Trump Blames Schumer for Terrorist Attack. The Code Agrees.
Trump may not be politically correct, but neither is God. Posted on 11/2/2017.
The terrorist who attacked New York on October 31, 2017 was Sayfulllo Saipov. In general, the Torah Code is based on axis terms that are 8 Hebrew letters I length. SAYFULLO is 8 letters in Hebrew, so that’s the axis term (first term sought). When President Trump tweeted that, “The terrorist came into this country through what is called the “Diversity Visa Lottery Program,” a Chuck Schumer beauty,” I looked for SCHUMER and found him at the same skip as SAYFULLO. Did Schumer’s bill make him guilty here? The first letter of SCHUMER in the open text is the first letter of NAME OF THE KILLER. The photo of Schumer is from Breitbart. It shows Schumer at a Gay Rights parade. The word for GAY is at the same absolute skip as SAYFULLO and SCHUMER. ISLAM is at skip +2. Islamic extremists see homosexual behavior as being worth of a death sentence. We saw this at the Orlando nightclub massacre in 2016. A letter of GAY is the first letter of AND I WILL KILL YOU. There are also ELSs of TERRORIST, VISA, and FOOLISH.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the second lowest ELS of SAYFULLO in wrapped or unwrapped Torah. NAME OF THE KILLER is the most significant a priori term. However the first issue here is how large the matrix should be for calculation purposes. While SAYFULLO is the name of the actual killer, the phrase SAYFULLO only occurs once in Torah, and the second most important a priori term, SCHUMER occurs 26 times at a special case skip. Because of the President's remarks about Schumer, and indeed rightfully so, we can assign responsibility to Schumer for the killing too. Without assigning any value for the fact that SCHUMER and NAME OF THE KILLER share the same first letter (shin) odds against having SAYFULLO, NAME OF THE KILLER, GAY at a special case skip (+/-1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) and SCHUMER in 675 letters with a white background were about 42,591 to 1. r
The expansion to include the area with a tan background to show AND I WILL KILL YOU, TERRORIST, VISA, and FOOLISH was not justified. AND I WILL KILL YOU was only found a posteriori, and under my protocol that is not included in any calculation. TERRORIST, VISA, and FOOLISH which were not found at a special case skip all had very close to a 100% chance to be found at an ELS in 837 letters. What was worth an expansion was the word ISLAM. But to see it required an expansion from 675 letters up to 1,224 letters.
What Was Schumer’s Role in Creating the Diversity Visa Bill?
The diversity visa program has its roots in the Immigration Act of 1990, a bipartisan bill passed in late 1990 that sought to increase and restructure immigration into the U.S. Earlier that year, Schumer, then serving on the House immigration subcommittee, introduced the Employment-Related Immigration Act of 1990. Part of that bill called for a special category of visas to be offered annually to “diversity immigrants” from “low-admission regions.”
Some of that bill was later folded into the Family Unity and Employment Opportunity Immigration Act of 1990. According to the bill summary, it “provides for preference allocation systems for admission of family-sponsored, employment-based, and diversity immigrants, respectively. Bases diversity immigration on identification of low-admission states and regions.” COMMENT: Nothing in this wording mentions the fact that many such states are low-admission specifically because they are hostile to the United States.
The bill — which had 32 co-sponsors, including Schumer and seven Republicans — passed the House 231-192 with a majority of Democrats voting for it, and a majority of Republicans against it.
The Senate version of the bill, the Immigration Act of 1990, sponsored by Sen. Ted Kennedy, included similar provisions for “Diversity Immigrants.” COMMENT: Apparently Ted Kennedy forgot the fact that his brother, Robert Kennedy, was assassinated by a Palestinian Muslim.
Under the bill, diversity visa applicants were required to have a high school education or its equivalent or “two years of work experience in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or experience.” It passed the Senate overwhelmingly, 89-8. The bill received wide Republican support, including from Sen. Mitch McConnell, now the Senate majority leader. It was signed into law by Republican President George H.W. Bush.
In remarks on the Immigration Act on Oct. 26, 1990, just prior to its passage, Schumer explained his support, and his role in helping to craft portions of the bill.
“There are certain countries that have been left out,” Schumer said. “It’s wrong that countries like Ireland or Poland or Nigeria can’t get almost any immigrants into this country, simply because the people who came from those countries came a long time ago and aren’t brothers and sisters but are rather second and third cousins.”
Schumer said he was “proud to help put together a major portion of the bill that is going to say to Irish, to Poles, to Nigerians, ‘You’re not going to be excluded anymore.'” (See C-SPAN video at the 17:20 mark.). COMMENT: Thanks Chuck - but when you allowed all the Muslim terrorists to join in this lottery, you played Russian roulette with our safety.