Gaza has ensured that there is no Palestinian negotiating partner. Trump was wise to recognize the reality of Israel's capital in Jerusalem. Posted on 12/13/2017.
It is someone unusual to have an axis term that's ten letters long, but we have one here. It is JERUSALEM (is) CAPITAL. The state of being verb is is never written in Hebrew. It is implied. ISRAEL is in the open text. At the same absolute skip are the words IN GAZA and ROCKET. The word RIOT is also at an ELS. When President Trump explained why he decided to endorse moving our Embassy to Jerusalem he said that for 20 years all his predecessors postponed the decision out of the belief that delaying it would advance the cause of peace. Then he declared that “after more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement.” As we have seen so many times before the Palestinians reaction was riots, knife attacks, and rockets from Gaza. In fact, because the Palestinian Authority does not control Gaza, where Hamas rules and is still committed to destroying Israel, Gaza is a main reason why the U.S. has finally backed Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the only transliteration found for JERUSALEM (is) CAPITAL in wrapped or unwrapped Torah. However an axis term this long is more likely to be not found than found. With rioting in Gaza after President Trump's speech and rockets fired from there into Israel I looked for and found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) IN GAZA against odds of about 747 to 1. The ELS of RIOT located under it was found against odds of about 5 to 1. ROCKET was found at a special case skip against odds of about 20 to 1. ISRAEL was located in the open text but it had about a 54% to be so located because the Torah is largely about Israel (which is named 591 times in it). Overall the matrix was found against odds of about 143,033 to 1.