Under the assumption that the man who will find the Ark would be encoded to do so, I sought out my own name, Barry S. Roffman. I found it in sequence at skip 115,157 using CodeFinder software that is capable of a wrapped search (more than one pass through the Torah). Curiously, my Hebrew name, Itamar, (documented with my circumcision certificate) is in the open text four letters to the right of the last letter of Barry S. Roffman. My father’s Hebrew name was Jacob. Therefore I often go by the name Itamar Ben Jacob. Immediately above Itamar on the matrix is Sons of Jacob. Finally, the a priori course sought was 251.565 based on all the other ELS maps that have this course from Jerusalem to the suspect Ark site on the El Zuqba peninsula in Egypt. On this matrix, a course of 251.565 takes us from Ark at skip -1 to the last letter of Barry S. Roffman. Barry and Roffman were spelled on the matrix the same as on my old Israeli A-1 visa, but there the middle initial (S.) was shown with a samech rather than a shin. Such substitutions are common. While I am calling this matrix ELS Map 16 due to the 251.565 course angle, I would have preferred to have found the Ark of the Covenant at the end of the course angle rather than my name. If deliberate, this matrix might just indicate that a man named Barry S. Roffman suspected a course angle of 251.565 degrees true for the Ark’s travels, but it doesn’t imply that it had to go in this direction. ELS Map 13 is more convincing. However, if 251.565 is not the right course, Someone seems to have gone to a lot of trouble in arranging the Torah to have this bit of disinformation be so redundantly encoded.
Odds against my English name at skip 115,157 (ELS rank 1) meeting my Hebrew name in the open text in a 90-letter box were about 282 to 1. The odds against finding a special case skip of The Ark or Ark (at +1, -1, or the skip of Barry S. Roffman, 115157 or -115157) were about 26 to 1. The matrix would not be published without the 251.565 course angle, but problems with it are noted above. No value is assigned to Sons of Jacob because it was noticed a posteriori. Nor is any value assigned to the required course angle, but the combined p value was for Itamar at skip +1 and Ark at a special case skip was .000129 which equates to one chance in 7,741.