Table 1 in two parts has the critical e-mail and publication record. This page was first posted on April 11, 2020 and updated on March 24, 2021 with correspondence from Ebrahimi to Roffman with published analysis by Dr. Sawicki.
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Figure 1 - Photos of the meteorite and remarks by Dr. Elaine Humprey at the University of Victoria on Canada.
TABLE 1 PART 2 - CONTINUATION OF THE EBRAHIMI E-MAIL RECORD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DATE | | COMMENTS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 4, 2020@12:04 AM |
The instrument US scientist used I have been looking for notes what it was called. I will contact him. The Geiger meter was when Dr. Jerzy was involved. He is Polish senior that went absolutely crazy with this project. He would never sleep and started drinking vodka we had a falling out when he randomly asked me for a $100,000 immediately when he heard I was meeting with Elon. | Geiger meter cold pulse and Dr. Jerzi Sawicki who demanded $100,000 afterhearing about a meeting with Elon Musk. For a meeting time with Elon see https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/vancouver-island/2019/8/6/1_4539087.html. If they met (not yet proven) I would bet that Musk wants to buy the meteorites and silence Craig because one meteorite might be Martian in origin. If it is, the known presence of pathogens on Mars would not be helpful to the Musk goal of living and dying on Mars. It would likely destroy funds raising capabilities. The presence of primitive life on Mars is supported in the Journal of Astrobiology by Rhawn of Gabriel et al. (2019, Evidence of Life on Mars?), and proven in the same Journal by David and Barry Roffman (Meteorological Implications: Evidence of Life on Mars?) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 4, 2020 @ 1:23 pm |
| No text explaining the significance of these e-mails for this case. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 4, 2020 @ 11:37 PM |
Details? I found a new matrix with axis term LIVE ALIEN EMBRYO at the same skip a WUHAN and a lot more. See http://arkcode.com/custom3_ As for the e-mails above if you can't offer any text written by them, did you get a picture with Musk or Shotwell? Best regards,' Barry
| Warning that we are dealing with a possible E.L.E. (Extinction Level Even). Request for clarification on e-mail addresses. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 5, 2020 @ 12:04 AM |
| This link to Musk’s trip to Craig’s are came without comments. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 5, 2020 @ 10:33 AM |
That puts you about 19 km apart, but did you meet with him and get any photos? Because he launches his rockets from our town and because he owns condos where I live at the Shorewood Condo, he is often in the area but I have only met his launch director (who lives here) so far. But I have not yet met the big guy, and my friends who work at or with SpaceX have rarely seen him, and then only in a crowded room. President Trump often gets annoyed because he poses for photos with lots of people but knows almost none of them. They often claim all kinds of bizarre things about him and it's all fake news. Likewise, if you put out blank info like just an e-mail address that has no information with (it), that decreases credibility. I have seen no e-mails between Wickramasinghe receiving your samples and him telling Humphrey that they were stolen. Were their any e-mails then (June 2018 to May 2019)? When did you first speak to Humphrey and when did she take possession of the rocks?
| Roffman warning to Ebrahimi about sending links without explanation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 5, 2020 @ 12:35 AM |
I can work with you and still get the info where it needs to go. But we are talking about putting 3,000 Americans in a trunk every day by June 1. The new estimate for U.S. dead by August is up from 60,000 to about 135,000. WE ARE AT WAR - AND THAT INCLUDES ME. I would not be surprised to learn that China has a price on my head. I am a military man. Threats go with the territory. As for UK folks, they have at last count 28,734 dead from this. Canada even has 3,854 dead from it.The world? 251,355 dead. What started out as a busy (business) deal now may determine what happens to the human race. That was expressed as my concern as soon as I learned the nature of what you found. Elaine Humphrey plainly lied to me by downplaying the embryo as a trick on the eyes. There is no doubt that everyone involved knows what you have (or rather what she has stored for you in a vacuum). However, I realize that for now the rock/s need safe storage. Give me what (you) can, but remember that DoD and UK MoD read every e-mail. They understand that Wickramasinghe stole your stuff, but eventually who gets charged will be based on who was cooperative and who was not. As for grabbing Wickramasinghe we need to know if he is still in the UK, Sri Lanka, China, or perhaps Japan. But the primary responsibility for answering that question goes to UK MoD so unless you know something about it, you don't need to worry about it. I know nothing about Shotwell other than where she works and the fact that she is rated the the 55th most powerful woman in the U.S. I would assume that Musk knows about my Mars research, but I'm not certain. That David and I can prove there is primitive life on Mars means that we know that it is not safe yet to land there and bring back any samples. Musk's dream is to live and die on Mars, He would likely prefer to squash any news of primitive life in space and especially on Mars assuming that Mars is the origin of your meteorite. If he is talking to you it's either to see if you are credible or to buy out what you have and destroy it lest it snuff out your (his) dream. You spoke to the guy? What are your thoughts? Barry | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 9, 2020 @ 10:51 AM |
Barry just for the record. Dr. Elaine (Humphrey) e-mailed CEO Gwynne Shotwell (SpaceX CEO) with an invite. We had a response from her assistant saying she would contact us when she was available. Never did. We have never contacted Musk. And then he was 20 mins away it would have been beneficial to meet but never happened. Elaine could have contacted him but she was busy at a conference in the UK. IF you would like to email him I could send you his real contacts. Craig
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MAY 9, 2020 @ 9:19 PM |
I will correct the record immediately. I thought your had said earlier that you met with Elon. The link you sent to the news report of Elon in your area with no explanation seemed to point to such a meeting. So did Jerzy's demand. Did you have any contact with Gates? I also need a clarification of the role of the Rockefellers.* I don't want to talk to Musk unless I have all the facts correct. Barry
*I asked this question because someone (Matthew Wilson) associated with the Rockefellers tried to recruit me for the Thule Society in 2013. His motivation was not clear but here is what survives in my records (just the e-mail address and the 500-page attachment: Behold A PALE HORSE. from: Matthew Wilson <matthewwilson888@gmail.com> to: Barry Roffman <BarrySRoffman@gmail.com> date: Apr 13, 2014, 7:37 PM Note: I have only briefly skimmed through the above book for the first time on May 11, 2020. Briefly it reads like an encyclopedia of every conspiracy theory that's out there, including Satan behind major religions and Army Intelligence, the Illuminati and powerful people working to reduce global population and to effectively have one world government with a combination of people and aliens in control. The book talks about pandemics engineered to reduce world population. Fort Huachuca was not mentioned. Fort Deitrick was. There are lots of charges, but it wiuld take a long ling time to through what is pur forward as the evidence. With respect to the Rockefellers the book mention that they have a branch back in the Kremlin. By coincidence as I read it Presdident Trump was spaeking in the background. I think I heard him say that the Rockefellers donated 3,000,000 test kits to fight COVID-19.
