On November 10, 2014 President Obama visited China. As can be seen on Figure 1 he wore a Mao suit to match that of his Communist host. Vladimir Putin and others wore the same exact kind of suit. Based on everything that Obama has said, and written, as well as my belief that he has succeeded in turning the Democratic Party into a light version of the Communist Party, I was curious to see if a transliteration of the word COMMUNIST was encoded at the same skip as OBAMA. As is shown on Figures 1 and 2 below, it is. This Manchurian Candidate told former Russian President Mendenvev to tell Putin that he could be more flexible after the 2012 election. After the election Obama gave up our plans for missile defense in western Europe, and stood by weakly as Russia invaded Ukraine. He met with China’s leader on the same day as it was revealed that the Chinese Government has hacked into the U.S. Post Office to obtain the personal information of 800,000 U.S. postal workers. On Figure 2 the axis term is again a transliteration of COMMUNIST. A secondary transliteration of OBAMA is again at the same skip. Between the two terms is an ELS of CUBA. At skip +1 is APPEASEMENT. Also at an ELS is TO SURRENDER.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here COMMUNIST at its 6th lowest skip in wrapped Torah (Figure 1) and its 7th lowest skip in wrapped Torah (Figure 2). Figure 1 just shows COMMUNIST with its best match for OBAMA at the same absolute skip. If this match were at the lowest skip of COMMUNIST then it could be argued that it was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 513 to 1. However, the match was only found at the 6th lowest skip of COMMUNIST, therefore we divide the above odds by 6 and arrive at a final probability of about 0.01688, meaning that the matrix was found against odds of about 85 to 1. So it's moderately significant.
Figure 2 uses an alternate spelling of OBAMA, one that ends in an alef instead of the hey most often seen in the press. The basic match here required 168 letters rather than the 99 letters shown in Figure 1. When I use this alternate spelling I use the combined frequencies of both spellings to obtain probabilities, whereas when find the preferred spelling (as with Figure 1) I only use the frequency of the preferred spelling. Figure 2 was found with a requirement to find at least one other a priori key word at a special case skip. Here the word shown at skip +1 is APPEASEMENT. It was found on the 570-letter matrix against odds of about 178 to 1. TO SURRENDER was found at a non-special case skip against odds of about 5.7 to 1. CUBA was not statistically significant on the full matrix, having a 94.4% chance to be there. If we want to know what the chance would be that CUBA would be at an ELS just in the part of the 168-letter with COMMUNIST and OBAMA, it's about 6.7% which means that it was found there against odds of about 14.9 to 1. Overall, Figure 2 was found against odds of about 8,330 to 1.
ON A PERSONAL NOTE: Even a broken clock is right twice each day, but Obama isn't quite up to those standards. In his 6 years in office I've only seen him right once before - when he ordered the death of Osama bin Laden. However, I tend to support opening relations with Cuba. Eight men have been American presidents since the Castro family came into power. It's obvious that our policy of isolating Cuba hasn't resulted in the overthrow of communism there. The Soviet Union no longer exists, and while I think Obama is a (Muslim) communist, Russia and China are actually as or more capitalistic than the Democratic Party is.
That doesn't mean that I support them, however I have been to China twice on around the world trips (1990 and 2007), Russia once and Mongolia once (our family took the Trans Siberian Railway from Beijing to Moscow in 2007 - photos are found on my younger son's site here). However, while cruise ships sail from directly in front of my home here in Cape Canaveral, and while I have passed Cuba many times before while on Caribbean cruises, I've never been there. If a cruise left from here that doesn't leave on or arrive back on the Jewish Sabbath or involve tours on Saturday, I would probably take it because of my curiosity and the fact that I've been to almost every other port in the Caribbean (many times for a lot of them). True, the Chinese doped our family for 18 hours at the Jianguo hotel in Beijing in 1990 so they could search our room after I mocked the Communists on the other side of a mirror in my room (this was after I had a security briefing the at U.S. Embassy where I was told that state security ran the hotel and that it was all bugged). Our second trip to China was only troubled by the fact that it was hard to see much of anything because the air pollution was so bad (not a problem in Mongolia or China). The Chinese Army did search our compartment three times while we were stuck changing wheels at the bogey house at the border with Mongolia, but they were looking for people trying to escape that might have been hiding under our beds or in the overhead. Visa cost are too high in Russia ($160 per person for 6 days plus you must pay for an "invitation" to visit the country), but the Trans Siberian Railway is a bargain if you buy a ticket on-line directly from Russia. Warning: it was uncomfortable (even in first class) for the 6 days we were on it). We were forbidden from using the bathroom for three hours when the train entered Russia from Mongolia. However I couldn't recommend a trip to Russia unless they withdrew from Ukraine.
I would think that a trip to Cuba would be rather like a trip back into time (no American cars were allowed in after 1959). A trip there might make more Americans appreciate what we have here. A walking tour of Havana might be a good way to keep too much cash from being dumped there. I don't smoke, so I won't be buying any cigars. I just hope the port tax will not be unreasonable the way Russian visas are. Actually Cuba might be a nice place for Obama to retire/escape prosecution for his many unconstitutional acts.