The Code foresaw our art, but how did it come to be so smart? Updated 10/11/2019 with a discussion of DoD access to the Walter York experiment, the movie MATRIX and its source book Simulacra and Simulation.
The God of Israel, be He a Spirit or Supercomputer programmed with much or all of human history, is quite specific about His art. He also has a sense of humor. Although a bit boring there is incredible detail given when we are told how to make the Tablernacle, priestly robes, tables, and the Ark of the Covenant, etc. Figure 1 shows Banksy’s political satire Devolved Parliament. In the Code I found an axis term of PARLIAMENT that touches DEVOLVE at skip -1 and PAINTING/PICTURE at skip 38,226. The painting sold for £9.9 million (US12.1 million) at Sotheby’s in London on October 3, 2019. The price, including fees, was against a presale estimate of between £1.5 million and £2 million. “Shame I didn't still own it,” the artist, who remains largely anonymous, posted on his Instagram after the sale. The painting was first exhibited in 2009, and again at the museum this year before March 29, the date originally intended to mark Britain’s exit from the European Union. It was reworked by Banksy before this year’s reappearance at the Bristol Museum. For instance, lamps were snuffed-out and one of the previously upturned bananas now faces downward, in addition to other subtle adjustments, Sotheby’s said. The matrix was found against odds of about 1,092 to 1.
FIGURE 2. When I first heard on FoxNews that Epstein's home had a prominently displayed portrait of Bill Clinton wearing a blue dress like Monica Lewinski wore when he soiled it with his sperm, Fox didn't display the portrait so I held off on searching for it in the Code. On 8/18/2019 I saw it and posted it before I knew for certain that the portrait would be encoded. Not to worry, the axis term is EPSTEIN at ELS rank 176. That's high, but we are asking the Code to describe one small aspect of Jeff Epstein's life, and there are many Epsteins in the world. All a priori terms (except MONICA) are either at skip +1 (best case) or -1. At skip +1 (open text or not) are PRISON, DRESS, and PORTRAIT. At skip -1 are CLINTON and MURDERED. Directly crossing EPSTEIN is PRISON and CLINTON. The initial ruling on Epstein's death was suicide but if someone helped arrange the solitary cell, sleeping guards, and bed sheets after he was taken off suicide watch then this assisted suicide would involve a murder. After factoring in ELS rank 176 of EPSTEIN, the matrix was found against odds of about 7,114,354 to 1. It is a superb example of the Torah's Encoder having an absolutely clear portrait of our time. These odds do not include MONICA but one of 4 spellings of her name was virtually 100% certain to be found because it is not at a special case skip although it does shares a letter alef with EPSTEIN.
Note: The word for DRESS comes from two sequential words in Deuteronomy 22:14. The verse reads:
and lay wanton charges against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say: 'I took this woman, and when I came near to her, I found not in her the tokens of virginity';
Obviously the girls abused or raped by Epstein had their reputations ruined. If they still had them when they got to Epstein's home, the tokens of their virginity (i.e., their hymens) were soon gone. I would have included the word for virginity on the matrix, but it made it a little larger (71 columns by 16 rows, 1,136 letters) than I normally prefer. However, as the final spreadsheet shows below, if I list VIRGINITY as an a priori term then the value of the matrix improves slightly. Instead of odds against it being 7,114,354 to 1 as with the 752-letter matrix they are altered to about 8,952,678 to 1. I didn't show the larger matrix simply because I prefer to keep matrix size as far below 1,000 letters as possible.
THE ARTIST AND HER WORK. Petrina Ryan-Kleid , the painter behind Jeffrey Epstein’s now-viral portrait of Bill Clinton in a blue dress says she sold the painting at a Tribeca Ball fundraiser several years ago — and had “no idea” that Epstein was the one who had purchased it.
“In 2012, as a grad student at the New York Academy of Art, I painted pictures of Presidents Clinton and Bush as part of my master’s thesis,” she explained in a statement to The Post on Thursday.
