We need a fresh start at killing Communism in America. DeSantis offers it. Posted on 10/17/2021.
I'm getting a number of requests to use the Code to have a look at the 2024 election. Before I tell you what I have let me state up front that in 2016 I donated about $500 to Trump and I gave him $600 more in 2020. So far in 2021 I have not responded to any of his many daily emails requesting more donations. As a Floridian I have been more than delighted by the outstanding performance of Governor Ron DeSantis. But I blame President Trump for allowing America to fall to the Communist traitor Biden and his idiot laughing hyena Vice President Harris. In particular, his tweets were emblematic of fatal flaws in judgement. As such I currently favor DeSantis.
The 9-letter axis term RON DESANTIS only had about one chance in 6.76 to be found in wrapped Torah. I foundTO NOMINATE at the absolute skip of the axis term before I found something I hoped to not find, AS GOVERNOR at skip +1. It reminded me of a mistake I made with Mitt Romney. He was also encoded with nominate and governor. While he was nominated for Governor of Massachusetts and Senator in Utah, he was never elected as President. I called that race wrong. On this matrix odds against TO NOMINATE to be at a special case skip were about 56 to 1, but odds against AS GOVERNOR to be at the best case skip of +1 were about 391 to 1. PRESIDENT is on the matrix below at skip -1 but it had about one chance in 5 (really, 4.959) to be at a special case skip. The word CHEATED is also at the absolute skip of the axis term, but there is a question of whether RON DESANTIS, will like President Trump, be cheated or cheat himself. A possible Democrat opponent, KERRY, is on matrix at skip +1. I did not find ELECTED or RELECTED here.
OVERALL ODDS. Without counting the 9-letter axis term, the full 780-letter matrix was found against odds of about 2,192,180 to 1. If we count the axis term then the entire matrix was found against odds of about 14,820,059 to 1.
Without counting the 9-letter axis term, the partial 225-letter matrix with a white background was found against odds of about 148,553 to 1. If we count the axis term then the partial matrix was found against odds of about 1,011,107 to 1.
Overall, this matrix strongly suggests that DeSantis will win the 2024 Republican nomination or some presidential nomination after that, but it is not enough to prove that he will actually also win the White House. For him to win it all we must vanquish the very corrupt election system fully in view in 2020. We all saw the nonsense in Georgia with suitcases of votes pulled out from under tables while counters were supposed to be out of the room. We also saw the massive rallies for Trump while Biden went unnoticed and un-cheered. Further, we witnessed massive character assassination attempts via uniyfalse charges of collusion with Russia. Have no doubt about it. America as a true democracy was murdered on November 3 in 2020. It remains to be seen if DeSantis (or Trump) can raise the dead. I can only pray that Biden will not have to lose another war, with China this time, in order to wake up this brain-dead nation. Three years untl the next election is a very long time to wait for sanity to prevail. Should my friends in the intelligence community decide to expedite what is required to restore our sovereignty, your deeds will be appreciated by all true Americans.