| Note to my readers at DOD/UK MOD. The last e-mail leaves out additional questions that Craig was reluctant to discuss in the past. It also leaves out issues pertaining to safety. Craig has not always been truthful to me. We have two different agendas. His is largely to make business deals involving millions or billions of dollars. My agenda is to help stop the pandemic. What Craig specifically wrote to me on May 4, 2020 about Dr. Sawicki was "we had a falling out when he randomly asked me for a $100,000 immediately when he heard I was meeting with Elon." Craig's e-mail did not make mention that no such meeting occurred. Further, as the local news coverage made note of is that they had no knowledge of why Musk was up there. As for relations between Elon and Craig, On May 4, 2020 Craig me wrote to me that "Elon's pist with me because... (I've have censored the reason, but Elon does like his privacy)." Further, on April 30, 2020 at 3:34 PM Craig wrote, " There is picture I sent that is a crystalized ET holding sometype of technology. UPDATE ON MAY 19, 2020: When a famous no name US scientist flew to town last August when examined what the ET was holding it pulses the hypothesis is that's what's creating the coldness so I wanted to hire a young energetic new mind David. Here Craig does not name Elon but the only known famous scientist who flew into his area last August 6 was Elon Musk. We should try to conform Wickramasinghe's location then.
What can you believe? Not what anyone else says. Believe your own eyes. Get off your butts and inspect the rock being stored under a vacuum at the University of Victoria. Procure whatever sample/s you can with what looks like an embryo in it. Then publish the honest results, or allow my son and I to do so in a prominent astrobiology journal. If the source of COVID-19 is indeed Craig's rock, our scientists will need to compare forms of the virus now with the original. Hesitate to establish this link and you will likely kill tens of thousands of people. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAY 19, 2020 @ 1:46 PM |
POSSIBLE ROCK PULSATION CAUSE Hello Craig. Normally radioactive substances decay at a non-variable decay rate in accordance with their half lives.. Pulsation is hard to understand unless the following conditions are in effect:. 1. The object emitting radiation is small, perhaps bacteria-like in size or smaller. 2. The object emitting is capable of a very small, but non-zero degree of movement. 3. There are components in the rock that are of higher density than the surrounding medium. This would allow the life form to migrate behind the "shield." thus causing a decrease in radiation seen/heard at the Geiger counter. In particular, in addition to lead, I'm interested in tin (Sn), antimony (Sb), tungsten (W),and Bismuth (Bi). 4. If the "rock" has a higher quantity of D-ribose (density = 1.5±0.1 g/cm3) which is not that high (pure water = 1 g/cm3 at 4 degrees C) then the life-form (or perhaps the embryo) could eat its way through the meteorite thus generating variation in the shielding effect. If you can get me a recording of the pulsation we can see if the length of time between pulses or variation in it might be related to the size of the source and/or size of the barrier medium. We can get a better idea of what's going in by putting the recording on an oscilloscope where David works. What is very important to determine here is if the pulsation has a non-random pattern to it that might constitute a signal. I am very good at breaking codes. If one is there I will likely be able to decipher it. Because of the possibility of a threat warning, this is important to our planet. With regards to Elon on the description of the pulsation you wrote: When a famous no name US scientist flew to town last August when examined what the ET was holding it pulses the hypothesis is that's what's creating the coldness so I wanted to hire a young energetic new mind David. We know that Elon was close enough to meet you on August 6. If not him then we need to know who the famous scientist was.Disinformation is part of every plan that I write.My bet is that you in fact did meet with Musk, but can't confirm it because Elon wants privacy. A word about privacy. As you know by now, my first interest in what you have relates to the bio-hazard issue. By now I'd be surprised to learn that you could fart and not have it registered at Fort Huachuca and UK MOD. Ditto with everyone else associated with this case including me and anyone who might seek to harm me. I have fulfilled my patriotic duty by informing intel agencies at least here and in the UK. I have made my recommendations for actions required. If they do what I ask (nab Wickramasinghe and inspect your meteorite) then we may be done. Knowing that DOD and MOD reading everything that write (including this e-mail) I will tell you (and them) that for me to continue on as I have done will require DOD to hand me a commission as a Colonel in the Space Force. If that doesn't happen then I would like a role in planning for Musk's missions to Mars. But I think they should be one way, the way the old Mars One organization planned for. We know there IS life on Mars. We do not want to bring it back here to contaminate Earth any more, Last question for today - to get enough D-ribose to make any change in physiology looks like taking an enormous number of pills (or powder). Just like President Trump is testing hydroxychloroquine on his own body, I'm considering testing D-ribose on mine but you haven't given any information about doses you take. Can you say anything about that? Best regards. Barry
| Discussion of radiation pulsation in the meteorite. NOTE: On June 16, 2020 I first listened to a talk radio interview of Ebrahimi conducted back on December 19, 2019. In it he descrived what is fluctuating in the rock as temperature. Craig says the room is 25 degrees (C) but the rock in one section is 14 degrees (7:13 to 7:17). The embryonic section is 6 degrees and it pulses to 12 degrees.(7:20). This seems to contradict a later claim that it was radiation that pulsed. He probably heard that there is a fluctiation in infrared radiation given off by the rock. The link for the show is at https://disclosurechronicles.com/2019/12/22/major-discovery-nasa-test-crystallized-humanoid-in-moon-meteorite-2020-2021/. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sent to Dr. Elaine Humphrey on June 7, 2020. | from: CENSORED reply-to: CENSORED to: David Roffman <barrysroffman@gmail.com> date: Jun 5, 2020, 10:23 AM subject: Invitation to review for CENSORED Dear Dr. (David) Roffman, PART OF THE ABSTRACT STATES:
David and I have begun on the review which hopefully also results in an invitation to publish our commentary. As you may perceive from the extract above the life forms mentioned makes no reference to viruses. My son and I published jointly about Mars as is evident from our 1,200 page paper published by the Mars Society at http://www.marspapers.org/paper/Roffman_2020.contrib.pdf. The Journal of Astrobiology only listed David as the author of another article at http://journalofastrobiology.com/Mars18.html , because he has the doctorate, but I wrote (most of) the article and I listed myself in the acknowledgments section. As you know, while everyone else involved seemed to have money only on their minds with the main meteorite, from day 1 (January 26, 2020) when I became involved my concern was over the possibility of a pandemic. We did not have one then, but we certainly do now. Chandra (Wickramasinghe) wrote you about the theft of the sample, but I am damn sure that he himself is the thief and that he worked with Jiangwen Qu and the Chinese Government to analyze it, weaponize it and distribute it to its primary targets, especially in the U.S. which now leads the world in deaths ( 112,054 ) as of June 8, 2020. Chandra and Jiangwen Qu published a prediction of a pandemic to arrive within a few months on November 25, 2019, only 15 days before it hit Wuham. I document