SpaceX and Israeli Satellite Blow Up on Launch Pad - Sabotage?
There were many enemies of this launch, but we can't overlook overworked SpaceX employees as being a major factor. Updated on 10/21/2016.
On September 1, 2016 an explosion rocked my neighborhood in Cape Canaveral, Florida. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blew up on the launch pad – two days before the scheduled launch of an Israeli Amos-6 satellite designed to bring additional Facebook internet coverage to the Middle East, Europe and Africa. I had reasons to suspect sabotage, and I’ll discuss them below. On the matrix the axis term is 28 AV 5776, which is the date on the Hebrew calendar for September 1, 2016. At the same skip is SATELLITE. Two columns right of it is ISRAEL. DESTROYED is in the open text. SpaceX owner Elon Musk referred the disaster as an anomaly. ANOMALY at an ELS crosses and shares a letter with ISRAEL. Also at an ELS are the terms SABOTAGE and FALCON 9. The matrix was found against odds of about 37,339 to 1. Note: CHINA and IRAN were also on the matrix, but not at a special case skip. I will not inlude them in odds calculations unless there is another tie. China would have bought the next Israeli satellte, but the sale was contingent on a successful launch. LIBYA at skip -1 touched 28 AV 5776.
THE LIST OF SUSPECTS. It's well known that SpaceX overworks its people (often with 60-hour worksweeks, no overtime pay, and few days off). However if the accident was not infact due to fatigue, there are three potential suspects if the explosion can be proven to be the result of sabotage. They are as follow:
- Arab or Iranian enemies of Israel who want to hurt Israel.
- Muslim workers who slipped through security and had access to the rockets due to political correctness, and are theologically opposed to the idea of men and women communicating via Facebook.
- An agent of the U.S. Government who wants to ensure that SpaceX does not reach Mars before the Government is ready to reveal the truth about Mars. SpaceX has expressed a desire to send people to Mars as early as 2024.
Supposedly someone was seen on the roof of the United Launch Aliance (ULA) building about 1 mile away from the SpaceX rocket while it was fueling. This wan't legal. ULA's cooperation with SpaceX on this matter was less than optimal.
Possibilities 1 and 2 are discussed below. However, I warned about the third possibility in the last paragraph of my report, MARS CORRECT: CRITIQUE OF ALL MARS WEATHER DATA. There I state:
We have demonstrated (and hopefully proven) that Mars has higher pressure than NASA advertises. There is abundant evidence for our conclusion. However, if what we are told is due to deliberate disinformation rather than incompetence, then Mars One and SpaceX need to plan on physically defending its missions from actions that might be ordered by those who are intent on keeping the truth about Mars from being known. Alternately, it's time for our citizens to elect and employ honest leaders who can help us to deal with reality.
THE ARAB POSSIBILITY. Clark McClelland was a Space Craft Operator at the Kennedy Space Center. As I make clear in my article about him, he makes a lot of wild claims and I don't agree with him on many of them. But he does make the following statement about Libyans and the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster:
I can attest to the following facts I learned and the observations I made during that time when NASA was banning any written reports saying Challenger was sabotage. There were at least 19 Libyan nationals working at the KSC during this period of time. Yes, working at the KSC! It was an insane decision by high NASA Headquarters personnel in Washington D.C. to approve such a stupid allowance of potentially dangerous people to be allowed assignments in our National space program. It was as if Nazi Adolph Hitler during WW II would have agents of the U.S.A., U.K., N.S.A., etc., joining his war planning staff as military advisers. There was also a terrible influence by low IQ political pundits of special interests groups originating in Washington D.C. It has not changed since then. Agents of the Libyan Dictator, Moammar Gadhafi; which hated our Nation, were working at our secret Kennedy Space Center does not make any sense.
