Call for Excommunication of Justices Ginsburg, Kagan, & Breyer
These three justices increase right wing hatred for all Jews, and they do so while negating the value of the Torah. Updated on 7/13/2015
In the Bible the world reads this about the Jewish people:
Moses ascended to God, and HaShem call him to him from the mountain, saying, “So shall you say to the House of Jacob and relate to the Children of Israel. You have seen what I did to Egypt, and that I have borne you on the wings of eagles and brought you to me. And now, if you hearken well to me and observe My Covenant, you shall be to Me the most beloved treasure of all people, for Mine is the entire world. You shall be to be a kingdom of ministers, and a holy nation. (Exodus 19:3 to 6)
It also reads this:
You shall not lie with a man as one with a woman, it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
Figure 1 above. ELENA KAGAN encoded with HOMO/GAY at skip -1 and EXCOMMUNICATION IN ISRAEL at skip +1.
Figure 2 above. GINSBURG encoded with GAY at the same absolute skip as her name (but opposite direction) and EXCOMMUNICATION directly crossing her name. The Hebrew word for GAY is a transliteration HOMO.
So long as Jews follow God's Law, Gentiles can understand the reason for why the Jews were selected to be the Chosen People. But when non-Jews see Jewish Supreme Court justices make abomination the law for all Americans, the reason becomes less clear. As such there is a need for Orthodox rabbis to make a distinction between what is Jewish behavior and what is not. This can best be accomplished by excommunicating the Justices who have made a mockery of the reliefs of the Ten Commandments that adorn the Supreme Court. On July 7, 2015 I published a comment in the Jerusalem Post in which I called for such excommunication. If the link given here stops working, the comment is given here:
A simplistic response is that technically a Jew is someone born to a Jewish mother. However violation of some of the 613 commandments involve a death sentence even if in fact we don't carry out such executions today. What is easier to carry out is an excommunication, although it is rarely done. The Talmud lists 24 reasons for excommunication. One of them is luring a person to sin. And here is where the Orthodox rabbinate in Israel (and the United States) need to act. A person might be Reform because they are uneducated, or raised improperly. However we have three Jews in the United States who truly merit excommunication if our entire Jewish population is not to be judged as sinners. I refer to the 3 Jewish U.S. Supreme Court Justices who all voted in favor of homosexual marriage. Clearly this leads many to sin. Gay marriage passed by a vote of 5 to 4. The 6 justices who are not Jewish are all Christian (Catholic). So the Christian vote on the Court was 4 to 2 AGAINST gay marriage while the "Jewish" vote was 3 to 0 IN FAVOR of Gay marriage. Thus what is perceived as a Jewish vote in a country where Jews are only 2% of the population became the Law of the Land, and yet Torah makes clear that G-d destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for such behavior. The Court's ruling makes it appear that Jews totally reject Torah. The only way to make a clear statement that this is not the case is to excommunicate Justices Ginsburg, Breyer and Kagan.
The Hebrew word for GAY is short (only 4 letters) and is therefore normally a high frequency, low significance term in the Torah Code. The word for EXCOMMUNICATION (pronounced herem) at 3 letters is even shorter. Therefore in this experiment restrictions are placed on both terms. The restrictions are that these words are only shown if they are found at special case skips of +1 (best case scenario), -1, or the absolute skip of the axis term (here the name of the judge on each matrix). When a term is found at skip +1 the frequency of the term at skip +1 is the frequency used in the probability calculation on the spreadsheets. GAY occurs only 3 times in Torah at skip +1, while EXCOMMUNICATION occurs 31 times at skip +1. When a term occurs at another special case skip I used the frequencies at skip +/- 1 and the absolute skip of the axis term.
THE TWO GREATEST SINNERS - KAGAN AND GINSBURG. Both Elena Ginsburg and Ruth Bader Ginsburg had performed homosexual marriages BEFORE ruling in favor of gay marriage. As such they probably should have recused themselves from the case as they were never open to a fair hearing. Of note with respect to these ladies is that the matrices linking them to homosexuality and excommunication are more significant than that linking Stephen Breyer to these topics. This is because although the Breyer matrix was the smallest, it was based on the 7th lowest skip of the name (S. BREYER) while the ELENA KAGAN and GINSBURG matrices were each based on the lowest skip of their names. When calculating odds I divide the initial significance of combined terms by the ELS Rank (1 for Elena Kagan and Ginsburg vs. 7 for S. Breyer).
