Time Machine, Hitler, Rotating Superconductors, Ezekiel, & His Wheels
An Examination of Technical and Religious Implications. This article is under construction on 2/1/2021. It may be combined with BIDEN, DEEP STATE & TIME which is also under construction.
This article was last updated in 2018. Since then I have encountered more evidence hinting at the possibility that signals can be sent back in time. There is reason to question whether such signals could have resulted in the thousands of Torah Codes matrices that I have published over the past 23 years, and whether such signals could be employed or are being used for Intelligence purposes. In fact, the more that I write about this subject, the more I find IP addresses visiting this site that trace to U.S. Military Intelligence, and to the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense (UK MoD). For now my purpose is to try to decode as much of Torah as possible to learn if there is a clear description of how information about our time came to be encoded in a document that is over 3,300 year old. Yes, we must not dismiss the idea that the Code Author is Who the Torah points to - God Himself, Who exists outside of time and Who is able to simultaneousy write about the past, present and future. But there are other possibilities that are technological. I have asked my son (who has a PhD in physics) to pursue possibilities related to faster than light particels called tachyons, wormholes, micro-wormholes, folded space, exotic energy, dark matter and dark energy. As I update this article I will draw from related articles that I have published since 2011. You can find a list of them at this link. I have a new Figure 1. What is shown as Figure 2 was the old Figure 1. The new Figure 1 will be followed by a discussion of a Fourth Reich that may be a more accurate term of what is often called the Deep State.
Figure 1 - HITLER attempted to build a TIME MACHINE. It was called DIE (the) GLOCKE (Bell). On Figure 1 TIME MACHINE is at the same absolute skip as HITLER with REICH intercepting TIME MACHINE.
Figure 2 below - TIME MACHINE is encoded with TACHYON, the (Higgs) BOSON, THE END OF DAYS and the 600 years that Noah lived when the flood was upon the Earth.
Figure 3 above - Ezekiel saw wheels and fire coming out of heaven. But what need does God have for hardware like that which the prophet described? This story has disturbing aspects that sound more technological than spiritual.
Figure 2 above was mostly, but not entirely seen in the early versions of this matrix which featuredTIME MACHINE as the axis term at its lowest skip (in wrapped Torah). The find of TACHYON touching BOSON is of interest. I have often written about tachyons, which are hypothetical and which, if they exist, are faster than light and would travel back in time. When I wrote about Bosons in 2011 in relation to this ELS of TIME MACHINE, I stated the following:
Perhaps we are looking at a hint that the Higgs Boson is either at the root cause of the need to invent or perfect time travel, or it might be an energy source to power it.
While an article by Ian O'Neill goes on to dispute time travel via the LHC supercollider because of the size of the wormhole it might create, it states, "However, Prof Irina Aref'eva and Dr Igor Volovich, mathematical physicists at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow believe the energies generated by the subatomic collisions in the LHC may be powerful enough to rip space-time itself, spawning wormholes. A wormhole not only has the ability to take a shortcut between two positions in space, it can also take a shortcut between two positions in time. So, the LHC could be the first ever "time machine", providing future time travelers with a documented time and place where a wormhole "opened up" into our time-line. This year (2011) could therefore be "Year Zero", the base year by which time travel is limited to.
The article states that, "the likelihood of a person passing through time is slim-to-impossible when the dimensions of a possible wormhole will be at the sub-atomic level at best and it would only be open for a brief moment." However, it would not be necessary to transport an entire person. It would only be necessary to transmit a signal that would get the job done.
