Flake is either part of a conspiracy or criminally stupid. Fortunately, while he couldn't recognize a liar in Christine Ford without mandating a 7th FBI investigation of the nutty professor, the investigation found nothing to support her confused charges against Justice Kavanaugh. Updated on 10/6/2018.
If there is one Republican who comes across as an enemy of President Trump and the Republican Party itself, it's Senator JEFF FLAKE whose name is the axis term on the matrix below. FLAKE is also an admirer of president OBAMA, whose name is on the matrix at the same exact skip as that of JEFF FLAKE. On August 6, 2017 Flake tweeted that, "I wish that we as a party had stood up to the birther movement." That movement (which I am part of) believes that Obama was born in Kenya. This matrix backs our belief because 2 letters right of OBAMA we find KENYA at skip +1. On October 24, 2017, Flake announced he would not seek a second term in the Senate, delivering an impassioned speech on the Senate floor notable for its denunciation of the Trump Administration and Republican Party. On March 20, 2018 Flake warned President Trump of impeachment if the Mueller-Russia collision probe is halted. In line with that the matrix has MUELLER and RUSSIAN at skip -1. PRESIDENT is shown in the open text. All this was found a priori against odds of about 2,961,303 to 1. What was found a posteriori, and therefore not included in the probability calculation, was IN THE END OF DAYS.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, which is JEFF FLAKE at its second lowest ELS in wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori term is OBAMA which was found at the same skip. Before considering the axis term rank, OBAMA was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 78 to 1. KENYA was found at skip +1 on the 782-letter matrix against odds of about 28.3 to 1, but that doesn't fully tell the term's story. It only takes 30 letters to put Obama together with what I believe was the true place of his birth. Odds against having the terms this close are about 726 to 1. Flake is a guy who lives up to his name, as defined in the Urban Dictionary: They say a flake is an unreliable person; someone who agrees to do something, but never follows through. Rather than back the Republican President, as noted above Flake backs MUELLER and the ludicrous accusation that Trump is controlled by the Russians. MUELLER is on the matrix at a special case skip against odds of about 16 to 1, and RUSSIAN is at a special case skip against odds over 26 to 1. PRESIDENT is shown in the open text against odds of about 6.2 to 1 (the word also means prince and it's often used in Torah to denote the leader of a tribe of Israel). Again, what was found a posteriori and not included in the probability calculation was IN THE END OF DAYS. Even if I had thought to search for the term, unless a nuclear war or similar extinction level event actually occurs, we can't be sure that this is the right term to search for. So, after dividing the combined significance of a priori terms by 2 to account for ELS rank 2 of the axis term, the matrix was found against odds of about 2,961,303 to 1.
Undoubtedly there will be some raised eyebrows out there when folks read that I freely admit to being a birther (as President Trump likely is too). Figure 2 shows the words recorded by Obama himself in his book Dreams From My Father (1995). The guy wrote these words before he knew that he would one day run for President. Zeituni Onyango, half sister of Obama's father, wagged her finger at Auma Obama, the older half-sister of the man who posed as a legally-elected President for 8 years. Zeituni told Auma, "Make sure that he does not get lost AGAIN." Barack (using the name Barry in his writing and report of the experience) asked Auma what Zeituni meant about getting lost. Auma finished her explanation by talking about people who move to the West from Kenya and are not seen again. See the exact words on the Figure 2 print-screen. Then go on to see more matrices about Obama's place of both at my article OBAMA'S KENYAN BIRTH AND IMPEACHMENT ISSUES. Note that Obama's literary agent wrote in a brochure that, "Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."
In looking over the matrices and comparing them with what the fake news reports in America, it seems that the Author of the Torah Code had a clearer picture of truth here. While it appears highly unlikely that Obama will ever be impeached over the fraud he perpetrated on the American electorate, it's not impossible that this will be Obama's ultimate fate. It may result in a civil war, though I have not (yet, at least) found that encoded. Americans (like Flake) are suffering from what is either massive insanity or brain washing. At first before Judge Kavanaugh had a chance to successfully rebut her slander) Christine Ford seemed believable. But then her credibility fell apart - completely. After having fooled the Senate for almost 2 weeks about her fear of flying and how hard it was for her to fly from San Francisco to Washington to testify, we learned that she had just spent the summer in Delaware (got there by air) and that she was a frequent flyer. FREQUENT FLYER? WHAT ELSE? FREQUENT LIAR! See her admit to flying to Delaware every summer and to flights to Costa Rica, Hawaii, Tahiti and beyond for surfing at this video link. This woman is an obvious total dingbat. What's worse than that? Senator Flake lending her so much credibility in order to try to hurt President Trump while walking all over the Judge, the Judge's wife and their two daughters.
There was no collusion between President Trump and Russia. There was enormous collusion between the Russians and Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and on through Mueller's fake investigation. Flake has consistently sided with Clinton on these issues. During Flake's term in the House on March 26, 2012 he must have heard Barack Hussein Obama ask then Russian President Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin that with respect to American missile defense in Poland that he (Obama) could be more flexible after the 2012 Presidential Election. Obama pulled missiles out of Poland, and continued to back Obama after he gave our Iranian enemies $151.7 billion along with the right after 10 years to make unlimited nuclear weapons. In short, Flake, like Obama, is a flexible friend to Russia, and an enemy of the United States.