Hey Australia, if you want to mess with America, maybe you should defend yourself against China without our help. Posted on 2/3/2017
In November, 2016 after Trump won the election, a battle broke out between him and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over an agreement made between the Australian and President Obama (apparently after Trump's election) that attempts to force Trump to accept about 1,250 mostly Muslim refugees that Australia is holding offshore on the islands of Nauru and Manus. The agreement is just another example of the ignorant, traitorous mess that Obama left for President Trump. On the matrix below the axis term is a transliteration of AUSTRALIA. At the same skip are OBAMA and MESS. There is also a B. OBAMA at skip -1 that is 2 rows under OBAMA. Australia will not let the refugees pass through their country. In the open text is YOU SHALL NOT PASS. REFUGEE is at skip +1. IGNORANT and USA are at twice the skip of the axis term. Finally, an ELS of ALIEN shares a letter resh with YOU SHALL NOT PASS, and it touches USA.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, a transliteration of AUSTRALIA at the 16th lowest skip in wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori term was B. OBAMA at skip -1. This hit includes the only term in Torah that Obama at any transliteration) occurs at skip +/- 1. Before factoring in ELS rank 16 of the axis term, it was found in the 646-letter matrix against odds of about 472 to 1. However, what first caught my eye was that there is a second special case skip of OBAMA on the matrix. It was found against odds of about 236 to 1.
The crisis was brought about by Australia's refusal to let the Muslim refugees pass into its land, and its desire to dump them on Trump. The phrase YOU SHALL NOT PASS was found in the open text against of about 67.9 to 1. One of three synonyms checked for REFUGEE was found at skip +1 against odds of about 18.65 to 1. An ELS of ALIEN was found against odds of about 10.5 to 1, with no additional value assigned for the fact that it shared a letter with YOU SHALL NOT PASS or for the fact that it touched USA.
The next most significant term was MESS which was found at a special case skip against odds of about 8.64 to .1 Frankly, after Obama's administration finished its last hours with giving the Palestinians $220,000,000 that was not approved by Congress, and a few days before that allowed a condemnation of Israel to sail through the U.N. Security Council, it was apparent that Obama's primary function for the last 8 years was really to create the biggest mess possible for his successor. He was the traitor that first have $150,000,000,000 to Iran along with a deal that ensured Iran will become a nuclear nation with 10 years, and who later gave Iran another $1,700,000,000 in cash loaded in three aircraft as ransom for Iranian-Americans that were held hostage in Iran. If a Caucasian president would have done such things he surely would have been impeached, but Obama was a master of the race card with get-out-of-jail card for whatever outrageous acts of treason that he wished to perpetrate.
Although Trump tweeted, "Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal! 10:55 PM - 1 Feb 2017, the word for IGNORANT/STUPID/DUMB was not statistically significant even though it was located parallel to and between AUSTRALIA and MESS. Nor was USA statistically significant even though it was at the same skip as IGNORANT/STUPID/DUMB.
After factoring in ELS rank 16 of the axis term, the matrix was found against odds of about 925,377,264 to 1 - which is extremely significant.
A STAFFER in the Prime Minister’s office has been suspended after posting anti-Trump propaganda to her social media page. An executive assistant to the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s chief of staff Drew Clarke, has been suspended today over “inappropriate” posts on her Facebook page, 2GB radio reports.
The woman posted a photo and link to a website named ‘Tuck Frump’ in November, before the President was elected. She deleted the post today after the radio station alerted the Prime Minister’s office to the link. The website features merchandise with ‘Tuck Frump’ and a video showing a doll of the President being stabbed with pins, covered in molten lead and crushed. She had an image of a ‘Tuck Frump’ T-shirt as her Facebook cover image until mid-January, 2GB reports.
“The employee accepts that these posts were inappropriate and has deleted them from her account,” a spokesperson from the Prime Minister’s office said in a statement. “The Chief of Staff has suspended her immediately while the matter is investigated further.”
HOW CAN TRUMP PUNISH AUSTRALIA FOR THEIR HOSTILE REFUGEE ACT? What follows again are some highlights from an Australian newspaper, the Melbourne Sun on February 3, 2017.
WHAT PRICE WILL TRUMP DEMAND FOR REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT? AUSTRALIA may find President Donald Trump will exact a hefty price for resettling refugees languishing on Naru and Manus — such as sending troops to Iraq.
The new “America First” US president says he is all about deal making and winning. Right now he’s not happy the Obama administration left him with a “dumb deal” to resettle refugees Australia offloaded to Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea.
Mr Turnbull, another businessman-turned political leader, will soon find out what the new president wants as quid pro quo, James Curran from the US Studies Centre told AAP.
“It may take the form of a battalion in Iraq or freedom-of-navigation patrols in the South China Sea,” he said
It would be extremely dangerous for Australia to be trading away key national security interests to shore up what in reality is a minor refugee deal, he said. Sending a battalion to the Middle East for the fight against Islamic State extremists would effectively double our commitment of 780 personnel who are carrying out air strikes, special operations and training Iraqi soldiers.