UFO DISCLOSURE AND OBAMA (Updated on 6/26/2019)
On July 25, 2009, I received a link to a C-SPAN interview of Buzz Aldrin in which he claimed that there is a monolith on a moon of Mars (Phobos). I went searching the Torah Code to see if there was anything about the Obama Administration ever disclosing an alien presence. That matrix is shown below. The axis term is UFO DISCLOSURE. OBAMA goes through it at at ELS. There is an ELS of MARS, and the word for Giants (NEPHILIM) is found in the open text. So far during the Obama Administration the only disclosure has been by Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on our moon. Note that the Aldrin disclosure was made shortly after he briefly met with Clark McClelland, discussed below. I have no knowledge as to whether it was first cleared by the Obama Administration.
On September 20, 2010 NBC launched a new dramatic series, The Event. In it, Blair Underwood in a shallow impersonation of President Obama starred as the Commander-in-Chief to who was forced to announce that our planet was being engaged by extraterrestrial intelligence. There was speculation in the UFO community that the show was the latest in a long line of infotainments designed to prepare the way for a real announcement. On December 2, 2010 there was an announcement about exobiology NASA, but it only dealt with bacteria. I have a matrix up about the announcement at Alien DNA. While bacteria based on DNA with arsenic rather than phosphorus is an astounding find, it's only the smallest of a fraction of what NASA still is keeping from the public.
Most disappointing, on the night before the raid that killed Bin Laden, at a White House roast of Obama with Donald Trump present; Obama likened stories of his foreign birth to those of the Roswell UFO. To link his birth with Roswell means that Obama will probably not reveal the truth about Roswell any more than he would risk removal from office by telling us the truth about his birth. His other joke about Roswell is also noteworthy. Sadly, I believe that Obama was indeed born in Mombasa, and I know that the Roswell event was real. I say this because I have known trustworthy people of high rank who have claimed to have seen the Roswell craft in 1964 and in conjunction with what Kennedy Space Center NASA administrators wanted done when UFOs were present during launch operations.
When I say that I know that the Roswell events was real, I also know of threats that I have received for revealing details.
If someone writes to me claiming to have been abducted (not uncommon), and they want their story told, I'm often (but not always) happy to do so while also pointing out what was dubious about it. But if they were or are a Government employee who signed a non-disclosure form, then the matter is trickier or even dangerous. The calculation runs something like this: What is the likelihood that the threats would be backed by action, who would be hurt if I repeated exactly what they said, what is their age of the person involved, or are they deceased? After they depart this life there is a temptation to reveal at least part of what they told me - in some cases "death bed confessions." So let me give you something solid (though filtered) here as an example.
At the very height of the Cold War in March, 1960 there was an important meeting of scientists from the U.S., its allies, the Soviet Union, and Poland in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan. For cross reference on relations between the U.S. and Russians in March, 1960, realize that the Russians shot down an American U-2 spy plane less than 2 months later on May 1, 1960. They knew about such flights before then (the first flight was on April 9, 1960), but only had the missile required to shoot the plane down in May. Planning for the flights went back to 1957.
Relations between Japan and the Soviet Union then were far from friendly too. In 1960 the Soviet Government warned Japan against signing the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation with the United States, and after the treaty was signed, the Soviets declared that it wouldn't hand over the Habomai Islands and Shikotan under any circumstances unless Japan abrogated the treaty forthwith.
Since President Obama hasn't yet made any honest disclosure, I will tell what was and is still unclassified, but what in the light of history may give away the picture of what was really going on back when Eisenhower was President in March, 1960. It's common knowledge that people who claimed to see the Roswell wreckage noted that when the metal was folded or crumbled up, it straightened itself out. There was a lot of testing that was supposedly done on it to find out what it was composed of and why it was so hard to destroy. The scientists who would be most qualified to handle it would have been experts in nondestructive testing. The meeting that I refer to was the Third International Conference of Nondestructive Testing. It was organized by the Science Council of Japan in cooperation with the Japanese Society for Nondestructive Testing. The Soviets who were present were Professor Dr. Mikhael N. Mikheev (Director of the Physics Metal Institute in Moscow); Pavel G. Mikhnevevitch (Engineer, All-Union Material Institute in Moscow), and Dr. Alexander D. Ivanov (Engineer, Radio Research Institute, Leningrad). Poland was a member of the Warsaw Pact (then our enemies). From Poland there was Professor Ignacy Malecki (Director, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences). There were many Americans present who came from U.S. military facilities around the nation, but since it is alleged that the Roswell spacecraft was taken to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, I will just point out that Edgar Dugger, a Supervisory Materials Engineer was at the conference to represent the Wright Air Development Division at Wright Pattersonn AFB. Did he speak about the Roswell UFO? I don't know. I wasn't there and I don't know for certain if UFOs were discussed or not, but based on a death bed confession that I heard when the immediate topic beforehand was UFOs, I suspect that the issue was at least brought up, if not the prime motive for the conference. It's only because the confession that I heard that I am aware of the conference and its attendees. I tried to pin the man down more who revealed these thing to me, but all he would say was, "You're a smart guy - you'll figure it out."
