Why does Iran consider America to be The Great Satan and call for America's death? Updated on 7/17/2015.
On Figure 1A WORLD WAR , the current Hebrew year (5775), and OBAMA are encoded at the same absolute skip. So is THE FOOL IRAN, although the transliteration of IRAN is not the most commonly used one. YOU SHALL SURELY DESTROY ALL THE PLACES in the open text crosses WORLD WAR. On the line below is I WILL SEND MY TERROR. Secretary of State KERRY (who worked hard to ensure that Iran will get the Bomb) has his name at skip +1. On the line above KERRY is THERE IS A HOMOSEXUAL, but it isn’t at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). However, in the open text on the matrix is FOR ADAM (MAN) THERE WAS NOT FOUND A HELPER FIT FOR HIM. This phrase in Genesis 2:2 refers to the idea that after Adam named all the animals, he didn't find one who could be his mate. Running through the letter vav in OBAMA is Genesis 2:3 which describes God taking a rib from Adam so He could create a woman (Eve) as Adam's partner. But Obama, who Newsweek magazine described as America’s first gay president, has pushed hard for gay marriage, and now that a perverted court has backed him, he's defiled the White House by bathing it in gay movement rainbow colors. In Iran gay behavior is a capital crime. American support for gay marriage provides incentive for Iran and Islam to want us dead. Note: I have an article here calling for Orthodox rabbis to excommunicate 3 "Jewish" justices who voted for gay marriage. 5775 doesn't necessarily imply that nuclear war will actually break out before the start of the next Hebrew year on the night of September 13, 2015. More likely, 5775 is year of the causes of the war - Obama agreeing to a nuclear deal allowing Iran 24 days move to nuclear material before inspectors can get there, and the legaization of gay marriage.
Figure 1A above includes reference to gay issues. On Figure 1B below with no emphasis on gay issues, there is a lot encoded at the absolute skip of the axis term (WORLD WAR).
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here WORLD WAR at its 11th lowest ELS in wrapped Torah. OBAMA is found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against initial odds of about 147 to 1. The Hebrew year (5775) of his deal with Iran and legalization of gay marriage is also at a special case skip against odds of about 25 to 1. The other terms on this matrix are not statistically (HOMO) significant or not used in the initial calculation because of spelling questions (IRAN should be alef yud resh alef nun rather than the transliteration shown here - alef yud resh nun). It is better to error on the side of caution for a first calculation which really measures not so much the quality of a matrix as it does my them off the first calculation. When I divide combined odds of a priori terms by 11 to account for ELS rank 11 of WORLD WAR at its 11th lowest skip, the matrix was found against odds of about 647 to 1. Now, as far as what the Lord intended for us, it's probably fair to include the story of the creation of Eve which crosses OBAMA. Here we should refer to the ever politically incorrect (but in this case spiritually enlightened) Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty who before being (temporarily thrown off the air) advised us that, "It seems like to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus. Phil says society is become too accepting of sin. He says, "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around ... they won't inherit the kingdom of God. It's not right." If we allow for reference to Eve's creation, the matrix is found against odds of about 18,780 to 1. As a side note, I never heard of Duck Dynasty until Phil advanced his argument on the issue of normal sex acts.
SATANIC OBAMA - THE MAN WHO WANTS WORLD WAR THREE. Iran thinks America is the Great Satan. While America was founded on Torah-derived Judeo-Christian values, it has strayed from them in electing a President whose values are Satanic. Figure 2 shows that SATANIC OBAMA is encoded with HOMO and SPIRITUALLY UNCLEAN.
Figure 2 - SATANIC OBAMA is encoded with HOMO and SPIRITUALLY UNCLEAN.
Iran has played the United States and has failed to meet the deadline for reaching a nuclear deal by June 30, 2015. This should not surprise anyone, but our Satanic President is only interested in reaching a deal that will ensure the destruction of America and Israel. An extension of one week was granted to Iran, but there's no reason to believe that Iran will accept anything short of the annihilation of America and Israel. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned that, should a deal fail, Tehran would rev up its nuclear work beyond any expectations or fears in the West. This kind of talk, which should be taken very seriously, is likely to lead a nuclear war. As Figure 3 will show, Israel's Prime Minister NETANYAHU (at skip +1) is also encoded with WORLD WAR. The word HOMO is at the same skip as WORLD WAR. Running through HOMO in the open text is a discussion about sperm and being spiritually unclean. ISRAEL is mentioned twice in the open text. The photo on Figure 3 shows gays in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is a mirror of secular liberal Jews in America. In Jerusalem, which is more Orthodox, gays are not so welcome. Secular, liberal Jews may bring a disaster to both nations. I was horrified to see how the U.S. Supreme Court voted on the issue of gay marriage. The Court is composed of six Catholics and three Jews. Gay marriage passed by a vote of 5 to 4. Most horrifying was the fact that all three Jews voted in favor of gay marriage. Although there is a relief of Moses and the Ten Commandments above the entrance to the Court, the three Jews there basically vomited on it by passing this law. Frankly, if the Court will not enforce Biblical morality, or at least protect those who want to follow it, it would be better to smash the relief as Moses did the Ten Commandments when he saw Jews worshipping the golden calf. This court is an abomination. Those who voted for gay marriage should be impeached. I would recommend replacing the liberals with Fundamental Christians or Orthodox Jews in the future.