“When the school put on a fundraiser at the Tribeca Ball that year, they sold my painting to one of the attendees. I had no idea who the buyer was at the time,” said Ryan-Kleid, a New York-based artist from Australia. “As with most of my paintings, I had completely lost track of this piece when it was sold seven years ago. So it was a complete surprise to me to learn yesterday that it wound up in Epstein’s New York home.”
Sources told The New York Post on Wednesday that Epstein — who was facing sex trafficking charges before his alleged suicide — had the oil painting hanging in his home for all to see. “It was hanging up there prominently — as soon as you walked in — in a room to the right,” a source said. “Everybody who saw it laughed and smirked.”
Clinton can be seen lounging on a chair in the Oval Office, pointing toward the viewer, while wearing red heels and a blue dress similar to the one Monica Lewinsky famously wore during their White House hookup. Ryan-Kleid dubbed the painting “Parsing Bill.”
It was one of several bizarre art pieces that Epstein kept in his $56 million mansion. He also had a taxidermied tiger and poodle, a mannequin hanging from the ceiling — dressed in a wedding gown — and a $5.6 million painting of a woman cupping her bare breast.
HUMOR, EMOTIONS, AND THE CODE'S AUTHOR. The Book of First Kings is not in the Torah, and there is no tradition that it is encoded, but it was canonized in the Jewish religion. In a Jewish (Soncino) translation of 1 Kings 27:18 we read:And it came to pass at noon , that Elijah mocked them, and said' for he is a god; either he is musing, or he is gone aside, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleeps, and must be awakened.
Another translation of this verse include the Contemporary English Version
At noon, Elijah began making fun of them. "Pray louder!" he said. "Baal must be a god. Maybe he's daydreaming or using the toilet or traveling somewhere. Or maybe he's asleep, and you have to wake him up."
There is also the Jubilee Bible 2000 which states:
And it came to pass at noon that Elijah mocked them and said, Cry aloud, for he is a god; peradventure he is talking or he had to go to the latrine, or he is on a journey, or he sleeps and will awake.
The verse was meant to mock those who worship baal. It seems that like Elijah, the Author of the Code also appreciates humor. He took the time to encode the humorous works of art on this article. What other emotions pertain to the Code's Author? As we continue our research to learn the true nature or identity of God it's important to understand what we mean by God. How similar is He to us? Let's look at a list of emotions that I found in Wikipedia. An academic study[4] using self-reporting of subjects distinguished 27 discrete emotions named on the list below. Those that seem supported by Jewish Scripture are shown in blue, those that are not are in red with related incidents or thoughts in parentheses. I have added anger, jealousy and love. What is left in black does not seem to relate to what the Jewish God would experience.
Obviously Christians would disagree especially where it comes to the idea of a god so loving the world that he allowed his son to be murdered to please some other aspect of the godhead. To Judaism the Christian idea of God is as hard to comprehend as the idea of a Codes Author supercomputer/AI whose purpose is only to be subservient to an advanced future or alien military force. That's not to say that this is what I think is behind the Code, but there are sometimes reasons to wonder whether all my military readers are here to derive intelligence about the future or to see if I have learned too much about the nature of the Encoder.
- Admiration (God admires Pinchas kills idolators)
- Adoration
- Aesthetic Appreciation (artwork required for the Tabernacle)
- Amusement (Pregnancy of Sarah)
- Anger (Sodom & Gomorrah, Noachian flood)
- Anxiety
- Apathy (Inaction during the Holocaust - In Deuteronomy 31:18 God promised to hide His face).
- Awe
- Calm (Psalms)
- Confusion (God wants Moses to be leader, then threatens to kill him over failure to circumcise his son)
- Craving (sacrifice in early days)
- Disgust (Sodom & Gomorrah, idol worship)
- Empathetic pain (for Israelites in slavery in Egypt)
- Entrancement
- Envy/Jealousy - (Exodus 34:14 - Name of God is Jealous One)
- Excitement - (at end of Creation)
- Fear (God wants us to fear Him, but there is little to back the idea that He fears anyone or anything).