all this in detail on my Arkcode.com website for two primary readers here many times each day (DoD at Fort Huachuca and the UK MOD). I have asked UK MOD to pick up Wickramasinghe for questions if he returns to the UK from Sri Lanca, China or wherever he might be now - possibly with a Japanese CEO of Kyoto Biopharma - Gensuke Tokoro (who is also Director of the Institute for the Study of Panspermia and Astroeconomics, Gifu, Japan). The MOD doesn't talk to me directly, they just read me constantly without attempting to hide their identity. Now, besides nabbing Chandra (IF he passed on the virus to China and it's the same virus as COVID-19) for mass murder, there is the question of how you really fit in with all this. I assume that you are a victim of Chandra, but I'm still missing a lot of the data. According to Craig there were 3 tests for the origin of the meteorite. Two said it was from Mars and one said no - it was likely lunar or from 4 Vesta. If it is from Mars this has enormous consequences I would like to work your comments into our review for the new paper about how the temperature properties and in particular the condensation issue may indicate a virus. We will want to discuss the oxygen 17 /18) question. Our review will not discuss legal issues, but obviously whatever you write will be tracked by the intel agencies involved. Failure to respond will also be noted on the e-mail record. So this is a chance to spin the issue as you like and to separate yourself and Dr. Sawiki from Chandra. Please call me with your answers, if any. Best regards, Barry S. Roffman
| Request for more information from Humphrey to help write a paper about viruses on Mars. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sent from Dr. Elaine Humphrey on June 15, 2020 at 11:30 AM Pacific Time) and answered by Barry Roffman at 10:30 PM Eastern Time (7:30 PM Pacific Time). |
Dear Mr Roffman Please do not use my name in any publication or blog. I do not support any claims you are making about the meteorite and Covid19. Sincerely Elaine Humphrey
Dr. Elaine C. Humphrey Fellow of Microscopy Society of America Past President Microscopical Society of Canada Advanced Microscopy Facility Bob Wright Science Centre A015 University of Victoria, Canada Lab: 250-853-3968 cell: 250-886-2068 https://www.uvic.ca/research/advancedmicroscopy
Thanks for writing. You cannot escape your history. I have not issued an accusation against you, but I cannot ignore that as of tonight there are 118,002 dead Americans (more than we lost in the Vietnam and Korean wars combined), 41,737 Brits, and another 8,175 Canadians. In all the, rock under your care may have killed 435,619 people. So the word "please" lacks the punch needed to answer the concerns that are indeed quite serious. Craig accidentally attached a bit too much information to allow me to forget what I have seen and sent off to our Defense Department. In fact, if all correct and acted upon, it could result in World War III unless you start seriously answering a lot of major questions. Now, having said this I want to be perfectly clear. Whatever is on my site is in your power to take down if you can refute it with evidence. The longer you go without supplying real answers the guiltier you appear. You can start with helping me to get the PowerPoint attached corrected. That will take a date that you first became involved. Craig makes it sound like he contacted Chandra before you. This needs to be clarified. Did you write a letter of introduction first? There are two ways to peacefully resolve the issue at hand. I have asked the UK MOD to pick up Wickramasinghe for questions if he is back in the UK. If he is in Sri Lanka there is always the British Embassy where he can answer their questions (if they have any). The second way is to turn over investigation of the concern here to the Canadian Government or to show that in some way it is under their control. What is really needed is a comparison of any DNA or RNA in the rocks with the structure of COVID-19. On the subject of a potential “embryo” you pointed to pareidolia in the Superstitious Times interview, but in your email to Chandra on May 17, 2019 at 00:13 you wrote, “I understand that he sent you thin samples, outside crust, a piece of the rock with a embryo in a white circle.” There, as one scientist to another, you made no attempt to question that it is indeed an embryo. I have taken two actions to bring this matter to the attention of the Canadian. In addition to my constant pleads that the Canadian liaison officer at the U.S. Army Fort Huachuca Intelligence Base contact you, and just before you wrote me today I called the police in Victoria today to ask them to contact you about giving your Government access to what you have. While they wanted me to call my local police in Cape Canaveral, I told them that that was a ridiculous answer. Hopefully I convinced them that this was their responsibility for reasons of sovereignty and proximity. I wrote to Jerzy to try to get some answers out of him. Craig told me that three tests were conducted to determine the origin of the rock. Jerzy said Mars, the meteorite institute said the moon, and I heard nothing about a third test indicating Mars or 4 Vesta. When I first spoke to Craig, and to you too, I told you both that in addition to my Mars research, I constantly pass on all aspects of my Codes research to U.S. Intelligence at Fort Huachuca. They monitor every word I say or write now for nearly 5 years. I only caught the UK MOD here about a year ago, but along other I{ addresses they actually dare to use my reverse IP. Now, the good news is that I am not a reporter working for some news outlet. Nor am I in this to make money. If, as Wickramasinghe wrote to Craig on March 15, 2020 at 10:46 am, “I believe you have the cure from space,” then I have no problem with you all getting rich: UNLESS your plan is to drag out release of the cure at the cost of hundreds of thousands dead so you can become what Craig called himself on his Linked in site a few days ago, “The Trillion Dollar Man.” While you all try to figure out how to play this gift from space right, my country is dying. We have lost not only so many people, but trillions of dollars and about a quarter of our jobs. We have also lost much of our freedom. We can’t even go to a movie yet, and when that right returns we will likely have tens of thousands of dead to add to the price of a ticket. We have lost sports, access to a safe food supply, and the ability of young people to visit their grandparents. Our nursing homes are death traps, and tensions of millions of people trapped for too long in their homes threatens to help our people explode in a civil war. You will notice that I have not given this story yet to the mass media, though someone who heard me on a little followed radio program offered to help me get an HBO Documentary movie about all this. I would assume that Craig and you would be stars on the show, but I won’t take the offer seriously without a contract, and if I am offered one I will not accept it without specific permission from U.S. military intelligence. In short, I have one primary goal – shut down this virus – period. If you can prove that what you have is not related to COVID-19 then I will publish it word for word. But that’s not going to happen unless we pair up. Should we do so I will make every attempt to preserve the financial interest of you, Craig, Jerzy or anyone who is not guilty. But if not it is impossible for me to believe that Chandra and his Chinese partner Jiangwen Qu are not guilty as hell of taking the virus from his home or from your lab and inserting it into a Chinese war plan aimed at taking down the free world. My home phone is (321) 613-2639. My cell phone is (321) 474-8397 or you can use (321) 795-1926. Have a nice night. Barry S. Roffman, Lieutenant, United States Coast Guard-retired.
| Request from Dr. Humphrey to remove her name from the record and my reasons for not doing so at least until she answers vital questions.
