An investigation is justified. Updated on 6/22/2017.
I have received several requests to look at the question of whether Justice Scalia was murdered. In a quick search I did find one ELS of a transliteration of SCALIA followed by MURDER. See Figure 1. Crossing his name was KING OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Scalia voted against gay marriage. FROM THE PRESIDENT was at skip +1 and BARACK was at skip -1. HOMO was parallel to SCALIA MURDER, but not at a special case skip. Figure 2, taken from my article OBAMA FROM ISLAM, KING OF SODOM can be used to back the idea that Obama is the King of Sodom and Gomorrah referred to in Figure 1
STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF FIGURE 1. As per my standard protocol, no statistical significance is assigned to the axis term, here SCALIA MURDER at its lowest skip in wrapped Torah. The primary a priori word sought was OBAMA, which (while found, but not shown) was not a special case skip (+/- 1 or the absolute skip of the axis term). BARACK was found at skip -1, but the name is only three letters and it has high frequency (low significance) in the Codes. It had about a 23% to be found at a special skip. What was highly unusual is that a term that best describes Obama spiritually directly crosses his name in the open text. That is KING OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Odds against its appearance somewhere on the 242-letter Figure 1 were about 1,260 to 1. Odds against it directly crossing SCALIA MURDER were about 3,464 to 1. The term is appropriate because he is the "president" who legalized homosexual marriage. In the Bible, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexual behavior and attempted homosexual rape of visitors to Lot's home. FROM THE PRESIDENT is in the open text, with PRESIDENT found at skip +1 against odds of about 19 to 1. HOMO/GAY was found parallel to the axis term, but not at a special case skip. It had an 85% chance to be found in this manner. Overall, the matrix was found against odds of about 121,900 to 1 which is quite significant. The term KING OF SODOM was found a priori in part because I have seen it linked up in significant fashion with Obama before. However while KING OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH is found only once in Torah, KING OF SODOM is found six times. One example of a match with it and Obama is shown on Figure 2.
Before discussing Figure 2 it's necessary to reiterate a few rules about Hebrew spelling used in Torah Codes matrices. My wife's name is Kathy. But whenever she tells someone it, she has to spell it for them because, of course, the name is often spelled Cathy. Hebrew is similar. So in Scalia while the Hebrew letter kuf is often used for the C in his name, the caf works too. Likewise for an S letter in modern Hebrew transliterations of non-Biblical names. The samech is used most common, but it's relatively rare in Torah. The much more common letter shin/sin is used on Figure 1 for Scalia and on Figure 2 for Islam. ISLAM is never found at skip +1 in Torah with the standard spelling. It did not exist as a religion when the Torah was written. The word is found with shin/sin at skip +1 seven times in Torah, but it is always made out of two sequential words that have nothing to do with Muslim beliefs. Again, while I generally check only for standard spelling, it's only because more extensive searches require more time, and most of my time is consumed by research in the field of Martian meteorology. The letter A (alef) is not used in the transliteration for Scala in Figure 1, but an implied vowel of patach under the caf works. Most Hebrew vowels are never written in Torah, and as such are always only implied. The accepted vowels for Torah can be found in a book known as a Chumash.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF FIGURE 2. Obama is an exceedingly high frequency, low significance term except when, as an a priori key word, it appears in a relatively small matrix (under 500 letters in area) at a special case skip. Because it's so easy to find it's also easy to pair with up to 5 letters to make up a 10-letter axis term. When the axis term grows larger than this size, then and only then do I look at a statistical indication of how likely the axis term itself is to appear at an ELS in Torah. So it was that I wrote of R values elsewhere on this site in reference to a 12-letter axis term, FOREIGNER B. OBAMA KENYA. On Figure 2 above, the 11-letter axis term OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM also merits at least a quick look at R values. The more positive they are, the more significant they are.
