WORMHOLES (3/20/2011)
The notes state that, “Negative energy has a negative energy density, and is negative because of its special ability to create wormholes. Despite being created in the lab, physicists fear using its name because of the sensationalist aspects.” They also indicate that, “A way to obtain negative energy is to squeeze quantum vacuum states. A few more methods are the Casimir effect, static radial electric (and magnetic) fields (by high intensity tabletop lasers), and gravitationally squeezed electromagnetic zero-point-fluctuations (ZPF).
The chapter goes on to indicate that, “The most renowned way to produce negative energy is to use the Casimir effect. This effect can be extended via a moving mirror (electrically conducting). Accelerating such a mirror creates a negative energy flux. Frequency distribution changes with acceleration. However, the mirror effect is not very significant in terms of producing an operational system, as there are better ways to produce negative energy than this.
The electromagnetic Casimir effect can be used to generate a wormhole, but there is a catch. Very small cavity separations are needed to create a decent sized wormhole. But such small plate separations destroy the Casimir effect, as Van der Waals forces take over at these distances… All credible theories in this area are full of wormholes, time machines…”
In the matrix above, the axis term (first term sought) were the two words WORM HOLE. They are shown at minimum skip (-7,080). Since my son wants to work on wormholes, I sought various transliterations for our last name, ROFFMAN. ROFFMAN (shortest transliteration, easiest to find) was found in the red-lined, 4 column by 18 row, 72-letter box with WORM HOLE (the p value of this match was .0087 or about 1 chance in 114). Since the Casimir Effect may play a role in building a wormhole, CASIMIR was sought and found at one of several possible transliterations. My son’s favorite TV show is STAR GATE, which deals with a device to travel by worm holes (probably fictional, but for another opinion and evidence to back it, see my page on TELEPORTATION). As such, I sought the terms STAR, GATE, and FICTION. STAR is not on the matrix, but GATE in the open text on the full 450-letter matrix. FICTION required an ELS. WISE HEARTED is an open text (a posteriori) term found running through WORM HOLE, and anyone who could build such a device would certainly be wise from the technical point of view. But there is another intriguing a posteriori find on the matrix from Exodus 36:8. The words highlighted mean that IT IS TREMENDOUS (or AWESOME). Surely, such an invention would be tremendous or awesome. But the full verse reads, “I will do marvels, such as have not been wrought in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among which you are shall see the work of the LORD that I am about to do with you, that it is tremendous.”
Wormholes offer not only a way to reach the stars, but also to travel in time. Time travel into the future is relatively simple, but travel into the past raises causality issues that are discussed on my page about Ezekiel and Time Travel. They are not trivial matters, and they overlap with responsibilities that we normally assign to God Almighty. As such, this page is posted as a word of caution to my son and others with similar interests. Invent what you will, so long as it does not threaten humanity, but do not attempt to play God. Remember the story of the Tower of Babel. For all your ambitions, there is One God, and He alone controls the keys to what is permitted in our universe and all parallel worlds.