The PowerPoint that I ask her to help correct is at http://arkcode.com/15 JUNE 2020 PP FOR EBRAHIMI%20 VIRAL METEORITE.pdf. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JUNE 26, 2020 FROM Dr. Sawicki to Barry Roffman |
Dear Mr. Roffman,
| MAJOR SUMMARY OF DR. SAWICKI'S POSITIONS AFTER RECEIPT OF THIS EMAIL AND A 3 HOUR INTERVIEW OF HIM ON JUNE 28, 2020. 1. His uncertainty about the Martian origin of the main meterorite is due to likely contamination while the rock was on sea floor. 2. While he had not seen anything biological on the rock, he only had access to small slice of it, and not after he quit the project on August 10, 2019. He had requested a large amount of money from Elon Musk, but was turned down. The money was necessary for cobalt 57. He also mentioned the need for iron 55 which only lasts for a year or two. His studies required replacement of the money for isotopes every two years. His work at the University of Victoria was only a volunteer basis and he had no expense account. 3. Dr. Sawicki is approaching his 80th birthday. He does not have a friendly relationship with Craig, but would take on the project fulltime for one million dollars although he seems to see Craig as a very intimidating guy. Craig has, at times, tried to act that way toward me, but I don't tolerate it, however it's 3,280 miles from where I live to where Craig lives in Sooke, Canada and there's a border separating us. It's less than a hour drive to get from where Dr. Sawicki lives to Sooke. 4. Sawicki only got a good look at the main embryo-like quartz intrusion. Craig claims that there are 16 such intrusions, but the photgraphic record is all that Sawicki saw an it is not strong. 5 (UPDATE ON AUGUST 13, 2020). Dr. Sawicki repeatedly expressed concern about a viral threat from space. He has taken the ferry from Victoria to Seattle but not since October 22 to 24, 2017. The Kirkland area of Seattle is where COVID-19 first causes a death spike in the U.S.). While a sample of the rock is at the University of Victoria, Craig keeps the main rock with him someplace in the Sooke, BC area. It is NOT stored in a vacuum, nor is there any effort made to maintain a sterile field around it. While it is not normally necessary to maintain a sterile field around a meteorite, Dr. Sawicki agrees with me that there is a potential that the meteorite is infected because of its very cold temperature and its temperature variations with water condensing on the main rock when it has been at room temperatures for months.
I am asking Dr. Sawicki to look into whether anyone else from the University both had access to the meteorite and took the ferry to Seattle during the critical time period around late 2019 to early 2020. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JULY 9, 2020 Chandra Wickramasinghe to Craig plus July 9, 2020 Steele to Wickramasinghe. | From: Chandra Wickramasinghe <ncwick@gmail.com> Sent: July 9, 2020 4:23 AM To: Craig Ebrahimi <craigebrahimi@hotmail.com> Subject: Fwd: Barry S Roffman ? I am baffled by this accusation. No doubt the information could only have come from you. Chandra Prof Chandra Wickramasinghe ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Ted Steele <e.j.steele@bigpond.com> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2020 at 00:23 Subject: Barry S Roffman ? To: Chandra Wickramasinghe <ncwick@gmail.com> Dear Chandra:
Here is the text of a weird email I have just received from a one “Barry S Roffman”. I normally respond to the occasional comment but this is quite crazy and a bit unhinged. “ I suspect that the real source of the virus was a meteorite that fell just off Sooke Bay, BC, Canada. A sample of it was mailed to Dr. Wickramasinghe by Craig Ebrahimi on June 19, 2018. The meteorite was displaying signs of viral activity according to Dr. Elaine Humphrey. It was very cold to the touch after months at room temperature, even pulsating cold with condensation. By October 2018 Chandra and Qu had published their first prediction, on November 25, 2019 the prediction was issued again and fulfilled 15 days later BUT Chandra told Dr. Humphrey on May 20, 2019 that Craig's sample was stolen from his home in Sri Lanka. Bullshit. I think that Chandra stole or shared the sample with Qu and company. More, there is a good chance that since the rock was in China for about a year and a half after Chandra claimed it was stolen, you guys or some of you deliberately placed the virus on board into the hands of the Chinese Army and they attacked the world with it. Be aware, the U.S. DOD and UK MOD have all the evidence. If you have the cure for COVID-19 you damn sure need to get it out to the world fast, lest you get accused of mass murder. Have a nice day.
From Barry S Roffman left on my Academia.edu site as 8 July 2020
…………… Edward J Steele PhD Member: AIMS,ASI,ASCIA Research Associate Member: AIMS,ASI,ASCIA Melville Analytics Pty Ltd, Level 2, 517 Flinders Lane, email: e.j.steele@bigpond.com
Edward J Steele PhD Member: AIMS,ASI, ASCIA Immunomics (ABN 68 385 770 045 ) Prahran, 3181, Melbourne, VIC Australia email: e.j.steele@bigpond.com
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JULY 12, 2020 FROM CRAIG TO WICKRAMASINGHE | From: Craig Ebrahimi Dear Chandra After receiving your emails to Dr Elaine Stating my family's scientific treasure samples have been stolen. I decided to hire an investigation and contact Cardiff lisvane local authorities after months of investment and investigation There has been no report or even a car break in your area. So there is no report from PhD holding scientist regarding this statement you provided That they we're stolen. Sounds like bullshit Since the beginning you never bothered even to investigate the EMBRYO quite shocking from a man promoting panspermia since the beginning of his career. You said you're out on international travel business. You stated many times you are retired why many appearances on ancient aliens would not you have wanted to promote this scientific proof and you have access to a real fossil ET once again shocking. Oh ya I sent you one. Sounds like you're part of a cover up. You really have no clue what I am capable of. I recommend you start participateing while your still healthy I am far from human . Craig | NOTE THE CONCLUSION, "I am far from human ." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JULY 14, 2020 12:11 AM from Barry to Craig |
Great e-mail Craig. I'm glad that I'm not alone in fighting for justice with your sample. Your sample, at a minimum, should have been worth a hell of a lot of money. It should have been stored securely, especially because it had a potential ET form of life in it. I warned Steel because his name came up as the author in an article sent to me by Academia.edu, but when I opened the article the lead guy was Wickramasinghe and it was boasting about how they got the COVID-19 prediction right. My answer, sent back via Academia was necessary in order to give Steele a chance to separate himself from Wickramasinghe and Qu. I don't want to issue a false charge, but the evidence here is strong enough that, frankly, I'm upset that Wickramasinghe has not yet been arrested. What should Steele do? He should call me after he has heard Wickramasinghe answers to the charges I make against his associates. If he can show the charges to be likely false I will retract what I have but I doubt he will be able to do that. Like it or not, and as appealing as big money is I warned you about a possible pandemic from this up front. We got it and the United States (and a lot of the rest of the world) is now experiencing a slow death. School will not open again in L.A. and San Diego. How can their parents work? I watched Israeli TV tonight. Their current rate of unemployment is 21% and most of them have not worked in 4 months. Brazil has over 70,000 dead. FLORIDA now has so much COVID, over 15,300 new deaths (this should read "cases") on a one day - yesterday, that if it were a country it would rank #4 in the world for cases. Wickramasinghe and Qu made their joint predictions of a pandemic only after they got your sample. Steele and the other names on their new publications are going to have to look at their claims in the light of what they got from you. Nothing they are publishing mentions anything about your find and their supposed loss. If Wickramasinghe wants to challenge what I have written, let him publish it on his site immediately followed by his answer, and let him notify me of when it's up so I can publish it and publish my answer. Wickramasinghehas told the world that COVID-19 comes from a comet/meteor - but not yours. He says it was seen over China in October, 2019. Where does that leave you? Nowhere. Where does it leave the world? With nothing to examine from the October encounter. NO REMAINS WERE RECOVERED. The scientific community should be examining your 27 pound main sample. What could happen if we don't get this fixed? Possibly an ELE. What's that? An Extinction Level Event. As I told the group, my home phone is (321) 613-2639. My cell is (321) 795-1926. Steele should get Wick's response and call me. As for you, find an honest pharma buyer, but I recommend you keep far away from Wick and anything that smells of China. One last issue. You concluded with telling him, " I am far from human." Any further comment? Best regards, Barry | Request to confirm non human meaning. