He is indoctrinating our military with the beliefs of our enemies. But why? This article is under construction on 7/7/2021.
On June 27, 2021 I last updated an article called White Rage Made Simple for General Milley. There are five matrices included in it. Axis terms used were MARK MILLEY, OCASIO CORTEZ, MILITIA (the last four letters in Hebrew spell MILLEY), MARTIAL LAW, and (General) ARBUCKLE. Today, on July 7, 2021 everyone seems to be still talking about CRITICAL RACE THEORY, so I decided to look for that as an axis term, but axis terms are usually limited to not more than 8 to 12 letters. On the matrix shown here RACE is 3 letters, CRITICAL is 4 letters and the shortest synonym that I could find for THEORY was four letters for a total of 11 letters. I did a double take with THEORY because the word is spelled the same as TORAH. But I knew from 23 years of Torag Code experience that 11 letters was likely too much find to in sequence. In a situation like this I usually have to break the axis term down. The first term used here was CRITICAL RACE. THEORY was sought elsewhere on the matrix. CRITICAL RACE is not counted for statistical purposes. Had I found all 11 letters in sequence in CRITICAL RACE THEORY I would have used R Values to determine their statistical worth.
At the same absolute skip as CRITICAL RACE is INDOCTRINATION which describes what is going on at military facilities, schools and elsewhere across America. Being white is becoming a crime that everyone white must confess to or apologize for. Odds against INDOCTRINATION being at a special case skip are about 103 to 1.
There are four colored in phrases on the matrix that were not found a priori though they do make it easier to believe that the matrix was deliberately encoded. The first three phrases are all in Deuteronomy 28:48 with YOU SHALL SERVE intersecting CRITICAL RACE. It's followed by YOUR ENEMIES SENT AGAINST YOU and IN HUNGER AND IN THIRST. The fourth a posteriori phrase is YOU WILL INHERIT THE LAND. GENERAL (at skip +1) and MILLEY (at skip -1) were both at special case skips. Each had about 1 chance in 7 to be found this way. YOU SHALL SERVE, however, includes the word for SLAVE which was found a priori and has about a 70% chance to be at skip +1. Without counting purely a posteriori terms the matrix was found against odds of about 77,130 to 1.