On Figure 1 the axis term is a transliteration of ELENA KAGAN at skip -29,899 (in wrapped Torah, where CodeFinder software makes more than one pass through the 304,805 letters of Torah). GAY is at skip -1 two rows under her name and the phrase EXCOMMUNICATION IN ISRAEL is at skip +1 on the bottom line. Figure 1 has an area of 240 letters (16 rows by 15 columns). GAY is found 69 times at skips +/- 1 and +/- 29,899. As such, it had about 1 chance in 19.18 to be on the matrix. EXCOMMUNICATION occurs 31 times at skip +1 in Torah. Therefore it had about 1 chance in 41.47 to be on the matrix. No added value was assigned for IN ISRAEL because (although I am asking rabbis in Israel to perform the excommunications) this extension of EXCOMMUNICATION was not sought a priori. Overall, Figure 1 was found against odds of about 795 to 1.
Kagan was rebellious against Jewish law when she was only 13 years old. Wikipedia states:
Kagan was independent and strong-willed in her youth and, according to a former law partner, clashed with her Orthodox rabbi over aspects of her bat mitzvah.[7] "She had strong opinions about what a bat mitzvah should be like, which didn't parallel the wishes of the rabbi," said her former colleague. "But they finally worked it out. She negotiated with the rabbi and came to a conclusion that satisfied everybody." Kagan's rabbi, Shlomo Riskin, had never performed a ritual bat mitzvah before.[8] "Elena Kagan felt very strongly that there should be ritual bat mitzvah in the synagogue, no less important than the ritual bar mitzvah. This was really the first formal bat mitzvah we had," said Riskin. Kagan asked to read from the Torah on a Saturday morning but ultimately read on a Friday night, May 18, 1973, from the Book of Ruth.[8] Today, she identifies with Conservative Judaism.[8]
I was raised in a Conservative Jewish home. Almost no attenton was paid to Jewish Law. No Sabbaths were ever observed. Pork was often in the dinner table, especially when we had Chinese food. My bar mitzvah in 1960 was merely a social event. I remember telling our guests, "I want to thank you all for coming and for all the money you're going to give me." I really didn't learn what it meant to follow Torah until about 1980. So when I read that Kagan moved from the Orthodox wing of Judaism to Conservative that means that she basically rejected Judaism. Conservative (and Reform) rabbis perform homosexual marriages (Orthodox do not), and no Conservative or Reform rabbis are permitted to perform weddings (even of heterosexuals) in Israel that are accepted by the State. If you look at how Kagan is dressed on Figure 1 you notice that what serves as a tallis (prayer shawl) does not bear a Jewish Star (not that a normal tallis, generally worn by men only, has any star on on it). Rather, it has a cross on it.
On Figure 2 the axis term is a transliteration of GINSBURG at skip -140,794 (in wrapped Torah). EXCOMMUNICATION is at skip +1 and it goes directly through her name. The odds against EXCOMMUNICATION at skip +1 being in a 21-letter (3 column by 7 row) box with GINSBURG are about 468 to 1 (without addressing the issue of conflicting letters, which becomes a concern on a matrix this small). However the requirement in this experiment is to have both EXCOMMUNICATION and GAY on the matrix at special case skips with GINSBURG. This requires an area of 204 letters. On the full matrix the odds against EXCOMMUNICATION being somewhere at skip +1 were about 48.7 to 1 while the odds against GAY at a special case skip were about 22.47 to 1. Overall, Figure 2 was found against odds of about 1,094 to 1.
Spreadsheet showing the odds for Figure 2.
Breyer appeared to have reservations about what was right with respect to how to rule on gay marriage. Initially he said, “Suddenly you want nine people outside the ballot box to require states that don’t want to do it to change what marriage is to include gay people. Why cannot those states at least wait and see whether in fact doing so in the other states is or is not harmful to marriage?” But later in the argument Breyer indicated support for same-sex marriage as part of basic liberty. “Marriage is about as basic a right as there is,” he said.
Although Justice Breyer is listed as being Jewish, Wikipedia states that in 1967, he married the Hon. Joanna Freda Hare, a psychologist and member of the British aristocracy, as the youngest daughter of John Hare, 1st Viscount Blakenham. The Breyers have three adult children: Chloe, an Episcopal priest and author of The Close; Nell, and Michael. So at least one of Breyer's children are Christian. If Breyer's wife is not Jewish, then none of his children are Jewish (unless they converted in accordance with Orthodox Jewish law), in which case he may not really care about excommunication, but the message sent by excommunicating him would still be needed and powerful. Why?
