An Economic War with China is Better Than a Military One.
Kim Jong Un may be the immediate cause, but Obama is encoded at the same skip as CHINA ECONOMIC WAR and USA. He gave OUR MONEY to Iran to fund the same missiles as North Korea has. Updated on 8/3/2017.
Since China has utterly failed to reign in Kim Jong Un with respect to his nuclear weapons, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, or nuclear threats to America, it’s increasingly possible that President Trump may have to turn to economic war with China to help control the situation. On the matrix below CHINA ECONOMIC WAR is at the same skip as U.S.A. Surprisingly it’s not Trump who is at the same skip as both these terms. It’s OBAMA. He gave $151.7 billion of OUR MONEY (seen in the open text) to Iran, but they are North Korea’s ally, and this money (along with China) funds not only Iran’s weapons program, but Kim Jong Un's too. KIM touches CHINA ECONOMIC WAR. WAR is also two columns right of U.S.A. BUSH is at skip -1.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS of CHINA ECONOMIC WAR in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. Analysis of the matrix is split into two parts. In the first part we look just at 288 letters with USA at the same skip as CHINA ECONOMIC WAR, WAR in the open text, and KIM touching the axis term. Here USA occurs at a special case skip against odds of about 50.9 to 1, and WAR is in the open text skip against odds of about 29.9 to 1. No extra value is assigned to KIM even though he is touching the axis term. As such there was about a 67% chance that it would be an ELS somewhere in the 288 letters.
How do the above numbers change on the full 984-letter matrix? Here USA occurs at a special case skip against odds of about 15.26 to 1, and WAR is in the open text skip against odds of about 9.1 to 1, and there was about a 97.7% to find ELS KIM somewhere in the 984 letters. OBAMA appeared at a special case skip against odds of about 155 to 1. The additional term of interest was OUR MONEY. The word for money is the same as silver. This occurs 150 times at skip +1 in Torah, so if all that was found was MONEY, it would be found against odds of about 2.6 to 1. When I searched in English in the King James Version I found the word SILVER appear 86 times and MONEY came up 62 times for a total of 148 hits. I assume the difference between 150 and 148 is that twice in Torah the three letters forming MONEY (caf samech fey) are found as parts of two sequential words. But what I was really concerned about when I made the search for money was that Obama had given a fortune to Iran - enough for them to pay for the ICBM testing and even enough to buy nuclear weapons directly from North Korea. Further, when we buy all our products from China, a good part of the money we pay for our goods is used to prop up Kim Jong Un. So, again, he is using OUR MONEY to plan to slaughter us all. This is reminiscent of the pre-World War 2 days when we sold so much scrap iron to Japan, and they used it to build a fleet to kill our people and fleet at Pearl Harbor. So how many times does the phrase pop up in the Torah? Three. Odds against this phrase being found on the full matrix were about 103 to 1.
Obama's predecessor, BUSH, did nothing to help the Korean situation. President G.W. Bush began his Korean policy on January 29, 2002 with his State of the Union address in which he criticized North Korea for “arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, while starving its citizens.” Bush characterized North Korea, along with Iraq and Iran, as constituting an “axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world.” In the last week of his presidency (January 13-17, 2009) during a visit to Pyongyang, North Korean officials told scholar Selig Harrison that the country’s declared stock of plutonium has “already been weaponized” and could not be inspected. Although BUSH is at a special case skip, it does little to help the matrix here. His name had about a 64% chance to be found this way.
Combined odds against the 288-letter matrix were about 2,269 to 1. Whereas expansion to include OBAMA, BUSH, plus OUR MONEY took these odds up to about 3,579,826 to 1, the expansion was justified. What was not justified? Electing Obama twice to betray us.
CHINA: YOU NEED AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT. It has been reported that China’s state news agency has blasted Donald Trump for his “emotional venting” on social media after the President complained on Twitter that China is not helping the US rein in North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. The article continues:
“Trump is quite a personality, and he likes to tweet,” said Xinhua, China’s official news agency, in an editorial displayed on Chinese news websites. “But emotional venting cannot become a guiding policy for solving the nuclear issue on the peninsula,” it said, referring to the divided Korean Peninsula.
“I am very disappointed in China,” Mr. Trump declared on Twitter on Sunday, after North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile in defiance of United Nations sanctions.