R values that are negative are expected to be at an ELS in Torah more than once. An R-value that is 0 would be expected to be in Torah once; those that are positive should be expected less than once. Table 1 shows R values (including that of the matrix in this article) and word expectancies:
-3 | 1,000 |
-2 | 100 |
-1 | 10 |
-0.301 | 2 |
0 | 1 |
+0.301 | 0.5 |
+1 | 0.1 |
+1.171 | 0.06856 OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM |
+2 | 0.01 |
+3 | 0.001 |
+4 | 0.0001 |
+5 | 0.00001 |
+6 | 0.000001 (one in a million) |
Most often I use axis terms that are about 8 letters in length (as with SCALIA MURDER in Figure 1), which is the most common limit of what I can find as an axis term. In general, they have negative R-values, and thus add no worth to a matrix. With a Codefinder R value of +1.171, the axis term OBAMA FROM CONVERT TO ISLAM has an expectancy of 0.06856 which means it had about 1 chance in 14.8252 to exist. With this is mind, we proceed to analyze the matrix. Without consideration of the axis term or SONS OF THE ANAKIM, there was about 1 chance in 6,593 for the matrix to include KENYA at a special case skip and KING OF SODOM in the open text. We cannot include SONS OF THE ANAKIM because it was not an a priori term (thought of before the experiment). If we include the axis term based on the R-value, then the matrix exists against odds of about 97,745, but this is not my normal protocol.
SO WAS SCALIA MURDERED? The reason for all the speculation seems to be based on the fact that Scalia was found with a pillow over his face, with his hands over each other in peace, with sheets not messed up, with death pronounced by somebody not seeing the body, and with no autopsy ordered. You can see it all summed up on a right-wing site at http://allnewspipeline.com/They_Killed_Judge_Scalia.php. Obviously Obama stood to gain the most. He did not attend the funeral, but did pose in front of Scala's coffin. As for my gut feeling (for what it's worth), here it is:
(1) Any man who insists on giving Iran nuclear weapons along with ICBMs, possibly killing us all, is capable of murdering a Supreme Court Justice who has opposed everything that Obama stands for. This, however, doesn't mean that he in fact did it.
(2) Figure 1 seems to back my suspicion (and that of my readers), but the matrix was not meant to establish innocence. I only looked for terms that might imply guilt, and thus there is an issue of potential bias. In fact, I could have looked for other suspects but did not - simply for the reason given above. Most of my time is spent on Mars-related research where I have hard data that I think proves Mars is far friendlier to life than our Government tells us. There is a practical limit that I reach for any Codes article. If the Code was accepted as true for legal and scientific purposes I would spend more time with it. I have already devoted 19 years to Codes research, but barring funding for a major archeological expedition to Egypt and the recovery of the Ark of the Covenant at 31 degrees 9 minutes North, 33 degrees 4 minutes East, I have moved on with my primary focus on Mars.
(3) People have asked me about the Central Intelligence Agency and the link given above that impugns the reputation of the CIA or NSA. With respect to the CIA I want to be clear. I view them as I do my U.S. military colleagues., I think these people are loyal to the U.S. Constitution and I respect them all. As for the NSA (National Security Agency), my respect is equally high although I think they made some errors in judgment in the area of gathering mega data. However, when they make mistakes I believe that they are erring on the side of national security rather than privacy. I believe that these people are loyal to the United States. I do have reason to believe that they interfere with some of my Mars research, and at times with my MarsCorrect.com web site. If any of you have tried to reach me on my blog there, it recently came to my attention that 534 attempted posts were never delivered to me. Try the blog at ArkCode.Com. There is reason to believe that the DoD Information Network Center stopped these messages in their tracks, while simultaneously passing my research findings to the top of our military chain of command. Again, I believe that there are possible security reasons for this unrequested "management" of my MarsCorrect.com site, but I am in return attempting to gain control of NASA management with respect to Mars exploration. So, as they know by now, there is a humorous aspect to "mutual manipulation attempts." Their actions have the effect of providing some degree of confirmation of my findings. That's because if they thought I was a nut, they wouldn't come back several times each week. BUT, and this is important, I think that if Obama was in any involved in taking out Scalia, he (or his sponsor) would have used a private hit squad - something like what the Mafia would offer. There are enemies of the U.S. at work here. And it's true that the IRS has served Democratic Party needs. But the IRS is made of civilians who do not have military ethics. I hope their agency is eliminated in favor of a flat tax. Maybe I've read too many pro-NSA novels by Patrick Robinson. But I think the NSA and CIA are made of heroes who have military ethics, which means they have my ethics. I count them as my friends, and I hope they feel the same way about me, even if I am a pain in the ass to them.
IS AN INVESTIGATION JUSTIFIED? Yes. Appearances are important. If for no other reason, there is already no faith in our Government by far too many people. Anger rules on the right (especially with Trump fans) and on the left (as with Sanders fans). We need Government that's trustworthy. There are so many conspiracy theories out there that nobody knows what to believe anymore. Sadly, whatever evidence is in Scalia's tomb will likely be gone by the time we could get a Republican in the White House. So, we may never get more evidence than what is on Figure 1.