Democrats are destroying America. Posted on 5/22/2019.
The U.S. (with RUSSIAN help) seems to be drifting towards impeachment of President Trump. There is collusion, but it is now and has always been between Russia and the Democrat Party which is heavily infested with communists and traitors. The axis term below is ENEMY NADLER. At the same absolute skip is RUSSIAN, and the man who invited impeachment by failing to do his job and rule on obstruction - MUELLER. The MUELLER Report was about collusion with RUSSIAN agents. NADLER may provoke a civil war. If he does our Army will have to decide who to support. ARMY/MILITARY in the open text crosses and shares a letter alef with ENEMY NADLER. TRUMP's skip (-70,890) is 3 times that of ENEMY NADLER (23,630), RUSSIAN, and MUELLER, thus it is parallel to them. It only takes 64 letters to show ENEMY NADLER and TRUMP. At TRUMP's side (touching alef in his name) is his Attorney General, BARR at skip +1. The lunatic left trying to impeach Trump includes all three Muslims- Palestinian Rashida Tliab, Somalian Ilan Omar, and Andre' Carson. In the open text is PHILISTINES/ PALESTINIANS. The last letter - mem - is the last letter of IMPEACHER.
There were complaints about Mueller overseeing an investigation of James Comey because they were close friends. But we should also prevent officials from overseeing investigations of their long term enemies because that also prevents a fair verdict. REAL CLEAR POLITICS documents the 30 years of hostilities between Nadler and Trump. Here are some highlights:
In the late 1980s when Nadler was in the New York State Assembly and Trump was developing the Penn Rail Yards into an apartment complex and park in Nadler’s district on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Using his now-familiar rhetorical style, Trump called the project the “greatest ever” and the “most important project” needed for New York City. He wanted one of the buildings to be taller than Chicago’s Sears Tower so it would be the tallest building in the U.S., which he said was a distinction that should belong to Manhattan. Nadler aligned with community groups who opposed the development, which they called “the phallic symbol,” “tacky” and “overbearing.” By the early 1990s, Trump was having financial difficulties and just wanted to get the project approved and built.
Trump wanted federal highway funds for the undertaking, which Nadler, who by then was serving in Congress, managed to kill.
Nadler also convinced then-HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo to stop Trump from getting a federal mortgage guarantee for his project, which the real estate mogul wanted to categorize as blighted land.
The mutual acrimony never went away. After Nadler managed to strip funding for the undertaking from the congressional appropriation, the future president recommended that the then-corpulent congressman go on a diet, while also calling him “dumb.” Nadler’s spokesman responded in kind. “If Mr. Trump thinks Mr. Nadler is so dumb,” he told reporters at the time, “we would ask why Nadler never went bankrupt and had to spend his father’s fortune to keep his family’s business afloat.”
Later, in “The America We Deserve,” Trump’s 2000 book, Nadler was one of a handful of politicians earmarked for special denigration. He was described in those pages as “one of the most egregious hacks in contemporary politics.” Nadler apparently did not forget it.
During the 2016 presidential election, Nadler issued a scathing letter about Trump receiving a $150,000 grant intended for small businesses struggling in lower Manhattan after 9/11. Pointing out that the Trump Organization is hardly a small business, Nadler called on Trump to return the money or donate it to a 9/11 charity. “You claim to be one of the biggest, richest, most successful developers in the city – yet you took taxpayer money from a grant program designed to help the ‘little guys.’ Do you really consider yourself a small businessman?” The letter went on: “Of course, without releasing your tax returns, the true size of your success will remain a mystery. We should all expect better – especially from someone running to be our president.”
Nearly 20 years ago, as a junior member on the House Judiciary Committee during the crucible of Bill Clinton’s impeachment, Nadler emerged as one of the president’s leading defenders. He argued that Clinton’s consensual sexual relationship with his intern was unbecoming but did not rise to the high standard needed for impeachment, even with perjury and obstruction of justice charges.
Nadler has been asked about this a lot recently. His responses have been prudently calibrated. "If the president perjured himself about colluding with Russians, that would be worthy of impeachment,” he has said. “Perjury about some real estate deal that happened 10 years ago that the Trump Organization took, that would not be an impeachable offense. It would be a crime."
While waiting for the Mueller report, however, Nadler has signaled an interest in holding hearings on various aspects of Trump’s empire, ranging from his tax returns, the fundraising practices of his inaugural committee, and whether his ongoing business activities violate the Constitution’s emoluments clause.
Despite Nadler’s statesman-like tone now, he’s been an active voice in the “Resist Movement” for two years now. “We cannot wait four years to vote Mr. Trump out of office,” he posted on his website after Trump was elected in 2016. “So we must do everything we can to stop Trump and his extreme agenda now.”
