As technology advances we may encounter what appears to be the Divine, but we would do well to remember the Biblical advice about how to distinguish the real God from a clever simulation. Posted on 9/25/2018.
Ray Kurzweil is an American author, computer scientist, inventor and futurist. He is involved in fields such as optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech synthesis, and speech recognition technology. He has written books on health, artificial intelligence (AI), transhumanism, the technological singularity, and futurism. Kurzweil is a public advocate for the futurist and transhumanist movements, and gives public talks on life extension technologies and the future of nanotechnology, robotics, and biotechnology. He thinks nanotechnology can cure Alzheimer's Disease. On the matrix below the axis term is KURZWEIL. At the same absolute skip are his first name, RAY and NANO in sequence with ALZHEIMER. At skip +1 are COMPUTER, INTELLIGENCE, and TOMORROW. Also, at an ELS is CHANGE.
You can look over The Singularity is Near on Amazon. Alzheimer's Disease is discussed on pages 144, 188, 209, 220, 545n and 559n.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the 2nd lowest ELS for KURZWEIL in wrapped Torah. The most significant term was ALZHEIMER at the same skip as the axis term. Before looking at correcting for the axis term rank this disease was found at a special case skip against odds of about 408 to 1, however it is true that other diseases mentioned in Kurzweil's book like cancer were either not found on the matrix or not yet sought (arthritis is not mentioned in the book). NANO was sought because the book is largely about computers, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology with nanobots predicted to cure many diseases. NANO was also found at the same skip as KURZWEIL and it was directly followed and in sequence with ALZHEIMER. I did not assign any statistical value for the location. NANO was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 2.18 to 1. Kurzweil's first name, RAY, was found at the absolute skip of the axis term, but it had about a 69% chance to be somewhere on the matrix at a special case skip.
The second most significant term on the matrix was COMPUTER which was found at skip +1 against odds of about 51.4 to 1. I checked for three synonyms for INTELLIGENCE and found one of them against odds of about 34 to 1. While Kurzweil's book is about the future the word future is not in the Torah at skip +1, but TOMORROW is and I found that on the matrix at skip +1 against odds of about 8.66 to 1. CHANGE was not at a special case skip. It was virtually certain to be found and thus added nothing significant to what was shown. Overall, after dividing the combined significance of all terms by 2 to account for the rank 2 of KURZWEIL, the matrix was found against odds of about 9,878,355 to 1.
WHY KURZWEIL'S IDEAS ARE OF INTEREST TO ME AND TO OUR DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. I know that signals have been sent back in time to create the Torah. The thousands of highly significant Torah Codes matrices that I have found and published over the past 21 years is why I make this assertion, but what I seek to learn is the Who, How and Why behind the creation and transmission of these matrices back in time. I also surmise that DoD either has the same interest about how the Code came into existence, or they are trying to replicate it, even if it was done by God Himself. I say this based on the odd interview that I was put through on August 1, 2016 in the parking lot outside of the Cape Canaveral Library. I discuss that meeting in conjunction with Figure 2 of my article WARNING FROM THE FUTURE?
What might explain how signals could move back in time? Of course there's always the wormhole idea, or folding space, something that a Space Force would want to get involved with. But I have a feeling that the best alternative lies in the area of quantum disentanglement. Here I will refer to Ray Kurzweil's book, The Singularity Is Near, When Humans Transcend Biology. I don't totally endorse everything that Kurzweil has to say. His ideas about how we can build nanobot-based brains and bodies that are far better than the originals leaves out any discussion of where the concept of a soul fits in. When we look at the Torah Code my son wants to reach immediately for an explanation that leaves out God. While I am willing to consider other sources I see no reason to exclude Him, and in fact I remain a Modern Orthodox Jew.
QUANTUM DISENTANGLEMENT. Kurzweil states, "Another intriguing suggestion of an action at a distance that appears at speeds far greater than the speed of light" (meaning that time would flow backward) "is quantum entanglement. Two particles created together may be "quantum entangled," meaning that while a given property (such as the phase of its spin) is not determined in either particle, the resolution of this ambiguity of the two particles will occur at the same moment. In other words, if the undetermined property is measured in one of the particles, it will also be determined as the exact same value at the same instant in the other particle, even if the two have traveled far apart." Kurzweil has an important typo here. He must have meant the exact opposite value at the same instant. His discussion continues, "There is an appearance of some sort of communication link between the particles."