As is noted above, the Higgs Boson was apparently indeed found (on July 4, 2012) the year after I wrote the material above. This took some wind out of my son's sails. He was awarded a fellowship at C.E.R.N. in 2013, but by then the most exciting research on the Boson was apparently over, so he shifted to a different specialty for his Masters and PhD. However, while he is now working in the field of nuclear physics, I have a suspicion that he will eventually make big contributions to theoretical and/or experimental physics. It is important to understand that unless an alien-derived time machine or wormhole was in place when Moses wrote the Torah, supposedly after it was dictated to him by God, it does not look like anyone in our Government could have sent signals back to a time before July 4, 2012. I had an unusual incident with a Government agent on August 1, 2016 that made me wonder if a signal (or a person - the agent) had been transmitted to that time, but while that incident appears to be strongly encoded and described elsewhere on this site, I may be over enthusiastic about what transpired then.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. This is the second lowest ELS of TIME MACHINE. The search was initially for any matches between TIME MACHINE and HITLER at the same absolute skip (HITLER never occurs at skip +/- 1 in Torah). Two spellings were used for HITLER, one with a tet for the T, the other with a tav. Tav is more common but the frequency for both is used. One of them was found against odds of about 123.4 to 1. If nothing else was found in an a priori matter I would cut the significance in half due to ELS rank 2 of the axis term. So n this case the match would have been found against odds of about 61.7 to 1. However, because other terms were found on the matrix, the division by 2 is taken at the end of the calculation for combined odds. The match with REICH coming into TIME MACHINE is interesting, but if I calculate the odds of finding it on a 620-letter matrix it's over 98% (not significant). But the match actually requires only 32 letters. Odds against them being this close are about 92 to 1. The matrix is thus judged to be significant. There is a three-letter transliteration of GLOCKE on it. This is what many authors including Nick Cook think was Hitler's time machine, but it's not at a special case skip. It was found against odds of about 7.5 to 1. UFO is at skip -1. FOURTH is at skip +1. It's not touching REICH, but the FOURTH REICH is what I think resulted from Hitler surviving World War II when he escaped to Argentina on U-944, and when America brought about 1,600 top Nazi scientists (including Wernher Von Braun who built the Saturn V Apollo Moon Rocket) to America on Operation Paperclip. These people worked their way up in the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about on January 17, 1960. In short, with UFO help hinted at on the matrix, they took over control of our Government. Eisenhower was not the only one warning us. The Encoder did likewise. Figure 1 was found against odds of at least 4,148 to 1.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 2. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the lowest ELS of TIME MACHINE in wrapped or unwrapped Torah. Two spellings of TACHYON were sought and one of them was found against odds of about 81 to 1. I also sought two spellings for BOSON, and found one of them against odds of about 6.35 to 1. Because people like Prof Irina Aref'eva and Dr Igor Volovich were talking about dire consequences like ripping up space-time itself if C.E.R.N. was not stopped, I looked for IN THE END OF DAYS and found it in the open text on the matrix against odds of about 403 to 1. The link of The End of Days with a cataclysmic event like the Global Flood may be a warning that time machine technology can be very dangerous indeed. Perhaps this is why the Nazis at the end of World War II executed 62 scientists that Cook alleges were involved in such research. All of these odds are based on the right 189 letters (21 columns) of the matrix. This matrix was found against odds of about 208,229 to 1. But the matrix has 33 columns with 337 letters. So what else (that was not found in an a priori manner) was found? Reference to Noah, who when the Flood began, was 600 years old. Obviously people don't live that long now. We would need a time machine to see how the world would change over such a period of time. But I can't count this verse for purpose of computing odds because I didn't guess before reading it that it would be there. Again, my method of computing odds doesn't measure how fantastic a matrix is. It only measure how accurate I was in guessing what terms would be there.
This section discusses the prophet Ezekiel's UFO-like vision (the Merkabah), time travel theory and related technology, and time travel in the Torah Code. Nick Cook's book, THE HUNT FOR ZERO POINT serves as a starting point in the discussion below. Nick was Aviation Editor of Jane’s Defense Weekly until 1991. Ezekiel's first Heavenly Throne/Chariot (Merkabah) vision is also noted. Some national symbolism based on Ezekiel's vision is shown on Figure 4. The Merkabah is considered to be perhaps the most esoteric part of the Jewish Bible. Nowhere is there such a heavy infusion of mechanics associated with the Almighty (Israeli tanks are named after the Merkabah). Many television shows (like the old Project U.F.O - Blue Book series) have asserted that it represents an alien spaceship, who whether to serve God, or for altruistic (or even their own purposes), interfered in our religious and/or social development. Cook's book indicates that from at least the 1940s in Germany, and on, there have been efforts made to alter space-time. Such efforts could lead to a time machine, as Cook asserts at page 229. And it is with regard to this attempt, and the overlap of national symbols with animal faces seen with the Merkabah, that a rough attempt is made below to link nations exploring such technology with Ezekiel's vision. After exploring these links, I will offer more classical religious explanations of Ezekiel's text.
WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS - EZEKIEL AND GRAVITICS. The updated picture of the Onion Drive (in the middle of Figure 3 above) was provided by Paul Potter. Note the torsion field. As will be discussed further below in conjunction The Hunt for Zero Point, torsion fields have been associated with research pertaining to time travel.
Before starting, let me state that I am a modern Orthodox Jew. This means that I frame my beliefs primarily from within the first 5 book of the Bible, known as the Torah. I try my best to learn the interpretations of Torah Law through study of the Oral Torah, or Talmud. Much of that is based upon the prophets (Hebrew: navim) and writings (Hebrew: ketuvim) of what Christians refer to as the Old Testament – what, with Torah, is called the Tenach by my fellow Jews. I do not accept the New Testament as sacred scripture, but as someone who has written extensively about comparative religion, I am intimately familiar with that text.
The book of Ezekiel is part of the Tenach, and as such, part of my normally accepted Scripture. But, after teaching science for 30 years, and after having done some fairly intense UFO research, with one personal UFO experience on my 10th birthday, and many interviews of people in a position to know more about the truth than I can safely publish, I initially found that there are two important places to start to search for the truth – THE HUNT FOR ZERO POINT (first published in 2001), and the Book of Ezekiel written around 592-593 BCE in accordance with the (Jewish) commentary on Ezekiel published by Rabbi Dr. S. Fisch of the Soncino Press. His commentaries will be my initial source of religious exposition. I may add to it later from the Talmud. Now, a decade after I first praised Nick Cook (who is attacked by Wikipedia) I find that a great (perhaps best) source of UFO information can by found in the works of Dr. Michael E. Salla. I have read five of Salla's books as of January 31, 2021. They are:
Kennedy's Last Stand: Eisenhower, UFOs, MJ-12 & JFK's Assassination (2013)
The U.S. Navy's Secret Space Program & Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance - Book Two of the Secret Space Program Series (2017)
Antarctica's Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs - Book Three of the Secret Space Program Series (2018)
The U.S. Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances and Space Force - Book Four of the Secret Space Program Series (2019)
Rise of the Red Dragon - Origins & Threat of China's Secret Space Program - Book Five of the Secret Space Program Series (es2020). I am currently reading a book (Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries) by William Tompkins who is a key source for Salla's works. Tompkins admits to writing problems up front in his first book which is why he needed Salla's skills to get the full story out in a more palatable manner. Still, I would like to have seen more sources in Salla's books, but a lot of what he writes is based on DOD leaks (as with his descriptions and photos of TR-3Bs operating out of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa).
There are two key elements of Ezekiel that immediately leap out from the rest of the Tenach. First – nowhere else in Tenach do we see such a bold and detailed, highly mechanical description of the Divine Throne-Chariot (Ma’aseh Merkabah). Second, although the Soncino speaks of a mere anthropomorphism, on the surface at least at Ezekiel's verse 1:26 we have, in apparent contradiction to the second of the Ten Commandments, upon the likeness of the throne was a likeness of a man upon it above.
This section of the Bible, for a Jew, is like playing with the fire that it describes. But to understand it Fisch (xi), in citing Moses Maimonides (1120-1190 CE) and his book The Guide For the Perplexed, denotes the importance of natural science in conjunction with Ma’aseh Merkabah metaphysics.
Figure 4 - Faces seen on the Merkabah found their way onto national symbols and flags.
Sections of THE HUNT FOR ZERO POINT by Nick Cook that pertain to Time Travel
On pages 228-229 Nick Cook discusses what was said by a secret source (pseudonym Dr. Dan Markus) in reference to German experiments at the Wencelas Mine at Ludwigsdorg, Poland in World War II which was investigated by Cook. Markus claims the Nazis executed 62 scientists from there at the close of the war.
