A man who lies about whether the public should wear masks or not has no place in public health. Updated on 2/8/2021.
TONY (Anthony) FAUCI occurs at an ELS just once in Torah. But where his name is found it can be placed is a box that is 9 rows (for the 9 letters of TONY FAUCI ) by 54 columns where WUHAN and THE PLAGUE appear on the same line at skip +1. The city of WUHAN appears just twice in Torah at skip +1. Odds against finding it on this 486-letter matrix are about 314 to 1. After I realized that his original advice that the public should not wear mask I looked for MURDERER and found it a special case sksip against odds of about against odds of 105 to 1. A term for PLAGUE had about 1 chance in 9.3 to be in the open text. Dr. Fauci is famous for switching his position about wearing masks. It took me a while to look for it after I found MASK at skip +2. But when I looked for NO touching MASK, I found the two words touching each other with NO on the line above MASK. MASK was found against odds of about 7.2 to 1. NO is only 2 letters (in Hebrew or English) so I didn't bother finding the odds for it. I have many articles up about the WUHAN PLAGUE being brought to earth by or found by a possible Nordic alien (Craig Ebrahimi). UFO is at a special case skip against odds of about 4.1 to 1. The full matrix was found against odds of about 30,522,407 to 1.
Because of people like Fauci, Cuomo and Big Tech, thousands of people have died needlessly. Cuomo, instead of directing hospitals to move patients needing less than ICU care to say, the Comfort or Javits, instead he directed they go to nursing homes, ill prepared and equipped to handle this mess, killing thousands. As far as I'm concerned, and likely others like me who have common sense, Fauci and his pals certainly have a lot of blood on their hands.
There are also disputed claims that Fauci slowed AIDS research, killing millions, and that as Director of the NIH he approved $3.7 million for the Wuhan lab.
What's True: A portion of $3.7 million in grants awarded between 2014 and 2019 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to EcoHealth Alliance, a global environmental health nonprofit organization, helped fund research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
What's False: However, not all of that $3.7 million went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and not all of the funding took place under the Obama administration. Approximately $700,000 of the $3.7 million total was approved under Donald Trump.
Why is TONY FAUCI encoded with the WUHAN PLAGUE? Possibly because, as some reporters (like Steve Hilton quoted in Figure 1) claim although there is no unchallenged film evidence for it, Fauci is a lying, opportunistic criminal who wanted to help alien/Fourth Reich and/or Chinese interests.
The chain of possession of evidence that I can prove for a sample of a 27 pound meteorite exhibiting viral properties is first from Craig Ebrahimi in Sooke, BC, Canada to Professor Chandra Wickhramsinghe at the University of Buckingham in the UK, and then to his home in Sri Lanka. From there Wickramasinghe claims that the sample was stolen, but he almost certainly gave or sold the sample to Professor Jiangwen Qu in Communist China at the Tianjin Center for Infectious Disease Control. Their 2018 paper claimed that based on a study of sunspot cycles, a fragment of a comet would reach Earth in 2019 and it would cause a pandemic. Their last joint paper predicting this was published on November 25, 2019. The pandemic began 15 days later on December 10, 2019. On February 18, 2020 Fauci was on TV in the U.S. telling us to trust the Chinese, including at the Wuhan virus lab. He did not tell us then that he had helped those folks get funding. Then he lied to us by telling us that we don't need masks. Later he admitted to lying. He then said he was just trying to protect the mask supply for healthcare workers. Despite his FRAUD, he survives in his Fourth Reich position into the Biden Administration. FRAUD is also on the matrix at skip -1, but it had about a 72% chance to be found this way. It's likely that hundreds or thousands of people went unprotected and died as a result of Fauci's disinformation. It was only after I wrote this that I searched for and found MURDERER parallel to and at the same absolute skip as TONY FAUCI. SPECIAL NOTE TO DOD AND UK MOD INTEL: While there was 1 chance in 105 to find MURDERER at a special case skip on the full 486-letter matrix, odds against it being found in 27 letters (9 rows by 3 columns) with TONY FAUCI are about 5,645 to 1. The term cannot found at skips +/- 1 because there are only 3 columns. It occurs just twice at skips +/- 25,766.
In addition to the above chain of custody, there are others that have gone through the University of Victoria in Canada and through NASA. Fauci has lied to us more than once. There may well be names encoded that I have not yet seen the reason to search for. While I may not yet know about them, we should not overlook the possibility that the Encoder also inserted them into the text.
ARKCODE FAN MAIL (the links are disputed by a number of Fauci fans)
Found your article re Dr. Fauci interesting in that I'm highly suspicious of this vaccine
and its true purposes and my belief that it's been weaponized. Believe me I'm a nobody - just an old great-grandma with an insatiable sense of curiosity who developed an interest in vaccines after two of my grandchildren were diagnosed with autism.
I cannot reconcile the fact that the same people who are pushing vaccines to "save us all" from COVID are the same ones who celebrate the removal of all restrictions against late-term abortions or who ship active COVID cases off to nursing homes where thousands of those with co-morbidities are most apt to contract COVID.
Just in case you'd never heard of her connection to Dr. Fauci you might find what Dr. Judi Mikovits has to say quite enlightening. Also it might be helpful to check out any of her videos with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:
Don't know how true this is but for what it's worth:
Granny K