All eyes should focus on Putin. Posted on September 14, 2017.
Normally when I publish a matrix I emphasize the combined odds of all terms found a priori. However in trying to answer the question of who is behind the so-called Deep State, this isn't my goal. I have many suspects, but I don’t start knowing for certain who is guilty. Therefore in this experiment the goal wasn't spectacular combined odds. Rather it was to look for a number of suspects, state who was not found, display those who were found, and see who was most significantly encoded with the axis term, which in this case is the only ELS of DEEP STATE in Torah. At the same absolute skip as DEEP STATE are PUTIN, BUSH and FOR PRESIDENT. ROMNEY is one skip less than these terms. BARACK at skip -1 has his back side touching PUTIN. OBAMA is present, though not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). OBAMA touches his last Secretary of State, KERRY which is at skip +1. COMEY, the corrupt FBI Director fired by President Trump was parallel to and touching DEEP STATE in the next column to the right. It took 36 letters to match DEEP STATE with Senate Minority Leader SCHUMER. Other, less significant terms found will be discussed in the significance section below. President Trump isn't on the matrix. Why should he be? As the cartoon illustrates, he is not a member of the Deep State.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my normal protocol no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS in Torah of DEEP STATE. The axis term is found in unwrapped Torah (one computer pass through the 304,805 letters of Torah), but the full matrix requires a second (wrapped) pass through Torah to display. As I suspected, PUTIN is by far the most significant name found in an a priori fashion. Odds against it being found at its best (modern) spelling and at a special case skip on the full 1,326 letter matrix were about 230 to 1. Odds against its being found in the smaller (1,078-letter) matrix with a white background were about 283 to 1. While most people would likely be confused about the idea that Russia was not only trying to influence an election in the U.S., but was in fact already involved in running our country in conjunction with corrupt politicians here might be hard to for them to understand.
Both Republican and Democratic parties each often try to paint themselves as being more anti-Russia, but we have been very much in bed with Russia for a long, long time. No, I'm not just talking about having the Russians as our allies against Hitler, or about our Apollo-Soyuz space mission, or about the fact that we share the International Space Station with them, or the fact that our astronauts go to and from it on Russian rockets, or the fact that our Atlas rockets carry even our military satellites into space by using Russian-made RD-180 rocket engines. Our space links with Russia are far greater than all these things combined.
What am I talking about? On September 13, 2017 I noticed that as I wrote thiis article a NASA IP address that started with the numbers 66.102.7... accessed an article that I have on this site about the Roswell incident in 1947 (and, they accessed this article as it was being written at Sep 14, 2017 12:55:0 MST via an IP address starting with 64.233.172.xxx - I leave off the last digits to preserve some privacy for the readers). Yes, the Roswell Incident is the one where our military said it had found a crashed flying saucer, only to change their story to indicate that it really wasn't a flying saucer. Rather, it was a "weather balloon." I'll discuss exactly how many of our current politicians use a false anger at Russia to make themselves seem patriotic later, but the Roswell link just given reveals what is really going on since at least 1960. I know that many readers will not make the effort to follow the link, so let me be brief and explain why NASA and our Department of Defense (DoD) track very closely who goes there. The link includes some of the Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Nondestructive Testing in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan in March, 1960. I just show who was there. One member was my uncle. Look for Roffman. But before he died at the age of 93 he insisted that I read who else was there. Besides people from Wright Patterson Air Force Base and Los Alamos National Laboratory where Roswell wreckage was allegedly taken for analysis; there are three Russian scientists listed (Dr. Alexander D. Ivanov - an engineer at the Radio Research Institute in Leningrad, Prof. Dr. Mikhael N. Mikheev - Director, Physics Metal Institute, Moscow, and Pavel G. Mikhnevitch - and an engineer at the All Union Material Institute in Moscow) one Polish scientist (Prof. Dr. Ignacy Malecki - Director, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw). Poland, like its Warsaw Pact Soviet partner was then hostile to America. This was only 2 months before Russia shot down an American U-2 spy plane over Russia. It was at the height of the Cold War. But everyone there was present to learn how to fight another, greater common enemy - an alien one. If you want to see more about the meeting in Japan, clink on the link above. But be warned. The Deep State may track you if you do, assuming that they don't attack this site. Talking about this subject is like walking on egg shells.
