Obama surrendered 5 top terrorists to get back one American deserter. Trump gave up nothing to get back 3 American prisoners. What's not clear is why there are so many Americans who don't understand the difference between an American President who is a hero (Trump) and one who is a traitor (Obama). Posted on 5/10/2018.
Three Americans detained in North Korea have arrived back in the US after being released by Kim Jong Un's regime on 5/9/2018. The plane carrying the three men touched down at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland shortly after 2 a.m. ET on 5/10/2018. Kim Sang-duk (also known as Tony Kim), Kim Hak-song and Kim Dong-chul were greeted by President Donald Trump and his wife Melania. On the matrix below the axis term is THREE FREE. At the same skip is a transliteration of KOREA. PRESIDENT, KIM and ESCAPE are all at skip +1. The best spelling of TRUMP is at skip +8.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the 9th lowest skip of THREE FREE in wrapped Torah. Admittedly, that's a somewhat vaguer axis term than I usually choose, but it was so startling when our President got North Korea to free three American prisoners that I decided to go for it. The most significant a priori key word found was the best transliteration of TRUMP which was, before factoring in the ELS rank of the axis term, found against odds of about 114 to 1.The second most significant term was KOREA,which was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 68.7 to 1. Third was ESCAPE. I checked for 4 synonyms and found one of them in the open text against odds of about 49 to 1. PRESIDENT was found at skip +1 against odds of about 5.5 to 1, and KIM was similarly found against odds of about 4.8 to 1. Note that the North Korean was not the only man involved with a name of KIM. All three prisoners also had Kim as part of their name. After dividing the combined significance by 9 to account for the axis term rank, overall odds against finding a matrix of this quality were about 1,139,714 to 1. No extra value was added to account for the fact that the second letter of TRUMP (resh) touches KIM.