Brennan has allowed Obama - the King of Sodom and Gomorrah - to put all our lives in jeapardy. Updated on 1/18/2017.
John Brennan has been Obama's Director of the Central Intelligence Agency since March 8, 2013. He will leave office when Obama does on January 20, 2017. He is not leaving office in a dignified manner. Instead he's trading insults with President-Elect Trump. On the matrix below the axis term is JOHN BRENNAN. Encoded at the same absolute skip as his name are two words that mean DIRECTOR and one that means INTELLIGENCE. In the open text are SPIES, WAR, KING OF SODOM and KING OF GOMORRAH. BARACK is at skip -1. I looked for an alien issue and found UFO at skip -1, but I could only find it if I enlarged the matrix from 490 letters in area to 616. As such, this article will only focus on issues of morality and national loyalty.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here JOHN BRENNAN at its sixth lowest skip in wrapped Torah. Before considering the ELS rank, odds against finding SPY or SPIES in the open text were about 89 to 1. There are two words that mean director and both are at the same skip as JOHN BRENNAN. Normally when there are two possible synonyms for a word sought a priori I used the combined frequency of both terms to determine odds of finding at least one of them. But the appearance of both at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term) is highly unusual. In this case treat each hit as a separate word worthy of inclusion in the odds calculation. The first DIRECTOR (starting with a letter mem) appeared at a special case skip against odds of about 26.4 to 1, and the second DIRECTOR starting with a letter bet was found this way against odds of about 21.2 to 1. INTELLIGENCE was found at a special case skip against odds of about 10.9 to 1. These are the major terms sought. I looked for Obama at a special case skip and didn't find his last name, but BARACK was there at skip -1 against odds of about 2.47 to 1. When the combined statistical values are divided by 6 to account for ELS Rank 6 of the axis term, the segment of the matrix with a white background was found against odds of about 224.961.
THE UFO TERM. Now, the segment of the matrix with a gray background offers only one other short a priori term - UFO. It was sought because I believe that there is a cover-up in place with respect to UFOs and with respect to what Martian air pressure really is. The Martian errors published by NASA are well documented in our report that is over 920 pages long. The latest version of this frequently updated document can be found in the contents page at - MARS CORRECT- CRITIQUE OF ALL NASA MARS WEATHER DATA. I have some evidence to support the allegation of a cover-up about UFOs that is published on this site on my Roswell article but over-emphasis of it has resulted in personal threats, family disharmony, and attacks against my websites. There is also a concern about the ability of my son to find Government employment once he finishes his postdoc at Yale. Having said that, if I add UFO to the matrix it takes the combined against the matrix from 224,961 to 1 up to 270,885 to 1. This is a relatively small increase in value and it's accompanied by the need to downgrade the statistical value of all other terms because we are now talking about their likelihood to be found in 616 letters vs. 490 letters. UFO was found at a special case skip against odds of only about 3.47 to 1. I was unable to find any of several words sought for aliens on the matrix. As such I do not believe that this matrix provides any noteworthy evidence that John Brennan is or was involved in any UFO cover-up, but this is not the only ELS of his name found and the UFO issue was not the primary topic sought. I wanted to see evidence that Brennan would be picked as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. With DIRECTOR found twice, INTELLIGENCE once and SPIES all at special case skips, this matrix let us know again that the Code is real.
OTHER MATRICES WITH THE KING OF SODOM. At the link just given there is one matrix about a possible murder of Justice Scalia where the axis term on Figure 1 is SCALIA MURDER and it is intersected by KING OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Figure 2 on that article has the axis term OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM intersect KING OF SODOM. On that matrix KENYA is at the same absolute skip as OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM. Needless to say, I have maintained a close study of the Torah Code now for twenty years in part because I have found many such items that should be of interest to U.S. Intelligence. However, the problem with our intelligence agencies is this: The vast majority of members of it are fantastic patriots who often put their lives at risk for our great nation. But the leaders are selected not necessarily on the basis of field experience (if any). They are instead selected by a political process which can be driven by men as corrupt and traitorous as Obama. With leaders that have less than perfect motives, subordinates have to risk their careers when they feel that they should challenge what is obviously wrong. Loss of career can lead to financial ruin, divorce and loss of custody of children. For many those things may be harder than taking a bullet, so they may feel that it is best to simply wait for new leadership. This is a grave error. During the last two years Obama has ensured that Iran will acquire an unlimited supply of nuclear weapons within a decade, and he has given them $151.7 billion to build them, or buy them from North Korea. If there is any political Messiah at hand, it may be President-Elect Trump, but I don't see how he can get back the $151.7 billion. He may have no choice but to ensure regime change to safeguard the world. If that is his plan I pray that the C.I.A. will come through and make such an effort a complete success. If they fail and we see Iran start a nuclear war those who survive will undoubtedly have John Brennan largely to blame for failing to protect us.