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sawicki to Craig July 15, 2020 | From: Jerzy Sawicki <jasawicki@shaw.ca> Sent: July 15, 2019 2:54 PM To: Craig Ebrahimi Subject: Re: raman Please the 3 slides with Raman you obtained. I grouped and compared them in the same horizontal scale, one below the other in some cases. There are some peaks that repeat and seem real. The spectrum to the right in slide 3 must be wrong, with some big unreal signal. Do you know what happened when it was measured? George Can you read my Mac keynote file attached? | Raman spectra diagrams | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear Barry & David I have received emails regarding your search For data for isotopes of oxygen There will be multiple publications available for reviewing of Organics, Aminos, ISD, Oxygen isotopes ,Origin MID OCTOBER 2020 | Timing for oxygen isotope report that will help to identify where the meteorites came from. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CRAIG to Barry and David 7/20/10:02 AM |
Hello Barry & David This meteorite has many clear detailed images that are not pareidolia but resemble trapped souls or? There is a coldness from the rock while even stored at room temperature for over two years there are paper regarding viruses and coldness but the idea of trapped cold dark matter is very interesting. What would have any comments on the subject. Subject: Evidence for dark matter could be trapped in ancient rocks – Physics World | Partially censored Response from Barry on 7/20/2020: I've seen these pictures before. The one (not attached) with the face is better. On cold matter Wiki says Cold refers to the fact that the dark matter moves slowly compared to the speed of light. I don't see how this could cause the pulsating cold on your meteorite. The scale of particles - nanometers - also makes it hard to believe that this explains such a large delta T (change in temperature). What I have asked Jerzy and/or you to supply is a graph with Temperature (K) on the vertical (Y) axis and time on the horizontal (X) axis. This is important because I suspect that some sort of communication may be occurring, Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Torah Code is somehow involved. Look at Figure 3 in my latest article at arkcode.com/photo4_150.html. Figure 3 is at http://arkcode.com/images/ I would like to have a sample to test the temperature pulsations, but we couldn't take one without certainty that it is virus free, This really needs to be studied in a Government lab with a good-sized budget behind it. If the film goes through we might consider plowing profits into the testing that David and I would like to do. He has a large house with room to set up a lab, but I would be surprised if he agreed to actually do it and my wife would rather upgrade from a 2-bedroom condo to a 3 bedroom where we live. In addition to sterility, security is also an issue. David has an AR-15 and I am well armed but I don't want to see us have to use our weapons. Everything would have to be locked up damn well for when nobody is home. If there are living viruses, permits would likely be required. Jerzy is a better choice but I think you scared him. His other research needed a budget for isotopes and from what he told me you need to work on your "bedside manners" with him. Dr. Humphrey might be able to provide an (engineering) grad student that can be trusted to work under her supervision to get that time vs. temperature plot that I need. Meanwhile I continued to study the Code to learn what else is encoded about your find. Best regards, Barry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This guy needs a real heads up | CBC Radio Canada publication
The CBC has highlighted my article. I just added to it. If Chris Herd came down for the launch and is still in town he should contact me ASAP so we can meet. What I have up now is as follows: We know there is primitive life on Mars and that it resembles primitive life on Earth – bacteria, cyanobacteria, puffball, lichens and algae. See the May 2019 Journal of Astrobiology for Evidence of Life on Mars? (Rhawn G. Joseph et al.) and Meteorological Implications: Evidence of Life on Mars? (David and Barry Roffman) . For 6 months I have been studying meteorites found by Craig Ebrahimi of Sooke, Canada. One of them has an intrusion that looks like an embryo. According to Dr. Elaine Humphrey at the University of Victoria, one rock has weird cold temperature (pulsing) viral properties and water condenses on the rock when it is kept at room temperature for months. The lab in Victoria is a brief ferry ride away from the first COVID-19 outbreak cases where 22 people died in Kirkland, WA. One sample was sent by Craig to Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe at the University of Buckingham in the UK. From there it went to Sri Lanka where Wickramasinghe claims it was stolen from his home, but four months after he received the rock in June, 2018 he co-published an article claiming by the end of 2019 the Earth would be hit by a virus from space that would be like the Spanish flu in 1917-1918. They were right about that. Wickramasinghe’s partner? Professor Jiangwen Qu of the Tianjin China Center for Infectious Disease Control in Tianjin, China. Meaning? The Chinese Army likely had access to an alien viral sample for a year and a half before COVID-19 got to killing with a vengeance. If we bring back the Perseverance sample it could be the death of us all. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hi guys. Dr. Sawicki - I'm glad to see you still involved. How certain are you that the presence of maskelynite indicates the origin of the meteorite in question is Martian? Can you comment on how this find compares with data about the oxygen isotopes? Is there any reason that maskelynite might exclude lunar or 4 Vesta origin? As I told Craig I watched the Perseverance launch from my front door. Then I looked at a CBC program about it that he sent me and I left a comment on the blog. They highlighted it as the top article. It mentioned you so you might hear from Canadian reporters. What I wrote is as follows: | QUESTIONS FOR DR. SAWICKI
