Richard Robson is one of the more unusual people that I have met (so far only by phone). Jeff Savage, our common friend, asked him to contact me because of my interest in UFOs and their possible propulsion systems. His statement on UFO propulsion is included below after the discussion of the matrix and his basic story.
Rich is one of two people that I‘ve spoken to, both in 2010, who claim to have memories of having been on an alien spaceship (in fact, on more than one). My initial strong gut feeling was to just pocket his story and keep it for future reference. While I published the matrix on this page earlier in 2010 after hearing his story, the "future reference" thought about then may related to NASA's announcement on December 2, 2010 because the site where they found alien-like DNA is very close to where Rich claimed was the site of pick and drop off with the spacecraft. His alleged pick up site and its proximity to Lake Mono, California are shown on the map below the matrix shown on this page.
Richard’s story is (briefly) this: About 55 years ago, when he was 10 to 11, he, his crippled father, and his grandfather were willing passengers who were taken aboard a UFO. The initial ship, about 120 feet in diameter, and 80 feet high, took them to a mother ship that was about 5 miles long (just past Jupiter). There he encountered the following species: Nordics, Grays, Reptilians, Tall Humanoids (like the Nephilim of the Bible), and an inter-dimensional life form. Richard claims that he was being trained to navigate the craft until a Gray poked him in the back, and in response, he knocked the creature down. After that incident, his family was returned to their home, and all contact was severed. Robson states that his father could walk while aboard the craft, but not when he returned to Earth.
Although the story has no direct supporting evidence, we also discussed another topic that seems to pop up with great regularity in the UFO community – remote viewing. I have never seen anyone before succeed in describing my home who had not been here. However, Richard correctly described three items – a large palm tree (artificial) in my living room, an object that was like plaster in the form of a menorah (the support for a glass table in my living room) and three “shrunken heads," one looking like a chimpanzee. In fact, in my son’s room, there are souvenirs from the Philadelphia Museum of Natural History. They look like shrunken heads with three species present – modern man (homo sapiens), Neanderthal man, and homo erectus, who looked more like a chimp. Each head was about 2 inches high. The homo erectus skull is about 3 inches from front to back. So what were the key words found around RICHARD ROBSON? So what were the key words found around RICHARD ROBSON? Within 336 letters were GRAVITY, ALIEN, UFO, and VIEW. I sought GRAVITY because Rich has been involved with some research that touches on anti-gravity, and because the craft that he claims took him might manipulate gravity. I sought GRAVITY because Rich has been involved with some research that touches on anti-gravity, and because the craft that he claims took him might manipulate gravity. The term VIEW was sought because he claimed the ability to remotely view an area.
While I didn't originally see MY FATHER WAS CAPTURED on the line with UFO when I first published this matrix back in 2010, when I decided to discuss the Robson incident for a 2019 article I spotted it while looking for something about his father being taken. It's true that Robson claims that he, his father and grandfather drove from San Diego up to the pickup point (near Mono Lake where NASA had indicated there was alien-like DNA) with the intention of boarding the craft, but all descriptions of aliens seem to include telepathy, and so it's possible that what they thought was voluntary was not. The really significant part of Figure 8 only requires 8 rows by 11 columns (88 letters) where we find RICHARD ROBSON, MY FATHER WAS CAPTURED, and UFO. The phrase MY FATHER WAS CAPTURED is only found at skip +1 once in Torah. It was located in 88 letters with RICHARD ROBSON against odds of about 3,464 to 1, so it's an extraordinary match. There was about a 31.4% chance to find UFO in the same 88-letter box. Odds against all these terms being in the 88 letter box were about 11,007 to 1. I did not find the a priori terms Nordic, Gray, Reptilian, or Jupiter on the matrix.
So what do we really have here? A great story, and maybe an indication that a lot (but not all) of key words that can describe a person’s life are to be found at an ELS near the person’s name. One other note in passing. Mr. Robson reports that not all was peaceful on the mother ship. At one point, the craft went to the equivalent of battle stations. If he is right, not all life forms visiting our solar system are here to help us.
IN 2010 I wrote that "the Torah Code is not a proven tool that can be used as a polygraph. It is an unproven technique that still requires a major breakthrough to substantiate, something like an Ark find via the ELS maps, or consistent predictions that are (1) correct, and (2) unlikely to occur by chance." Now, as I update this article in 2019 I have begun to think it often can be used as a lie detector. There is enough of interest in the Code to keep me exploring it for nearly 22 years now. If nothing else, it brings me into contact with fascinating people like Rich.
Robson’ Claims About the Bell, the Onion Drive, and UFO Propulsion. The Bell (Die Glocke, codenamed Laternentrager and Chronos by the Germans, and described in Nick Cook’s Book, The Hunt for Zero Point), the Onion Drive, and UFO's and us all have drive systems that use a similar system to control them. The material used to create anti-gravity is similar but not the same with different drive concepts. What goes on is atoms are striped of their electrons and then spun in a confining field to force a secondary field to develop. That field is projected against a flat field (like a metal disk). The resulting field that is developed looks like a double ended onion, thus the name Onion Drive. Inside the Onion field nothing changes, but outside gravity and reality are pushed aside. By adjusting the onion's shape and field strength top to bottom the enclosed craft can maneuver. The onion projects it field far enough in front of it that viewed from behind the craft you would see what looks like a black hole with surrounding lines of energy swilling into it. When the system is under operation, energy is striped from the flat field to power the confining field. While the area above the confining field and within the onion field is livable, the area bellow the flat field is an energy sink near absolute zero. This is used to protect the crew from radiation and high energy particles. At power the bottom of the craft flies first when going sub light and beyond. The only problem with this system is if the field is switched off a concentration of protons will be created at the center of the onion. The resulting explosion (due to nuclear fusion) will be quite large. It could take out an area equal to several states. The 9 Axis Control SystemThis system is a series of three, 3-axis sensors. Each sensor can detect both positive and negative forces as well as end forces. It is like holding a pencil in the middle no mater how you move the pencil force will either add rotation or longitudinal energy to it. With this in mind the onion must keep these lines of force balanced to go trans-light in all 3 axes. Otherwise the ship will tear itself apart.