The decision will factor in issues related to disclosing the presence of aliens on Earth. Published on 12/10/2020.
This study was requested by Larry Taylor. The axis term is GENERAL TATA. With respect to the 4th Reich, HITLER is at the same skip as GENERAL TATA and NAZI is at skip -1. The top line has ALIEN PEOPLE in the open text. Those in the Fourth Reich may have helped to rig the election. The next line has in sequence THE VOTE and WAR. ISLAM at skip +2 touches GENERAL TATA.
According to Wikipedia, Anthony Jean Tata (born September 7, 1959) is an American retired brigadier general of the United States Army (1981–2009). After leaving the Army, he became a regular on Fox News,[3] where he offered pro-Donald Trump commentary and promoted conspiracy theories. He has claimed that Barack Obama is a Muslim and "terrorist leader" and promoted a conspiracy theory asserting that the CIA sought to assassinate Trump.[4]
In 2020, Tata joined the Pentagon in a senior civilian advisory role to Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Trump nominated Tata to the post of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, as reported by Politico on April 23, 2020.[6] His nomination was submitted to the Senate on June 11, 2020,[7] but a hearing on his confirmation was cancelled on July 30. Later, Tata was appointed as "the official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy reporting to the acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, James Anderson."[9] Tata has served as the de facto acting Under Secretary under the official title "Performing the Duties of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy", since Anderson resigned following the November 2020 elections.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. On this matrix there are five a priori terms that are basically right of the axis term except for the last two letters of WAR. One word, ISLAM, is entirely left of it requiring another seven columns to see. Is it worth the extension? I sought ISLAM because Tata accused Obama of being a Muslim terrorist. The word ISLAM had about 1 chance in in 4 to be at a non-special case skip on the full 638-letter matrix. It actually took on 80 letters to show it with GENERAL TATA. They were this close against odds of about 762 to 1, so it's an outstanding match, but it increases the matrix area from 330 letters to 638 to see it. That decreases the value of all other a priori terms. Showing ISLAM the full matrix was found against odds of about 615,275,363 to 1. But if we just look at the right 330 letters then the part of the matrix with the white background was found against odds of about 3,953,610,565 to 1. This is almost an order of magnitude greater which means that ISLAM will should not be included in the final odds using this method of odds calculation, but my friends in military intelligence should beware that in terms of a matrix being a form of Divine art or A.I. communication, it does help provide a portrait of the General's brain.
The rest of this analysis only concerns the white background area. Clearly the most significant term is the best spelling of HITLER. It was found at a special case skip on the 330-letter area against odds of about 924 to 1. That's a wow. It actually took only 84 letters to show GENERAL TATA with HITLER. Odds against a match that close are about 3,629 to 1. This means that we are not dealing with lucky guesses. I can read this Code almost like the monitor for a time machine which is why it's frustrating that my DoD fans don't start working with me in an direct manner. However, in truth, President Eisenhower warned is about the Military Industrial Complex (MIC).
I know the crap that the MIC has done. Perhaps foolishly I keep hoping that I can reach the younger generation folks there to convince them to sever their links to the Fourth Reich. Here we must consider that GENERAL TATA is not only encoded with HITLER, but also NAZI (this against odds of about 66 to 1). But does this mean that Tata is really with the Fourth Reich or against them? In columns between GENERAL TATA and HITLER we have THE VOTE and WAR. I think that this means that based on the vote which caused Trump to move Tata into his current position as "the official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy" he is more likely to be a guy favoring war as a way of retaining not only President Trump, but also our Consitution rights. However, the level of duplicity in Washington is so high that there is more than ample room for me to be wrong. The fact that Trump would put someone like like Tata in office may only mean that our President just wants to see how events unfold and then have options if he decides to fight. Part of his decision making process may involve just how widespread the influence of the ALIEN PEOPLE is. NBC carried a story on December 8, 2020 about aliens not only working with the U.S., but also Israel:
Dec. 8, 2020, 8:52 AM EST / Updated Dec. 8, 2020, 3:29 PM EST
By Adela Suliman and Paul Goldman
A former Israeli space security chief has sent eyebrows shooting heavenward by saying that earthlings have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a "galactic federation."
"The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet," Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's Defense Ministry's space directorate, told Israel's Yediot Aharonot newspaper. The interview in Hebrew ran on Friday, and gained traction after parts were published in English by the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.
A respected professor and retired general, Eshed said the aliens were equally curious about humanity and were seeking to understand "the fabric of the universe."
Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American astronauts and alien representatives.
"There is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here," he said.
Eshed added that President Donald Trump was aware of the extraterrestrials' existence and had been "on the verge of revealing" information but was asked not to in order to prevent "mass hysteria."
"They have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we will understand, in general, what space and spaceships are," Eshed said, referring to the galactic federation.
The White House and Israeli officials did not immediately respond to NBC News’ request for comment. Sue Gough, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, declined to comment.
What about the Chinese? I'll have more to say about them after I read Salla's book about them, RISE OF THE RED DRAGON, & ORIGINS OF CHINA'S SECRET SPACE PROGRAM.
A FINAL THOUGHT ABOUT TATA, DISCLOSURE AND REALITY. I went to the codes here to try to figure out whether General Tata would back Trump in a civil war. The question s entirely appropriate especially in light of Rush Limbaugh's remarks on December 9, 2020 when he said that the US is "trending towards secession" amid deep partisan division and conservative anger about President Donald Trump's election defeat." But what I found on the top line of the matrix was about ALIEN PEOPLE and there were two terms at special case skips - HITLER and NAZI - that suggested the Fourth Reich which was set up based on UFO technology. Bottom line? In high level politics if you don't know what has been going on due to the Fourth Reich and ET you will not be able to really understand the true issues behind major political decision. For example, on the Israeli revelation, if Israel is working with aliens it's not likely that Arab nations who know about it will want to get into a war with them. Much better to use their advanced, alien-derived technology to help shield them from Iran.
Haim Eshed says that, "President Donald Trump was aware of the extraterrestrials' existence and had been "on the verge of revealing" information but was asked not to in order to prevent "mass hysteria." The ETs are likely Nordics who look a lot like us and who may well share a common ancestor. It may be that if Nordics are worried about mass hysteria among humans they are really worried about humans coming after them, especially if it turns out that the COVID-19 virus was brought to Earth by them and/or if vaccines to be administered were made with their assistance which I think is likely. I had more to say about this issue but I have just found some very sensitive information that frankly I'd rather discuss directly with DOD. Back to General Tata, he will serve out the time that President Trump has to rule for or against disclosure. Biden is plainly senile. Fox News showed him babbling on 8 and 9 December. He was pretty much incoherent. This man is in no way competent to rule on disclosure. President Trump, General Tata, and my active duty Intelligence readers here have decisions to make between now and January 20, 2020 at noon that may well affect the ability of our species to survive.