MAJOR CORRECTION: The email that Craig sent to me on 29 July 2020 that had the maskelynite discussion was actually a forwarded copy of Dr. Sawicki's email to him dated July 15, 2019. Dr. Sawcki is not now working with Craig again. I have asked Dr. Sawicki once more about the signifcance of the maskelynite. I will post his answer when it comes in. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Fig. 2 of the paper by Wang et al. on page 508 published in 2004 they presented Raman spectrum of maskelynite in Martian meteorite. In July 15th 2019 I’ve seen some resemblance of it to some of the Raman spectrum measured in Craig’s #1. But, our Raman at this time was not measured well enough for being confident about presence of maskelynite in #1. I proposed to do better measurements in smaller wavenumber range than up to 3000 cm-1 we used. Please note that in Wang et al. paper intensity of Raman signal for maskelynite is multiplied by 10. If it exists in No 1 its signal can be very broad and weak and on top of other stronger Raman signals for other minerals in it. Some kind of microRaman spectroscopy or microXRD or TEM would be needed to confirm its presence in #1. Because its volume fraction is probably very small, like 1/100 or less. | SAWICKI ANSWERS TO MY QUESTIONS ABOUT MASKELYNITE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| From: Jerzy Sawicki <jasawicki@shaw.ca> Sent: August 1, 2020 1:22 PM To: Craig Ebrahimi <craigebrahimi@hotmail.com> Subject: Re: #4 Is this another and recent one? From the same area? Amazing. Keep it as clean as possible and cold as in the sea bottom there. I also wonder if keeping it in water from its finding place would male sense. Advice from NASA is needed too. Think about recording its temperature as a function of time. I can analyze a tiny piece of fusion crust from it with my technique. George | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FROM CRAIG TO DR. SAWICKI ON AUGUST 1, 2020 @ 2:54 pm | From: Craig Ebrahimi <craigebrahimi@hotmail.com>
Yes #4 oxygen isotopes are lunar origin. #3 is very interesting it is full of carbon and Nitrogen 11 pounds cc meteorite = 4 from sooke basin. I am concentrating on #1 #2 while my partners who are representing the sale of the fossils in #1 to the UAE I am trying to get as much paper work as possible, for October we are having a meeting with the board to discuss strategic planning of fossil in #1 It could be holding the missing links for human longevity or vaccines, bio defense . I currently have a team extracting organics from a lab in the EU. . Let's meet up. Craig | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hello Dr. Sawicki Thanks for that clarification. I'd like to make a few points clear. As we discussed, Craig has repeatedly made assertions that he's an alien. If he's not nuts he is likely a Nordic in that they allegedly look like us. But without a DNA sample from him we can't confirm or refute his claim which leaves us just with his rock to analyze. There we might have an ET fossil but I haven't seen the hard, chemical proof of it yet. More likely from Dr. Humphrey's description of its thermal properties is that his rock has a virus. If so, it's urgent that we learn if the virus is identical with COVID-19. It's also critical to know if the Perseverance may collect viral-contaminated samples for return to Earth. It looks like CBC/Radio Canada is leaving my comments up first, and the reply section of it mentions that I would have to get back to you. I don't know how many people replied but it looks like hundreds. The video that the CBC had up is about Dr. Chris Herd's role in looking for life on the sample return mission. Today I see that about 60 readers on my site were from our Department of Defense and they were reading my record of Ebrahimi-related emails right up through the maskelynite question. You have told me that you don't want to work for Craig anymore. I understand your concerns - both with respect to the lack of funding for isotopes that you need and with respect to Craig's hot-headed attitude. He has threatened me before when he got angry with me and cursed me out plenty. But he keeps coming back to me because he understands that I have one purpose - learning if his meteorite #1 is the source of COVID-19 or any other virus that we may have to fight. I don't know what your financial situation is but I assume that since you can afford to work at the University of Victoria as a volunteer enjoying retirement the way I enjoy my retirement by doing freelance intelligence for America, you are likely well off. However, whatever your condition is, if a friendly Government (in Canada or here in the U.S.) will not fund your expenses I think that Craig should do so. Beyond his purchase of the isotopes you need you can always negotiate a contract. If the meteorite is from Mars or if it has a virus that needs to be studied It will be worth a fortune. Your email makes clear what you thought was necessary to clearly answer the question about the meteorite's origin. We need to rule out Mars before returning any rock or "soil" samples from Mars via the Perseverance follow-up mission. If the rock is from Mars and it has a virus on it I don't have to explain the significance of that to you, but if you can help put the full picture together for that then you are helping to understand and solve a problem that might be critical to ensuring our survival as a species. You have explained what needs to be done. Perhaps Dr. Herd will read my response to the CBC video about him at https://www.youtube.com/watch? And what if you can not bring yourself to directly work for Craig again? Well that's why I post important emails on this topic at http://arkcode.com/custom3_ It looks like a hurricane due here on Sunday will keep me from visiting David, but if you want to talk my cell phone is 321 795-1926. We can probably hook up with David. Always assume that DOD is listening in but for important discussions like this I want them to do so. Best regards Barry cc. Craig | The road ahead. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hi Craig, http://arkcode.com/1%20graphene%20in%20meteorites%20-%20Raman%20shift%20plots.pdf. | How Raman spectroscopy searches should be altered in further studies. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In response to an email from Craig to Barry on August 2, 2020 @ 6:07 PM.
Hi Craig Remember that I taught science for 30 years. The criticisms that I'm trying to get across to you are designed to point out where your points need clarification or improvement. I'm going to go over everything you wrote above to help you improve your "sales pitch." YOU WROTE: Billions of Dollars are spent on searching for ancient microbial life on mars here on planet earth there is an ancient fossil that resembles a human like embryo . PROBLEM: To claim that it is a fossil requires proofs like bones, or in the case of an embryo where ossification has not yet occurred, cartilage. You have repeatedly described multiple embryos but Dr. Sawicki told us that he has only seen one such image. The stick man that you say has a weapon or something else in his hand has no similarity whatsoever to what looks like an embryo. You said that the item in your necklace is not very clear. If you can get a clear image of a second embryo we need to see it. The face-like image is fascinating, but here too a second face would go a long way to prove your case. Dr. Humphrey mentioned an embryo in her email to Wickramasinghe on May 17, 2018, but since you mailed the sample to him yourself I'm not sure if she ever saw that image firsthand. YOU WROTE: This is crystalized extraterrestrial organics that may be holding the missing links for human longevity PROBLEM: Today I think I first learned about graphene. Usually it's manufactured so what is it doing in meteorites unless perhaps a bolide was blown off of Mars where there was a computer at one of the sites that Dr. John Brandenburg thinks were hit with nuclear weapons. Even if there are crystalized extraterrestrial organics why would you assume that they may be holding the missing links for human longevity? Now, if it turns out that you are a Nordic, you may be hiding additional information as to what experience your species has dining on this stuff (mixed with bacon and eggs), but alas how can you strengthen this case without proving an identity that might result in your further examination on a dissection table? There is, of course, Sallah's book about an alliance between Nordics and the U.S. Navy, but our Government has a record of breaking treaties with indigenous people. You would likely not be safe unless President Trump gives the go ahead to full UFO disclosure. He has danced around the issue, but not yet done enough. On the longevity issue you would need to show at least one person who used graphene, graphite or any other crystalized extraterrestrial organics to extend their life. Short of that you would have to show animals as test subjects. If you are just speculating and giving your opinion without proof then I am reminded of my last boss, Bob Goetz, who once said, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink." YOU