Normally scientists in nondestructive testing would be taking apart captured enemy equipment with a goal of learning how to defeat it in battle. So the issue here is, who was a common enemy of the U.S. and U.S.S.R. that provided the reason for Americans and Soviets to work together? From 1947 to through 1960 there was an abundance of UFO sightings (I saw one on my 19th birthday described at this link). It scared the hell out of me, and started my life-long push to learn the truth. There can be no doubt that the truth behind UFO reports was (and likely still is) a major defense concern in America, the Soviet Union/Russia, and other advanced nations.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. The matrix has been up on my site since 2009. My standards are tougher now than then. By today's standards when I publish a matrix with Obama's name on it I like to see Obama at a special case skip (+/-1 or the skip of the axis term). Here Obama's skip is one more than UFO DISCLOSURE, so it slants down and to the left rather than running vertically. The truth about UFOs will not be established by Torah Codes, but please allow me to briefly discuss the math involved here anyway.
The probability that OBAMA would lie in a 48-letter matrix with UFO DISCLOSURE (at ELS Rank #3 in wrapped Torah) equals about one chance in 192 (note that on the full 352-letter matrix there was about one chance in 13.6 that the name would be there someplace). However, five years after posting this matrix, there is no sign yet that Obama will do us a favor and finally be honest with something. So, at best, the issue is who (if anyone) will disclose the truth during this president's horrendous rule when NASA's target date for landing people on Mars has been put off until the 2030s.
The discovery that NEPHILIM was in the larger, 352-letter matrix, was a posteriori but still of interest. Normally I don't calculate the statistical significance of a posteriori terms; however this web site discusses a Tall Extra Terrestrial in conjunction with the page on Clark McClelland, who claimed to see such a being on a classified monitor being used for a Department of Defense Space Shuttle flight in the early 1990s. A diagram of what he supposedly saw is included on the left below the matrix. Clark has published extensively about his experience at the Kennedy Space Center, and he believes that the creature seen was one of the Nephilim (giants) discussed in the Torah. In 2012 I moved to Cape Canaveral, Florida. Many of the people who live in my condominium complex work at the Space Center, which can easily be seen from my condo. At least one has indirectly confirmed Clark's story. As such, we'll bypass the a posteriori issue for the moment. The odds against NEPHILIM being in the open text so close to UFO DISCLOSURE are about 223 to 1. The text for Nephilim shown on the matrix is from Genesis 6:4. Many writers associate it with aliens who interbred with humans. The text reads:
The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.
The odds against NEPHILIM being in the open text on the 352-letter matrix are about 96 to 1. There is also a transliteration of MARS on the matrix. But Clark's claims (despite any non-disclosure letter that he might have signed) do not constitute serious nondisclosure because he makes many wild, unsubstantiated claims that mis-color his core claim. Most annoying is that he thinks Zionists are to blame for all his personal health and final woes. In reality his financial woes are linked to becoming the poster boy for what happens to those associated with NASA who talk about UFOs (he lost his retirement).
Five years ago in 2009 I not only published this matrix, but my son and I also began a 5-year study of Martian air pressure. The transliteration of MARS on the matrix is not very significant mathematically. There was about 1 chance in 2 to find it or another transliteration of Mars, but it is now my belief that the route to disclosure goes through the data we have amassed in our Report, Mars Correct: Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data, with Emphasis on Pressure. Links to the Basic Report, Annexes and Powerpoints are included below. While, before starting the Mars research, I always thought that Mars was unrelated to the issue of UFOs, I now think that the Martian report is the Achilles’ Heel of NASA. The report documents what must be a history or incompetence and/or disinformation. In reference to it I record the IP addresses of NASA, European Space Agency and Russian Government readers who visit me without using a proxy to hide their identity. I also record universities that visit (potential employers for my son after he finishes his PhD in physics). So far I have many such readers without any of them challenging a word that we write about Mars. If NASA/JPL ever tris to refute anything, I will publish it along with my answer to it, but I suspect that they don't want to attract more attention to what I have found.
