My TV & Radio Shows
My latest interview was posted on March 8, 2021.
MARCH 8, 2021 (filmed on 2/18/2021): Part 1 of the 2-hour Alien Meteorite interview of Barry Roffman by Kevin Gallagher.
MARCH 8, 2021: (filmed on 2/18/2021) Part 2 of the 2-hour Alien Meteorite interview of Barry Roffman by Kevin Gallagher.
FEBRUARY 16, 2021: TRUMP'S FOURTH REICH ENEMIES. The two-hour interview of Roffman by Gallagher is about Presidents Trump, Biden, and the Fourth Reich people who oppose President Trump/ The video is divided into two one-hour shows.
OCTOBER 7, 2020: I was interviewed further by Stewart Best. The show was a continuation of my interview from September 23, 2020. It touched on the Nazis, UFOs, and attempts to build a Fourth Reich in Antarctica and America. It also discusses President Trump getting COVID-19. The direct link to the radio show is
SEPTEMBER 24, 2020: I was interviewed for one hour last night on the NIGHT SHADOWS ONLINE RADIO SHOW with Stewart Best. To hear it click on the link just given. The show touched on the Nazis, UFOs, and attempts to build a Fourth Reich in Antarctica. You can access most or all of the slides I talked about at
APRIL 24, 2020: ROFFMAN TALK SHOW INTERVIEW ABOUT THE TRUE SOURCE OF COVID-19. The Interview was conducted by Steward Best and Larry Taylor on their NIGHT SHADOWS show broadcast on April 23, 2020.
SEPTEMBER 5, 2019: To hear me in a radio interview about the Torah Codes and also about life found on Mars use the link here.
Night Shadows with Stewart Best and Larry Taylor | 12/17/2018 | You can hear this 1 hour show by clicking here. Most of the show is devoted to the Civil War article I published on December 13, 2018. |
Night Shadows with Stewart Best and Larry Taylor | 7/18/2018 | 1 hour interview about the proposed U.S. Space Force. This show also discusses the Martian Global Dust Storm of 2018 and the possibility that I might involve life. |
Night Shadows with Stewart Best and Larry Taylor | 3/14/2018 | My 2-hour Interview About Time and Time Travel is at this link.
TV INTERVIEW about my Mars research in English and Italian by Marco de Marco and Matteor Fagone | 9/3/2017 | September 3, 2017 Interview |
Night Shadows with Stewart Best and Larry Taylor | 7/26/2017 | Stewart and Larry follow up previous shows and ask me about why NASA is covering up the truth about Mars. They also ask me about what I know about time travel. |
TV INTERVIEW. Time Out With Kevin Gallagher | 7/12/2017 | Kevin does the best TV interview of me ever – this time an hour show about the Torah Code. |
Time Out With Kevin Gallagher | 10/16 2016: | Kevin Gallagher does a TV interview of me on the topic of my Mars Correct research. |
Night Shadows with Stewart Best
| 5/8/2016 | NEW RADIO SHOW: I was interviewed by Stewart Best and Larry Taylor on their NIGHT SHADOWS show. I discuss General MilleyNight Shadows with Stewart Best, Roswell, and Government disinformation about Mars. I also explain the Bible/Torah Code and time travel.
The John Moore Radio Show | 7/27/2015 | I was interviewed again about Mars for about 20 minutes again today. This was followed by on hour devoted to the Torah Code. The interviewers were John Moore and Tim Spencer. The interview starts about 5 minutes 35 seconds into the 2+ hour show at After the interview I answered questions from the listeners about the Torah Code. |
The John Moore Radio show | 7/20/2015 | I was interviewed again about Mars on the John Moore Show. The interviewer was Tim Spencer. The interview starts about 1 hour 11 minutes into the 2+ hour show at |
The Curtner and Kerr Radio Show. | 9/17/2014 | Two hour radio interview. The first 49 minutes are about the Torah Code. Then I go into what I found about Mars. A co-guest is Tom Mack. He has a Christian-oriented codes site here. |
The Curtner and Kerr Radio Show. | 4/30/2013 | This 90-minute radio show with Larry Taylor as a co-guest deals with Mars research conducted by my son and I. Larry maintains a web site here. |
Ed Middleton’s Night Search Radio | 6/24/2012 | Topics I covered on the 1 hour show include the location of the Ark of the Covenant, Planet X (which I discredited), UFO Disclosure and the Alien threat. |
TV show: Bible Code II – Apocalypse and Beyond | First broadcast in April 2004. This show is often rebroadcast, especially around Christmas and Passover or Easter. | On this 1 hour History Channel TV Show I am one of several speakers about the Torah Code. I discuss the difference between the Code and what Nostradamus wrote, three possible sources of the Code, the location of the Ark of the Covenant, and possible military uses of the Code. |
TV INTERVIEW about my Mars research in English and Italian by Marco de Marco and Matte Fagone | 9/3/2017 | September 3, 2017 Interview |
Night Shadows with Stewart Best and Larry Taylor | 7/26/2017 | |
TV INTERVIEW. Time Out With Kevin Gallagher | 7/12/2017 | Kevin does the best TV interview of me ever – this time an hour show about the Torah Code. |
Time Out With Kevin Gallagher | 10/16 2016: | Kevin Gallagher does a TV interview of me on the topic of my Mars Correct research. |
Night Shadows with Stewart Best
| 5/8/2016 |
The John Moore Radio Show | 7/27/2015 | I was interviewed again about Mars for about 20 minutes again today. This was followed by on hour devoted to the Torah Code. The interviewers were John Moore and Tim Spencer. The interview starts about 5 minutes 35 seconds into the 2+ hour show at After the interview I answered questions from the listeners about the Torah Code. |
7/20/2015 | I was interviewed again about Mars on the John Moore Show. The interviewer was Tim Spencer. The interview starts about 1 hour 11 minutes into the 2+ hour show at | |
9/17/2014 | Two hour radio interview. The first 49 minutes are about the Torah Code. Then I go into what I found about Mars. A co-guest is Tom Mack. He has a Christian-oriented codes site here. | |
4/30/2013 | This 90-minute radio show with Larry Taylor as a co-guest deals with Mars research conducted by my son and I. Larry maintains a web site here. | |
6/24/2012 | Topics I covered on the 1 hour show include the location of the Ark of the Covenant, Planet X (which I discredited), UFO Disclosure and the Alien threat. | |
First broadcast in April 2004. This show is often rebroadcast, especially around Christmas and Passover or Easter. | On this 1 hour History Channel TV Show I am one of several speakers about the Torah Code. I discuss the difference between the Code and what Nostradamus wrote, three possible sources of the Code, the location of the Ark of the Covenant, and possible military uses of the Code. An asteroid discussion is at 6:03 to 6:52 in this segment. |