WROTE: While this material is extremely valuable, we have analyzed this structure with a non-destructive testing Raman microscopy PROBLEM: The word WE should be replaced with a name of a person or a lab. YOU WROTE: The G & D bands in some of the spectra are characteristic of certain forms of carbon (typically diamond-like crystalline C); mineral peaks tend to be quite narrow and sharp in monolithic solids, and can appear just about anywhere below ~2000 cm-1. PROBLEM: "monolithic solids" and "can appear just about anywhere below ~2000 cm-1"both seem too broad or vague. Can you provide some examples like an iron oxide and its number of waves per cm? Maybe a table could be used to show several monolithic solids. YOU WROTE The building block for organics. C-H band. spectra around 3000 available PROBLEM: The grammar here needs improvement. Are you talking about graphene specifically or one of the millions of other organic chemicals? For example, organic chemicals found on Mars with the MSL include methane, chloromethane, dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane: dichloroethane, 1,2 dichloropropane; 1, 2 dichlorobutane, and chlorobenzene. YOU WROTE: With International conflicting data of origin MOON ,MARS ,VESTA /coverup ? You said there were three opinions about the oxygen isotopes. But you only told me about Jerzy and another person at the U of New Mexico. There is a third party out there that you said backed the Martian source. You still need to name this person and give specifics. YOU WROTE: THE PROOF'S IN THE PUDDING AND IT TASTES GREAT. PROBLEM: Taste is a matter of opinion. See the Bob Goetz remark above for how science views that. Having said all this, it is my opinion that the photo you sent me of you before your Porche (http://arkcode.com/images/craig_with_without_hair_plus_prometheus.jpg) was an impressive picture that tends to lend credence to the idea that you might be a Nordic. Perhaps you like the taste of your special pudding because it reminds you of a delicacy from "your home world." But before advancing an intelligent opinion of your potential longevity formula I need to know your age now or when the Porche photo was taken. Best regards, Barry | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Craig After you convince me that you have Raman spectrum of graphene with three peaks: You may think about contacting Dr. Luther Beegle, principal investigator in NASA Sherloc Program. They may have the same microRaman instrument named Sherloc in their lab that is now travelling to Mars. It would be great to have them on board to examine some of your samples there. See their page: | Suggestion to use microRaman instrument named Sherloc on Craig's main meteorite. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
YOU WROTE: RESPONSE: It's not perfect which is why I maintain a very extensive record of all important emails sent or received in conjunction with your project. The files are at http://arkcode.com/custom3 551.html. Most of your attachments are at http://arkcode.com/photo1. html. I told you up front that I forward everything I get to our DOD. I tell everyone that I deal with that, including Sawicki and Humphrey. You don't pay me but the U.S. military pays me a very handsome retirement. Can you remember that, or that COVID-19 which may have come from your rock has now killed over 155,000 Americans and it's infected over 4.5 million more Americans. Your rock may well wind up destroying my country and potentially the world. Why help you at all? Because until or unless I can get a clear indication of whether COVID-19 comes from your rock, I may well be the most qualified man in the world to investigate it. That's why DOD reads all my email record many times most days or everyday. According to my records for the last 33 days your emails at http://arkcode.com/custom3 551.html were read by DOD (and UK MOD) 225 times (754 times since January). RESPONSE: Check your records for which one of us last claimed to be an alien. Don't have the record? I do. ON July 12, 2020 11:26 AM you wrote to Dr. Sawicki at Ncwick@gmail.com. The email concluded with a threat in which you clearly wrote
Now, most people would conclude from the above that you are nuts. But I am not like most people. I actually seriously consider that you might be an alien, and that you might have some technology that allowed you to recover a meteorite from under the mud offshore from where you live. I don't know for sure that you are an alien, but between what I have seen with my own eyes when I was 10 on May 22, 1957 (see http://www.arkcode.com/custom3_332.html) and what my Uncle Eugene told me about back-engineering what was found at Roswell shortly after I was born (see http://www.arkcode.com/photo5_29.html) to what I have heard in interviewing a large number of people who claim to be abductees, I think it is reasonable to allow for the possibility that you are a Nordic. As you have often expressed contempt for humans it is incumbent on me to assume that you might have a hostile agenda. In response I have taken certain safeguards but the decision about how seriously anyone should take your threats is one that I think is above my head in our Intelligence or military community
RESPONSE: Here I have no clue about what you are talking about. I have never viewed Chris Herd as part of a conspiracy but I do think that before he studies possible life that may be returned to Earth if our Perseverance Mission is successful, he must first examine your rock. The two people that I do accuse of a conspiracy are not Canadian. They are Wickramasinghe (Sri Lankan) and Qu (Chinese). Recently you wrote about a possible visit to you by Wickramasinghe. When you told me about that I indicated that such a visit would tend to implicate you and I advised against the visit, asking you to find partners that were not suspicious. I warned you because I thought that (you) might not understand how the legal system works.
RESPONSE: Actually I'm getting kind of old to run around the Egyptian desert in military-only restricted areas near where I think the Ark is at 31 degrees 9 minutes North, 33 degrees 4 minutes East. But I can win this game even after I'm dead. How? The more I publish and the more films are made about me, the more likely that someone will properly search the area of concern. If they find it where I say it is, and the coordinates become known, I will have proven the Torah Code to be real. That has political and theological consequences that are enormous. In fact it would be not too different from learning that you are an alien, but that possibility is not (yet, anyway) at the center of my investigation.
RESPONSE: At first I didn't know what interview you were referring too, but I found it (https://disclosurechronicles.com/2019/12/22/major-discovery-nasa-test-crystallized-humanoid-in-moon-meteorite-2020-2021/) on my attachments page. I listened to it once back in early February, 2020. Here is why I didn't pursue this video more: 1. The interview mentions that there is a lot of uranium in the rock. That might help us understand why you lost your hair, but Dr. Humphrey told me in February that there was nothing radioactive in the rock. Therefore I immediately concluded that at least one of you was not telling the truth.
Barry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Sawicki to Craig Ebrahimi on August 3, 2020. Forwarded to Barry on August 11, 2020. |
From: Jerzy Sawicki <jasawicki@shaw.ca> Sent: August 3, 2020 10:04 PM To: Craig Ebrahimi <craigebrahimi@hotmail.com>; Elaine Humphrey <ech@uvic.ca> Subject: Re: raman data Sept& Oct 7 info from specialist. Craig and Elaine, I’m only able to see your Raman data a liitle bit when my grandson is sailing with parents and I’m not so busy. I had a look at Raman spectra of #1 in search of graphite-graphene bands. Your progress amazed me and I hope that your French fellah will see more in the extracts. I wrote to Craig yesterday:
Today I had a look at your Raman spectrum measured up to 4000 cm-1. I cannot find in it the D* band in its expected position, but rather in between two maxima. Please see the spectrum with my notes in it. George | Comment: I do not know who the "French fellah is."