When you watch the Buzz Aldrin disclosure video, note the tone is his voice and the look (nervous concern) in his eyes when he tells us about the monolith on Phobos. Also note the rude arm that reaches in front of him to rip the script from before his face, and how fast C-SPAN cut him off the air when he said what he did.
One thing I am certain about - the picture of Mars given to the public is incorrect (which is why the Report below includes Mars Correct in its title, as does my MarsCorrect web site where I publish Martian weather data unclouded by the question of Torah Codes. The atmospheric pressure of Mars is higher than what has been announced. The proof for this assertion can be had at the following sites (Abstracts are also included below):
Short Name with Link | Full Name of Article | Description of the Article |
Basic Report for MARS CORRECT: Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data | 67-slide summary of 8+ years of research indicating that air pressure in Mars is about 100 times higher than NASA asserts. | |
Basic Report for Mars Correct (PDF Posted February 21, 2018) | Basic Report for MARS CORRECT: Critique of All NASA Mars Weather Data | ~200-page summary of 8+ years of research indicating that air pressure in Mars is about 100 times higher than NASA asserts. |
April 30, 2013 Barry Roffman radio interview about Mars. | The link to a radio interview that I gave about Mars on April 30, 2013 is as follows: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/curtner-and-kerr/2013/05/01/barry-roffman-with-larry-taylor-mars-exposed | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Section 1 | Abstract, Introduction, and Martian Dust Devils | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 2 to 2.1 | Overview of Instrumentation Problems | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 2.2 to 2.4 | Mars Pathfinder (MPF) and Phoenix Pressure Issues. | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 2.5 to 2.6 | MSL Pressure Sensor Pegs Out at Sol 370, and the Viking Dust filter | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 2.6 to 2.7 | Viking Pressure Reports & Digitization, Consistent Daily Pressure Spikes, MSL Weather Reporting Fiasco | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 3 to 4.1 | Caves & Spiral storms on Arsia Mons; Snow, Water Ice & Carbon Dioxide; Ls of Minimum Pressure | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 5 to 6 | Radio Occultation and Spectroscopy | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 7 to 7.2.1 | Martian Wind Problems, Anemometers/Telltales, & Sand Movements | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 8 to 9 | Downrange Landings; Dust Opacity and Pressure | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 10 to 11 | Excessive Deceleration During Aerobraking Operations | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 12 to 12.3 | Potential Pressure on Mars, Methane, and Sky Color | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 13 to 14 | Relative Humidity and Temperature Measurement Concerns | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Section 14.1 | Ground temperature problems | |
Mars Correct Basic Report Sections 14.1 to 18 | Conclusions, Recommendations, Acknowledgements, and Afterword – What difference could all this possibly make? | |
Mars Correct Basic Report References | References |
Annex Abstract | Overview of data in the Annexes | A-1 |
ANNEX A Appendix 1 | VL-1 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 to .34 time-bins. Sols 1-116. | A-3 to A-22 |
Appendix 2 | VL-1 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 134-199. | A-23 to A-34 |
Appendix 3 | VL-1 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 200-219. | A-35 to A-38 |
Appendix 4 | VL-1 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 220-304 | A-39 to A-50 |
Appendix 5 | VL-1 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 305-334 | A-51 to A-55 |
Appendix 6 | VL-1 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 335-350 | A-56 to A-59 |
ANNEX B | VIKING 2 MORNING PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE CHANGES http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20B%209%20September%202013.pdf | B-1 to B-39 |
Appendix 1 | VL-2 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 156-175 | B-2 to B-5 |
Appendix 2 | VL-2 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 176-199. | B-6 to B-10 |
Appendix 3 | VL-2 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 201-260. | B-11 to B-20 |
Appendix 4 |
VL-2 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 261-290. | B-21 to B-26 |
Appendix 5 | VL-2 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 291-305. | B-27 to B-30 |
Appendix 6 | VL-2 pressures of .26 to .3 time-bins & .3 and .34 time-bins. Sols 306-361 | B-31 to B-39 |
ANNEX C | VIKING 2 STUCK PRESSURE GAUGE http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20C%209%20September%202013.pdf | C-1 to C-54 |
Appendix 1 | Viking 1 Sols 1 to 199 | D-3 to D-94 |
Appendix 2 | Viking 1 Sols 200 to 350 | D-95 to D-171 |
ANNEX E | Measured vs. Predicted Pressure Percent Differences for Viking-1 Time-bins 0.3 and 0.34 http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20E%209%20September%202013.pdf | E-1 to E-14 |
ANNEX F | Percent Difference Experimental Summary | F-1 to F-18 |
Appendix 1 | Percent Difference Flow Chart for Viking 1 Sols 1 to 116 & 200 to 350 | F-5 to F-16 |
Appendix 2 | Histogram with temperatures at successful predictions per time-bins | F-17 to F-18 |