Markus: I know what they (the Germans) were trying to do… I know what the Bell was really about.”
Cook: OK, go ahead, I’m listening.
Markus: “They were trying to generate a torsion field.”
Cook: “What is a torsion field?”
Markus: “Laternentrager means ‘lantern holder.’ But it’s the second code name that’s the giveaway. Chronos. You know what that means, don’t you?”
Cook: “Yes, Dan, I know what it means. What is a torsion field? What does it do?”
Markus: “If you generate a torsion field of sufficient magnitude the theory says you can bend the four dimensions of space around the generator. The more torsion you generate, the more space you perturb.” He paused momentarily, long enough for me to make the connection. “When you bend space, you also bend time.”
Chronos. The third experiment in NASA’s BPP (Breakthough Physics Propulsion) study and the one that Puthoff had predicted would be the first to yield a result.
Markus: “Now, do you understand what they were trying to do?”
I said nothing. It was Markus who closed the loop.
Markus: “They were trying to build a f*cking time machine.
As the link for John Hutchison indicates, there is a world of controversy surrounding John Hutchison and the so-called Hutchison Effect. There are plenty of critiques of Hutchson out there including some on the previous link that suggest the Hutchison Effect is a hoax, but where the quest for truth by me got personal for me is with some of the names used in the first link. Two names in particular pop out - one is Colonel John Alexander, and the other is Hans Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein. Both are close friends of my friend, Commander C. B. Scott Jones, who is a member of a group known as The Aviary. Scott first contacted me in 2007 after he saw me on the History Channel (see 2:59 to 3:50 of Part 3 where I discuss ideas about who wrote the Code and the possible alien authorship.) Colonel Alexander is also a member of the Aviary, and according to one writer, Robert J. Durant, in an article entitled Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?, Scott "often escorted Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, a very wealthy European with a long standing interest in the paranormal. Durant goes on to cite the personality magazine Special Report (November 1990-January 1991) which described the Prince as "Heir to the last segment of the Holy Roman Empire."
At pages 260-261 in Cook’s Zero Point book, he states in 1979 (until 1986) Hutchison first began to levitate objects, and that he went into partnership with a South African Company, Pharos Technologies, to promote the Hutchison Effect. Only small amounts of power (400 to 4,000 watts) via a 110 AC wall socket, could be used to raise weights of up to 100 pounds (various compositions) up 80 feet from his equipment. Nothing would happen 90% of the time, but sometimes there were weird erratic results which included making objects shred, tear apart, evaporate, or transmute (change composition). The effects were so erratic, that there was an effort made to sell it to the Pentagon simply as a disruption system.
This is one place where the Aviary becomes involved. Col John B. Alexander of the U.S. Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) moved Hutchison’s lab to a large empty warehouse in North Vancouver. Others involved were from the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Office of Naval Intelligence. Alexander provided a molybdenum rod (sag temperature 3,700o C) and the Effects had bent it into an S shape. Further, high-carbon steel was “shredded at one end and transmuted into lead at the other.” PVC plastic disappeared, and wood became embedded in the middle of a piece of aluminum. Many items were levitated, and at one point the lab appeared to draw electricity from an unknown source (zero point energy or another dimension?) as the known power was off at the time.
Jack Houck of the McDonnell Douglas aerospace corporation spent two days evaluating the results, thought them to be real, but due to psychokinesis. It is at this point in Cook’s account (page 267), that we read Hutchison is claiming time dilation in his results – “pockets of altered space-time within the target area, and most extraordinary of all, the capacity of the Effect to turn metal ingots transparent.” They were “visible in outline yet totally see-through.”
Boeing partly funded related experiments in the late 1980s, but the Canadian government confiscated Hutchison’s equipment in 1989, declaring that it was an environmental hazard – this after pressure from the U.S. As for Col Alexander, he told Nick Cook of the Effect, “Oh, it's real…the trouble is, sometimes it works and sometimes, it doesn’t. But four out of five of us came away believing.”