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the 2nd lowest ELS found for ENEMY NADLER in wrapped Torah. Before adjusting for ELS rank 2 of the axis term, the most significant a priori term is RUSSIAN which was at a special case skip against odds of about 44 to 1. Although Nadler knows there was no collusion between Trump and Russia and although he knows that Russia's goal was to sew maximum discord in America he continues to charge ahead in his request to honor Russia and bring down America along with Trump.
BARR at skip +1 was found against odds of about 14 to 1, but no value is included for the fact that he touches TRUMP. Two 5-letter spellings were checked for TRUMP and the one shown was found on the 696-letter matrix against odds of about 12.67 to 1, but it only took 64 letters to match TRUMP with ENEMY NADLER. Odds against them being this close were about 1,190 to 1. MUELLER was at a special case skip against odds of about 12.3 to 1.
In the open text against odds of about 10.7 to 1 is PHILISTINES/PALESTINIANS. They are enemies of Trump because he is a friend of Israel. But they have long been enemies of all Americans. It was a Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated Robert Kennedy on the night that he secured the Democrat nomination for President in 1968. In would be nice if the world made sense, but it doesn't. While we can understand Palestinians who want Trump impeached, why any Jews would agree with their natural enemies on this subject is close to a mystery. No President has been more supportive of Israel and Judaism than Donald J. Trump. He has Orthodox Jewish children and grandchildren, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moved our Embassy there, recognized Israel's ownership of the Golan Heights, withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Accords, and labelled the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization. His sanctions against Iranian oil, chemicals, and metals has devastated the Iranian economy. And yet, Nadler exemplifies the self-hating Jew. All he can see is that he hates Trump. Other self-hating Jews include Adam Schiff and Trump's now jailed ex-lawyer, Michael Cohen.
ARMY/MILITARY is on the 696-letter matrix against odds of about 4.57 to 1, but it directly crosses and shares a letter alef with ENEMY NADLER. As I write this article the Democrats are apparently preparing to impeach our President. While I think that it would take a conviction to provoke a civil war, I could be wrong. If that war comes, our army/military will have to decide who to back. Will it be the Establishment that took John Brennan from being a Communist who voted for Gus Hall for president in 1976 to the Director of the CIA under Obama, or will it be the President who has done so much to rebuild our military that was so gravely weakened by Obama? Are we to go back to a military where more than half our aircraft are not airworthy? Yes, Fort Huachuca and other more discreet military Intel folks, I see you reading this article as it is being written today. When the day arrives when you have to choose between a corrupt Congress and a patriotic President, I ask you remember that the Commander in Chief, your boss, is the President. When people decide which side to choose to follow, good or evil, they often weigh the odds of getting caught if they side with evil. I see the same military IP addresses here day after day. The message to my regular military readers is simple. Make the right choices. Your actions are seen by the Code's Author. And they are encoded. As I make the working assumption that all my phone calls, e-mails, and (of course) articles are monitored (which I document), likewise you should assume that there is a trail that can catch betrayals of the United States. I don't mind you watching everything that I do, but I would hope that you can find a legal way to closely check on people like Nadler, Schiff, Mueller, and even FBI Director Wray who lost credibility because he failed to back Attorney General Barr's testimony of possible spying on the White House.
The word IMPEACHER is on the matrix but not at a special case skip. It shares a letter mem with PHILISTINES/ PALESTINIANS. Although one of those begging for impeachment is a Palestinian (Tliab), IMPEACHER had about a 33.7% chance to be on the matrix. Overall, after factoring in ELS rank 2 of the axis term, the matrix was found against odds of about 7,136,759 to 1. The bottom line of this matrix is that Nadler is not pushing for an impeachment because the President has done anything wrong. He is misusing his power because of a personal hatred of the President. The Democrat Party is thoroughly corrupt. It doesn't care about helping the Russians destroy our nation. The Democrats proved their utterly disloyalty to the United States when they allowed Obama to give Iran $151.7 billion to acquire nuclear weapons to eventually destroy us. We heard Obama say to Putin that he could be more flexible with our missile defense against Iran after Obama was reelected in the 2012 election. It made no impression on people who voted for Obama.
Early I wrote While we can understand Palestinians who want Trump impeached, why any Jews would agree with their natural enemies on this subject is close to a mystery. What did I mean by close to a mystery? I believe that a large percent of Americans, Jews included, have been brainwashed or conditioned to ignore reality. Certainly none of the news networks other than Fox (which is still far from perfect) present anything close to the truth or real news. Instead they stream fake news 24/7. Yet, because so many Americans don't watch Fox they have no idea what is going on. Further, the young generation lacks social skills because so many of them are hooked on video games or other electronic media that don't allow them to connect to reality outside of a controlled electronic environment. See What's Killing the Intelligence and Sanity of Democrats?