Figure 3 - The link between Word War, Netanyahu, and the problem of homosexuality.
ON THE PERVERSION OF THE SUPREME COURT. There will, of course, be many people who will read this article and dismiss what I have to say as homophobia. And, in this world of political correctness that somehow makes me (and every other Orthodox Jew and Fundamental Christian) a racist. But this issue has nothing to do with races or racism. It only concerns what is right and what is wrong. The real problem is that in an ever more secular world that rejects religious laws of morality, people have no real moral compass. But what should that compass be and what does the Supreme Court offer? Not that shown in their frieze of Moses and the Ten Commandments on the northern side of the Court (see Figure 4 below).
Exodus 20:1-17 lists the Ten Commandments. The first five are entirely hidden by on the frieze. They state (1) worship only God, (2) worship no idols and (3) do not misuse God's name. (4) Keep the Sabbath holy and (5) honor one's parents. The tablet that is shown includes (6) Do not murder, (7) Do not commit adultery or (8) steal. Commandment (9) is do not bear false witness or]while (10) warns not to covet one's neighbor's possessions, servants or wife. But does the Court really offer us the secular Commandments? No, it fact it offers us the opposite. As is shown below, only parts of Commandments 6, 7 and 8 are shown, and in each case, what is critically missing, hidden behind the robe and beard of Moses is the word for No (thou shalt not). What is shown is simply Murder, Commit Adultery and Steal. Thus the frieze has no place on our Court. The Supreme Court has known this since at least 1997. That it has not corrected this situation is consistent with the fact that it ignores basic laws of morality. The Court has become as corrupt as the White House. Obviously there have been huge problems with the honesty of Congress. If Americans don't return to morality, as defined by God, it should not be surprised to see God turn to our enemies to punish us. Noteably, not only is there a corrupted relief of Moses and the Ten Commandments at the Supreme Court, but (over Muslim objections) there is also a relief of Mohammed complete with Koran and sword. Muslims object to the Mohammed image on two counts. First, it's against their religion to make any images of him, and second because the sword tends to emphasize the violent image of Islam. However, Mohammed did ask his followers to behead "infidels."
There is no image of Jesus at the Supreme Court. Christians claim that the New Testament shows that God is love (see 1 John 4:7-8 which states "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." But while the Jewish Bible is fully contained (though not always correctly translated) in the Christian Bible, the New Testament is not found in the Jewish Bible. The Bible that we read is full of threats against us if we rejected His Law, and our history is full of the fulfillment of those threats. And even for the Gentiles, Sodom and Gomorrah were not treated with Divine Love for practicing homosexuality. They were destroyed as was most of the world earlier in the Noachian Flood. God set His rainbow in the skies as promise that He would not again destroy us by a flood. Perhaps that's why homosexuals chose the rainbow as the symbol for their movement. They think they are immune from punishment. However, a close reading of Genesis 9:11 reveals only that God said "Never again will all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the Earth." There was no protection offered for fire (as with nuclear bombs). Curiously, on June 28, 2015 when homosexuals gathered in Taiwan to celebrate the gay marriage ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, hundreds were severly burned. The fire was shown on U.S. television news reports, but not the fact that those burned were largely or all homosexual. More than 500 were burned, over 400 were still hospitalized the next day, and over 200 were in serious condition with 8 suffering life-threatening injuries.
Figure 4 - The horribly edited Ten Commandments on the northern side of the U.S. Supreme Court, and a relief on the Court showung Mohammed.
ON HOMOPHOBIA. For most of my life there was little discussion about homosexuality, and the topic was rarely mentioned on television. But around the time that Bill Clinton became President that began to change rapidly. He pushed his “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy onto the military, and we were told that so long as a homosexual didn’t not advertise his homosexuality, he (or she) could stay in the military. Of course, if they did advertise that was cause for a courts martial. Back in 1988 I was on a month-long active duty stink at Coast Guard Pacific Area in Alameda, California. Because there was a BOQ (bachelor officer’s quarters) on base, I was forced to share a room with a Reserve lieutenant commander. His civilian job was as a flight attendant, and manners were homosexual. Although I made sure to be dressed when he was in the room, I was very uncomfortable with being forced to share a room with him. A few years later in Anchorage, Alaska he advertised himself as an officer looking for a homosexual tryst. He was arrested and thrown out of the Coast Guard. Officer’s quarters are roomier than enlisted quarters, but I know that it would be intolerable for most straight enlisted men to be forced to shower with homosexuals. And yet, under Obama, that is what they are now coerced to put up with. All troops must attend lectures about gay rights, but no gay troops are forced to attend lectures about straight military personnel. For heterosexual men the experience of finding a homosexual with an erection in their shower would be no more appreciated than what modest women would find to be forced to shower with men with erections that they did not seek or desire. Perhaps neither Bill Clinton nor Barack Hussein Obama cannot understand this simple fact because neither of them served in the military. During my 34 years of active and reserve service in the Navy and Coast Guard I encountered two additional officers who were homosexual and senior to me. One was a lieutenant when I was a lieutenant junior grade, the other was a lieutenant commander when I was a lieutenant. The first one groped me several times in the passageways of the USS Kitty Hawk. The second one propositioned me at the BOQ in Charleston, South Carolina. Without proof, the act of bringing charges against them was not a pleasant proposition.