“Our foolish past leaders (OBAMA, BUSH, and Bill Clinton, but he is not on the matrix) have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade (OUR MONEY), yet they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk,” Mr. Trump wrote. “We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!”
Xinhua wrote in its 1,000 Chinese-character editorial that Mr. Trump “is clearly finding the wrong target” for his outrage.
“What the peninsula needs is immediately stamping out the fire, not adding kindling or, even worse, pouring oil on the flames,” Xinhua said, according to The New York Times. The tensions could, it added, “evolve into a localized conflict, or even the outbreak of war, with unthinkable repercussions.”
MAIN MESSAGE TO CHINA: START THINKING MORE ABOUT THOSE UNTHINKABLE REPERCUSSIONS. The issue of North Korean nuclear weapons is an existential one for the United States. This automatically implies that it is one for China too. A nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States would be treated by the United States as a nuclear attack by China against us and would likely be met with a full nuclear retaliatory strike by the U.S. on North Korea AND China. You need to get the midget brain under control fast - unless your goal is to quickly reduce your population by a billion people via a nuclear war. China - do you think such a policy is improbable? Recall President Kennedy’s speech on October 22, 1962:
It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile launched from Cuba against any nation in the Western Hemisphere as an attack on the United States, requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet Union.
WHAT WOULD AN ECONOMIC WAR AGAINST CHINA LOOK LIKE? Here are some possible actions and potential consequences:
1. No new tourist or student visas issued or renewed. We may lose some tourist dollars but we can survive without Chinese tourists. For those Americans who want to tour China, based on my last trip there in 2007, here is what you are likely to see: Nothing! Why? Because the air pollution is so intense that it's often hard to see your own hands. When I last took a train that was right next to a segment of the Great Wall - I never spotted it through the smog. In fact, in taking the Trans Siberian Railway from Beijing to Moscow, via Mongolia, we could see almost nothing until we were in the Gobi Desert about 10 miles from the Mongolian border. With respect to student visas there are many graduate schools in the U.S where foreign students, and in particular Chinese students are the majority of students. This is especially true in the STEM areas (science, technology, engineering and math). Often Chinese students hold a distinct advantage over U.S. students because the Chinese arrive with a Master’s degree in hand, whereas the Americans only start with a B.S. It's sad that Chinese students occupy American college seats in place of Americans, but the situation becomes intolerable if they take their skills learned here back to China to help them or their North Korean allies build nuclear weapons to destroy us. Worse still, if they stay in America after earning the doctorates (as about 45% of them do), they take jobs from Americans. There is only about one faculty positions in America now for every two physics PhD holders.
2. Cancelation of all direct flights between the United States and China.
3. Placing China on a list of countries that Americans are forbidden to travel to (like we have just done with North Korea).
4. Reduction of Chinese Embassy staff in Washington, D.C. to not more than 10 people.
5. Closure of all Chinese consulates in the United States. For the Chinese who remain here they can use Chinese consulates in Canada. This is similar to what citizens of Belarus experience when they want to access an American embassy or consulate office. They must travel to Poland, Moscow or Ukraine.
6. A 35% tariff immediately imposed on all Chinese goods. Funds from such tariffs would be used to pay for an increased missile defense which is necessary to meet North Korea’s nuclear threat. It's true that this will increase the cost of many goods in America, but right now as I look around my home, almost everything from my appliances and furniture to my underwear is made in China. If we shut down trade with China it will force our country to start producing most of our products right here - increasing employment and tax revenues. An initial drop in the stock market is to be expected, but once it is clear that this will increase production and jobs here the market should recover nicely.
7. A possible ban on all Chinese imports. See paragraph 6 above.
8. A possible freeze on all Chinese funds in American banks. The money can be placed in an escrow account - to be unfrozen when China forces North Korea to end its nuclear and ICBM programs.
Do you say that Congress won't back the President and approve these actions? Well then the President's fall back plan is simple enough - obliterate North Korea with no notice. He doesn't need congressional approval to do so. What follows makes this clear:
On Tuesday morning, Sen. Lindsey Graham said that President Trump is willing to go to war with North Korea to stop it from being able to hit the American mainland with a nuclear weapon.
“There is a military option: to destroy North Korea’s nuclear program and North Korea itself,” Graham told the Today show’s Matt Lauer. “He’s not going to allow — President Trump — the ability of this madman [Kim Jong Un] to have a missile that could hit America.