- Horror (sacrifice of children to baal)
- Interest (Israel is chosen people)
- Joy (when obeyed)
- Love
- Nostalgia (for the days of Abraham, Issac and Jacob)
- Romance (Book of Songs, story of Jacob and Rachel)
- Sadness (when disobeyed)
- Satisfaction (when people are obedient even if they don't sacrifice)
- Sexual desire (Shechina in Jewish mysticism)
- Sympathy
- Triumph (defeating Pharoah)
WHO COULD FEEL THE ABOVE EMOTIONS? In examining the above list it's obvious that nearly all emotions can be linked with the Jewish concept of God. Since we are supposedly created in the image of God the emotions seem largely consistent with a traditional understanding of God. The only problem is that God has left us with religions with conflicting doctrines that lead to war and massive death. Surely if God loves us He could clear up the confusion.
What about Michael Drosnin's Bible Code idea that aliens in our future wrote the Code and sent it back in time? Here we need to know about the alien agenda or agendas. There are allegedly many species of aliens who visit us. See my review of Voices From The Cosmos. Overall, the Code is so complex and complete that I find it hard to believe an alien intelligence would be great enough to get the job done.
Could a human from the future have written the Code? Not if they already read a Torah. How can someone write a story as beautiful as that of Joseph if they have already read it? More, how could someone encode what looks like the history of humanity onto a book that already exists? Exclusion of human authors leaves us with another possibility. That of an AI supplied with the events of world history but with no access to a Torah. The computer would then be free to assemble law and history with the Code interwoven throughout the text. If the AI construction project is overseen by the Government or the military with the technical ability to transmit it back in time, or even transmit elements of belief systems back in time, it may make it possible for an advanced military force to make better decisions. However, should the program ever leak to the public there would likely be initial catastrophic consequences. Eventually, if people stopped fighting over religious issues that might be bad for arms dealers, but for the true zealots it's likely that they wouldn't believe reports of such a weapon system. A question here is whether such a super AI would be capable of experiencing the emotions listed above, or would it only be capable of using understanding of them to control humanity?
IN THERE ANY ANALOGY BETWEEN BRAIN AND CODE STRUCTURE? An article in MIT News by Cathryn Delude (Researchers show that memories reside in specific brain cells, March 22, 2012) alleges that simply activating a tiny number of neurons can conjure an entire memory. Sometimes (often) searching the Code for a simple axis term (one or two words) quickly leads to finding a significant number of a priori key words that conjure up an entire historical memory, or a pattern that is highly suggestive of a possible future. As Michael Drosnin once wrote, the Code can sometimes lead to the researcher having feelings of interacting with a living Being.
The Torah is only composed of letters and words, right? Well, not exactly. There are 304,805 letters (79,847 words). But to be kosher there are actually organic chemical requirements. "The k'laf/parchment on which the Torah scroll is written, the hair or sinew with which the panels of parchment are sewn together, and the quill pen with which the text is written all must come from ritually clean —that is, kosher— animals."[3] According to the Talmud, all scrolls must also be written on gevil parchment that is treated with salt, flour and m'afatsim (a residue of wasp enzyme and tree bark)[4] in order to be valid. But the Code I work from is not composed of any these. It's a computer Code which is only useable when there is electrical power on for my computer. Of course, human brain cells only work when there is an electrical current. The human brain also requires salt as messages are sent when there is an exchange of sodium and potassium ions. Was there ever an electrical power source available for a Torah? The answer appears to be yes. Deuteronomy 31:26 states:
Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a witness against you.
The movie Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark, made the electrical property of the Ark of the Covenant famous. The source of that idea is the massive speculation that the Ark was a capacitor (a Leyden jar) capable of producing 10,000 volts. The current might have killed two sons of Aaron (Nadab and Abihu) plus Uzzah.