With respect to the equipment used by John Hutchison, the following items are listed on page 265 of The Hunt For Zero Point:
- Large Tesla Coil containing the uranium source, a donut-shaped metal coil on top
- Diagonally across the room, on the other side of the target area, a powerful Van de Graf generator capable of producing a 250,000-volt DC static charge
- A 3.5 foot double-ended Tesla coil, known as the “dumbbell”
- Between the above three items, smaller devices, all connected to each other by multiple wire and cabling.
- Tuning capacitors, high-voltage transmission caps, RF coils and a spark cap that would snap about every 40 seconds sending a large shock wave through the building.
Cook writes that “in the flickering light of the monitoring screens members of the team would see their shadows moving on the edge of their vision. Several said it made them feel like there were people there, watching them,” a possible reference to people in a very nearby parallel dimension. If there was such a link being opened, it might explain why the experiment continued even when the known power (in this universe) was disrupted. It was being delivered by a source on the other side.
Notably absent in Cook's description above is any reference to rotating superconductors and ceramics such as will be discussed below under Eugene Podkletnov where we find that weight loss occurs at 5,000 rpm (page 231), levitation at 15,000 - 20,000 rpm, and (nondescript) "interesting results" from 25,000 - 50,000 rpm (page 236). Professor In-Gann Chen has put out an excellent short video that includes footage of a rotating, levitating superconductor. Curiously (as is seen in the latest film version of H. G. Well's novel, THE TIME MACHINE) Hollywood has apparently caught on to this concept. Of note here, John Hutchison (discussed above), who worked on anti-gravity, later went into the science fiction film business.
There has been a distinct and interesting pattern that has developed in my exploration of the physics of antigravity and time travel. Dr. Scott Jones and Clark McClelland both contacted me in 2007 after they watched me on the History Channel. Both are/were into UFOs and Remote Viewing. Again, Scott is in the controversial group know as the Aviary. So is Col. John Alexander and Dr. Hal Puthoff. The Aviary is involved with UFOs and Remote Viewing. Col. Alexander is one of five U.S. Government officials who examined the work of John Hutchison in antigravity. Puthoff is a well respected scientist who works in the same field. When I contacted Scott about how I could learn more about the topic, as in really learn about it, he forwarded my request to Puthoff who recommended that I purchase a just-released 737-page textbook entitled Frontiers of Propulsion Science. On March 20, 2009 I began to study the text. I posted a few relevant comments on my page about Podkletnov. At about the same time it became clear that my then 16-year old son, David, would graduate from high school two years early, and enter the Physics program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Encouraged by Dr. Puthoff, Dr. Scott Jones, Clark McClelland and others with inside information about what was supposedly going on in the black budget world, David read and posted his first draft of a chapter by chapter review of Frontiers in Propulsion Science on his web site. His goal at Embry-Riddle was to gain the ability to properly analyze all the mathematical aspects of the claims out there about UFO propulsion and/or time travel. My wife and I moved with David to the Daytona Beach, Florida area not only to ease his way here, but also to study this field right along with him. As for Frontiers, on July 9, 2009, I posted a review of the book posted on Amazon.com. The biggest problem that David and I both had with the NASA Breakthrough Propulsion Program described in Frontiers was that it was allegedly backed by only 1.6 million dollars. David and I both thought that such a low figure, given potential benefit to the U.S. Government, was as ludicrous as Dr. Evil's initial request for funds in an Austin Powers film. In fairness to Frontiers, it is mentioned on page 699 that the NASA "BPP Project is "not the only government-funded effort to seek revolutionary advances. There is a larger NASA Institute of Advance Concepts (NIAC) and an even larger Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA has been around since 1958 (about the time that electrogravitics went dark according to Nick Cook). It has a budget two orders of magnitude greater than NIAC. DARPA received roughly $500,000,000 in 2007. Fast forward a decade now and the President's FY2019 budget request for DARPA is $3.44 billion. The FY2018 budget request was $3.17 billion.
Let's turn our attention back to what the Bible has to tell us about Ezekiel and his encounters.
- Now it came to pass in the 30th year, in the 4th month, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.