“If there’s going to be a war to stop him, it will be over there,” Graham continued. “If thousands die, they’re going to die over there. They’re not going to die over here — and he’s told me that to my face.”
Graham’s press office confirmed that the senator was, in fact, reciting the details of a conversation he had with the president. According to Graham, the president “doesn’t want a war” — but would be willing to start one that would kill millions of people in the region if it came down to it.
Graham went even further later in the interview, saying war between the United States and North Korea was “inevitable” under this president unless North Korea stops testing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). These missiles, Graham says, are an unacceptable threat to the American homeland — so Trump would go to war to stop them:
A BARGAINING CHIP. At some point China will need something in return to save face for being forced to pressure North Korea in a meaningful way. My choice would be to allow them to claim the islands they are building in the South China Sea (i.e., the Spratly Islands). They need these islands to help supply China with oil. We can easily sail around the disputed waters. They are not worth going to war with China.
Wikipedia states:
The Spratlys are one of the major archipelagos in the South China Sea which complicate governance and economics in this part of Southeast Asia due to their location in strategic shipping lanes. The islands have no indigenous inhabitants, but offer rich fishing grounds and may contain significant oil and natural gas reserves,[4][5] and as such are important to the claimants in their attempts to establish international boundaries. Some of the islands have civilian settlements, but of the approximately 45 islands, cays, reefs and shoals that are occupied, all contain structures that are occupied by military forces from Malaysia, Taiwan (ROC), China (PRC), the Philippines and Vietnam. Additionally, Brunei has claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratlys, which includes the uninhabited Louisa Reef.
We certainly owe nothing to Vietnam. As for Malaysia, Taiwan (ROC), the Philippines and Brunei, when it comes to oil and natural gas reserves associated with uninhabited or recently built islands, let them take their case to an international court. We just don't have a dog in this fight.
INDICATIONS AND WARNINGS (I&W). My son is acquainted with several Chinese physicists at Yale and he met another medical physicist at a convention in Denver in early August, 2017. He asked them how they viewed China's ability to stop North Korea's march to madness. One of them in April was neutral about it, telling him not to worry. But the majority made clear that China would back its communist ally and work or fight against the U.S. The majority opinion appears to be borne out in the following story on FoxNews.Com:
By Lucas Tomlinson Published August 02, 2017
China quietly test-fires missiles over the weekend
In a brazen broadside to America, China performed a dramatic series of missile tests this weekend -- targeting mock United States missile batteries and jets -- as the superpower flexes its muscles amid global tensions with North Korea and the threat of U.S. intervention, U.S. officials told Fox News.
U.S. spy agencies detected the Chinese military launching a series of 20 missiles at mock targets designed to look like American THAAD missile batteries and advanced U.S. Air Force F-22 stealth fighter jets.
While some of us are looking for an evacuation of U.S. military dependents from South Korea as I&W to indicate that President Trump is about to start a hot war, such an evacuation may provoke the North to attack. The Chinese Government appears to be helping Kim in a joint quest to destroy the West. As such, the above I&W should not be ignored. With respect to the economic war action, if China has decided to go to war they must know that it will destroy their economy too. But they likely see President Trump as weak because he reluctantly signed the new sanctions against Russia, and in doing so (off camera) he surrendered some of his presidential authority to Congress. As such the Chinese may feel Congress would not back the President in either an economic or military war. Knowing this, the need for stern action against China cannot be put off any more.
Update of August 8, 2017: Three days ago the United Nations Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea that could slash by a third the Asian state's $3 billion annual export revenue over its two intercontinental ballistic missile tests in July. The U.S.-drafted resolution bans North Korean exports of coal, iron, iron ore, lead, lead ore and seafood. It also prohibits countries from increasing the current numbers of North Korean laborers working abroad, bans new joint ventures with North Korea and any new investment in current joint ventures. While China and Russia agreed to enforce these sanctions, they didn't include a ban on oil imports by North Korea. So far the new sanctions have only resulted in angering Kim Jong Un, and today there were reports that North Korea has succeeded in putting miniaturized nuclear warheads in their missiles. There were also reports that the North is now in possession of up to 60 nuclear weapons. While the sanctions agreed to by China are a step in the right direction, time on the nuclear clock is rapidly running out. The China has not given us enough. Either they shut down North Korea fast, or we should shut down all trade with China.