There is a small hint that the Messiah may come after it. This page updated on 9/19/2019.
On Figure 1 the axis term is SAUDI OIL. It is crossed in the open text by I SEE HIM, BUT NOT NOW Here the commentary from the STONE EDITION CHUMASH states, “Balaam (a gentile prophet) spoke about the very distant future of the Jewish people when the final Messianic redemption would come.” The word MESSIAH (at skip +2) crosses and shares the letter shin with the first letter of SAUDI OIL. WAR is in the open text. It is crossed by and shares a hey with GULF. ISHMAEL, from whom the Arabs descended, is in the open text. The Persian (Iranian) who attempted wipe the Jews off the face of the Earth was HAMEN. He is encoded at the same absolute skip as SAUDI OIL. USA is at skip -4 and it touches ISRAEL in the open text. All these terms will be on the spreadsheet. Off the chart are two words that may hint at Iran. The standard spelling for Iran is alef yud resh alef nun. A spelling in Ben-Yehuda's Pocket Dictionary is alef yud resh nun. The word for I SEE HIM is spelled alef resh alef nun. In Hebrew vowel marks are implied but not shown in the Torah. A dot called a Hiraq shown under the first letter of I SEE HIM would provide a transliteration of Iran. Likewise the 4 letters (alef resh nun yud) under HAMEN and leading into it sound like IRANI (Iranian). However, these misspellings will be left of the chart. The missiles flew over Kuwait and KUWAIT is on the matrix.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. The matrix is based on the only ELS of SAUDI OIL. At times I publish odds that are extremely high, but I caution my U.S. and U.K. military readers that looking at the odds for individual terms is wiser than using combined odds. But there are times that, given the restrictions I use as standard protocol, I advise my Intel customers to read more into a matrix than what's on the bottom-line of the spreadsheets. This is such a time.
For starters, crossing the axis term is I SEE HIM, BUT NOT NOW. So the first term crossing SAUDI OIL tells that the speaker is able to see what is at least 3,300 years into the future. I assume that we are almost at the time of the Messiah, so all I'm trying to do is complete the picture that Balaam saw when looking at the ancient Israelites in the wilderness with Moses. Since all Orthodox rabbis agree that Balaam was looking at the future Messiah, MESSIAH is the next logical word to look for. It's not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) so I just computed the odds against it being anywhere on the 475-letter matrix. It turns out that there was a 79% chance to find it, but this overlooks the fact that it only takes 56 letters to show it share a letter shin with the axis term. It only had about a 5.5% chance to be this close to the messianic prophecy.
WAR is in the open text. It had about an 6.5% chance to be found this way, but what is not stressed on my spreadsheet calculation is that fact that it shares a letter with GULF. So the matrix warns us of another (Persian) Gulf War based on an attack against SAUDI OIL. This makes it militarily significant. GULF was somewhere but it had a 99% chance to be here on a matrix 570 letters in area. But the match between GULF and WAR only took 24 letters. Using two synonyms for GULF it had roughly a 21% chance to be found so close to WAR.
I sought HAMEN because he is not only from ancient Iran, and not only tried to annihilate all the Jews in the world at that time, but in trying to kill the Jewish Queen of Iran (Esther) he wound up getting about 75,310 non-Jews slaughtered. While the spelling of Iranian that leads into HAMEN should be alef yud resh alef nun yud rather than alef resh nun yud, what is there is close enough to echo Haman's national origin. Using my standard protocol the matrix was found against odds of about 6,609 to 1, but the positioning of terms shows something far more significant.
ISHMAEL is also on the matrix in the open text against odds of about 21 to 1. The Book of Genesis and Islamic traditions consider Ishmael to be the ancestor of the Ishmaelites and patriarch of Qaydār. According to Muslim tradition, Ishmael the Patriarch and his mother Hagar are buried next to the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, but the holy status of Saudi Arabia in Islam was apparently meaningless to Iran.[1]
I don't normally discuss the Messiah a lot, but for those who believe he will come the matrix seems to indicate that it will be soon. As I write this Israel has just had its second election this year. Perhaps the Messiah will arise from the very mixed results. I did not see Gaza or Netanyahu on the matrix but if a war starts soon it seems likely that Israel will use it as an excuse to exterminate Hamas. A word of caution here. President Trump seems reluctant to go to all out-war against Iran. Perhaps that's because he knows that the cruise missile that hit Saudi Arabia are also hiding in the United States. So my article entitled Does Gulftainer at Port Canaveral Constitute a Threat?. Both Port Canaveral and the Port of Wilmington Delaware are controlled by a Middle Eastern company with a history of exporting the Russian-built Club K Container Cruise Missile System. It's also possible that this system was used against the oil refinery in Philadelphia. Obama's treason in helping to get this system into America can't be ruled out. Normally when I write about Obama in negative terms like this I show a matrix with Obama at a special case skip. It's not on Figure 1, but on Figure 2 below when I shift the focus down on the same ELS of SAUDI OIL we find that sure enough, OBAMA is there (but only at the second best spelling which ends in alef rather than hey). It's at the same absolute skip as SAUDI OIL and at the same skip as the shorter spelling of IRAN. THREAT is also there at skip -1. Figure 1 was found against odds of about 6,609 to 1. Figure 2 was found against odds of about 1,611 to 1.