In Judaism public perception is important. Let us say that a Chasidic Jew is driving across the country. Sooner or later he needs to stop and go to a bathroom. He has two choices. One is a Burger King, and the other is a Walmart. Does it matter which he selects? Yes. We say, "The eye sees." If he goes into Burger King, a non kosher restaurant, those who see him and recognize him as an Orthodox Jew may conclude that he eats unkosher food. Even worse would be if he is a well-known Orthodox rabbi. If recognized, they might conclude that he is a hypocrite. Burger King has one major purpose - selling food. The last time I was in Israel there were some kosher Burger Kings there, but so far as I know there are none in America. While there are some people who are smart enough to figure out that the rabbi was probably just using the bathroom, it would be better for him and all the Jewish people for him to choose Walmart. There he might go to buy fruits, toilet paper, stationary or anything else or he might go there just to use the bathroom. There is no question of sin if he goes there. And what if there is no choice but Burger King for 50 miles and he really has to go? Then it is permitted to enter, go directly to and from the bathroom, and continue on his way. The nature of the environment has bearing on the choice that he should make.
The three justices are well known to be Jewish, at least by birth. The eyes in this country and around the world see that they reject Torah. Muslims view the gay marriage decision as reason to mock Jews and America as a whole. Many Christians who believe that the Creator gave the Israel and the Torah to the Jews will think that with such conduct we deserve neither... unless they hear from those Jews who reject this sinful decision.
There are too many terrorist acts committed in the name of Islam. Each time another one happens we hear the same question on and in so many other places. Where are the moderate Muslims? Why are they silent? Does their silence mean that all Muslims are terrorists? That's how people think. The same logic pertains to Jews. I heard no criticism of the ruling by Jews in America. Nor did I read it in the Jerusalem Post or in HaAretz. I'm sure that I would have heard it if I lived in an orthodox area of New York, but I live in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Here I rarely meet Jews, but my neighbors know that I am an Orthodox Jew. They know that to share a meal with me, they have to eat in my home where the food is kosher. For sure they know how I feel about gay marriage, but too many gentiles don't, and as their anger grows, the threat against my people grows. Therefore I implore all Orthodox rabbis to join me and launch a campaign to excommunicate these sinners from our people. Help make our People a LIGHT UNTO THE NATIONS rather than a red light district for homosexuals.
Figure 3 - The best meeting of S.BREYER with HOMO and EXCOMMUNICATION at special case skips.
In this article I explain my calculations in greater depth than I normally do because I'm asking Orthodox rabbis, particularly in Israel, to take a drastic action. Most Orthodox rabbis are aware of the Code. Not all believe in it, and among those who do most lack the software to find what I find, and fewer still understand the math behind the statistics used to find or interpret matrices in proper fashion. And even for those who are skilled enough to master the math, there is no agreement as to whether my method or other methods such an Monte Carlo permutations or R factors are the best way to go. I discuss my statistical methods further at Statistics and at Skip Tables.
The act of excommunicating three U.S. Supreme Court judges should not be based on the Torah Code. Rather, it should be taken to shock Reform and Conservative Jews in America from their endorsement of abomination (or is that OBAMAination?), but perhaps even more importantly to show Christian Americans that Jews are all not a bunch of perverts who are bent on destroying all American/Judeo-Christian values. I say this because I often receive e-mails from Christians who are dumfounded by the lack of loyalty to Torah and Israel shown by so many liberal American Jews. They are utterly baffled by why 78% of Jews voted for Obama in 2008 and 69% of them stuck with him again in 2012 despite his blatant anti-Semtism and extreme hatred of Prime Minister Netanyahu.
To let the action of these three justices go unpunished is to promote the possibilty that there will be a revolutionary war (or worse) in which Christians will seek to destroy the people who their Bibles say are God's treasure, but who are all too often acting in a way that could bring destruction to all mankind. Think what the fate of the world would be if all men married only men and all women would marry only women. Humanity would cease to exist and the entire work of God's Creation would be destroyed. Do you think this fear is far from the truth? Look at the Gallup Poll on Figure 4 below. Between 1996 and 2015 the support for gay marriage in America rose from 27% to 55%. That figure reached close to 80% of young people who are getting married at later ages, if at all. As for my fear that gay marriage could lead to destruction of much of the world, read my article about gays and a world war. Iran wants to destroy both America and Israel. Obama not only gets Iran to hate America more because he has led the charge to gay marriage (homosexual acts are punishable in Iran by death), but he has also ensured that Iran will get the nuclear weapons necessary to do it unless Israel pre-empts such an attack by launching a nuclear strike first against Iran.
Figure 4 - Gallup Poll showing the growth in support of gay marriage in America.
The most famous Jew to be excommunicated was Baruch Spinoza. Is he encoded with this fate? Yes. On Figure 5 the axis term SPINOZA touches BARUCH in the open text. There are 2 appearances of the word for EXCOMMUNICATION at skip +1. Spinoza said that God did not give the Jews the Torah, and that we are not bound by its Laws. On Figure 5 in the open text is HE SPOKE PERVERSION AGAINST GOD. The open text discusses a death sentence for it. Spinoza died at the young age of 44. However, the statistical analysis of Figure 5 is a bit tricky and deserves an honest discussion. After studying the Torah Code for 18 years I think I understand how to read it, but when looking at a matrix like that on Figure 5 it's important to distinguish between how well I can predict what is proper to search for vs. what the Author actually chose to encode.