This quantum disentanglement has been measured at many times the speed of light. This means that resolution of the state of one particle appears to resolve the state of the other particle in an amount of time that is a small fraction of the time it would take if the information were transmitted from one particle to the other the speed of light (in theory, the time lapse is zero)." He then cites an experiment by Dr. Nicolas Gison of the University of Geneva to prove this concept. Sadly, after Gison suffered from dreams about falling, the dreams were premonitions of his death. He died from a fall while mountain climbing."
Kurzweil goes on to discuss the critical issue. Can useful information be transmitted faster than light? On this he says, "Yet even if we accept the interpretation of these experiment as indicating a quantum link between these two particles, the apparent communication is transmitting only randomness (profound quantum randomness) at speeds far greater than the speed of light, not predetermined information, such as bits in a file. This communication of quantum random decisions to different points in space could have value, however, in applications such as providing encryption codes."
Kurzweil describes what he believes are Six Epochs of Evolution. They are as follows:
1. Physics and Chemistry which began a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang. In it information was stored in atomic structures.
2. Biology started several billion years ago. Information was stored in DNA, which first evolved back in Epoch 1.
3. Brains evolved with information stored in neural patterns.
4. Technology began when our ancestors with opposed thumbs were capable of rational and abstract thought.
5. The Merging of Human Technology with Human Intelligence. Before the year 2030 Kurzweil believes we will accomplish this. Technology will master the methods of biology including human intelligence. Here we should mention the Turing Test, expected to be passed by the end of the 2020s in which artificial/computer intelligence will be indistinguishable from that of biological humans. Certainly my current lines of research on the Torah Code and on Martian meteorology would not have been possible without computers or the Internet. But I feel that I have largely reached a limit in Torah Code research without merging what I do with an AI - which is what I am asking our Government to fund with Project Creator Encoder. However, during this stage in evolution there will eventually arise a situation in which, in an effort to avoid death, people will be tempted to upload their minds onto computers. Elon Musk has recently verbalized his worry that we might already be living in a simulated world (see the under 4-minute video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0KHiiTtt4w), and it does not escape me that there may be a thin line between having a Creator Decoder Program vs. a Creator Creator Program. At some point the goals of science seem to come eerily close to the goals of those who endeavored to build a Tower of Babel. Indeed, science, if unable to find God, may choose to try to build one.
6. Finally, Kurzweil believes the universe will wake up. Vastly expanded intelligence (predominantly nonbiological) will spread through the universe. Patterns of matter and energy will become saturated with intelligent processes and knowledge. With respect to matter becoming saturated with intelligent processes I am particularly interested in how global dust storms arise on Mars - especially when storms start separately in the northern and southern hemisphere of Mars and then proceed to move toward each other to merge (see Section 11 of our Mars Correct Basic Report for my research into the 2018 Mars Global Dust Storm.
Kurzweil goes so far in his book as to publish a discussion that he had will Bill Gates about starting a new religion. While I am not calling for anything like that, his ideas about God come close to the number 2 hypothesis that I have about the origin of the Torah Code. The number 1 idea (and belief) that I have is of course that God wrote it. I have dismissed #3 (that a human from the future) and #4 (that an alien from the future) wrote it. But the #2 idea is that a supercomputer/AI from the future will write it and transmit it back in time. Here is an excerpt from the Gates - Kurzweil discussion that's found on pages 374-375 of Kurzweil's Singularity book published in 2005:
Ray Kurzweil: Yes, well, we need a new religion. A principal role of religion has been to rationalize death, since up until now there was little else we could do about it.
Bill Gates: What would the principles of the new religion be?
Ray Kurzweil: We’d want to keep two principles: one from traditional religion and one from secular arts and sciences – from traditional religion, the respect for human consciousness.
Bill: Ah yes, the Golden Rule.