RAMAN ABSTRACT SENT BY SAWICKI: SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS Volume 143, Issues 1–2, July 2007, Pages 47-57 Raman spectroscopy of graphene and graphite: Disorder, electron–phonon coupling, doping and nonadiabatic effects Andrea C. Ferrari https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssc.2007.03.052 We review recent work on Raman spectroscopy of graphite and graphene. We focus on the origin of the D and G peaks and the second order of the peak. The D and 2G Raman peaks change in shape, position and relative intensity with number of graphene layers. This reflects the evolution of the electronic structure and electron–phonon interactions. We then consider the effects of doping on the Raman spectra of graphene. The Fermi energy is tuned by applying a gate-voltage. We show that this induces a stiffening of the Raman peak for both holes and electrons doping. Thus Raman spectroscopy can be efficiently used to monitor number of layers, quality of layers, doping level and confinement. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FROM BARRY TO CRAIG, DR. HUMPHREY AND DR. SAWICKI ON 14 AUGUST 2020 @ 12:45 am | SUBJECT: SYNTHETICS The end of my newest article discussing the meteorite also deals with longevity. It attempts to link what you have told me about to what is in Dr. Michael Salla's fantastic book - THE U.S. NAVY’S SECRET SPACE PROGRAM & NORDIC EXTRATERRESTRIAL ALLIANCE. Now I get a sniff of the examination to determine is there is synthetic graphene or graphite in the rock which raises a question as to whether you are actively exploring the faces or images in the rock. There is not only a question now as to whether the rock carries COVID-19, but also does it carry the cure too. If the rock carries both then the cure or longevity aspect may be the price that ET wants to enslave us. The strange face/s and pulsation may be markers for us to examine but we must be aware of possible alien agendas here. | Alien Agenda - a cure for our souls? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
From Craig to Barry SEP 16, 2020 @ 1:41 PM |
Barry please remove your ridiculous post you created stateing trillion dollar man | Trillion dollar man request | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
From Barry to Craig |
Hello Craig I may consider it, but let's cut the crap here. You have often implied that you are an alien. Congratulations. You have given me reason to suspect you are. If you want to discuss the matter then I am more likely to take the article down. You did post the comment briefly on Linked in, and what goes out on the internet stays there. Even if I take down the article the words will live on in internet memory. Right now, as you likely know, I am reading Michel Salla's books about Nazis, Nordics and Reptilians. He thinks they are everywhere from Antarctica to our military industrial complex. His writings make it easier to accept your claims. While I would like to have a safe, honest one on one talk with an ET, while you remain in a questionable status of human or Nordic/Reptilian I must view you as a potential threat (not just to me, but to the planet which is currently experiencing 300,000 new cases of COVID-19 each day). Wickramasinghe wrote that you had the cure. Where is it?
I am not a yoyo that you can play with as you did with the Elon Musk visit. When you give me information it is posted, not because I believe you, but to enable our Intelligence to evaluate it. Your trillion dollar man comment was seen by them long ago. It may influence potential investors like Musk or Gates (who I am beginning to despise) but I cannot be half in half out here. That does not mean that I need money to cooperate with you. What I need is the ability to ensure that what goes on is kosher when it comes to the lives of my fellow Americans (or, at least, Republican Americans, we are likely heading for a civil war with the Democrats). In Salla's world this is especially hard as it is a world where Hitler was permitted to escape and Nazis were permitted to flood our science and government communities. Apparently, along with Nazis we got Nordics (and Salla says Reptilians). Both Nordics and Reptilians supposedly shared UFO technology with Nazis. They used (Jewish) slave labor to accomplish their aims, and they did nothing to stop the Holocaust. I can write forever, but you and I need to talk and clear up problems in our relationship. My home phone is (321) 613-2639. My cell is (321) 795-1926. Salla’s Antarctica book mentions Clark McClelland a lot when it comes to information about Nazis, our space program, and aliens. Clark is an anti-Semite who blames Jews (Zionists) for everything. We were friends before I heard him on radio shows. I interviewed him a lot (he lives not too far away in Mount Dora, Florida). Given how Salla quotes Clark I’m going to call him now to see if he is still alive. His health was not good. When I last spoke to him he just had a leg amputated. Think about talking to me again, but remember that DoD and UK MOD read or hear what we say. The only way around that is to talk in person but we would need to clear up your exact status first. Cheers, Barry PS: David is on the copy block | Response to Craig's trillion dollar man request. Note: After I sent this message I tried to call Clark McClelland. Both his home phone and cell phone lines were no longer in operation which indicates that he is likely deceased.
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DR SAWICKI TO DAVID ROFFMAN | Jerzy A. Sawicki added an answer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hello Barry, I’m sure that all is going well there in Florida. Fortunately, we have practically no Covids in Victoria, and a few cases only in Southern Vancouver Island. Looks like oceans, sunshine and winds keep helping us. I am more involved now in Craig’s finds mostly evaluating the analyses done thus far. Craig surprises me how much he can find and read in the web and literature - as good students should do. The field of meteoritics is fascinating and I see why so many labs and scientists do it, especially in US. Certainly it is also due to funding by NASA, not available for us in Canada. I’m thinking about submitting a paper to the next Planetary Science Conference in March, in Florida. Reporting whatever we found about Craig’s big rock. But, for this the find must be approved as meteorite by the Meteoritical Society, which is not easy. I wonder if they would be able to make any exception for us studying this curiosity. There are indeed several curious things about this rock. For instance, the Raman spectra of the so called fossil seem to show nano-diamonds and graphite-like bonds. Also, we see calcium-aluminum rich inclusions with electron microscopy. And, my Mossbauer spectra show how magnetite fraction decreases with depth from the fusion crust. From 65% of iron as magnetite to some 25% at the depth of 25 mm, this was not examined by others I think. Whereas fractions of iron in pyroxenes and maskelynite glass increase with depth. All the best. George Sawicki | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hi Dr. Sawicki, Dr, Humphrey and Craig, Please take a look at the meteorite article at https://www.space.com/ In particular note the huge number of organic chemicals on the rock and it's extremely cold temperatures that are like the rock you are studying. This thing fell in January, 2018 - close to the time that Craig found his rocks. Coincidence? Best regards, Barry | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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JAN 1, 2021 email EBRAHIMI to ROFFMAN |
Craig Ebrahimi
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ROFFMAN response to EBRAHIMI on January 3, 2021 |
1. Do you want to claim at least part ownership for any vaccine developed? 2. Do you believe Alex Jones? 3.It looked like Qu blew you off. Were you able to get any more reasonable response from him than advice to talk to Chandra from him? There is still a film series in the works about my Codes work. The first or second episode will focus on you. Filming is supposed to start later this month. but I have not seen the contract. The man putting the film together is Stuart Cooper. His email is
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24 MARCH 2021 Ebrahimi to Roffman |
Hello Scary Barry! Biotech innovation collaboration opportunity! Recent presentation of our pristine billions of years old biology 15mm ET embryo discovered in an Anchondrite- Meteorite Recently published by NASA 52 LP SC iposter #2775 below . If Our Milky Way Galaxy is believed to be 13.5 billion years old. Our solar system is only 4.6 billion years old. Can one imagine that organisms as long as one inch existed on other watery planets, ended as fossils in sediments and were later ejected into space inside meteoroids or asteroids?
Kind Regards Craig Ebrahimi 642 7229 JERZY SAWICKI |
Figure 2 - Proof that the meteorite samples were mailed from Craig Ebrahimi to Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe on June 19, 2018 (see the lower lefty side of the combined image). As per the e-mail record above Wickramasinghe claims the samples were stolen from him, but that they had the cure (for COVID-19) and could be used for a longevity vaccine. Because license tags can only be renewed for 1 year in BC, the photo of Craig was taken between July 1, 2019 and April 28, 2020. Craig points to April 28, 2020.