The statistics that I typically quote do not measure how clever the Author was because there is no guarantee that I was clever enough to guess what He did. By these standards Figure 5 is not as significant as it looks. My spreadsheets normally only show the value of a priori terms. The means I had to guess that they were there before starting the search. For Figure 5, there were two such terms: EXCOMMUNICATION at skip +1 and Spinoza's first name, BARUCH. As was mentioned earlier, EXCOMMUNICATION at skip +1 occurs 31 times in Torah. If SPINOZA was at its minimum skip in Torah, the odds against finding this term on the 344-letter matrix would be about 29.94 to 1. But here SPINOZA is only at its 16th lowest skip in Torah, therefore (at the end of the calculation) I will be forced to divide the combined significance of terms by 16. The 4-letter word BARUCH (blessed) shown here occurs 25 times in Torah at skip +1 (other spellings for BLESSED occurs in Torah, but they are not the first name of Spinoza). So, if this matrix was based on the lowest skip of SPINOZA then I would say I found the first name against odds of about 37 to 1, and both terms against odds of about 1,108 to 1. When we divide these odds by 16 we are left with a priori terms that are only found against odds of about 69.25 to 1 which is not very significant. HOWEVER, this figure only reflects my ability to predict very specific words on the matrix. In fact, the words HE SPOKE PERVERSION AGAINST GOD not only reflect exactly what the rabbis believed about Spinoza, but what they should also conclude about those on the Supreme Court who voted in favor of gay marriage. As the second spreadsheet for Figure 5 shows, had I taken the time to remember these words of Torah, and then sought them a priori, I would have concluded that the matrix was found against odds of about 63,231 to 1. This is highly significant, and my belief is that it more accurately reflects the beauty of the matrix.
Figure 5 - Baruch Spinoza and the reason for his excommunication.
What do I want? I'm asking my readers to pass this article on to everyone they know who supports traditional marriage, but more specifically I am asking Orthodox rabbis (particularly in Israel) to give serious consideration to meeting in front of the U.S. Supreme or in Jerusalem where they will blow a shofar and publically excommunicate these three judges. Excommunication is not necessarily for life. They may want to consider a shorter period for Justice Breyer, but there should be no mercy shown to justices Kagan and Ginsburg unless they demonstrate remorse by resigning from the Court.
Earlier in this article I mentioned that there are 24 reasons given in Talmud for excommunication. Many of them are no longer in use. If they were there would be many of us who might merit it, even if for just a day. For purposes of education, the Jewish Encyclopedia lists the 24 reasons for excommunication below of which reasons 5 and 17 pertain to the three justices:
(1) Insulting a learned man, even after his death;
(2) Insulting a messenger of the court;
(3) Calling an Israelite "slave";
(4) Refusing to appear before the court at the appointed time;
(5) Dealing lightly with any of the rabbinic or Mosaic precepts;
(6) Refusing to abide by the decision of the court;
(7) Keeping in one's possession an animal or an object that may prove injurious to others, such as a savage dog or a broken ladder;
(8) Selling one's real estate to a non-Jew without assuming the responsibility for any injury that the non-Jew may cause his neighbors;
(9) Testifying against one's Jewish neighbor in a non-Jewish court, through which the Jew is involved in a loss of money to which he would not have been condemned by a Jewish court;
(10) Appropriation by a priest whose business is the selling of meat, of the priestly portions of all the animals for himself;
(11) Violating the second day of a holiday, even though its observance is only a custom ("minhag");
(12) Performing work on the afternoon of the day preceding Passover;
(13) Taking the name of God in vain;
(14) Causing others to profane the name of God ("ḥillul hashem");
(15) Causing others to eat holy meat outside of Jerusalem;
(16) Making calculations for the calendar, and establishing festivals accordingly, outside of Israel;
(17) Putting a stumbling-block in the way of the blind, that is to say, tempting one to sin;
(18) Preventing the community from performing some religious act;
(19) Selling forbidden ("ṭerefah") meat as permitted meat ("kasher"); (20) omission by a "shoḥeṭ." (ritual slaughterer) to show his knife to the rabbi for examination;
(21) Self-abuse;
(22) Engaging in business intercourse with one's divorced wife;
(23) Being made the subject of scandal (in the case of a rabbi);
(24) Excommunicating one unjustly (Maimonides, "Yad," Talmud Torah, vi. 14; Shulḥan 'Aruk, Yoreh De'ah, 334, 43).