- In the 5th day of the month, which was the 5th year of king Jehoichin’s captivity,
- the word of the LORD came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the land of Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him.
- And I looked, and, behold a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud with a fire flashing up, so that a brightness was round about it; and out of the midst thereof as the color of electrum, out of the midst of the fire.
- And out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their likeness:
- And an every one of them had four faces, and every one of them had four wings.
- And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass.
- And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides; and as for the faces and the wings of them four,
- their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went ever one straight forward.
- And as for the likeness of their faces, they had the face of a man; and they four had the face of a lion on the right side; and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
- Thus were their faces; and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined to one another, and two covered their bodies.
- And they went every one straight forward; whither the spirit was to go, they went; they turned not when they went.
- As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like coals of fire, burning like the appearance of torches; it flashed up and down among the living creatures; and there was brightness to the fire, and out of the fire went for lightning.
- And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.
- Now, as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel at the bottom hard by the living creatures, at the four faces thereof.
- Thus the appearance of wheel and their work was like the color of a beryl; and they four had one likeness; and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel with a wheel.
- When they went, they went toward their four sides; they turned not as they went.
- As for their rings, they were high and they were dreadful; and they four had their rings full of eyes round about.
- And when the living creatures went, the wheels went hard by them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the bottom, the wheels were lifted up.
- Wherever the spirit was to go, as the spirit was to go there, so they went; and the wheels were lifted up beside them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
- When those went, these went, and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up beside them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.
- And over the heads of the living creatures there was the likeness of a firmament, like the color of terrible ice, stretched forth over their heads above.
- And under the firmament were their wings conformable the one to the other; this one of them had two which covered, and that one of them had two which covered, their bodies.
- And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of great waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a noise of tumult like the noise of a host; when they stood, they let down their wings.
- For, when there was a voice above the firmament that was over their heads, as they stood, they let down their wings.
- And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire * stone; and upon the likeness of the throne was a likeness of a man upon it above.
- And I saw as the color of electrum, as the appearance of fire round about enclosing it, from the appearance of his loins and upward; from the appearance of his loins and downward I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and there was brightness round about him.
- As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round above. This was the appearance of the glory of the LORD. And then I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spoke.
*Sapphire is discussed in my January, 2018 article titled Is God From the Future, and Does He Send Signals back in Time?
A matrix from that article is given below as Figure 5. In it the axis term is SIGNAL FROM FUTURE. The matrix below includes the partially redacted last name of the man who met me at the library in Cape Canaveral, Florida on August 1, 2016. He questioned me about matters in the book that I had just selected before I showed him the book. Joe apparently had followed me to the library. He knew a lot about my life, and my son's life. Unless his interests were coincidental, he seemed to know something about the near future for David. Joe's full name is encoded in association with the name of the author of the book that I selected that day when I visited the library for under five minutes. Frankly, he seemed to know ahead of time when I would visit the library and what I would select. He admitted to having worked in the past for Fort Huachuca, an Army Intel base that for about six years monitors everything I write every day.
Figure 5: Abraham once ran to greet three men who turned out to be angels. The man who met me at the Cape Canaveral library in 2016 did not run to meet me, nor did I run to meet him. But while I was inside for under 5 minutes, he positioned himself outside in a manner that stopped me from entering my car, and he seemed to have information about my family that related to our future. However, unlike angels, this man insisted that I know his name. Did he also know how I would find it encoded in Torah?
In Ezekiel Chapter 37 we read about a resurrection that is described in terms of a reversal of the Arrow of Time. The Arrow of Time and how to possibly reverse it is discussed in my article at this link.
EZEKIEL 37:1. The hand of the LORD was upon me, and the LORD carried me out in a spirit, and set me down in the midst of a valley, and it was full of dry bones;
EZEKIEL 37:2. and he caused me to pass by them round about, and, behold, there were very many in the open valley, and, lo, they were very dry
EZEKIEL 37:3. And He said to me: ‘Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, You know.’
EZEKIEL 37:4. Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy over these bones, and say to them: O you dry bones, hear the word of the LORD:
EZEKIEL 37:5. Thus says the LORD GOD unto these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.