I have discussed Clark's Libyan hypothesis a number of times with a friend who worked on the Challenger up until the day before it blew up. My friend was adamant that Clark is wrong. He points to a specific mechanical problem and is more detailed about it than our Government has admitted. He also points out that our security was top notch and that they made sure that nobody had the chance to fire a shot at it because an explosion on the launch pad would have the effects of a small nuclear bomb. I was in the Coast Guard for all of the space shuttle flights. We provided security offshore, so I agree with him in downplaying Clark's beliefs on the Challenger. Still, with respect to the space-faring relationship between the U.S. and Israel, the Falcon 9 explosion was the second disaster. The first was the destruction of the Columbia Space Shuttle in which Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon and his crewmates were killed over Palestine, Texas. The chief executive of Israeli satellite operator Space Communication Ltd said on Tuesday he wants to see "several safe flights" from SpaceX before using Elon Musk's space firm again to launch one of his company's satellites. On the night of Septeber 6, 2016 I noticed that LIBYA at skip -1 touched the date of the Falcon 9 explosion, but the 3 letters that make up Libya (lamed yud bet) are very high frequency in Hebrew. They occur 417 times at special case skips of +/- 1 or that of the axis term in Torah. There was a 43% chance to have LIBYA at a special case skip somewhere on the 440-letter matrix although the odds against it being in 36 letters with 28 AV 5776 were closer to 20 to 1. This match is still not great enough for me to think that the Libyans were involved with the Falcon 9 anomaly.
NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World
Published July 05, 2010
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Shown here is NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. (YouTube)
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.
Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel.
"When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview.
This author's note: While as an Orthodox Jew, I do not accept the New Testament or share any beliefs with Christianty as to the identity or mission of the Messiah, I find it disturbing that although President Obama never fails to praise Mohammed as The Prophet, NASA forbids mention of the name of the man that Christianity accepts as the Messiah.
ISLAM AND FACEBOOK. The satellite was going to serve Facebook. A search online reveals that a good number of Muslims (who are not busy trying to recruit new terrorists for ISIS) see Facebook as a tool of Satan. For example, the Iranian Government has done much to block it, though the people there often try to find ways around this abridgement of their freedom. An example from Al-Jazeera follows:
Officially, access to social networks such as Twitter and Facebook is banned — leaving Iranians unable to legally access these sites. Iranians still find ways to access them by illegally downloading virtual private networks to bypass the state’s Internet filtering system. According to Iran’s Ministry of Sciences, 60 percent of Iranian university students use Viber and WeChat, and in a survey of 2,300 people, 58 percent reported using Facebook regularly, and 37 percent said they used Google+.
Yet the deep rift between policy and practice remains, and it’s the subject of constant infighting among rival factions in the government. This contradiction was highlighted in March when Islamic Guidance Minister Ali Jannati told members of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce of the need to unblock Facebook, declaring that with 4 million Iranians already using it, the country will not be able to ban social media forever. Jannati, who noted that similar attempts to control communication tools such videos and fax machines were made after the 1979 revolution, said “[Iran] cannot restrict technology’s advance under the pretext of protecting Islamic values.” Iranian hard-liner Abdolsamad Khormabadi reacted vehemently and declared that there are no plans to stop filtering websites such as Facebook.
ISRAELIS SUSPECT SABOTAGE. DEBKAfile reports on possible sabotage of the Falcon 9. They point out that, "An explosion or fire occurring during a standard pre-launch static test prior to the engine igniting may be unique. These Israeli experts can’t recall any space satellite disasters happening at that particular stage." Their article notes that the only previous SpaceX failure, which occurred in June, 2015, was when a Falcon 9 rocket carrying supplies to the International Space Station exploded just a few minutes after launch. The company set up an inquiry team composed of 11 staff members and one FAA official, but never released details of its findings. DEBKA speculates about an object spotted over the rocket, but the photo clearly shows that it was still in the sky while the rocket was exploding or suffering what Elon Musk called a "fast fire." Therefore it cannot be the cause. As a resident of Cape Canaveral, and after reviewing the film, I am almost certain that it will turn out to be a turkey vulture. They are quite large and in our sky daily. DEBKA speculates about three possible motivations for sabotage. They include:
1. The stiff competition among the companies of the eight nations that manufacture satellites. The last in the Amos series of communications satellites was the most sophisticated produced so far. Some international competitor may have decided to push Israel out of the contest by destroying its newest product. This has indeed set Israel’s satellite industry back for years.
