Updated on 11/22/2020. Fort H: Please see the note to you before the spreadsheet.
Whereas most media (except FoxNews) block everything positive that President Trump has done, he depends on Twitter to make his opinions known. Those of us who have militantly supported him have likely all bemoaned many of his Tweets. We feared that his habits with it would bring him down. Now that appear to have happened. The President’s a smart guy, but he never figured out the True nature of the Swamp he chose to attack. The Swamp is the Fourth Reich and Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Jack Doresy (Twitter) are the equivalent of Hitler’s Propaganda Ministers. On the matrix below the axis term, FACEBOOK, overlaps and shares two letters with SPY. At the same skip as FACEBOOK we find the verb for TO SPY intersects CLINTON at skip -1. TWEET at skip +1 overlaps NAZI at skip -1. That pairing really made the matrix clear. IMPEACHMENT is also at the same skip as FACEBOOK, TO SPY, and ISRAEL. The Fourth Reich Swamp wants Trump out of power because he has Jewish kids and because he is always doing miracles for Israel. He brought Israel three Arab peace treaties and he was nominated for Three Nobel Peace Prizes for it. He moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognized Israel's soverignty over the Golan Heights. Frankly, though he might have to convert to some form of Judaism, as a Modern Orthodox Jew, I think he should be considered as a potential Messiah. More about that later. Odds against the matrix were about 6.5 billion to 1.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As in my normal protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the lowest ELS in wrapped Torah for FACEBOOK. The word for SPY that overlaps it in one column and 10 rows had about an 89% to be somewhere on the 918-letter matrix, but this match only required 10 letters. Odds against them being so close are about 41 to 1. The most significant terms on the matrix are TWEET and ISRAEL. Both are found at special case skips against odds of about 166.5 to 1. For TWEET these odds are based on the frequency in Torah of this word at skip +1 (best case scenario). Normally for ISRAEL there is little statistical significance of the term because it is the primary subject in Torah where it is found in the open text (at skip +1) 591 times, but here it vertical and at the skip of the axis term. So for a frequency of what is unusual and eye-catching I only used the absolute skip of the axis term and skip -1 (not +1). IMPEACHMENT was at the absolute skip of the axis term against odds of about 55.8 to 1. Facebook took down Trump ads for allegedly showing Nazi hate symbols but when I checked to see if it was swastika or a Star of David it was only a red triangle on a white background. Supposedly that was used to mean political prisoners, but it is not a known sign that still has any meaning today. Facebook was just trying to be a pain in the ass. If there was anyone at Facebook who knew what the symbol used to mean, chances are that it's due to personal Nazi experience or beliefs.
TO SPY is found at the absolute skip of the axis term against odds of about 18 to 1, but the word grown upward from CLINTON at skip -1. She was found at a special case skip when I checked 4 spelling for CLINTON. Odds against her being there were about 6.2 to 1, but she paid for the Steele Dossier which involved lying spying used to try to defeat Trump or to try to remove him from office through IMPEACHMENT.
The phrase Abram fell on his face was only found a posteriori and thus was not counted for odds calculation. I only noticed it because his face was near FACEBOOK. So again, odds against the full matrix were about 6.5 billion to 1.
A WORD ABOUT THE MESSIAH. Nothing on the matrix indicates that President Trump is the Messiah. Nor am I aware of any synagogue that has ever taught this. An apparent obstruction to him fulfilling this role is in Deuteronomy 17:15 which prohibits Israel from appointing a king who is a foreigner. So, on the face of it, to be considered for the position Trump would have a convert to (Orthodox) Judaism (as his daughter has already done). The point I am making about trump is that he is the type of politician that Jews have long looked forward to as a Messiah. The President has not yet eliminated all wars from Earth (the main Jewish requirement for our Messiah), but he has been nominated for three Nobel Peace Prizes for securing peace treaties between Israel, the United Arab Emirates plus Bahrain and Sudan. More nations were willing to sign, but the 2020 election results may give them cause to wait. He moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and declared that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. But he has not (yet anyway) built a Third Temple that will allow Jews to fulfill all laws of Torah.
Trump has not yet moved all Jews back to Israel, but he made it easier to move there by increasing Israeli security. If Biden ramps up an anti-Semitic civil war that might force American Jews to flee to Israel. Thirty percent of American Jews voted for Trump for President, but if America perceives that the election was stolen they may seek revenge against the other 70% who voted for Biden and the end of our Republic. Not all Jews require The Messiah to raise the dead, but if the President chooses total disclosure on UFO issues, he may include information about an alleged Twenty and Back program which includes the ability to move back in time. Resurrection may be related to a reversal of the arrow of time, but it's too soon to see if resurrection is a (not so simple) application of advanced physics.
To my Christian friends, sorry, but Judaism is not a faith that really supports vicarious atonement. While you can often expect nine Jews to express ten opinions, the vast majority of religious (Orthodox) Jews have no desire to see anybody die a bloody death in order to save us from our sins. We believe that sincere repentance and ceasing our sins is the best way to proceed. Yes, we once sacrificed animals, but not people. Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac. His obedience was tested, but at the last moment he was told to halt and given a ram to sacrifice instead of his son. Frankly, the New Testament statement in John 3:16 about a god so loving the world that he have his only son would be a god that Judaism would reject. If a man walked into court and declared, "I so loved you, judge, that I murdered my son for you to cleanse you from all your wrong judgments, would a sane judge not find him deluded and guilty (See Mark 3:21)? Democrats preached that Trump would bring war to the world, but instead he brought peace to a lot of the Middle East, and he tried hard to bring peace to Korea. He got them to stop testing nuclear weapons and ICBMs. The Messiah, we believe, will end war permanently.
NOTE TO FORT HUACHUCA: Eleven straight times on 11/21/2020 you visited this page about Facebook and Twitter (there were more visits later, but probably just for you to check my reaction). Two of the eleven straight visits were with an IP address that I immediately recognized. Thanks. The other nine visits had almost identical addresses but the critical digit that reveals your identity was replaced. All 11 visits included the following link:
It says the following.
Facebook allows its users to send links to interesting web content to other Facebook users. Part of how this works on the Facebook system involves the temporary display of certain images or details related to the web content, such as the title of the webpage or the embed tag of a video. Our system retrieves this information only after a user provides us with a link. You may have found this page because a Facebook user sent a link from your website to other Facebook users. If you have any questions or concerns about any links or content sent by one of our users, please contact us at legal@facebook.com.
Comment: Facebook and Twitter appear to operate without regard for our Constitution. Fort Huachuca, you and I have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. We have all reached and are passing through a critical point in our nation's history. The ability to track people goes two ways. I hope that you and I can use our talents together to help ensure the survival of America.
Barry S. Roffman
Lieutenant, United States Coast Reserve, Retired