In reality, homosexuals have all too often shown that heterosexuals have plenty of reasons to object to their behavior. There are a huge number of Catholic priests who sexually assault altar boys. The Vatican has consistently covered up such attacks, in large part because so many of its priests are homosexuals only interested in protecting their fellow priests rather than protecting the children who attend their churches. U.S. News and World Report wrote on July 29, 2013 that:
“The notion that many Catholic priests are quietly gay is not new. In the 2000 book "The Changing Face of the Priesthood," Rev. Donald B. Cozzens suggested that the priesthood was increasingly becoming a gay profession. Cozzens estimated that as much as 58 percent of priests were gay, and that percentages were even higher for younger priests. His numbers matched previous estimates by sociologists who put the numbers of gay priests between 10 and 60 percent.”
Wikipedia writes of Ireland, which just voted to allow homosexual marriage, that:
In Ireland, a report (see Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse) was made which covered six decades (from the 1950s) and noted "endemic" sexual abuse in Catholic boys' institutions, with church leaders aware of what was going on and government inspectors failing to "stop beatings, rapes and humiliation."[20] The commission's report on church abuse ran to five volumes. Police in the Irish Republic are examining if criminal charges can be brought over a damning report on child sex abuse at Catholic institutions.[21]
As this is so, the term homophobia as it is used now to humiliate parents who don't want to have homosexuals have access to their children is out of line. If we can't trust homosexual clergy, then which homosexuals can we trust? There are thousands of young male rapes that are done by homosexuals that are not priests, but perhaps equally as serious is the fact that Fundamental Christians and Orthodox Jews are all at risk of being attacked for simply being loyal to the teachings of our faiths. In fact, our family encountered this situation in Alameda, California in 2003 when our son was 11 years old and .entering 7th grade. The special school for gifted children there was the Alameda Community Learning Center (ACLC). We enrolled him, but were a little concerned when we did because of a large number of gay (rainbow) flags that were seen throughout the building. On his first day we warned him to not bring up the topic of gay rights, and to keep quiet if someone else brought it up. His social studies teacher almost immediately brought up the topic of gay marriage. But our son didn't keep quiet. Instead he said that he was an Orthodox Jew, and that such marriage was not permitted in the Torah. What happened? He was physically attacked (beat up) by many students. This went on for weeks. He had derogatory notes (Kick Me or Stop Homophobia) pinned to his clothes. The school did nothing to protect him. It pushed its gay agenda so strongly, with seminars on gay marriage, that we finally had to withdraw him. We were prepared to pay at least $1,200 per month for tuition at a private Jewish school in Oakland, but when we told them about our son's experience at ACLC he was denied entry because it turned out that the vice principal at the Jewish school was a lesbian. So eventually we were forced to enroll him in the worst public middle school in town. His grades were terrible, but after left Alameda he recovered enough to earn his B.S. in space physics by the age of 18, his Master's in physics by the age of 20, and he is now at the age of 22 about a year away from a PhD in solid state physics. Although his academic accomplishments were great after leaving Alameda, he continues to suffer from his experiences there. Straight parents do indeed have justification for fearing homosexuals and their agenda. Whether this country will eventually enter a Third World War because of Muslims who hate us for values like those espoused by Obama and the Supreme Court remains to be seen, but the constant Iranian chants of Death to America should not be ignored.
IS IT TOO LATE TO STOP OBAMA'S ATOMIC HOLOCAUST? The one week extension for nuclear negotiations ends on July 7, 2015. As I update this, it's already July 7 in Europe. The only agreement that has been announced is how fast the economic sanctions will be lifted IF there is a deal. There is no deal (yet at least) that will allow inspectors onto Iranian military facilities, and some Iranian military facilities are in fact nuclear facilities. Even if there is a deal reached, from what we have heard, it will still allow Iran to build nuclear bombs after a decade. This, of course, is unacceptable to Israel and it may mandate an Israeli nuclear attack against Iran. There is, of course, a very real probability that Iran has already secretly built one or more nuclear weapons without our knowledge. Further, as noted earlier, Iran has promised that if no deal is reached, their efforts will accelerate past our worst nightmare. As such, it seems likely that the Torah Codes match on Figure 5 below between ATOMIC HOLOCAUST and OBAMA (both at the same skip) will be fulfilled. I have shown most of this matrix before. What's new below is that on researching this article I see that HOMO is at the same absolute skip as ATOMIC HOLOCAUST and OBAMA. Odds against finding what is shown on Figure 5 were about 171,779 to 1.
The only real question is how bad the war will be. Will it be limited to the deaths of 70,000 Iranians when Israel attacks, or will Iran destroy the U.S. with a single nuclear blast that generates an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) 300 miles above Kansas?