ANNEX G | Tavis Transducer Specifications and Test Results http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20G%2010%20September%202013.pdf | G-1 to G-13 |
ANNEX H | Calibration Effort for the Mars Pathfinder Tavis Pressure Transducer and IMP Windsock Experiment http://davidaroffman.com/Annex%20H%20%209%20September%202013.pdf | H-1 to H-43 |
ANNEX I | Pressures Reported by the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS). | I-1 to I-28 |
Appendix 1 | Print Screen Record of Original REMS Team and Ashima Research MSL Weather Reports | I-12 to I-28 |
ANNEX J | Concessions by Ashima Research and How to Correctly Calculate Daylight Hours for MSL http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20J%20%209%20September%202013.pdf | J- 1to J-19 |
ANNEX K | REMS Team and Ashima Research Weather Reports from Sol 15 to Sol 299. http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20K%209%20September%202013.pdf | K-1 to K-34 |
ANNEX L | How Martian Day Length Varies with Ls and Latitude | L-1 to L-10 |
ANNEX M | One Year of MSL Weather Reports http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20M%20of%20All%20NASA%20Mars%20Weather%20Data%20Revised%20Aug%2027%202015%20to%20Critiqu.pdf | M-1 to M-38 |
ANNEX N | Weather Reports for MSL Year 2 Ls 151 to Ls 270 (late winter to end of spring), Sols 670 to 864 http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20N.pdf | N-1 to N-13 |
ANNEX O | Weather Reports for MSL Year 2 Ls 270 to Ls 0 (summer), Sols 865 to 1,020 http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20O.pdf | O-1 to O-11 |
ANNEX P | Weather Reports for MSL Year 2 Ls 0 to Ls 90 (autumn), Sols 1019 to 1,213 http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20P.pdf | P-1 to P-15 |
ANNEX Q | Weather Reports for MSL Year 2 to 3 Winter, Ls 90 to Ls 180 (Sols 1,213 to 1,392) http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20Q.pdf | Q-1 to Q-18 |
ANNEX R | Weather Reports for MSL Year 3 Spring, Ls 180 to Ls 270 (Sols 1,392 to 1,534 | R-1 to R-37 |
ANNEX S | Source: Document: Two Martian Years of MSL High Air and Ground Temperatures. http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20S.pdf | S-1 to S41 |
ANNEX T | Source Document: Two Martian Years of MSL Low Air and Ground Temperatures. http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20T%20TO.pdf | T-1 to T-64 |
ANNEX U | Comparison of Ultraviolet Radiation and Pressures at Gale Crater, Mars for MSL Years 1 and 2 | U-1 to U-28 |
ANNEX V | Weather Reports for MSL Year 3 Summer, Ls 270 to Ls 0 (Sols 1,534 to 1,686. http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20V.pdf | V-1 to V-28 |
ANNEX W | Weather Reports for MSL Year 3 Fall, Ls 0 to 90 (Sols 1,687 to 1,881 | W -1 to W-24 |
ANNEX X | Weather Reports for MSL Year 3-4 Winter, Ls 90 to 180 (Sols 1,881to 2060 | X-1 to X-31 |
ANNEX Y | Weather Reports for MSL Year 4 Spring, 180 to 270 (Sols to 2060 to 2204) http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20Y.pdf | Y-1 to Y-19 |
ANNEX Z | Weather Reports for MSL Year 4 Summer, 270 to 0 (Sols to 2203 to 2357) http://davidaroffman.com/ANNEX%20Z.pdf | Z-1 to Z-19 |
ABSTRACT: We present evidence that NASA is seriously understating Martian air pressure. Our 9-year study critiques 2,419 Sols (~6.81 terrestrial years, 3.61 Martian years) of highly problematic MSL Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) weather data, and offers an in depth audit of over 8,311 hourly Viking 1 and 2 weather reports. We discuss analysis of technical papers, NASA documents, and personal interviews of transducer designers. We troubleshoot pressures based on radio occultation/spectroscopy, and the previously accepted small pressure ranges that could be measured by Viking 1 and 2 (18 mbar), Pathfinder and Phoenix (12 mbar), and MSL (11.5 mbar - altered to 14 mbar in 2017). For MSL there were several pressures published from August 30 to September 5, 2012 that were from 737 mbar to 747 mbar – two orders of magnitude high – only to be retracted. We challenged many pressures and NASA revised them down. However there are two pressure sensors ranges listed on a CAD for Mars Pathfinder. We long thought the CAD listed two different sensors, but based on specifications of a new Tavis sensor for InSight that is like that on PathFinder, it appears that the transducer could toggle between two pressures ranges: 0-0.174 PSIA/12 mbar (Tavis Dash 2) and 0-15 PSIA/1,034 mbar (Tavis Dash 1). Further, for the MSL according to an Abstract to the American Geophysical Union for the Fall 2012 meeting, The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) states of their MSL (and Phoenix) Vaisala transducers, “The pressure device measurement range is 0 – 1025 hPa in temperature range of -45°C – 55°C (-55°C is much warmer than MSL night temperatures), but its calibration is optimized for the Martian pressure range of 4 – 12 hPa.” So while we first thought that of the five landers that had meteorological suites, none could measure Earth-like pressures, in fact, three landers were actually equipped to get the job. Further, all original 19 low UV values were removed when we asked about them, although they eventually restored 12 of them. REMS always-sunny opacity reports were contradicted by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter photos. Why REMS Team data was so wrong is a matter of speculation, but we demonstrate that their weather data was regularly revised after they studied online critiques in working versions of this report. REMS even labelled all dust 2018 Global Dust Storm weather as sunny, although they did list the UV values then as all low.
