So far this border skirmish only involves rocks, bottles, tear gas and minor injuries. But there is a potential here for a war, whether with the invaders or with nations seeking to smuggle weapons of mass destruction across an inadequately defended border. Posted on 11/27/2018.
One of President Trump's greatest fears is that the gang known as MS-13 (with a motto of rape, control, kill) is imbedded in the caravan of potential immigrants that threatened and then stormed the border Mexican border at Tijuana and elsewhere on November 26, 2018. On the matrix below the axis term in TIJUANA. Crossing it in the open text is WAR and THE LORD SHALL LAY THE DREAD OF YOU UPON THE LAND. Touching that phrase and an ELS of TIJUANA is TRUMP. At skip +1 is CURSED BE THE MS-13 BORDER. Also in the open text is THE NATIONS ARE DEFILED WHICH I CAST OUT BEFORE YOU. MS-13 stands for Mara Salvatrucha (the 13 represents their Sureño affiliation). It's an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California, in the 1980s. They later spread to many parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America, and is active in urban and suburban areas. Most members are of Central American origin, principally El Salvador. As I will explain in detail later, based on the spreadsheet this matrix was found against odds of over 35 million to 1. There were several other related matrices found (see Figures 2 and 3). I chose Figure 1 first because MS-13 is in sequence with BORDER.
Below: Spreadsheet for Figure 1 and two other matrices based on higher ELSs of TIJUANA.
Although I originally sought only President Trump, and then Hillary Clinton out of curiosity, when I found Figure 2 and checked for how President Bill Clinton was connected with Tijuana and the immigration crisis I realized that he played a major role in setting immigration policy. In 1996 he signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) which established the deportation machine that has been humming along for two decades now.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the accepted transliteration of TIJUANA at its 4th lowest skip ELS in unwrapped Torah. I sought MS-13 and BORDER separately, but when they came up in sequence I sought the odds against them in sequence. Before taking into consideration for the axis term ELS rank of 4, the combined term was foumd against odds of about 434 to 1. The phrase CURSED BE THE does not improve these statistics because it was only found a posteriori and because MS-13 BORDER is found at skip +1 only once in Torah and that is the minimum frequency that can be entered into the spreadsheet for odds calculations purposes. WAR was found in the open text against odds of about 12.5 to 1, but these odds are for the chance to be found on the full 703-letter matrix. It only takes 35 letters to show WAR cross TIJUANA. Odds against a match this close are actually about 242 to 1. The last term used for calculation purposes was THE DREAD OF YOU. The phrase occurs twice in Torah, so odds against finding it on the are about 217 to 1. If these people are all admitted to the U.S. we have reason to dread it. Such action would open our nation to invasion by all the poor people and criminals in the world. It would certainly spark a WAR in which legitimate American citizens would have to fight the invaders. TRUMP with best spelling was found at an ELS against odds of about 108 to 1.
After factoring in ELS rank 4 of the axis term, Figure 1 was found against odds of about 32,227,57 to 1.
Figure 2 was of interest because it links, TIJUANA, CLINTON and the desire to SMITE ALL YOUR BORDER. Hillary has often changed her views about immigration. For example:
Clinton Boasted That She "Voted Numerous Times When I Was A Senator To Spend Money To Build A Barrier To Try To Prevent Illegal Immigrants From Coming In." "'Well, I voted numerous times when I was a Senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in,' Clinton told the audience.' And I do think you have to control your borders." (Sam Frizell, "Martin O'Malley Hits Hillary Clinton For Saying 'Illegal Immigrants," Time, 11/12/15).
Soon after the above pro-wall remark on November 24, 2015, after being questioned about using the term "Illegal Immigrant "at a campaign event, Clinton pledged to never say "Illegal Immigrants."
When asked if she would forgo the term "Illegal Immigrant" during a Facebook Q&A, Clinton said "Yes." "'Yes, I will,' Mrs. Clinton responded while logged in to Facebook during a stop in Boulder, Colorado. 'That was a poor choice of words. As I've said throughout this campaign, the people at the heart of this issue are children, parents, families, Dreamers. They have names, and hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected.'" (S.A. Miller, "Hillary Clinton Apologizes For Saying 'Illegal Immigrants,'" The Washington Times, 11/24/15).
FIGURE 2 ODDS. If Figure 2 was based on the lowest skip of TIJUANA, CLINTON at this transliteration would have been found at a special case skip against odds of about 30 to 1 and BORDER would be found in the open text against odds of about 51.8 to 1 fr combined odds against of about 1,561 to 1. However, the ELS rank of TIJUANA is 11, which knocks these odds down to about 142 to 1.
FIGURE 3 ODDS. I will defer from publishing odds against Figure 3 unless it is expanded at some point because the phrase THE NATIONS ARE DEFILED WHICH I CAST OUT BEFORE YOU has no a priori word in it, because the ELS rank of the axis term is higher (14) and because TRUMP is only shown at its second best spelling and it's not at a special case skip. The matrix is shown only because it combines TIJUANA, TRUMP, and people being CAST OUT which sounds like our President casting out people from other NATIONS who don't belong here. Clearly Figure 1 is the matrix that best covers the situation at the border with Tijuana.