Code names killer. Palestinian, Iraqi, Daesh/ISIS & Libyan links examined. U.K. Ministry of Defense - the one's for you! 5/23/2017.
On May 23, 2017 a suicide bomber struck in Manchester, England when fans of Ariana Grande were leaving her concert. On the matrix below the axis term is SUICIDE. ARIANA and GRANDE are each at an ELS. This is the only time both names appear in the Code with SUICIDE. It's a rare find: The killer's name - ABEDI - at skip +1 touches SUICIDE. ABEDI also touches ATTACKER. Who could the ATTACKER be linked with? LIBYA is on the matrix at skip -1 and there are reports that the bomber's family were refuges from there. FROM PHILISTINES in the open text touches SUICIDE. IRAQ is also at skip +1. DAESH is present but not at a special case skip. They claim Abedi served them. The attack occurred while TRUMP was IN ISRAEL, and these terms are both here. He will met with Palestinian leader Abbas on May 23, 2017 and he was certain to discuss Palestinian support for terror. Palestinians are not mentioned in the Torah or any of the rest of the Tenach/Old Testament so when looking for them I always search for the related term PHILISTINE.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRICES. The two spreadsheets below indicate that the segment of the matrix without Trump is more significant than that with him, however both looks are important. The top portion with a white background (600 letters in area) was found against odds of about 873,816,856 to 1, whereas for odds against the full 1,080-letter matrix were just about 80,155,358 to 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here SUICIDE in wrapped Torah at its 57th lowest skip. I normally don't like to go to the 57th lowest skip for an axis term, but sadly there are is no shortage of people who commit suicide each year, and that is especially true for horny young Muslims seeking love with 72 virgins in heaven. As for why I did not use ARIANA GRANDE as an axis term, the general rule is that the Code is based on axis terms that are about 8 letters long. Seven letters, as with the Hebrew word for suicide is OK. I never want to go below 6. Ariana Grande is 11 letters long, and I only find an axis term that long about once every year or two.
Now, let’s look at the individual terms on the top 600-letter segment of the matrix. I wanted a matrix that had ARIANA and GRANDE on it. ARIANA was on the matrix against odds of about 254 to 1. But I would not have considered the matrix without GRANDE. Her last name was there against odds of about 169 to 1. ABEDI was found somewhere on the matrix against deceptively low odds of about 5 to 1, but it was in a 72-letter box with SUICIDE and ATTACKER against odds of about 39 to 1. Why aren’t the odds more extraordinary? The name is found at skip +1 in Torah 109 times, in part because it translates in English as My Servant, and there’s a lot about servants and slaves in Torah. ATTACKER was found at an ELS against odds of about 5.6 to 1, but again – the word touches the actual name of the SUICIDE ATTACKER.
What about the locations? ARIANA and GRAND allow us to focus on Manchester, where the attack occurred. The family of ABEDI was from LIBYA which is on the matrix at skip -1. But LIBYA is only a 3-letter word in Hebrew. It had about a 54% chance to be at a special case skip. More interesting was IRAQ where a desperate DAESH (ISIS) is close to defeat. It was found at skip +1 against odds of about 169 to 1. That goes a long way in refuting an argument that DAESH had about a 40.6% chance to be found at an ELS. But who really got the Islamic suicide bomber movement going in a big way? That would be the Palestinians. Their name came not from their ancestors. Rather it came from what the Romans called the Jewish nation as an insult - PHILISTINES , to remind them of their ancient enemy. So when FROM PHILISTINES in the open text touches SUICIDE, we are being told to look to ancient enemies of the Jews that were found in the land that God gave us. Ironically, Manchester, England experienced an increase in anti-Semitism after Israel fought its last war against the so-called Palestinians in Gaza. In discussing the effects on British Jews that resulted from the 2008-2009 Gaza war, Wikipedia writes:
Anti-Semitic graffiti with slogans including 'Kill Jews', 'Jews are scumbags' and 'Jihad 4 Israel' were also sprayed in Jewish areas across London and Manchester.[77][78] Police stepped up security in Jewish neighborhoods, and members of the Jewish community were reported to have fled the country because of safety fears.[79] ... The Metropolitan Police reported four times as many anti-Jewish incidents following the conflict as Islamaphobic events.[82]
It is often argued that all Middle East problems would end if only Israel would give in to Palestinian/Philistine demands. FROM PHILISTINES was found on the matrix against odds of about 51 to 1, but again, it touched SUICIDE.
In going to the larger, 1080-letter matrix we pick up a 5-letter transliteration of TRUMP against odds of about 9.6 to 1, but the value of all previously discussed items drops on the larger matrix. TRUMP was IN ISRAEL when the attack occurred and IN ISRAEL is on the matrix against odds of about 11 to 1, but statistically the larger matrix is not justified, even if in reality it gives us a sense of when this attack was executed.
My endeavor here was to provide something of interest to my recent fans from the U.K. Ministry of Defense. I understand that you had Abedi on your radar before this incident. It's bad form that Islamic terrorists don't want to play by civilized rules like we do. Perhaps it's time for the U.K. to re-evaluate dropping the threshold required to imprison potential terrorists. Meanwhile, for my friends in DoD on this side of the Pond, my son, David, is not only well familiar with how to find intelligence-significant matrices in the Code, but he's also becoming well versed in Artificial Intelligence (AI). You may want to move beyond merely reading his website. Try reaching him at Yale to discuss intriguing career opportunities after his current postdoc stint, but be warned - he would prefer to work in Florida than up north in the gray world. Fort Meade would require some convincing. A job at CENTCOM or SOUTHCOM would fill the bill nicely, but he would consider all appropriate offers!