Just as some memories are more extensive and likely involve more neurons, some topics in Torah are encoded in a stronger fashion. Figure 1 was encoded against odds of around a thousand to 1. It doesn't require a lot of memory to understand that the British Parliament at times acts like a house of apes. Figure 2 displays an animal nature of President Bill Clinton who put the nation through his impeachment over lying about his affair with Monica Lewinski. Then he boarded Epstein's Lolita Express jet about 27 times, likely so he could have sex with a large number of under-aged girls. Since his wife wants to move back into the White House with him again, the exposure is encoded in a stronger manner, against odds of at least 7 million to 1.
THE SEARCH GOES ON. Twenty-two years of Codes research have convinced me that the Code is real. I can find most events encoded but of course it's much easier to find what has already occurred than it is to find what will occur. A major problem is that dates are rarely encoded. Search techniques could be greatly enhanced if my top government readers would fund Project Creator Decoder, however there are two concerns that I have with working for them in a formal manner.
First is that when they contacted me initially in 2016 there was a threat issued within ten minutes of the encounter outside of the Port Canaveral Public Library.
Second is that the agent let me know something about my son's future (that he would learn who to use artificial intelligence at Yale in about 4 months when he started a post doc there). At the time we had no idea that he would attend Yale, nor were we thinking about it. This led me to suspect that somehow the Code is connected with military time research. That's O.K. But for me to shut up and just do the research I must be given access to information about contact with aliens so I can either fully rule out or incorporate what we know about their technical capabilities.
Third - for years my IP address was My reverse IP address was As the print-screen here shows, for a substantial period of time, despite a call that I made to James Fung at Brookhaven National Laboratory Security, my reverse IP address came up as Brookhaven. Stephen Hawking said, "Particle accelerators are the closest things we have to time machines." It turns out that the same article tells us this: The highest temperature recorded by a manmade device was achieved in a particle accelerator. In 2012, Brookhaven's Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider achieved a Guinness World Record for producing the world’s hottest manmade temperature, a blazing 7.2 trillion degrees Fahrenheit. But the Long Island-based lab did more than heat things up. It created a small amount of quark-gluon plasma, a state of matter thought to have dominated the universe’s earliest moments. This plasma is so hot that it causes elementary particles called quarks, which generally exist in nature only bound to other quarks, to break apart from one another. Is it coincidence that the phenomenal accelerator at Brookhaven is for some reason tied into my home? Brookhaven was caught logging on to my site with my IP address (not the reverse IP) a few times when it was the Jewish Sabbath and I don't use a computer.
Fourth - at some point after I published the Brookhaven IP connection, my IP addreess was changed to My reverse IP was changed to which is the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence.
Fifth - THE WALTER K. YORK EXPERIMENT. In response to this article I see that the primary DoD monitor of this site did provide some major information at 11/Oct/2019:00:10:49 MST7MDT. They accessed an article that I wrote about an experiment I conducted back in 2001. The purpose of that experiment was to check on whether anyone from the NSA was monitoring my research about the Codes and UFOs then. A call from a now deceased friend, Walter K. York, yielded positive results. The experiment involved me sending out an e-mail with three senstivite terms that I thought, in combination, were likely to provoke a government response. The three topics were (1) a purported claim by a (now deceased) relative (Stan Gross) to seeing what was recovered at Roswell, (2) Internet stories about a link to the Kennedy assassinations, and (3) a purported alien base underground near Dulce, New Mexico. The hypothesis was that if any of these allegations were based on fact, one of two things would happen. My phone would be tapped, or my computer would be hacked.
