There are several ways to spell transliterations of the name SARAH PALIN. While not the version used by the Israeli press, the version below is found in a 30 letter box with RESIGNER. On July 3, 2009, this Governor of Alaska and 2008 Vice Presidential nominee of the Repubican party announced that she was resigning. It remains to be seen if she will surface again as a major political figure. There is a lot of speculation about why she stepped down. It is, however, clear that the constant attacks on her family were wearing her down, and were most likely having a devastating affect on her daughters. I taught school for many years. I know how cruel many young teens can be. The Letterman remarks about Alex Rodriguez knocking up her daughter during the 7th inning stretch of a baseball game were very likely followed up by an intense amount of taunting at the girl's school. While she did not say so in her resignation speach, Sarah probably decided that the well being of her family was more important than her job or political future.