Enemy News Leak Secrets and Bring Down General Flynn
Trump is Right. Much of the News Media is an Enemy of America. Updated 2/20/2017.
On February 17, 2017 President Trump tweeted that, "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!" He also said, "I think it's very, very unfair what's happened to Gen. Flynn, the way he was treated, and the documents and papers that were illegally — I stress that — illegally leaked. Very, very unfair.” On the matrix below the axis term is ENEMY NEWS. In the tiny 70-letter box with a tan background is FLYNN at the same skip as ENEMY NEWS. Also in this box is GENERAL at skip -1 crossing and sharing a letter vav with ENEMY NEWS. Moving to the full 660-letter matrix, the fake news has long backed so called sanctuary cities. They are described in Numbers 35:15. Crossing ENEMY NEWS is "For the stranger and for the settler among them, shall these six cities be for refuge, that every one that kills any person through error may flee there." Trump will build a wall on the Mexican border. While not the preferred spellings, there is a short 4-letter ELS for TRUMP that touches an ELS for MEXICO..
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the only translation found for ENEMY NEWS at any ELS in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. Let's first focus on the 70-letter submatrix with the tan background. Odds against finding a special case (+/-1 or absolute skip of the axis term) skip for FLYNN were about 484 to 1. Odds against finding one of two words sought for GENERAL at a special case skip were about 73 to 1. Combined odds against finding FLYNN and GENERAL at special case skip in 70 letters with ENEMY NEWS were about 35,390 to 1. The match is thus extremely significant and an example of reading the Torah Codes almost like a newspaper, but this News Media (the Torah) is not an enemy of President Trump, General Flynn, or America. What else is in this 3,300+ year old "newspaper?"
If we expand the matrix to 660 letters we find that the third letter of ENEMY NEWS is crossed by the Biblical command to establish cities of refuge (but only for killers who committed manslaughter, not murder in the first or second degree). However, because I did not think to look for these cities in conjunction with ENEMY NEWS I can't include it on the combined odds spreadsheet because that is used only for key words found in an a priori manner.
There were four transliterations sought for TRUMP. The one found was the least significant. It had a 60% chance to be found somewhere on the matrix. The most significant a priori word found on the larger matrix was one of four 6-letter transliterations sought for MEXICO. It appeared against odds of about 462 to 1. It should be noted that MEXICO touched TRUMP. There was also a find of a second word for ENEMY at a special case skip (-1). This was found against odds of about 5.3 to 1. Overall the larger matrix was found against odds of about 1,741,441 to 1.
Are networks like CNN the enemy of the American people? All too often, yes. This was not only apparent during the election. Everytime that there was a question of why someone was shot by a police officer CNN and its allies were there promoting riots. Ferguson was a primary example, but there were plenty of other times where they appeared to be happier to see police get shot and killed or convicted than to go without a story. All too often they inspired the assassination of police. Their hostile action has also led police to withdraw from areas of Chicago causing a surge in gun violence in 2016: 762 murders, 3,550 shooting incidents, and 4,331 shooting victims, according to a statement released by the department on Sunday (January 1, 2017). There were 480 murders in 2015, the most in the city since 1997. When riots are in progress reporters should NOT be permttted to be present on scene because they fan the flames of violence. Finally, the FCC should look long and hard at pulling some broadcast licenses starting with CNN, NBC and ABC if they cannot exercise some contraint and alter their hostile tone (as exemplified by Don Lemon CNN.