EZEKIEL 37:6. And I will lay sinews on you, and you will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the LORD.’
EZEKIEL 37:7. So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and a commotion, and the bones came together, bone to its bone
EZEKIEL 37:8. And I beheld, and lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them.
EZEKIEL 37:9. Then He said to me: ‘Prophesy unto the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath: Thus says the LORD GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.’
EZEKIEL 37:10. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, and very great host.
EZEKIEL 37:11. Then He said to me: ‘Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say: Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are clean cut off.
EZEKIEL 37:12. Therefore prophesy, and say unto them: Thus says the LORD GOD: Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, my people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel.
EZEKIEL 37:13. And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and caused you to come up out of your graves, O my people.
EZEKIEL 37:14. And I will put my Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land; and you shall know that I the LORD have spoken, and performed it, says the LORD.
Figure 6 - A shadow on a sun dial would not reverse unless the Earth reversed its direction of rotation, or the direction of the Arrow of Time reversed. Here the axis term RETURN THE SHADOW is encoded with RESURRECTION, Isaiah, Hezekiah. It also touches THE NUMBER OF YEARS LIKE THE DAYS. The matrix seems to hint at a time reversal.
Figure 6 looked at reversing a shadow, which implies reversing the Arrow of Time. Figure 7 looks at the axis term, THE ARROW OF TIME. At the risk of repeating the sin of those who built the Tower of Babel as an attempt to look into Heaven, we want to know how to reverse the arrow of time (and the law of entropy), something that God may do at least temporarily to prove He is God at a Resurrection of the Dead. See Ezekiel's words on this again:
EZEKIEL 37:13. And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and caused you to come up out of your graves, O my people.
Anything short of that and people will just assume that there is a technological explanation for all miracles recorded in the Bible.
Figure 7 offers PAST in sequence with axis term THE ARROW OF TIME, FORWARD at the same skip as the axis term, but backwards, REVERSE and BEGINNING crossing and sharing a letter chet with PAST THE ARROW OF TIME and with HOLE which may refer to a massive black hole that existed in the BEGINNING just before the Big Bang. We have DARK at the same skip as FORWARD and at the same absolute skip as the axis term. It had about a 9% chance to be at a special case skip on the matrix. It might allude to dark energy, which is believed to drive the arrow of time forward, but it might also refer to dark matter. We don't yet understand either although they compose about 95% of our universe. As for the BEGINNING, the laws of physics as they existed or just before then are totally unknown. Some of the material that makes up dark matter may have an arrow of time that moves back in time. A more complete discusson of this matrix is found in my article entitled THE ARROW OF TIME- ALWAYS FORWARD? The matrix was found against odds of about 548,980 to 1.
Figure 7 is based on axis term THE ARROW OF TIME. There are intriguing hints here that it might be reversed, including the word PAST which runs into and is in direct sequence with THE ARROW OF TIME.
There was a time when the Vatican was the arch enemy of science. But today Rome has a very different attitude. It maintains astronomical observatories, backs evolution, and indicates that it’s OK to believe in aliens, and that they may not be guilty of original sin. When the Mars Society had its annual meeting in Boulder, Colorado in 2008, the Vatican had a representative speak there. They don’t want to be left with egg on their faces again as they were with their handling of Galileo. But does the Vatican also have an interest in time manipulation experiments? And if so, how, and why?
On August 24, 2009 I wrote that my best guess is that they have not participated in an experiment that has altered the past, but that they are watching all related time manipulation experiments with concern. I don’t think they have participated in any successful experiments – at least involving going back in time – simply because they could have eliminated opponents like Martin Luther or Mohammed if they could have toyed with the past. But imagine what would have happened if the Nazi use of the term “Jewish Physics” could have been extended from nuclear physics to time itself. This is kind of like the classic paradox of a time traveler who goes back in time and kills his own father before he himself was conceived. If an angry Jew were to go back in time to prevent the birth of Jesus (or Mohammed), what would happen to the Church or to Islam today? What about our entire history of religious wars, and the power structure of today’s world? Would it vanish, or would such an act merely set up a parallel world with an entirely different reality (see the cartoon on Figure 1)?
