But does the matrix imply that the seas will fall, or Trump will fall? This page was posted on 6/8/2017 and updated on 6/9/2017.
For 20 years now I’ve worked on cracking the Torah Code. By now I pretty much know what to look for - a priori terms at special case skips +/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis terms. On the matrix below there are three terms at the absolute skip of the axis term which is PARIS ACCORD. Two of them – TRUMP and THE SEAS are a priori. The third term was found a posteriori which means it is not the kind of term that I normally include in a calculation for statistical significance. However, sometimes a posteriori finds offer an unexpected view of a possible future. I hope that’s not the case here. The term, in sequence with TRUMP, is I WILL FALL. This was found on June 8, 2017 at about the time that former FBI Director James Comey was testifying in Congress in large part against the President. The matrix also includes I WILL CAST OUT NATIONS FROM touching PARIS ACCORD, and an ELS of POLLUTION touching THE SEAS.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the lowest ELS of PARIS ACCORD. The most significant a priori term found was the best spelling of TRUMP (tet resh alef mem peh which is used in Hebrew newspapers). Since this is the preferred spelling I do not include the frequency of lower quality transliterations (tav resh alef mem peh, tet resh mem peh ot tav resh mem peh). Two areas were considered for calculation purposes. The full matrix is 702 letters in area, while that with the white background was only 270 letters. Trump is never found in Torah with a skip of +/- 1 for any spelling, so when looking for a special case skip we must seek those with the same absolute skip as the axis term. Odds against finding TRUMP as shown on the matrix were about 434 to 1 on the full matrix, and 1,129 on the partial matrix. So this alone is a spectacular march.
The next item sought was a reference to all seasons or any one season because the Paris Accord deals with what was once called global warming although now the revised phrase is climate change. As such, I found IN EVERY SEASON in the open text against odds of about 19 to 1 on the full matrix or 49 to 1 on the smaller matrix. No extra value was assigned for the fact that it crossed and shared a letter caf with PARIS ACCORD.
Evaluating the next phrase was tougher. What President Trump did in withdrawing from the Paris Accord was to show the way for other nations to deal with reality. The agreement had allowed China and India to pollute to their heart's content until the year 2030. More, it was to provide a trillion dollars to India and billions to China, while hurting the U.S. economy when we, in fact, have done wonders in improving our air quality. The phrase touching PARIS ACCORD is I WILL CAST OUT NATIONS FROM. Since I was only looking for something about NATIONS I just used the open frequency of that word, and I found that term in the open text against odds of about 8.4 to 1 on the full matrix or 21 to 1 on the section with the white background. No other a priori terms were found on the smaller matrix. Combined odds against it were about 1,177,686 to 1.
In the section of the full matrix with the light blue background we find THE SEAS at the absolute skip of the axis term (though reverse direction). This term was found at a special case skip against odds of about 9.55 to 1. Finally, I checked for four 4-letter synonyms for POLLUTION and found one of them not at a special case skip against odds of about 3.67 to 1. It happened to touch THE SEAS, but again I allow no value for that in my calculation. Odds against finding the full matrix were about 2,485,167 to 1 so the extension to 705 letters is justified.
As for the phrase I WILL FALL that in sequence followed TRUMP, while it is at an ominous location, it's also at the same skip as THE SEAS . My son, Dr. David Roffman, son is at Yale in New Haven Connecticut. This is his first winter up north since he ws only two years old. It was, for him, quite cold with some high temperatures in June still only around 53 degrees Fahrenheit. He has not a fan of wearing thermal underwear and would have really appreciated some global warming up there (things were just beautiful here in Florida). However, there is a theory that a winter with the ocean there too warm there would lead to too much snow. This in turn would increase the albedo of the northeast, leading to summers when not all the snow will melt. The result of that would be formation of glaciers, another ice age, a fall of sea level. So, perhaps that was the concern of the Code Author, although I must admit that with the Democratic Party and most of the media as out of control as the President's tweets generally are, I'm much more worried about him than I am about the potential decrease in sea level. Anyway, the questionable phrase discovered by snooping, says I WILL FALL. It would be a greater concern if it said HE WILL FALL. Time will tell how serious this term will be.