2. Amos 6 was to have been Facebook’s first satellite. CEO Mark Zuckerberg had announced that Amos 6, scheduled for launch into geostationary orbit on Sept. 3, would have opened large parts of sub-Saharan Africa to direct internet. Its loss has forced Zuckerberg to put his plan on hold. This plan went well with the largely covert Israel drive in the last three years to expand its ties across the Africa. The Facebook project fitted in well this policy an added dimension and spurt.
3. Spacecom (owned by Israeli Eurocom and Israeli Aerospace Industry, which manufactured Amos 6) had just signed a $285 sale contract with Beijing Xinwei Technology that was contingent on its successful launch into orbit of Amos 6 Saturday. One of Israel’s competitors may have been after the Chinese contract.
BACK TO THE NASA QUESTION. Our seven-year study makes it abundantly clear that NASA has put out wrong information about the Martian atmosphere. The Abstract from our 880-page report states:
We present evidence that NASA is seriously understating Martian air pressure. Our 7 year study critiques 1,445 Sols (2 over full Martian years) of highly problematic MSL Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REM) weather data, and offers an in depth audit of over 8,311 hourly Viking 1 and 2 weather reports. We discuss analysis of technical papers, NASA documents, and personal interviews of transducer designers. We troubleshoot pressures based on radio occultation/spectroscopy, and the small pressure ranges that could be measured by Viking (18 mbar), Pathfinder and Phoenix (12 mbar), and MSL (11.5 mbar). For MSL there was a mean pressure of 11.49 mbar measured on its Sol 370. When we made an issue of it with JPL, it was revised to 8.65 mbar. The REMS Team then published pressures of 11.77 mbar (for Sol 1,160) and 12 mbar (for Sol 1,161). Again we made an issue of it again it, and they revised the figures to 8.98 and 8.97 mbar respectively. When they asserted a pressure 1154Pa for Sol 1301, we challenged it and they revised it to 752 Pa. In fact we demonstrate that JPL/REMS weather data was frequently revised after they studied critiques in working versions of this report and on our websites at and
Vikings and MSL showed consistent timing of daily pressure spikes. We link this to how gas pressure in a sealed container would vary with Absolute temperature, to heating by radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), and to dust clots at air access tubes and dust filters. Pathfinder, Phoenix and MSL wind measurement failures are disclosed. Phoenix and MSL pressure transducer design problems are highlighted with respect to confusion about dust filter location, and lack of information about nearby heat sources due to International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR). NASA could not replicate dust devils at 10 mbar. Rapidly filled MER Spirit tracks required wind speeds of 80 mph at the assumed low pressures. These winds were never recorded on Mars. Nor could NASA explain drifting Barchan sand dunes. Based on the above and dust devils on Arsia Mons to altitudes of 17 km above areoid (Martian equivalent of sea level), spiral storms with 10 km eye-walls above Arsia Mons, dust storm opacity, snow at Phoenix, excessive aero braking, liquid water running on the surface in numerous locations at Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL) and stratus clouds 13 km above areoid, we argue for an average pressure at areoid of ~511 mbar rather than the accepted 6.1 mbar. This pressure grows to 1,050 mbar in the Hellas Basin.
If you don't have time to read the report I suggest you visit the PowerPoint that sums it up at MARS CORRECT? MARS IS WET! The basic deal is this: NASA has either published errors about Mars because a lot of people have made enormously important mistakes and were afraid to challenge authority, or because they don't want us to know that Mars has a very different past and current nature than they want us to know about. If Elon Musk risks his life by flying to Mars on his upcoming version of the Falcon Heavy rocket, he will either die there or give us the truth unless he allows himself to be censored. If the Government wants to prevent these possibilities it may, they think, be easier to destroy his company through a series of accidents, and leave the mission of reaching low Earth orbit to one of Musk's competitors. How can they clear up any doubt about their real intentions with respect to Mars? For starters, hire my son for a Mars-related project. If they really want to know the truth, then they should bring him into the program. But if they block him because of his association with me and what I have uncovered, then we have another cover-up similar to what the country is witnessing now with the Clinton crimes that are escaping prosecution.
