Only those who want to destroy America and Israel prefer fences over walls. Posted on 4/9/2018.
When the Palestinians in starting protesting Israel's 70th birth in March, 2018 at first the news was that the wall was not breached. This was matched by a long 12-letter ELS in the Torah Code that translated as THE WALL HAS NOT BEEN BROKEN See Google Translates at At the same skip is GAZA. ISRAEL is in the open text. All of this is seen on the matrix below in 168 letters (with a grey background). By expanding the matrix to 897 letters we pick up NETANYAHU at skip +1, PERSIA (Iran) at skip +1, WAR at skip +2 and FENCE at an ELS.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the 12-letter axis term, here the lowest ELS of THE WALL HAS NOT BEEN BROKEN in wrapped or unwrapped Torah (this matrix is wrapped, requiring more than one computer pass through Torah to find). Twelve letters is an extremely long axis term, however it was not located through my basic Hebrew. Rather it was found by using Google Translate with the entry made in English and the Hebrew translation taken from the results. The most significant a priori key term on the 168-letter small matrix with a grey background is GAZA which was found at a special case skip +/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 83 to 1. The significance of GAZA drops to about 16 to 1 on the full 897-letter matrix. On the full matrix NETANYAHU is more significant, being found at skip +1 against odds of about 21.7 to 1. While Israel is fighting Palestinians at the Gaza border, it is also bombing Iranians at a base in Syria. This bombing occurred soon after the Syrians were helped by Iranians and Russians to attack a Syrian hospital by poison gas. PERSIA (Iran) is at skip +1 on the matrix against odds of about 14 to 1. ISRAEL only had about a 27.8% chance to be on the small matrix, but it had about an 82.4% chance to be on the full matrix. Neither WAR nor FENCE was at a special case skip. Odds against WAR being at an ELS were about 3.9 to 1, for FENCE it was about 5 to 1. Overall the small 168-letter matrix was found against odds of about 298 to 1. The full 897-letter matrix was found against odds of about 123,906 to 1.
WALL VS. FENCE? IT ALL DEPENDS ON THE BUILDER'S OBJECTIVE. President Trump asked for $25 billion for building a wall. So far he only has $1.6 Billion in funding for the border, largely for stuff like fences with no new wall. He may find a way around this problem by redirecting some of the huge new budget for the Department of Defense, but the Democrats will fight him over every cent. Other than the Party turning treasonous, why are they fighting over a wall? That's easy. A fence can be easily defeated with wire cutters. The Democratic objective is to let every possible illegal alien in with the hope that a future Democratic President can grant them citizenship or at least give them the right to vote. They assume that the alien votes will go for their party. Thus when President Trump offered the DACA folks a path to citizenship in exchange for the wall, they killed the move because they thought Trump's actions would swing alien votes to the Republicans. They don't give a damn about DACA. They only care about becoming the Party in power. A wall will keep illegal aliens out, a fence will not. To legitimate Republicans there should be no question about the fact that the Wall will help ensure Republican power, but unfortunately too many Republicans are corrupt slaves to the Establishment. Senate Majority Leader McConnell is at the head of this list of traitors. He has the power to make laws pass in the Senate with a simple majority as per the Constitution. But instead he kills the President's agenda by sticking with the unconstitutional requirement of 60 votes. The Republicans only have 51 votes as I write this in April, 2018.
So what about Gaza? Why do the Israelis have a wall around most of Gaza, but only a fence in the north? Answer: Every few years after Hamas fires hundreds of thousands of rockets into Israel, Israel has to invade Gaza again to clean house. It's much cheaper to have an entry point only protected by a fence. It's expensive to rebuild a wall, but easy to replace a limited amount of fencing and barbed wire. As several thousand Gazans have just learned, the price of storming the fence is getting shot. Since a U.S. President is not likely to issues rules of engagement that allow our National Guard or army to fire at will with live ammunition over the Mexican border it really makes sense to put up a wall that will prevent the necessity of such action. But don't hold your breath waiting for common sense from our Government.