Satanic President Continues Quest to Destroy the West. Posted 3/4/2015 (Purim, celebrating an ancient victory of Jews over Persians [Iranians] who wanted to exterminate them).
On March 3, 2015 Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke before a Joint Session of Congress for the third time. His full speech is here. However, Netanyahu’s presentation occurred under extremely tense circumstances. He was invited to speak by the Speak of the House, John Boehner, but without Boehner discussing the matter with President Obama. Boehner sensed what Figure 1 shows. There we see that ISRAEL ENEMY is encoded at the same skip as PRESIDENT and OBAMA against odds of about 7,260 to 1. These odds do not include the fact that AND YOU SHALL CALL HIS NAME ISHMAEL in the open text crosses OBAMA. Ishmael was the father of the Arabs, and Mohammed and Islam, so loved by the President. The reference to Ishmael was not included in the odds calculation because it was only found a posteriori. But as this article will show, Obama is not just the enemy of Israel. He is also the enemy of the United States, at a minimum a Trojan horse in the White House. Judaism doesn’t believe in an anti-Christ, but if we did, he would be it. He started his presidency by winning a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing at all other than being half black and hostile to Israel. There is an encoding of SATANIC OBAMA shown in Figure 6 at the end of this article. That’s an apt description of a man whose goal is also encoded at the same skip as his name – ATOMIC HOLOCAUST. Those who stand with Boehner and Netanyahu and against Obama and a nuclear armed Iran are on the right side of history, but Obama has done so much damage that he may have guaranteed atomic holocaust. Iran may already have the bomb.
Figure 1 above shows ISRAEL ENEMY, PRESIDENT and OBAMA at the same skip. Odds against this, as calculated on the spreadsheet below, are 7,260 to 1.
Many people in the hard right (and many in the more moderate right) think Obama was born in Kenya. I discuss this and present evidence to support this allegation elsewhere on my site at Obama Birth, but here I just checked to see if KENYA was on the matrix. It is. Figure 2 is fully discussed in my article here.The matrix was found against odds of about 22,039 to 1.
Figure 2 - The O'Reilley show discussed whether Obama is hostile to the West. This matrix was found after the show.
Figure 3 - ATOMIC IRAN, FROM OBAMA and JERUSALEM are all at the same absolute skip.
Figure 4 - ATOMIC HOLOCAUST and OBAMA are at the same skip. Whether the war occurs while Obama is President, or after he leaves office with Iran allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, an atomic holocaust will likely be caused by Obama, and not by accident.
FIGURE 5 - ANTISEMITIC OBAMA. After the attack against the Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Muslim terrorists attacked a kosher supermarket and killed four Jews. Other Jews were critically or seriously wounded for the simple “crime” of being Jewish.
Obama, whose father was Muslim, and whose Indonesian school registration indicates that he was registered as being Muslim, has repeatedly demonstrated his hated for Israel and for Jews. He refuses to recognize the term “Muslim terrorism.” Why didn’t Obama join world leaders to protest the anti-Semitic attack? Why didn’t he send the Vice President or Secretary of State? Why didn’t he permit Attorney General Eric Holder to attend although Holder was about a block away? The answer is both simple and encoded in Torah. On Figure 5 OBAMA is encoded at the same skip as ANTISEMITIC. What touches OBAMA in the open text is UNTO A DEAD BODY HE SHALL NOT COME. So he stayed away and kept others away from the memorial service at the Grand Synagogue in Paris. PARIS is a skip +1 on the matrix. It is followed by UNCLEAN, a word generally used for the dead. As is made clear in my full discussion about Figure 5 here, he, his Administration, and the State Department left no doubt about his hatred of Jews (and Israel) over the next month. This can have very dangerous consequences - not the least of which is leading Israel to launch a nuclear strike against Iran because the Israelis do not feel that Obama has their back on the issue of stopping Iran from getting the bomb and annihilating Israel as it seems to promise to do on a nearly daily basis. Odds against finding Figure 5 were about 171,119 to 1.