SO WHICH IS IT, ARABS, MUSLIMS, OR A NASA COVER-UP? Well, we have motive for all of them, but of course we can prove none of it in a court of law by using the Torah Code. Not yet, anyway. If we had an honest government we could be confident that an investigation would reveal if the problem with Falcon 9 was simply one of bad design, or overworked workers, or something more sinister. But we don't have an honest Government. Hillary Clinton is Exhibit A on this charge. And yet, while two-thirds of voters know she is a habitual liar, she leads in the polls (with the unfortunate help of Donald Trump and his gaffs). Unless we can start to view national problems in terms of the facts rather than through the eyes of our racial groups we will not likely get to the truth. We can only speculate.
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MATRIX. As per my normal protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here 28 AV 5776 (September 1, 2016) at its only occurrence in wrapped Torah. The most significant a priori word was FALCON 9. This was a bit surprising because it's only 3 letters in Hebrew, and because it's not at a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). What made FALCON 9 normally hard to find is that 2 of its 3 letters are relatively rare in Hebrew - zayin and tet. Odds against finding the term on a 440-letter matrix were about 46 to 1. The next most significant term was DESTROYED in the open text of Genesis 13:10. The verse refers to Sodom and Gomorrah, which of course were destroyed in fire, just like the rocket was. It was found against odds of about 17 to 1. Although SATELLITE was at a special case skip (that of the axis term), this 3-letter word had a 44% chance to be found this way, so it wasn't very significant. The same is true for SABOTAGE which had a 48% chance to be found a a non-special case skip. Finally, ISRAEL (which is what the Torah is largely about, which occurs 591 times in Torah, and which is the last word on Torah) had a 57% chance to be found in the open text, so it's the least significant term in terms of statistical significance. However, if Israel was not on the matrix I would not have published it. Touching and sharing the letter resh with ISRAEL is ANOMALY. Those in Spacecom circles resent Elon Musk’s reference to an “anomaly,” which they see as a euphemism to disguise the cause of the mishap, but the term is common space jargon for an often fatal disaster. ANOMALY was found against odds of about 5.6 to 1. The idea that NASA and/or SpaceX could produce two disasters for tiny Israel should not be ignored. SpaceX is scheduled to take a small lander to the moon for Israel in 2017. The importance of security for this mission should not be overlooked. Overall, the matrix was found against odds of about 37,339 to 1.
We do not yet know if IRAN was involved. The country is on the matrix, but not with its best (5-letter) spelling. The 4-letter spelling shown had almost an 88% chance to be found as it was at a non-special case skip, so I am inclined to play down the possibility that they were behind the "anomaly." The only possible link to the Chinese was that they wanted to buy the next Israeli satellite if Amos 6 was successfully launched. So China is not yet as a suspect. CHINESE was found on the matrix against odds of about 4.1 to 1 (there was a 27.7% chance to find it at a nonspecial case skip). Neither Syria nor Iraq nor Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) was on the matrix. I would have had to expand the matrix up by 12 rows to see Iraq, so they are not implicated here. If the matrix is extended up by 5 rows then we would picked RUSSIAN at skip -1 in Deuteronomy 17:17 (see Figure 2 below). But at this stage in the research of the matrix I am not inclined to devalue all other terms to pick up this term. The matrix would have to grow in area from 440 letters to 600 letters using other hits for Israel and Moon. I show RUSSIAN on Figure 2 because, of course, a competitor for SpaceX would also be Russia. RUSSIAN is found on the 600-letter matrix against odds of about 64 to 1, so it would be the most signficant term of such a matrix. The Russian hypothesis is probably not so much about pushing Israel out of the satellite industry. It's likely more about keeping the U.S. dependent on Russian launch vehicles for as long as possible. The link between U.S. and Russian space interests is almost certainly much stronger than just us using their rockets to take our astronauts to the International Space Station and using their RD-180 engines on our Atlas V rockets. The somewhat sensitive specifics of this relationship are discussed elsewhere on this site and on in conjunction with Dr. Gilbert Levin (part 2 of that article - but be aware that accessing that article may entail monitoring by Government sources). If you try to access the latter article and fail to get through please notify me about the problem at