The Torah Code's desription of this lady is spot on - with no indication yet that she will be elected President. Posted on 1/31/2019.
Senator Kamala Harris is running for President. Her platform is based on free healthcare for everyone, extremely high taxes to pay for it, open borders so a hoard of illegal and sometimes diseased aliens can flood our country to overrun our healthcare system. She wants to help save us from ICE agents that she sees as KKK. And she loves Iran. The lady is a prime example of the insanity that has seized control of the Democrat Party. On all matrices below, KAMALA HARRIS is the axis term. On Figure 1 at the same absolute skip and hugging her name is ENEMY. USA is also at the same absolute skip. HEALTHCARE is at skip +1, as are EXPENSIVE and LEPROSY. There is also an ELS of IRAN. If we extend the matrix 6 columns to the left we pick up BORDER in the open text. That's shown on the small matrix on Figure 1. The more significant matrix is Figure 2 which adds 8 columns on the left but subtracts 27 columns on the right. This allows us to see both BORDER and PLAGUE. We lose USA, IRAN and LEPROSY, but Leprosy was the plague spoken of in the text. Figure 1 was found against odds of about 656,467 to 1 while Figure 2 was found against odds of about 19,716,035 to 1.
Figure 1 below: Kamala Harris is strongly encoded with HEALTHCARE, EXPENSIVE, ENEMY, and USA. She favors IRAN. The statistical significance of Figures 1 and 2 are shown further below. Figure 2 which adds PLAGUE and BORDER shows the full consequences of her policies.
Spreadsheets for Figures 1 and 2 plus Figure 2. The shift to the left reveals a much more significant matrix and it lets us know the true threat to our security if we follow fools like Harris.
STATISTICAL AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURES 1 AND 2. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here the 5th lowest ELS found for a transliteration of KAMILA HARRIS in (wrapped) Torah. The most significant a priori term seen all matrices is HEALTHCARE. For calculations related to Figure 1 I combined the large and small matrices shown to arrive at a combined matrix measuring 17 rows by 49 columns (833 letters). As such, odds against HEALTHCARE being at skip +1 (best case scenario) on Figure 1 are about 122 to 1. On the smaller, 408-letter Figures 2 they are about 249 to 1. In scanning over the spreadsheets it's apparent that the next most significant term on Figure 1 was USA which was found against odds of about 15 to 1. In comparison to that, on Figure 2 there was reference to a PLAGUE against odds of about 75 to 1. In the current border crisis a major concern relates to illegal immigrants bringing in all sorts of contagious diseases. Without a wall at our border there would be no stopping them.
The spreadsheet shows that Figure 2 is about 30 times more significant than Figure 1. Therefore we will focus on it. EXPENSIVE was the next most significant term. This is the major problem with Harris's proposal. Estimates are that her plan would cost the U.S. an additional 32.6 trillion dollars over the next decade. That's a huge number that's hard for us to relate to, so let me put it this way. In 2019 the estimated population of the United States was 328,127,915. If we divide the 32,800,000,000,000 cost of Harris's fantasy by 328,127,915 people, we find that the average cost per person would come to $9,752,294.31. More than 9.75 million dollars per person? This shows us that Senator Harris has clearly lost all connections to reality - a problem that is all too common with extreme liberals like her. EXPENSIVE was at skip +1 on Figure 2 against odds of about 28 to 1.
BORDER was the next most significant term, found in the open text against odds of about 23 to 1. Harris is against any wall at the border. She is fine with technology like drones, but drones can only film people coming across the border. They can't stop them from coming and bringing in diseases.
I sought two synonyms for ENEMY and one of them at a special case skip on the 408-letter matrix against odds of about 8 to 1. However, it only took 10 rows by 2 columns to show KAMILA HARRIS and ENEMY. Of those 20 letters, 9 are for KAMILA HARRIS, so the real odds against a match this close were over 308 to 1. What about IRAN? Remember that I cut it when I downsized the matrix to produce Figure 2, but it was on Figure 1 against odds of about 2.57 to 1 (not very significant). Again, Figure 1 was found against odds of about 656,467 to 1 while Figure 2 was found against odds of about 19,716,035 to 1.
Now, let's see what she had to say about the Iran nuclear accord and President Trump dumping it:
Today’s decision to violate the Iran nuclear deal jeopardizes our national security and isolates us from our closest allies. This nuclear deal is not perfect, but it is certainly the best existing tool we have to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and avoid a disastrous military conflict in the Middle East.
“As the international community and the Administration’s own national security team has confirmed multiple times, Iran remains in compliance with the deal. In the absence of an Iranian violation, it is reckless to break this agreement without presenting any plan on how to move forward. Instead of establishing a comprehensive, strategic national security policy, this Administration is far too focused on scoring political points.”
No, Kamala, the deal would not at all prevent their acquiring these weapons. At best, it would only slow it down by 10 years, and three and a half of those years are now behind us. When it comes to nuclear weapons in the hands of Muslim terrorists, a deal that isn't perfect is a deal that invites our death. All of the missile tests by Iran show that it aims to put nuclear warheads on their rockets. I am in favor of force to remove the threat unless it can be shown that we have a deal to shut down Iran's missiles the way our ICBMs were shutdown by UFOs at Malmstrom Air Force Base on March 16, 1967. There is plenty about this incident online, however I interviewed a retired Air Force colonel who was at Malmstrom during the incident. He confirmed the story to my wife and me. Further details about the incident are here.
One last thought. We live in interesting times. The Government can track everything we do, and they seem to be close to being able to track our thoughts. The military follows everything I write (in real time), but one particular site - online as I write this - chooses to let me track their tracking of me. I have, in fascination, watched what they read while waiting for me to finish this article. One item they looked at (again) makes clear how closely I have tracked them. The series of articles that they examined on January 30, 2019 seems to have an ominous implication. I won't spell it out here, but I will (again) ask these people to contact me. They appear to be waffling between good and evil. To them I say: As you know, I love the military. Don't make a mistake like that was made by a few misguided personnel at Abu Ghraib Prison. Stick with Army regulations and our Constitution. The series of articles that you accessed in conjunction with this one might have been made to suggest where I should focus next in my research. But you have been here about once per hour over 4 years now. If you're that intrigued by what I know and what I learn, let's take the guess work out of what we're all doing.