END OF ALL LIFE, ALL FLESH? (Updated 12/25/09)
The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. In that year, in the Hebrew calendar, December 21 falls on the 8th of Tevet. In the matrix above, END ALL LIFE is found in a 135-letter matrix with 8 TEVET and ALL FLESH. The reference to ALL FLESH is from the story of Noah at Genesis 8:17. Not found on the matrix, the year. The skip (ELS) of the axis term, END ALL LIFE, is very large (-63,022), and is not the minimum skip for the term. It is the second lowest ELS. A larger matrix is required to include the word Maya. Note: Despite the picture of a potential end via asteroid impact, no such mechanism is yet identified on the matrix for the future. The axis term (END ALL LIFE) may simply refer to the Noachian event that is on the matrix.
It is important to note that there is no year shown on this matrix; however in a 104-letter matrix with the axis term (END ALL LIFE) we can place the year 5770 or 5776 at skip -1. But such a placement does not include 8 TEVET. To include also 8 TEVET requires 210 letters. The 8th of Tevet in 5770 is today as I write (that is, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, 2009. The 8th of Tevet in 5776 will be from the evening of December 19th to the evening of December 20th, 2015. I expect today to pass without the end of all life, and 2012 to do so too. As for 2015, well, Hollywood needs to keep a disastrous date before the public eyes in order to sell tickets. But please keep this in mind, the 8th of Tevet only gained notoriety because the Mayan calendar ends on that day in 2012 (not 2009 or 2015). I could have searched for a year’s worth of other dates to match with the two new years just cited, but I just don't think it's worth the effort.
END ALL LIFE is the axis term, the first term sought. It has 8 letters in Hebrew, which seems to be the natural limit for most terms occurring at an ELS. It is my protocol to never assign significance to the first term. It is either found, or not found. If not found, the search stops there. If found, only terms named before the next search (a priori terms) are used to calculate significance. Here the only such term found is 8 TEVET. The odds that it would be in this 135-letter matrix were about one chance in 226 (p = ~.0044). The reference to ALL FLESH from the story of Noah at Genesis 8:17 was found after the fact (a posteriori). As such, it has no statistical significance. There are many similar terms from the story of Noah that also could have been found. Terms also sought, but not found on this matrix include Maya and calendar. Should we worry? Also see the extension of this matrix at Ark to Mars, but for something lighter see 2012 AND END.