I know that DoD will follow the article as it is written and I pretty much know who will do it. A frequent visitor from the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense also just accessed it too. Not every reader in our intelligence community knows the full scope of what I am revealing here. Most are honest and are just looking for the truth or things to be on the lookout for in matters related to national defense. They and NASA plus the ESA are my target audiences. But a few that seem loyal to the Deep State are likely part of the problem rather than the solution. They put up with me in part because they know that, by design, I have a small but often very highly placed number of followers who will read everything I write on this site, on MarsCorrect.com and on Davidaroffman.com. Was my Uncle part of the Deep State? No, but he was obviously intimidated by it, warning me that my life might be threatened if I pursued what was revealed to me. He only showed me the list of attendees in Japan just before be died. He also asked me to pursue what I was told. To a large extend, that played a huge role in all my Mars-related Research - so big that the near thousand page report written by my son and I and entitled Mars Correct - Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data is dedicated to his memory. The Achilles’ heal of all secrets related to UFOs is the fact that it's easy to prove that everything published about Martian weather data is wrong. Once people understand what the data really indicates, the first question they always ask is, "Why would the Government lie to us?" Initially the answer was linked to preventing panic, and it seems likely that there was an attempt made to give the U.S. a technological edge over countries behind the Iron Curtain. But it seems likely that at some point patents were issued based on wrecked recovered and back-engineered, money made and reputations falsely earned. Some crimes were likely committed. While I don't believe everything in Lieutenant Colonel Phillip Corso's book The Day After Roswell, it seems likely that after allowances are made for his Walter Mitty type approach to alien technology that he allegedly introduced to America weapon systems and industry, there may be some truth to what he claims.
HOW LARGE SHOULD THE MATRIX BE? It's often the case that after I've produced a matrix I have to decide what to include in my presentation to the public. The larger the area shown, the less significant the individual terms will be. Table 1 shows the % chance for each term to have been found in the 1,326-letter full matrix. Notice that on a matrix this large COMEY and (a weak transliteration of General) FLYNN both had a 100% chance to be found. This means that they are not statistically significant however in the case of COMEY a case can to be to argue that it only took 1 letters to show him with DEEP STATE. In fact due to conflicting letters in the axis term, we were forced to only consider the 9 letters in the next column to find the four Hebrew letters for DEEP STATE, with either a caf or a qof for the first letter of the name, odds against having his name so closed to the axis term were really about 538 to 1. It is often said that with statistics it's possible to prove almost anything. All I can say here is that if we only look the full matrix, COMEY is not significant. But if we look at how his name hugs the axis term, for that match it is significant. Indeed, this man seemed to enjoy being a king (or queen) maker - at first exonerating Clinton in terms of criminality after excoriating her for carelessness in handling classified e-mail, then throwing the election to Trump by reopening the Clinton base, only to attack Trump after the election by bringing up the issue of connections to Russia. But the matrix suggests that the real king maker was Putin. That does not mean that President Trump owes any favors to Putin. Putin's real aim to weaken whoever is in the White House in an effort to help reassert Russia's influence throughout the world.
What about the UFO Term? Although I made much above about the Roswell Incident, as Table 1 indicates there was a 99.7% chance to find it at a non-special case skip on a matrix that is 1,326 letters in size. But it only takes 60 letters to show UFO with DEEP STATE. There was just a 23.23% chance to have it so close to the axis term. As for General FLYNN, his name is not positioned in a particularly interesting fashion, and although he was obviously linked to Russia in improper fashion, the transliteration of his name would be better if it included the letter yud between the lamed and the nun. So he merits no further discussion here.
After PUTIN, the most significant name seen was KERRY at skip +1. He appeared at this best case skip on the full matrix against odds of about 7.2 to 1, and on the 1,078 letter sub-matrix with a white background against odds of about 8.2 to 1. However, this allows no credit for the fact that his name touches OBAMA. As Secretary of State he formulated the Iran nuclear accord, thus (along with ransom payments) helping the treasonous Obama to transfer $151.5 billion to Iran to ensure that their nuclear program would be fully financed, and that by extension, so would North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. Since the Russians build nuclear reactors for Iran, Kerry is on their side. The Russians happily signed on to Kerry's deal, but of course his (for show only) complaints about Russia invading Ukraine fell on deaf ears.