Vikings and MSL showed consistent timing of daily pressure spikes which we link to how gas pressure in a sealed container would vary with Absolute temperature, to heating by radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), and to dust clots at air access tubes and dust filters. Pathfinder, Phoenix and MSL wind measurements failed. Phoenix and MSL pressure transducer design problems included confusion about dust filter location, and lack of information about nearby heat sources due to International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR). NASA Ames could not replicate dust devils at 10 mbar. Rapidly filled MER Spirit tracks required wind speeds of 80 mph at the assumed low pressures. These winds were never recorded on Mars. Nor could NASA explain drifting Barchan sand dunes. Based on the above and dust devils on Arsia Mons to altitudes of 17 km above areoid (Martian equivalent of sea level), spiral storms with 10 km eye-walls above Arsia Mons and similar storms above Olympus Mons (over 21 km high), dust storm opacity at MER Opportunity blacking out the sun, snow that descends 1 to 2 km in only 5 or 10 minutes, excessive aero braking, liquid water running on the surface in numerous locations at Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) and stratus clouds 13 km above areoid, we argue for an average pressure at areoid of ~511 mbar rather than the accepted 6.1 mbar. This pressure grows to 1,050 mbar in the Hellas Basin.
ANNEXES. This paragraph needs updating to discuss new Annexes (beyond Axnex M).
After a cursory review of the Viking Project Data it became apparent that an extensive audit was imperative. The Viking Project Data did not seem to explain weather phenomena (spiral clouds over Arsia Mons, dust devils, etc.) clearly seen on Mars. A general discussion of the problems is offered in the Basic Report by David Roffman. The data audit results are presented in seven Annexes. The Viking Project data divides every Martian day into 25 time-bins (hours), each ~59 minutes long. Annex A (Viking 1 sols 1 to 350) and Annex B (Viking 2 sols 156 to 361) emphasize how pressures change during morning time-bins that correspond to 0630 to 0830. A simple formula, Pressure predicted = (6.51 mbar*255.77 K)/Temperature K measured, was often correct for 0730. Annex C examines how often the pressure sensor did not work (stuck or no pressures) between Viking 2 sols 639 and 799. Annex D examines the percent differences between hourly predictions and reported pressures for Viking 1 from sols 1 to 350. Annex E focuses on predictions and reported pressures for the 0.3 (0730) and .34 (0830) time-bins. Annex F maps out the best and worst prediction times each day, clearly proving the influence of the RTG heaters on hourly pressure reports. Annex G shows what went wrong in the transducer selection and testing process. Annex H describes windsock calibration efforts for Mars Pathfinder. Annex I documents the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) Team and Ashima Research daily weather reports for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity Rover. Annex J documents concessions by Ashima Research and shows how to correctly calculate daylight hours for MSL. Annex K displays original REMS Team and Ashima Research weather reports from Sol 15 to 299.Annex L presents variation of daylight due to change of latitude and solar longitude. Annex M presents the first Martian year of MSL weather reports. These Annexes provide hard evidence that the Tavis pressure transducers used for the Vikings (and Pathfinder) likely jammed with dust during the landing process. The meaning of this is that it is doubtful that they ever measured ambient pressure conditions of Mars. There is evidence that all subsequent attempts to measure pressure were colored by the reported Viking results. Problems with Phoenix pressures based on a Vaisala transducer are discussed in the Basic Report.