If rioting continues bringing in General Milley would be more positive than De Blasio just quitting. Posted on 6/5/2020.
President Trump told governors that, “General Milley is here who’s head of Joint Chiefs of Staff, a fighter, a warrior, and a lot of victories and no losses. And he hates to see the way it’s being handled in the various states. And I’ve just put him in charge.” It wasn't immediately clear what Army Gen. Mark Milley would be tasked with for the domestic protest and unrest across the nation related to the Floyd death, but on the matrix below DE BLASIO is the axis term and at the same absolute skip are MILLEY and ARMY/MILITARY. Meanwhile at the foot of the Manhattan Bridge the chant could be heard clearly in the crowd: “De Blasio resign! De Blasio resign!” The Black Lives Matter protesters in Chinatown Tuesday night were not the only ones to share the sentiment lately. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said that either de Blasio should resign or that Gov. Andrew Cuomo should remove him from office. RESIGN is at skip -2. PROTEST is at skip +1. De Blasio often stands for evil and he should be separated from his title as Mayor of New York. Perhaps this is reflected in the open text expression THE LORD WILL SEPARATE HIM FOR EVIL which overlaps and shares a hey with DE BLASIO. In fact, it only takes 286 letters to show DE BLASIO, MILLEY and ARMY/MILITARY, LORD WILL SEPARATE HIM FOR EVIL and PROTEST.
While showing hostility to Jews who wanted to attend the funeral of Rabbi Chaim Mertz, De Blasio announced plans to serve more than 500,000 halal meals to Muslims during Ramadan. A halal meal is one that is prepared in accordance with Islamic law. As such I looked for Muslims, Arabs and Ishmaelites. I found ISHMAELITES in the open text. I also sought PLAGUE and THE PLAGUE. The latter was found in the open text on the bottom line of the full 1,078-letter matrix, but it was not statistically worth the expansion. If I limit the statistical analysis to the top 637 letters (with a white and light blue background) then the matrix was, as a whole, found against odds of about 390,290 to 1. However the word for RESIGNER was not at a special case skip. It had about a 59% chance to appear this way. The appearance of MILLEY and ARMY/MILITARY at the same absolute skip as DE BLASIO is more interesting. Further, the term ISHMAELITES might be replaced by Islam or other terms and doesn't seem to be specific enough. It's better to focus on MILLEY and ARMY/MILITARY. This 286-letter area also gives us PROTEST and THE LORD WILL SEPARATE HIM FOR EVIL with DE BLASIO. As is shown on the bottom spreadsheet below, this smallest matrix appears against odds of about 149,287 to 1. These odds are the odds that I prefer to offer up for consideration.