OBAMA was found on the matrix, but not at a special case skip. However his first name, BARACK, was found at a special case skip (-1) touchng PUTIN. OBAMA had a 76.1% chance to be on the full matrix, and a 64% chance to be on the section of the matrix with a white background. BARACK had about a 76% chance to be on the full matrix and about a 68.65% chance to be on the section with a white background. However, this allows no credit for him touching PUTIN. Here we must be clear that Putin lierally owned Barack Hussein obama's back side. In particular I ask you to consider the famous open microphone remarks made by Obama to then Russian President Demitri Medvedev on the matter of our missile defense against Potential attack by Iranian missiles:
President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."
President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."
The message was for Vladimir Putin, who was about to reassume the office of President of Russia. So, as you can see, the idea of Democrats being outraged about the Trump team talking to Russia is really hypocritical and phony as hell. Yet for most of Trump's time in office from January 20, 2017 until at least Hurricane Irma in September, 2017, the Democrats, and especially CNN and MSNBC seem incapable of talking about nothing but the so called Trump-Russia connection. Now, as for the Deep State counting on ignorance of the American electorate, Obama was reelected AFTER the above remarks were made public. How can so many people be so incapable of recognizing treason? You might want to read my article about a Virus that affects basic intelligence that's been found. Short of that, please seriously consider that the left wing press has brainwashed more than half of the American electorate.
I looked for a large number of suspect politicians. One was Governor Mitt ROMNEY, who blew a lead over Obama in the 2012 election. He is on the full matrix, but not at a special case skip. He had a 62.9% chance to be there in this fashion. As such I didn't think it worth it (from a statistical point for view) to include him when I marked off the section of the matrix with a white background. Romney does come close to the phrase FOR PRESIDENT which is at the skip of the axis term, but as Clinton found out, close doesn't quite make it in politics. Note that during the campaign Obama mocked Romney for declaring that Russia was the biggest geopolitical threat. Obama declared the Cold War over (but nobody bothered to tell Putin).
BUSH was found in a 33-letter box with DEEP STATE against odds of about 29.7 to 1. The Bushes have long been associated with a UFO cover up. SCHUMER had very close to a 100% chance to be on the full matrix, but it only took 36 letters to show him sharing a letter mem with DEEP STATE. Odds against this match were about 92 to 1. SCHUMER is almost certainly a traitor to both the United States and the Jewish people. Although he voted against the Iran nuclear accord, it was only after looking over his shoulder to make sure that his vote would not prevent a fillibuster on the Senate floor. He made certain that the fatal deal would never be voted on, thus giving Iran and Russia what it wanted. The Code is spot on placing the Deep State going right through his name. It's men like him that help create anti-Semites, but a man that works in secret to give Iran the bomb so they can try to destroy Israel is no Zionist.
While the combined odds are, as I indicated at the start, not what is so important here, if we just look at the section of the matrix with a white background, the odds against have DEEP STATE in 1,078 letters with PUTIN, OBAMA, BARACK, KERRY, BUSH, and FOR PRESIDENT, were about 29,887 to 1.
I will continue to update this article, but let me state who I sought and did not find on this matrix: Trump, Vatican, Catholic, Zionist, Zionism, Carter, Clinton, Pelosi, Nixon. Ike, Hitler, and Truman
PUTIN @ Skips +/- 1 and +/- 18889 | 0.4340873 |
KERRY @ Skip +1 only | 13.749209 |
PRESIDENT @ Skip +/- 1 and +/- 18889 | 33.5639463 |
ROMNEY @ Skips -18888 | 62.9118804 |
BUSH @ Skip +/- 1 and +/- 18889 | 74.7085011 |
BARACK @ Skip +/- 1 and +/- 18889 | 75.9949444 |
OBAMA @ Skips -18891 to -19214 | 76.613416 |
SHULTZ @ Skips +3 to +562 | 97.0253995 |
UFO @ Skips +2 to +28 | 99.7098371 |
SCHUMER @ Skips -37777 to -38337 | 99.9999999992 |
COMEY (2 spellings) @ Skips 37778 to 38337 | 100 |
FLYNN @ Skips -2 to -561 | 100 |