not significant. His name had a 99.2% chance to be at a non-special case skip. Nor was HARRIS significant on Figure 1 or 2. Her last name had virtually a 100% chance to be on either matrix. WARNING had about a 26% chance to be on Figure 1 and RUSSIAN had about a 75% chance to be there. TRUMP was found at a special case skip on Figure 1 against odds of about 81 to 1 and on Figure 2 against odds of about 72.8 to 1.
Going right from the axis term on Figure 2 gives us WALL and KAMALA - both at special case skips (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). The need for a border WALL is the top election issue. This 3-letter word was found at a special case skip against odds of about 3.9 to 1. However the most significant political name found other than Trump is here - KAMALA - found against odds of about 36.68 to 1. Overall Figure 2 was found against odds of about 5,239 to 1, while Figure 1 was only found against odds of about 4,459 to 1. So Figure 2, which takes us away from Pocahontas and Bernie Sanders and toward Kamala Harris is more significant. Democrats do not seem to understand political issues these days. Rather, they focus on race and gender. Kamala Harris was born to a Tamil Indian mother (from the nation of India) and a Jamaican father. That, her sex, and her extreme liberal beliefs makes her an ideal candidate for the Democrats in 2020. 'm not ready to predict that she will win the nomination yet because I haven't yet looked up all the candidates in the Codes, but my first guess is that Harris will be the candidate who will lose to Trump, likely with an electoral map similar to that of the 2016 election unless Trump is impeached. If he is, see my article about another Civil War.
A FEW WORDS ABOUT KAMALA HARRIS AND THE 2020 ELECTION. There are several transliterations possible for this woman's name. They include:
Qof mem lamed hey (Used in Wikipedia) | Hey alef resh samach (Used in Wikipedia) |
Caf mem lamed hey | Hey alef resh sin |
Qof alef mem lamed hey | Hey resh samach |
Qof alef mem lamed alef | Hey resh sin |
Caf alef mem lamed hey |
Caf alef mem lamed alef |
In checking for two of the above combinations I found 19 hits for Qof mem lamed hey Hey alef resh sin and three more for Qof mem lamed hey Hey alef resh samech. There was no ELS seen for PRESIDENT in sequence with KAMALA HARRIS. The closest that I could put the office with the woman was with her name spelled Qof mem lamed hey Hey alef resh samech at skip -91,344 (ESL rank 11) and president (nun sin yud alef) at skip +1 in a matrix measuring 7 columns by 8 rows (56 letters). Odds against a match that close were about 7.32 to 1.
On October, 2018 Kamala tweeted, "Today I announced the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which would provide middle class and working families with a tax credit of up to $6,000 a year - or up to $500 a month - to help address the rising cost of living." Gee, Kamala, perhaps Californians need to address the high cost of living out there, but maybe they should start with the high state income tax and other high taxes. Here, in Florida, we have no state income tax and we do just fine. Our housing probably can be bought with less than a quarter for the cost of similar housing out there. For example, I live in Cape Canaveral, Florida. I have a small ocean view from my 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo which measures 1,663 square feet (under air) plus I have a one car garage. We have a great heated pool and all the amenities you could think of (including the best view in the nation of rocket lauches into space). I bought it four years ago for $250,000, but today it's worth about $320,000. By comparison, I just looked at a 1 bedroom 1 bath condo with a similar view in Monterey, CA. It only had 474 square feet, so my condo (not counting my garage) is 3.5 times bigger, but the California property is selling for $495,000 (just reduced by $54,000)... and they have no pool (or exciting rocket launches). Frankly, between the high cost of living out there and all the crazy regulations, it's amazing that anyone lives there anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love the scenery in the national parks, but I have no problem with paying income tax to fund our military to make it strong again and to provide for other essential needs .
In response to Kamala's tweet, Travis Allen tweeted, "SOCIALISM IN CALIFORNIA: Democrat Senator @KamalaHarris has a new plan to give away YOUR tax money: up to $6,000 for everyone, whether you work or not. With unemployment at its lowest level in decades why do the @TheDemocrats want people on welfare?" …
Bottom line - our President is right to worry about the threat of Socialism. It has failed in every nation where it's been tried, including most recently in Venezuela where it brought about mass starvation. The CBS News poll after the President's State of the Union Address found that 76 percent of Americans who watched the State of the Union approved of Trump’s performance, and 24 percent disapproved. The media makes excuses, but if nothing else the poll shows us that not every in the country has lost sight of financial reality, nor are we all baby killers. Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, and Sherrod Brown all cosponsored the Women’s Health Protection Act, federal legislation that would override state restrictions on third-trimester abortions.