Ray: Right, our morality and legal system are based on respect for the consciousness of others. If I hurt another person, that’s considered immoral, and probably illegal, because I have caused suffering to another conscious person. If I destroy property, it’s generally okay if it’s my property, and the primary reason it’s immoral and illegal if it’s someone else’s property is because I have caused suffering not to the property but to the person owning it.
Bill: And the secular principle?
Ray: From the arts and science, it is the importance of knowledge. Knowledge goes beyond information. It’s information that has meaning for conscious entities: music, art, literature, science, technology. These are the qualities that will expand from the trends I’m talking about.
Bill: We need to get away from the ornate and strange stories in contemporary religions and concentrate on some simple messages. We heed a charismatic leader for a new religion.
Ray: A charismatic lead is part of the old model. That’s something we want to get away from.
Bill: Okay, a charismatic computer, then.
Ray: How about a charismatic operating system?
Bill: Ha, we’ve already got that. So is there a God in the new religion?
Ray: Not yet, but there will be. Once we saturate the matter and energy in the universe with intelligence, it will “wake up,” be conscious, and sublimely intelligent. That’s about as close to God as I can imagine.
Arthur C. Clarke once wrote that, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." An AI that becomes self-aware, when asked its name, might respond, I am that I am as many people incorrectly believe that God supposedly did when Moses asked who had sent him so he could inform the enslaved Israelites. But what really happened with respect to Exodus 3:14? Here please consider the words of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. He states:
One of the most formative moments in the history of Judaism came in the encounter between Moses and God in the burning bush. Moses asks God what name he should use when people ask him who He is. God replies enigmatically, in a phrase that occurs nowhere else in Tanakh: Ehyeh asher Ehyeh.
Non-Jewish translations read this to mean, ‘I am what (or who, or that) I am.’ Some render it, ‘I am: that is who I am’, or ‘I am the One who is’. These are deeply significant mistranslations. The phrase means, literally, ‘I will be what I will be’, or more fundamentally, God’s name belongs to the future tense. His call is to that which is not yet. If we fail to understand this, we will miss the very thing that makes Judaism unique.
So when I try to learn if the Author of the Code is a God or a Supercomputer/AI living in the future I'm not really up against what the Torah seems to say about the time of the Author. So how can we distinguish a possible advanced product of our own hands (a supercomputer) from a real God? Hold Him to the standard of Ezekiel 37:13.
And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and caused you to come up out of your graves, O my people.
SUMMARY OF FIGURE 1. We have an astounding match shown. On the down side is that not every ailment that Kurzweil discusses a cure for is shown on the matrix. On the up side is that what was found was found quickly without the benefit of a potential Creator Decoder piece of software. Given an essentially unlimited number of subjects to encode, it is my experience that it's best to try to keep the search area under 1,000 letters in area and to avoid using the row split function. A priori terms should be primarily at special case skips. This matrix comes in at 748 letters in area. There is no row split and there are six terms at special case skips of +/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term. I can find about one matrix of this quality every day that I look for one which is not to be expected if I am finding random terms. Like every new technological development there is potential for evil that could come from an enriched ability to find such matches at a greater speed. Kurzweil's proposed nanobots may be able to find a cure for a disease (like Alzheimer’s) or brain cancer. But they might also be misused by a government to gain control of the brains of its subjects. Likewise the Code may tell us who to fund for research into finding cures for Alzheimer’s or brain cancer, but a wrong or incomplete reading might lead to legal (or illegal) action to be taken against a wrongly-identified potential threat. The highly unfair treatment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh by the Democratic Party during his Supreme Court nomination hearings and the illegal use of the FBI and IRS by the Obama Administration to try to bring down President Trump and Conservatives in America are proof certain that there is a great danger in providing any Government with unrestricted use of the Code. It may be that an input from U.S. military chaplains of the highest spiritual quality should be part of the decision making team when it comes to using the Codes for military purposes, but we should learn lessons from the misuse of the secret FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance) Court System as it was employed against President Trump. In 2013, The New York Times said "it has quietly become almost a parallel Supreme Court."[2]