Obama is likely guilty of approving of a wire tap against Trump, but convicting him of the crime will be difficult. Posted on 3/5/2017.
There is a 10-letter ELS of OBAMA WIRETAP in unwrapped Torah. In the open text the word for PRESIDENT is on the line directly above an open text hit of FOR THE CRIME/SIN. There is also a 5-letter ELS of TRUMP on the matrix and it’s also touched by an ELS of PRESIDENT. All this is in 451 letters (with a white background). If the matrix is expanded to 728 letters then an ELS of IMPEACHMENT occurs. Is it possible to impeach a person after they leave office? Yes. William Belknap served as Secretary of War under Ulysses S Grant from October 25, 1869 – March 2, 1876. Belknap’s resignation did not stop his impeachment. Later that day, members voted unanimously to send the Senate five articles of impeachment. He was accused of “criminally disregarding his duty as Secretary of War and basely prostituting his high office to his lust for private gain.” Although Belknap was impeached, he wasn't convicted. Given the treason in the Democratic Party, if Obama is impeached there would not likely be enough votes to convict him either.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the only ELS for a 10-letter transliteration of OBAMA WIRETAP in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori term was TRUMP. One of two 5-letter transliterations was found in 451 letters with OBAMA WIRETAP against odds of about 45.5 to 1. The next most significant term was PRESIDENT in the open text. It was found against odds of about 10.4 to 1. The second PRESIDENT (not at a special case skip) which touched TRUMP was expected to be found somewhere on the matrix. If I allowed more value for it touching Trump then I would use it, but that is not my normal protocol. What is really special about the first PRESIDENT is that is directly above and touching four letters of FOR THE CRIME/SIN. Again, I will not offer odds for this meeting. Overall the odds of getting THE CRIME/SIN somewhere on the 451-letters matrix at skip +1 were about 4 to 1. Overall the segment of the matrix with a white background was found against odds of about 2,273 to 1, but this figure leaves out important positional finds and the fact that 10-letter axis terms are rarely found. As for the term IMPEACHMENT, it required an expansion of matrix from 451 letters to 718 letters to show it, and the term was found on the larger matrix against odds of about 4.5 to 1. However, showing this term devalues all the other odds shown earlier, reducing the odds against finding the combined matrix from 2,273 to 1 down to 1,437 to 1. As such the expansion was not justified.