He is encoded with Intelligence, Agency, Atomic and Threat. Let's pray that he serves us all well. Updated on 1/31/2017, then again on 4/30/2018.
President Trump chose Mike Pompeo as his Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. It was, perhaps, a divinely inspired choice. On the matrix below the axis term is MIKE POMPEO. At the same skip is INTELLIGENCE. AGENCY is at skip -1. ATOMIC is at exactly the twice the skip of the axis term and THREAT is at the same skip as ATOMIC Does the matrix give us any hint about the nature of the threat? Perhaps. The word MAIL touches ATOMIC A word for DIRT (or dust) shares a letter with POMPEO and a verb for TO DIRTY is also on the matrix. Thus the matrix may warn Pompeo that someone will attempt to mail a dirty radioactive bomb or bombs into the U.S. ISRAEL is in the open text, touching ATOMIC, so they may be threatened this way too. EGYPT is elsewhere in the open text, however, while missed back in 2017, on April 28, 2018 I noticed that the letter qof in MIKE meets KIM at skip +1. Mike Pompeo met Kim in April, 2018.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my usual protocol, no statistical significance was assigned to the axis term, here the lowest skip for a 9-letter transliteration of MIKE POMPEO in unwrapped or wrapped Torah. On the full 651-letter matrix the most significant a priori term was AGENCY. It was found at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) against odds of about 47 to 1. The second most significant term was ATOMIC which was found against odds of about 19.2 to 1. ATOMIC is parallel to the axis term but at twice the skip of MIKE POMPEO. Under my protocol that does not qualify as a special case skip. One of two synonyms sough for INTELLIGENCE was found at a special case skip against odds of about 8.7 to 1. Because it's easier for an enemy to develop a "dirty bomb" with radioactive contaminants than a fission fusion weapon, I looked for DIRT and DIRTY. An ELS of DIRT crossed and shared a letter peh with POMPEO, but it was not at a special case skip. With no extra value placed on it for its location, there was a 48% chance to find it somewhere on the full matrix. MAIL was not statistically significant by itself, but the fact that it touches ATOMIC may be (I also sought airplane, truck and train as delivery means, but did not find them by standard methods - although train means came up with a separate experiment described in part elsewhere on my site). Again, ISRAEL is not statistically significant by itself, but the fact that it also touches ATOMIC may be. An ELS of THREAT is almost certain to be found on a 651-letter matrix, but thisTHREAT is at the same skip as MIKE POMPEO and INTELLIGENCE.
I don't add statistical value for term location, but for my military intel buddies who read my findings, I think location is worthy of note. With no value allowed for EGYPT, I rate the large matrix as found against odds of about 1,754,070 to 1. It is possible that there are terrorist forces in EGYPT because shares it shares a letter mem with THREAT.
ON MIKE POMPEO AS TRUMP'S CHOICE FOR CIA DIRECTOR. The fact that Director Pompeo finished first in his class at West Point places him in a Superman category. It was therefore only natural that he would go on to acquire his Doctorate in law at Harvard. Pompeo founded Thayer Aerospace and Private Security. Because he has an aerospace background I checked to see if terms related to aliens or UFOs were significantly encoded with his name. They were not. In glancing through his positions I find that I agree with almost all of them except for his advocacy of executing Edward Snowden. My web sites are monitored on a near daily basis by U.S. military intelligence and frankly I'm really happy that they are here so often. I try hard to make my findings useful to them. But I am not in favor of a Big Brother-type Government. I think Snowden did us a favor by letting us know about significant threats to our privacy. I choose to lead a very non-private life, but unless individuals are shown to be threats to our security I think that in general privacy is a precious right that we should strive to protect. If you want to know about Pompeo's other positions see Wikipedia's article about him.