Within a few hours there was indeed an attempt to hack into computers involved in the experiment. Uncle Sam took the bait. My partners and I all had Zone Alarm software, and we all got the same alert. This was the first time the alarm ever went off on my computer. It also sounded like someone was listening in on my phone, but for Walt the incident was more serious. Normally Walt was a really funny guy, but on that night he was furious about my experiment. Why? Within a few minutes of receiving my e-mail, his wife got an anonymous call. She was told, “You are in the house across the street from the green and white house.” The caller then hung up, but the implication seemed clear enough. We know where you live and we can get you whenever we choose. Back off! The Zone alarm allowed me to come up with an IP address for the hacker. Today, of course, IP address lookups are free but I don't know if they were available then. A friend in the Intelligence Community ran a check on it for me. He did not give me the exact address, but he did tell me that it was a government address. It seems likely that the people threatening my friend were the same as those visiting the story of it early today (October 11, 2019) after accessing this article yesterday. They know that I will catch them right away, so their accessing this article is their way of saying, "Hello." Hi guys, say "hello" to Joseph for me.
I know where the answers to many of my questions likely lie, and who calls the shots there, but unless DoD makes the decision to pair up with me rather than just monitor my work it's likely that I will just continue to accumulate an ever growing mass of partial views of our future without answering the main question of how the Torah was encoded, what exactly is the nature of its Encoder and do we have the ability to avoid disastrous events that are encoded. At the DoD site which I wrote about in the paragraph above I could probably obtain the answer to the issue of possible DoD activity in a Code-related future technology. But to answer the question about God's involvement I'm afraid that we must wait for Him to fulfill the ultimate standard of being God. In Deuteronomy 32:39 the Encoder stated:
"See now that I myself am He! There is no god besides Me. I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of My hand.
To be God the Encoder must not only send signals about our future back into the past. He must reverse time. He must be able to take the dead to life complete with the wounds that caused death, and then heal the wounds. In short, He only becomes God in the fullest sense of the term when He brings about the Resurrection.
After 22 years of Codes study I can say that the Code is real, but the full truth may turn out to be as hard to accept as what was presented in a movie, curiously enough, named MATRIX. When the parallels began to grow as I wrote this article I bought the book that the film was supposedly based on. It is Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Bauddrillard, translated from French into English by Sheila Faria Glaser. The book begins with the following phrase:
"The simulacrum is never what hides the truth-- it is truth that hides the fact that there is none.
The simulacrum is true."
As I started to read the book, I was a bit confused by the phrase above. The book itself was not easy to follow. I'm about halfway through it now. The word simulacra is defined as a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance and an effigy, image, or representation. The more of the book that I read the more everything seemed questionable. That's not surprising because, after all, the movie was science fiction. However I could not remember reading the above quote in Ecclesiastes, and that's for good reason. A check on-line shows that the quote never appears in its alleged Biblical source. So the quote is a lie, kind of like Congressman Adam Schiff reading to Congress what President Trump was supposed to say in a call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Schiff couldn't find anything in the call to attack Trump with, so he made up his own sarcastic speech and then, in the unapproved name of President Trump, he read that to the nation, to the Congress and into the congressional record. Worse, most American news media lapped up his false words and spit them back at uninformed viewers.
So what is true? There is incredible genius in the Torah. There was no way for men to write such an encoded work at the time that it was supposedly written. If God has an Intelligence (whether evolved or not) that resembles a future computer governed in part by emotions, then He could, outside of time, produce such a work. Whoever wrote it, based on their actions in monitoring me, it seems obvious that our Defense Department (and that of the United Kingdom too) have been at work for years now in trying to understand how prophets of the past managed to get a glimpse of the future.
Note that my definition of prophets does not apply to anyone portrayed in the New Testament. There are several "prophecies" there that did not come true (like Matthew 16:28 - the promise that some people standing with Jesus would not taste of death before they saw the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. They all died and none of them saw it). In Judaism the greatest prophet was Moses, and he is the man associated with receiving the five books of Torah that comprise the only part of the Bible that we believe is encoded with an ELS Code. I do not doubt that Moses is the man who received the Torah. The issue that remains is with respect to his Source.