Jesus, Paul (who really invented Christianiy), Luther, and Mohammed were all born and played major roles in shaping our world (largely at the expense of the Jewish people). Therefore, on the surface, it appears that whatever Ezekiel saw, it was probably not due to the effects of time travel. But the Vatican is undoubtedly very aware of how such experimentation could affect its interests. Therefore it is likely to play a role (perhaps even a supervising role) when such experiments take place. This leaves the most likely explanations of Ezekiel’s vision to be the classic religious ones, or the results of a UFO encounter. The UFO possibility should not be dismissed. Something quite extraordinary was found in Roswell in 1947. I know because my uncle was apparently involved in back engineering it. Before he died at the age of 93, he gave me the list of scientists who worked with him on the project. That he was so involved was somewhat of a shock. That the list of engineers he gave me included not only those from friendly nations, but also from the U.S.S.R. and their Warsaw Pact partner Poland gave me reason to suspect that much of history is manufactured. The list of scientists is included on my article about Roswell. Look for the participants in the Proceedings of The Third International Conference on NonDestructive testing.
Dr. Ron Mallet is a physicist who thinks it's possible to send a signal into the past. But he says that if we build a time machine, we can only use it to go back to the time that the machine was created. To reach an earlier time, we must use a machine created earlier by an alien civilization. However, if we alter anything back then, we may only alter a parallel universe, not our own. This being the case, at best we may only observe what happened. It's much like reading a history book, or watching a video. Doing so doesn't alter the event being depicted, or at least, not in a way that affects us in this world up until the point that we report our results. But it can affect what happens after we make our report. For example, suppose a trip into the past revealed that Jesus actually survived the Cross. Would Christianity survive? Certainly not in its present form. Note that on page 696 of Frontiers in Propulsion Science, it is shown on Figure 5 that one of the investigations of the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Project was to Modify Spacetime.
If the list provided by my uncle really does identify all or most of the scientists who were back engineering UFOs in 1960, then we know that UFOs are real. It may be the case that angels in the Torah are really aliens. The word for them in Hebrew only means messengers. Speculation is often critical to getting innovative science done. I can probably read the Code better than anyone else on Earth, I know who back engineered what was found at Roswell, I have been approached by a government agent in a way that led me to believe he had information from the future, and I have a list of hundreds of U.S. and Russian Government IP addresses that follow everything I write (but many of the Russian addresses are actually associated with DOD's Fort Huachuca). And so I will continue to speculate until I am no longer around to do so, or until Uncle Sam decides to stop playing games and invite my son and I to explore reality from the inside. As for God, I look forward to Him proving that He is indeed God, preferably before I have to feel the pain of death. There are lots of people that I'd like to see Him raise from the dead. First on my list is my Uncle Eugene, who gave me the list that allowed me to understand what is real and what is not.
It is now ten years after I started to write this article. I revise it as necessary every few years, while I can. I did not understand the nature of the Fourth Reich threat until the summer of 2020, and now, in February, 2021, I understand that they played a huge role in taking down President Trump and the legitimate American Government with him. The horror of Hitler's playing with time is more apparent each day as Biden and major corporations remove more of our freedoms each day. It looks like our capital will be occupied for at least two months after the January 6, 2021 rebellion in the Capitol Building. I am tempted to move to Israel, but they are under lockdown due to COVID. I think know much about how the disease was planted here by a Nordic and by the Chinese, but the people needed to counter any of these problems have, as far as I know, not taken any acts to stop this madness. The longer they wait the stronger that our Chinese enemies will get. But can any of us reverse what is going on? That question is really at the root of my studies, and it's probably why Fort Huachuca is such a faithful reader.
I am a Jew. That means that like Abraham and Moses, if given the chance, I will argue with God Almighty over what I think He is doing that seems wrong. Likewise, I ask my associates in U.S. Intelligence to fix what has been killing our Government and nation since it was struck with a likely fatal blow on November 3, 2020. The ball is in your court, at least before Chinese troops can replace the National Guard sleeping in parking garages and the Capitol. May you use your power and wisdom well.